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12946273 No.12946273 [Reply] [Original]

>For the last time, sir, I cannot serve hamburgers until 11 am. Please order from the breakfast menu, or return in three hours.

>> No.12946309 [DELETED] 

Pull out my ak and start spraying. Fucking niggers.

>> No.12946375

Rick, have you ever heard the expression, "the customers always right"?

>> No.12946400

Can't or won't?

>> No.12946455

Burger King serves whoppers all day. Why are you such a fag?

>> No.12946461


>> No.12946480

Your mum made me breakfast already

>> No.12946517
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>> No.12946519

Uh ackhtually 10:30 is when you can start to order lunch items

>> No.12946521

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.12946523

I didn't ask for excuses, I asked for a BURGER

>> No.12946525


>> No.12946528

>be me in 2016
>reading some mcchicken memes walking through nyc at 10:30AM
>walk into mcdonalds
>Hi can I get a McChicken
>"uhh we dont serve lunch until 11"
>walk out and don't eat a McChicken that day
What did McDonalds Inc. gain from this?

>> No.12946533

still on your mind three years later

>> No.12946543

Dunno. How many times have you been to McDonald's since then? And don't fucking lie to me and say zero.

>> No.12946546

why is it easier to cook sausage mcmuffin all day but not cheese burger all day? I'm pure curious because 24/7 cheeseburgers is the next manifest destiny.

>> No.12946547

Not anon but if I've been since 2016 even once I don't remember it. Burger King on whopper Wednesday a few times though

>> No.12946549

what i want is all day breakfast

>> No.12946550
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Nice Wojak show faggot. We should make a TruTV show out of it. Bizconcazzi or whatever his name is, is the lead writer and animator.

This theme plays
(wage cuckin' it)

>> No.12946551

Do people seriously eat at McDonald’s? It is sickeningly bad. I’m not saying it tastes horrible but it just makes you fat and sweaty and sick. Only time I ever ate it was while traveling in Middle East and needing a break from ethnic food.

>> No.12946557

Have sex

>> No.12946560

I eat a mcmuffin, hash brown, and a black coffee when im too lazy to make breakfast. Its like $4 desu.
Underrated kek

>> No.12946561


>> No.12946565

i only eat the fillet o fish

>> No.12946572

Is it good?

>> No.12946589

its the best one and the healthiest
its just white flakey fish with tartar sauce and cheese...cant go wrong
get double fillet o fish though, 1 patty is not enough

if you want to try their beef burgers a double cheese is ok and not expensive

never get the big mac though. The big mac is THE worst burger at mcdonalds. Just tons of carbs and mayo and cardboard dry beef patties

>> No.12946622

D-FENS. The only times in the film he's in the right are against the cholos and the neo-nazi.

>> No.12946628

I ordered a Big Mac and that sign right there says it is now part of your all day menu.

>> No.12946630

Fucking BASED brother

>> No.12946648

I can live off $4 for a week

>> No.12946651

And his BITCH wife. Reminder that a flaming gay jew directed the movie.

>> No.12946666


>> No.12946936
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Why come some Mcdonalds can't serve Lunch until noon, but then some Mcdonalds will serve it all day, uninterrupted? What do the all-day burger Mcdonalds have that these other Mcdonalds don't?

>> No.12946955

Is this a joke or something? They have signs up that say 30 billion burgers sold and you’re asking if people eat there? How stupid can you possibly be.

>> No.12946958

Congrats. Some of us can spend 4 dollars a day and not feel bad. If you can’t spend 5 bucks on lunch every day, you need to make more money.

>> No.12946966

most people could. you aren't special you stupid fucking cunt. god if i saw you in real life i swear i'd wipe the floor with you. fuck you cunt

>> No.12947158
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>Hm? A burger before 11 AM? Well it's not normal that we do that, but I'll make an exception for you, anon.

>> No.12947173


>> No.12947176

suh duh. nice quads bruh.

>> No.12947186

lol poorfaggot

>> No.12947193

If you try to order a Whopper before 10:30, I will personally serve you to the customers as I do all people who ask for Whoppers before 10:30.

>> No.12947596

You won't do shit wagie. Get back in your cagie.

>> No.12947767

fatties are not "people"

>> No.12948142

I will. My place is understaffed and the managers stand down when I het angry enough.

>> No.12948230

When Mcdonalds expanded they only had a few items on their menu. Now they have all this shit and limited grill space.

>> No.12948280

Why does this breakfast shit even exist? If someone goes to mcdonalds he wants a fucking hamburger, not some abomination which resembles an egg.

>> No.12948420

Fuck off fag

>> No.12948428


>> No.12948458

pleb opinion, breakfast is the best part of their menu

>> No.12948532

More staff.

>> No.12948694

This. After working a 12 hour night, I hopped off the train and stumbled into the A&W at the station. I must have stood there staring at the menu for a solid minute, covered in dirt and grease and reeking like jet fuel, before I finally asked.
>"Can I just get a burger and onion rings?"
>"Sure, though it will take a little longer than usual. Is that okay?"
>"Yeah, sounds fine."
Missed the first ferry back home, but I didn't give a fuck. I got my 7AM burger.

>> No.12948708

Can you say “for the last time”, wagies? I would need to speak to your manager if this happens.

>> No.12948717

>McDonald's went with all day breakfast instead of all day lunch menus

Why would I want a shitty overcooked egg at 2am? I want a sandwich on my way to work you dumb niggers. Oh well, pushed me to cook my own food at home at least.

>> No.12948728

Kitchen size, usually. They can only fit a limited number of those steam-warmed trays in at a time, so sometimes they have to swap things out between breakfast and the rest of the menu. That's why All-Day Breakfast is usually limited to mcmuffins. Also, during breakfast hours, the main grill is used to cook eggs, whereas they also added a smaller egg-only side grill for All-Day.
A smaller kiosk McDonalds by my place couldn't find the space for the new side grill, so they just flat out refused to do All-Day and instead they do dollar coffees every day.

>> No.12948754
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>smells sulphuric like an egg
>texture resembles firm tofu
>shaped into a perfect disc
>tastes like nothing at all
Mmmm, nothin' lahk dat 'er mickidees breakfast 'n shite!

>> No.12949241

Yeah, I'm sure McDonalds loses so much by not catering to the minuscule amount of people who feel the need to have a burger for breakfast.

>> No.12949611

the essence of the song "Institutionalized" personified.

>> No.12949657

The microwave doesnt work before 11am? How long does the daytime prep take? What is the magical reason you can’t order one at 10:55am then can at 11am and they still serve breakfast all day?

>> No.12949952

Based wholesome storyposter

>> No.12950023
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>Burger at 7am? No problem sir. Would you like a milkshake with that?

>> No.12950123

As the other guy said, efficiency. Hosting the full menu at all hours results in lower worker efficiency and more downtime.

>> No.12950127

>a flaming gay jew directed the movie.
Don’t think I’ve ever seen a more redundant statement

>> No.12950134
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>can't go wrong

Cheap fish is one thing I will never buy, disgusting.

>> No.12950424

That's not our policy.

>> No.12950444

Cheap fish is probably less gross than cheap beef or pork or chicken where the animals are all unhealthy and covered in puss filled abscesses that get mixed into the meat.

>> No.12950482
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>I can live off $4 for a week

>> No.12952086
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