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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12942365 No.12942365 [Reply] [Original]

I never had breakfast before, but I'm willing to try it.
I want some shit that
0. fills you up real nice
1. not too sugary
2. not too expensive
3. lasts long at home so I don't have to buy it multiple times a week
4. Less than 5 min prep time

>> No.12942366

> starting at 0

Objectively fucking weird and the first time I’ve ever seen that. Are you diagnosed as autistic?

>> No.12942369

No, tested negative, professionally, lol.
Talk to me about breakfast. I need ideas.

>> No.12942376

It’s very strange. There must be something diagnosably wrong with you.

All your requirements lead inexorably, and only, to ‘cereal’, anyway.

>> No.12942383

Cereal is packed full of sugar and very expensive.

>> No.12942389

5 eggs cooked in 1 tbsp of coconut oil.


>> No.12942398

3 eggs

>> No.12942400

Baked beans on toast alongside a glass of milk.

>> No.12942402

He's probably just a programmer who thinks it's quirky

>> No.12942404

German "Bauernfrühstück". Potatos baconbits and scrambled eggs fried up and garnished with diced gerkin. If you cook the potatos ahead in a bigger batch it's really fast.

>> No.12942411

Plain Weet-bix

>> No.12942412

> what is low sugar cereal or granola

>> No.12942416

What do I have for Breakfast? A couple of Hungarian Hotdogs From Tony Packo's Cafe of course.

>> No.12942417

rice and miso soup. rice doesn't go bad and the ingrediants for miso soup don't go bad, like bonito flakes/dashi(dried kept), dried wakame etc. it's peasant food so it's cheap af and healthy.

>> No.12942418

/jp/ pls go

>> No.12942422

> rice doesn't go bad

Uh, yeah it fucking does. You should NEVER keep cooked rice.

>> No.12942426


>> No.12942427

Fucking idiot.

>> No.12942429

i was talking about dried rice obviously. one third to half a cup of dried rice is a good serving size for 1 person so you won't have to store it.

>> No.12942432
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2 eggs
3 olives
flower honey
molasses and sesame seed paste mix (tahin pekmez)

>> No.12942431

literally what is wrong with it? better than amerilards that eat sugary cereals that give them diabetes or weird soft bread with 20 ingrediants and corn syrup and fatty arteries clogging bacon

>> No.12942437

Very interesting combination.
Lacks some good sourdough toast.

>> No.12942439

Oh, ok. That’s fine, sure. But definitely not keeping cooked rice.

>> No.12942442

i ate kimchi fried rice all the time. get cheap kimchi at the grocery store, kimchi doens't go bad. fry the rice and add kimchi + the juice and a fried egg on top. very filling and cheap. you can spice it up too and add soy sauce, gojuchang, green onions, enoki mushrooms, ginger, etc.

>> No.12942446

> carefully counting out exactly 3 olives every morning for the rest of your life

You must be a fucking riot at parties, man.

>> No.12942447

day old rice kept in the fridge is really good for making fried rice

>> No.12942455
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does wheat bread count?

3 is more that enough for me desu. and i make it 5 at weekends.

>> No.12942456

You shouldn’t even refrigerate cooked rice. It just exacerbates the bacteria crawling all over it. I’m really surprised so many people on a cooking board don’t know this. Every single professional cook I know has this as standard policy in their kitchens. Once it’s cooked and served, any left over is thrown straight out.

>> No.12942465

squats and oats

>> No.12942472

There's a huge difference between a restaurant kitchen and a home kitchen. Maybe you regularly serve food to people with AIDS, but I don't.

>> No.12942480

couple of fried eggs on buttered toast.
no i dot have it all the time but nice for a treat

>> No.12942496

Sausage and eggs.

>> No.12942497

>cigarette and coffee
>more cigarettes
>energy drink and moar cigarettes on drive in
have great body work my ass off like a thankful house nigger, get paid well and have sex so refute this

>> No.12942499

Leftover half of a reuben sandwich. I got the whole one last night.

