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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12943832 No.12943832 [Reply] [Original]

Who's a better cook
your mom or your dad?

>> No.12943835

Your mom

>> No.12943840


>> No.12943850

My mom knows how to make more things but she has bottom-rung midwest technique of using powdered, pre-made, and canned ingredients whenever possible, as well as skipping steps and cutting out fat and salt whenever possible because it makes it healthier in her mind. Most things taste like shit though, she's not a very good cook and is constantly throwing shit fits because her gross food doesn't turn out right, without admitting or coming to terms with the fact that the recipe would work if she just follows the steps properly and stops putting her own stupid spin on it.

My dad doesn't really make anything but chili. It's a good chili though, no beans or tomato chunks.

>> No.12943852

My dad cooks good food but gets low points for creativity, my mom cooks shit food but gets points for trying ethnic shit I guess

>> No.12943856

my mom. my dad makes weird shit for himself like lettuce and banana salads.

>> No.12943858

My dad was a better cook. He even had a pizzeria. I'm not a boomer, tho, he just died when I was 16.

>> No.12943859


but definitely not my dad. He's more inventive when he's broke, but my mom makes better food.

Also this. He's a better cook than both of my parents

>> No.12943883
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My mom

>> No.12943907

Gfs Mom > Me > gf > My Dad > Her Dad > My Mom

however my mom went keto a few years ago and I've never liked her cooking better (cause its just a pile of meat and cheese)

>> No.12943909

My dad, and he's been dead for 4 years

>> No.12943948


My dad can be very inventive and created his own versions of classic dishes that are amazing. Mom is more traditional, but her food is good.

According to my family, I'm the best cook. Even my mom is proud of me in that aspect.

>> No.12943953


My father, hands down. My mother was always good for some basic stuff. She made fried chicken, mashed potatoes and veggies really well. Spaghetti and meatballs, shit like that. But my dad made amazing shit on a regular basis, worked from fancy cookbooks, etc. I'm glad he helped me learn how to cook halfway decently, but he's still much better than I am.

>> No.12943957

My dad is dead :(
My mom is a top tier chef

>> No.12944034

My mom is pretty good, but not as good as a lot of my other family members who are fantastic cooks. My mother in law is pretty awful, everything from a box or a can and a bunch of boomer casseroles and marinates meat in fucking italian salad dressing. My dad does the dishes.

>> No.12944058

Neither really. Mom's food is bland, greasy, and half raw (as a vegan), and dad's is 80% ground beef with no seasoning.
I do my own cooking, and now dad eats why I make. This makes me think that food quality is not as relative or opinion based as many people think. I think there might be difinitive, or at least narrower, standards.

>> No.12944065

My mom worked all the time and didn’t cook much. My dad tried to cook but his food always tasted bad and bland and not right. He’s dead now. My wife is a great cook though so I’m making up for it now.

>> No.12944071

My ma, my pops refuses to eat vegetables and his palette for food is comparable to a toddler, which automatically disqualifies him from consideration. Classic boomer palette. To his credit he's better than my ma at BBQ, which isn't surprising.

>> No.12944077


Why is this so hard for /ck/ to get right

>> No.12944096
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my mom has made a few good dishes but my dad is more creative. My dad just makes stuff like curry, kugelis cause "muh lithuanian heritage", decent spaghetti with sausage, basic chicken breasts with lemon pepper, ribs, pulled beef cheeks and beef heart stew. I want him to learn how to do more stuff but hes usually busy with work to try and lern new stuff.
I like his chicken better than grandpas chicken since grandpas chicken always comes out dry.

>> No.12944106


>> No.12944113

My mom is more adventurous and my dad has a baby palate. It wasn't until my parents started dating that my dad was willing to eat a mushroom. Both are decent cooks, but even things which are mediocre still taste good.

>> No.12944128

toot spoops

>> No.12944147

Mom is meh, dad can't even boil pasta. Grandma was a top tier cook.

>> No.12944311
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My dad boils gyros
nuff said

>> No.12944333

Neither. I can cook great but my parents will eat the food I make and then get mad at me for complaining I'm hungry since they only stock the fridge with junk food.

>> No.12944358

My dad makes spaghetti.

>> No.12944405

Mom died a couple years ago and dad is an enfeebled alzheimers clown. When they were functioning they cooked damn good midwestern style foods. Mom made excellent pies cakes and cookies but only for holidays. Fruit was the normal dessert. Not surprisingly, none of us kids are fat.

>> No.12944419

My dad just wants to grill

>> No.12944519

my dad can barely cook from a recipe
my mom can sorta cook, she's just sticks to stuff that she knows or else it turns to shit

>> No.12944530

Toot spoops

>> No.12944771

Mum but both are terrible cooks and im better than them put together.

>> No.12944779

t. 16 year old boomer

>> No.12944852

Mommy abused the shit out of me but she was born in Calabria and god damn she made good food when she wasn’t spiking it with Benadryl to make 2 year old anon go beddy-byes

>> No.12944865

Dead to you or literally dicking dirt?

>> No.12945763

Mom makes some pretty good food, dad is just an insane drunken autist who burns 50% of what he grills.

>> No.12945768

my mom was a great cook

>> No.12945786

My dad for sure. Great BBQ and regular cooking. We basically always had some sort of awesome BBQ ever week from pulled pork, brisket, ribs, etc. When he'd work normal food it was also pretty great but not as good as his BBQ but he was a lot more comfortable around a grill and had a better understanding of the cooking process and building taste.

