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12944781 No.12944781 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that when I fast in the morning and do OMAD I can last until 5 or 6 o'clock before I get really hungry.
But if I eat breakfast and lunch, I'm starving by 3?
How does that work?

>> No.12944913

Im the same way. If I eat breakfast before my 9am class my stomach will be rumbling by 1030, but if I just dont eat all day I won't notice Im hungry until 4-8pm

>> No.12944926

Try what your mum does and eat a fat cock in the morning

>> No.12945191

Because your body is saying "FUCK IM STARVING HELP"

>> No.12945985


>> No.12946079

>fast in the morning

This is bait, it's not a real fast unless you fast for a day or more.

If you eat maybe once a day and don't eat for the rest of the day it actually makes your body store more fat than it would normally, just get some self control and actually do a real fast, man.

I fasted for about five days straight a month back to boost my testosterone and I was barely phased. just get fkn gud m8 and stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.12946091

I’m never hungry in the morning. Even preparing the dogs’ food when I get up makes me feel sick. Same throughout the day. Just never hungry. If I could go to bed at like 8pm, I’d probably be a stick insect by now but as it is I have probably chronic insomnia and so by 11pm I’m starving and that’s when I eat.

And yes, I’m fat. And I don’t know how to change this because that seems how my body is set. I know I should be eating breakfast, it’s just the thought of it even makes me feel sick.

>> No.12946095


>> No.12946640

>i'm fat
>can't change this
denial is a bitch