>> No.12942501

That’s fine, bud. You can risk it and think it’s fine to (erroneously) advise others to do similarly, I’m just pointing out facts. Uneaten cooked rice should be turfed. Standard rule for anyone who runs a hygienic kitchen, whether professional or not.

>> No.12942505

I Googled it and the standard advice is different, actually.

>> No.12942507
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A reuben and smoke, nothing wrong there.

>> No.12942564

>toasted whole weat double fiber English muffins
>eggs (cooked as you like)
>turkey breast sandwich meat
>muenster cheese
>season as you like

Just make a breakfast sandwich each morning from those. Low calorie while still tasty and filling as fuck, and it comes out your ass super clean because of all the fiber.

>> No.12942574


>counting to 3 is hard

>> No.12942578

>flower honey
As opposed to?

>> No.12942740

>honeydew honey

>> No.12942807

HFCS sugar water honey like most that is sold in the US.

>> No.12942815

They eat artificial honey in the USA? That’s fucked up.

>> No.12942821

Wisconsin cheese industry has fucked up the food supply so thoroughly that you can't even trust words anymore

Like, if you want to say honey you don't say honey you say REAL honey. Otherwise it's assumed to be some kind of semi-toxic cheaper substitute

If you want to say milk you say REAL milk

The term "gourmet" is also an acceptable qualifier when referring to food that isn't a byproduct of the fossil fuel industry that comes with its own MSDS

This is all thanks to the people of flyover land who have collectively decided that words meaning things is pretentious

Flyover states were a mistake

>> No.12942841


>4. Less than 5 min prep time

If you cba putting any effort into your food then why even bother

>> No.12942866
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The usual

>> No.12942904

Just nuke everywhere between New York and California and submit ourselves back to the Queen.
Independence was a mistake.

>> No.12942922

I know you’re low energy trolling but you’d be surprised how many people I meet in California talk about returning to the monarchy. American politics are sick and twisted and people want a return to a more orderly and civilized form of rule.

>> No.12942966

i've eaten leftover rice from a few days back like dozens of times, almost always refrigerated, never had anything happen to me. weak fag

>> No.12942978

u serious?

>> No.12943092

trim your nails, you disgusting faggot

>> No.12943102

>I never had breakfast before, but I'm willing to try it.
>I want some shit that
>0. fills you up real nice
>1. not too sugary
>2. not too expensive
>3. lasts long at home so I don't have to buy it multiple times a week
>4. Less than 5 min prep time

you are describing egg

>> No.12943108


>> No.12943133

Instants oats with milk and a touch of honey. You can buy oats in bulk and they last forever. The traditional, non-instant, ones are supposedly more filling (they last longer to digest), but they take a lot longer to cook. It is truly the breakfast of champions.

Also start low-bar squatting 3x5 3 times a week.

>> No.12943165

IIRC you can soak traditional oats overnight in milk and eat them cold the next day

>> No.12943199
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>> No.12943222
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>> No.12943273


>> No.12943281
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>> No.12943403

Ur talking about steel cut vs rolled oats

>> No.12943408

Y'all cuss too much on here. Y'all sound like some kids that just learned cuss words.

>> No.12943513

Microwave porridge

>> No.12943530


>> No.12943552

Rolled oats, make overnight and microwave if you feel like it. Dice one type of fruit into it for variety every 2 days. This kept me alive while I was saving for a boat. It's actually really fucking good for you if you can get your vits in with an evening meal.
I ate fish and meat once a week each, most of the rest was decent market veg, homemade bread and black chocolate when I was so sad I wanted to neck myself.
I came out looking like a god.

