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12946890 No.12946890 [Reply] [Original]

claim your instant noodlefu

>> No.12946893
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perfect mild spicyness and seafood unami

>> No.12946896

Instant noodles are shite but useful in a pinch or when you're lazy. The only way to make one alright is to work on the broth yourself. I would know I'm doing that every day.

>> No.12946898
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if you are already taking the time to make the broth you might as well use better/fresh noodles instead of the instant ones

>> No.12946902
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>> No.12946907

That's very true but a pasta machine takes space.

>> No.12946970

every seafood noodle I've ever had gave me a diarrhea.

also every time im shopping and I go through noodle section and I check noodle ingredients, I just cannot force myself to buy it. it must be unhealthy af. I'd rather buy chow mein noodle and make ramen for it myself

>> No.12947215

Whoa ive just bouht a pack of this and the cheese one a month ago. Theyre breddy gud.

>> No.12947218
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>> No.12947256
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was good, considering it's just a kraft dinner cheese powder base

>> No.12947286

Ya'll know about more good instant noodles like mi goreng, like actual instant noodles not any kind of soup? I know about the sapporo ichiban chow mein and the samyang ones

>> No.12947299
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For me it's chef Kang purple (with Kung fu panda thingy)

>> No.12947423

The goat.

>> No.12947694

Instant noodles are easily worth it given how much time and effort they save, plus it's one of the most popular foods in existence so you have an effectively endless wealth of options to choose from. There is no possible way anyone could fail to like *any* of the million different instant noodle packs out there.

>> No.12947699

chef kang is nice but god their stuff is so unhealthy
the last time i had one there was like a layer of grease floating on top of the broth

>> No.12947700

I can never get used to Canadians calling easy mac "kraft dinner." Such a weird sounding name.
Also my favorite ramen is almost the same as that. Ottogi cheese ramen.

>> No.12947702

See, I'm okay with paying 20 cents for a pack of ramen noodles but now I'm seeing more and more priced at 1+ euro and that's just wrong. It's junk food and the cost should reflect that otherwise might as well get a proper meal.

>> No.12947777
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>> No.12947800
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Lived off this shit for 2 months

>> No.12947804
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They had these at the Costco by my college. They're basically 3/5 restaurant level. The only place I can find them at my new town sells them for $3 a packet :/

>> No.12947808

I love it but it gives me real bad heartburn. I wish there was a non spicy version

>> No.12947814

I actually hated those. Was surprised because of how they're supposed to be higher end. I would probably hate restaurant ramen too to be fair.

>> No.12947816


I prefer the texture of instant noodles to fresh noodles. Fresh noodles just remind me of spaghetti and it puts me off.

>> No.12947820

You can just buy fresh noodles from the grocery store just like how you can buy fresh pasta from the store instead of the dried durum wheat kind.

>> No.12947827


Mi goreng is sugar slop trash so i can't help you.

>> No.12947841

You can always skim it off with a spoon. But it is to be expected from chilli oil to well... be oily.

>> No.12947911

>the last time i had one there was like a layer of grease floating on top of the broth
what the fuck, that is a GOOD thing you cooklet retard get off my board

>> No.12948091

What's the difference between this and the other cheese one?

>> No.12948121
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>cheese ramen
Creetins of the underworld. Just dump some fucking miracle whip and bbq sauce in there while you're at it. Baby carrots and grapes too, fuck it right?

>> No.12948168
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a shop near me used to have this brand in many flavors for ridiculously cheap. Duck was my go-to however.

>> No.12948390
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>> No.12948424


>> No.12948425

expensive ramen defeats the whole purpose of it. doesn't even taste much better

>> No.12948609

Why do nearly all instant noodle brands have the same nasty bitter aftertaste? I'm pretty sure it comes from the seasoning and not the freeze dried noodles themselves.

>> No.12948621

Can you give a specific brand and flavor that you know has it?
I've never experienced such a thing.

>> No.12948627

Meant to reply to >>12948609

>> No.12948648

literally just tried this and i won a michelin star, shows what you know

>> No.12948661
File: 136 KB, 725x848, Mama_Brand-Duck-nrmy2101_1l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mama brand duck is really good, especially if adding duck or chicken and maybe some spinach or bok-choy to it.

>> No.12948663
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the really expensive ones do not taste like instant ramen and more like actual restaurant noodles

these need 7+ mins to cook and the noodles are air dried and not fried
the seasoning also comes in a actual spice paste and not powder

>> No.12948675

Love those, but too much salt. Are they any instant noodles with low sodium, or at least less than 800?
>in4b "Don't use the flavorings! Lol"
Then there's no point then.

>> No.12948689
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these are the lowest Ive found and ive been to lots of asian markets

"Samyang Udong"
430mg of sodium

last time i tried them (years ago) they were quite good and came with sesame seeds

>> No.12948704

this is almost like the equivalent of maruchan here in SEA, they are everywhere

never tried the duck, but the green curry one (only tried in cup form) is superb
rich and flavourful

>> No.12948730
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hahaha, u-dong

>> No.12948734

Must try it. Thanks.

>> No.12948736
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this is the green curry i was talking about

you guys really have to try this if you ever see it (or get the packet version)
this is the best curry ramen ive ever tried, its very authentic and rich

>> No.12948764

I'll try it out if I ever see it.
Green curry mama brand, now that I wrote it, I'll remember it.

>> No.12948808

pretty sure the salt content is astronomical. also the processing for packaging involves flash frying. They're unhealthy af

>> No.12948830

love that shit and I don't care that it costs like £2.99 a packet

>> No.12948915

>processing for packaging involves flash frying
what is that

>> No.12948946
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the noodle is formed into a cake and fried briefly in hot oil

but it depends on the noodle brand, some are fried and some are baked, the fried ones are the golden yellow ones

>> No.12948958

yea it wont disappoint
cheap and good me no lie

>> No.12949354
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So comforting, so aromatic, so good.

>> No.12949435
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>> No.12949578

who here /canton/