My mom tried her best but her techniques were mediocre at best and she never wanted to use fresh ingredients always canned/packaged shit (pre minced garlic... need I say more?) but the food was always good and tasty enough.

>> No.12945809

>cutting out fat and salt whenever possible because it makes it healthier in her mind
It doesn't in your mind lol?
Looks like you're more "midwest" than your mom.

>> No.12945814

Are you hallucinating?

>> No.12945870

Overall my mom
But my dad works the grill better

>> No.12946427

My mommy was a good cook, but all props go to grandma on this one

>> No.12946504

my dad used to love to cook, my mom mostly did the cooking until she died. my dad hasn't cooked for a long time and I mostly just cook taco meat

>> No.12946526

My mom was amazing at cooking, and my father was amazing at baking. I somehow managed to get decent at both
I just wish I'd write down more of their recipes before it was too late

>> No.12946534

>learned all of his recipes from camping alone in the desert and the Amazon for decades
>tries to apply them to an induction stove
>goes wild when I make a sandwich using warm toasted ingredients instead of cold slabs of meat and cheese

>has 100 classic recipe books and 7 binders of article clippings and family recipes assembled over generations
>repeats the same three recipes for all of her meals using prepackaged knorr spice blends and expired ingredients
>goes wild when I apply an egg wash on something

I'm handing it to Dad even though Mom has more wisewoman technical knowledge (that she never uses).

>> No.12946597

mom, hands down

>> No.12946652

Le fat and salt bad meme

>> No.12946782

Your mom might be my mom.
She knows the techniques and can make good food if she tries but she's a very lazy chef, if it can be made in the microwave she'll just do that.
Same with making "health conscious" food that tastes bland as fuck without even being all that much healthier.

>> No.12946868

My old man is way better than my mom
My mom makes the same 2 fucking italian meme dishes (lasagna, spaghetti)
She hates the taste of oregano, basil, thyme, and rosemary so they're all just okay
My dad has a way bigger repertoire and has even prepared both dishes far better than she has
He taught me how to cook
One of these days I'm gonna be better than he is

>> No.12947069

Dad was experimental but made good food from where he came from but he's dead. But mum remembers a lot of recipes and has a variety

>> No.12947088

They're both pretty mediocre. My father worked in a flyover state kitchen as a young adult and likes "fancy food" as a flyover state person thinks of fancy food. My mother is Puerto Rican and sometimes cooks half-decent stuff, but she relies on using Sazon seasoning packets for everything instead of actually bringing together fresh herbs and spices. Also she overcooks the shit out of everything, I think because she grew up a chicken chaser and is paranoid that "undercooked" food is gonna make her sick. Likes her eggs cooked until they're rubber, likes pork chops dry as shit, won't end meat that is any rarer than medium-well.

>> No.12947099
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>Dad always mashes up everything together, also likes to substitute with things that don't fit in just because of convenience
>Mom's too conservative with the flavours, also likes to take shortcuts that mpre often than not throws off the dish
>Siblings can't cook for shit
It's me

>> No.12947116

How do you make Italian dishes, yet hate 4 of the most common herbs in Italian recipes?

>> No.12947122

my mother, but she is a capid cunt and the family refuses to talk to her anymore.

also my dad died of dementia 4 years ago.

>> No.12947182

He doesn't, he said his mom does.
And the two recipes she makes don't include any of those herbs.

>> No.12947232

My mom but shes a terrible cook and I almost said my dad but hes too much of a dildo to be better at cooking. Honestly neither of them are good at things.

>> No.12947239

My sister

>> No.12947247

My mother by virtue of knowing more recipes, if my father knew more he would cook better but he spends his days doing manly shit.

>> No.12947250


>> No.12947280

My mom is a classically trained chef. I'm pretty sure my dad wouldn't even know how to fry an egg.

>> No.12947312

I believe cooking skill is genetic. My father is proof enough of that. Started cooking in his late 60s. Never cooked before. Never read a recipe or watched a cooking show in his life. Can cook and bake all the normal home style food. Does everything by feel. All turns out great.

Either cooking is genetic or he had some past experience he is hiding from us.

>> No.12948682

My whole family can cook and bake really well.

>> No.12948857

Mom, Dad can't even make a frozen pizza.

>> No.12949088

My dad burns everything. My mom makes great stewed shit and salads. Her lentils are perfection. She's really insecure about her cooking though. Always digging for compliments.

>> No.12949228

My mum is a better cook, but she's lazy and rarely bothers.
My dad is ok, but not at all adventurous.

>> No.12950229

Dad, mostly because my mom insisted on overcooking anything with meat.

>> No.12950244

Mom, no contest. Dad could barely fix sandwiches.

>> No.12950615

My mom knows how to cook more things but my dad's food tastes better

>> No.12951033

my mother was easily the better cook.
towards the end of her life though her cooking progressively got worse though and she passed away earlier this year.

>> No.12951043
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mom's cooking is shit
dad is dead
brother can't cook at all

i'm the best cook out of my family, but I do shit like pic related.

>> No.12951047

my mom for sure. Dad just grills really. I don't like everything mom makes but she still makes most things very very good.

>> No.12951050

Mom. Dad’s food is great, but he only cooks about 3 different dishes and never deviates.

>> No.12951295

Your mum is a frog?

>> No.12951309

My mother. I don’t think my dad made so much as a sammich for me. My mum was a superb cook, though. My grandmother on her side, too. She was actually the first fully qualified female chef in South Africa. Not a big deal now but it was then.

>> No.12953200
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