>> No.12943592

t. boomer

Granola tastes like dried cardboard after it has been wet with water

>> No.12943602

>being this much if an unbased bluepilled faggot unsarcastiacally

>> No.12943643

yeah maybe, I'm not sure to be honest

>> No.12943680

oats of a wide variety.
if you want to make them the night before theres overnight oats which still technically only takes like 5 minutes to make as well

>> No.12943732

Nigger tranny

>> No.12944060

You sound like my old boss (a recovering crack addict) who, after getting fired, started abusing cocaine and one morning broke into the place to steal the cash register

>> No.12944101

usually thawed dumpster pizza i stock pile in my freezer

or some sort of beans and rice
like hemp seed n hummus
quinoa and lentils
or bean, cheese, rice burritos i freeze then keep in freeze. microwave for 2 minutes then finish off in foil in the toaster oven.

the key to it being healthy is lots of vegtable hearty 'italian tomato sauce' for the pizza and 'mexican tomato salsa' for the beans and rice

and some coffee

in fact this morning ill be eating both

>> No.12944197

Y'all cuss too much on here. Y'all sound like some kids that just learned cuss words.

>> No.12944202

Fuck you nigger

>> No.12944208

Shut up and get the fuck back to your rat infested scientology classes you fucking faggot!

>> No.12944217

Y'all cuss too much on here. Y'all sound like some kids that just learned cuss words.

>> No.12944292

Dessacated coconut, psylium hushs, maca powder, chai seeds, add milk eat like cereal.

Keeps me full all damn day.

>> No.12944297

edgy 14 year old detected

>> No.12944309

spinach, carrot, beans, or plain
i like to add herbs like divisil (it's a kind of dried mint leaf thing from bulgaria) and if i'm generous some raw onion
put it in the microwave

>> No.12944343

Porridge or oatmeal as the yanks call it. Fuck off huge bag of oats.

I imagine you can get 5 kg of porridge oats for under $5.

All you need to do is pour oats into a big bowl and add milk. Shove it in the microwave. 5 minutes stir then put it on another 3 minutes.

Change timings to change consistency

>> No.12944344

Everyone has had breakfast.
This thread makes no sense.

>> No.12944359

hurrr durrr

>> No.12944379
File: 2.03 MB, 4032x3024, E3B47DB6-C705-433D-B29E-685BE7B7767C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the perfect thing for you, it’s a complete breakfast in a bowl.

1/2C oatmeal
1C water
Heat for 3 mins in microwave and make 2 scrambled eggs.
Add the eggs and 1 tbsp each of honey, peanut butter, and cocoa powder. Garnish with a bit of semen.

The pic is without cocoa

>> No.12944386

>Garnish with a bit of semen
haha that's a typo right? it'd be gross haha

>> No.12944387

Explain, William?

>> No.12944392

Every morning I have a bowl of thawed blueberries, strawberries and blackberries we picked in the summer and froze with a sliced up banana and a bit of milk. Eat that @ 6 AM and it keeps me going until 11 AM when I have lunch. Occasionally my lunch will be a breakfast style meal with eggs and cured pork or the very rare (because it's so goddamn fatty) treat, homemade biscuits and breakfast sausage gravy.

>> No.12944485

Maybe some instant noodles
a bunch of those dunno

>> No.12944818

Anybody who has ever touched a programming language is used to counting from 0 and not 1. Just because you're ignorant and probably 55+ years old, doesnt mean anything unfamiliar is retarded. Just you're retarded.

>> No.12944840

Fuck off bro. My mum has a recipe that she got in highschool from some Canadian girl. It's some top tier shit.

>> No.12944871

>professionally tested
wonder why

except nobody makes lists like that, not even programmers. you fucking retard.

>> No.12946243

Pusy hah

>> No.12946253
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Just buy these things and put whatever you want on them. I like to put prosciutto and fig jelly.

>> No.12946339

This is silly talk from someone who has only opened an IDE once and considers themselves a programmer

>> No.12946421

leftovers, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, toast with peanut butter

>> No.12946489

White rice w/ eggs or tea or other random small things is great. Best thing about rice cookers is you can put the rice and water in at night and set the timer so that it cooks it just in time for breakfast. Bonus points for ochazuke or tamago kake gohan; quicker and less cleanup.

Alternatively if your day contains a decent amount of physical effort: make breakfast your biggest meal of the day (reduce the portion size of your dinner proportionally if that was previously your biggest meal). You can make dinner as usual and simply heat up leftovers for breakfast.

Technically, whatever meal you eat after not eating for a while is breakfast. It's called breakfast because it's the meal that breaks your fast.

>> No.12946881

oatmeal with a fried egg on top and bit of bacon grease.

>> No.12946886

I always drink some kind of milk (chocolate, vanilla, banana or strawberry) for breakfast every day. 500ml of it usually satisfies me until lunch

>> No.12947117
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eggs cooked over easy in a sandwich that has toasted asiago cheese bread from HEB, lite mayonaisse, dukes or homemade preferable. bacon cooked in the oven at 350 until just crispy on edges but firm on the fatty parts. a ripe tomato cut into slices and sprinkled with salt and pepper. just a bit of dijon mustard to bring out the flavors of the fresh tomato.

cut in half to let yolk run. it os better than any sauce you could make to put on it.

>> No.12947614

1-2 slices of toast with peanut butter and a glass of milk with fruit

2 poached eggs and Ham on an English muffin with a glass of milk with fruit

>> No.12947619

>refrigerators actually incubate bacteria in food
>but only for rice
Shut the fuck up, idiot.

>> No.12947628

Y'all cuss too much on here. Y'all sound like some kids that just learned cuss words

>> No.12947631


>> No.12947663

rice and eggs.
I call it an asian omelette

>> No.12947673

An omelet with lots of spinach

>> No.12947774

you can cook a lot of stuff, but maybe 30 minutes. only thing in 5 minutes is like microwave biscuit, which isn't real bad i guess

>> No.12947786

>I never had breakfast before, but I'm willing to try it.
u wot m8

>> No.12947829

Some kind of grain with some kind of fruit and some kind of dairy, every day.

>> No.12947851

Overnight oats
1/2 cup oats
Handful raisins
1/2 cup chocolate oat milk
Big spoonful of natural pb
Cut up half a banana and put on top
Leave overnight

>> No.12948253

You should probably make your fridge colder than 10 degrees celsius.

>> No.12948588

>The bacteria is classically contracted from fried rice dishes that have been sitting at room temperature for hours.
Dumb nigger, hang from a tree.

>> No.12948770
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it's literally just flour and water/milk
It's enough to fill you up and last for the entire day
>Less than 5 min prep time
yeah have fun burning your shit if you think prepping breakfast can be done in 5 minute

>> No.12948784

2 eggs and a bagel w/ cream cheese

>> No.12948914

Toast with peanut butter is pretty decent if you use a proper bread and not shitty sliced white bread.

>> No.12948918

I had crumpets for breaky today bloodeh luvley

>> No.12948927

This repulsive meme again...

>> No.12949005
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clif bar, energy drink and a smoke on a good day

>> No.12949028

Htf do you come up with a name for food like that, ffs.

>> No.12949045
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come to /g/ and pull this shit, i fucking dare you

>> No.12949352

>The word of crumpet may come from the Middle English word crompid (cake), or curled (cake). Or it may come from the past participle of the Middle English verb crumpen, which means to curl up. It could also have come from crumb, crump, or crooked, all Old English.

>> No.12950743

That’s expensive as fuck every day?!?!?

>> No.12950766

Imma do it watch anime fag

>> No.12950775

I have never in my life seen HFCS fake honey.
Fake maple syrup, sure. But never fake honey. There's real honey everythefuckwhere.

No one said retarded until you did, retard.

>> No.12951032

Looks like nursing facility food are you a victim of a stroke with diabetes and hypertension who needs dialysis 4 times a week