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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 60 KB, 1200x1800, Homemade-Mayonnaise-Recipe-8-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12940555 No.12940555 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate mayo. What an absolutely abhorrent condiment. How do I deal with this cum looking shit being everywhere?

>> No.12940570

Shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.12940594

whiter than you, rodriguez

>> No.12940603 [DELETED] 

It's scientific fact that only black people disllike mayo. So stfu nigger

>> No.12940611

Fucking thank you. Every burger place globs ir on too; it's infuriating. One time when I worked at Sonic someone found out my utter displeasure with it so they thought it'd be funny to slap my face with a spatula of mayo. Fugg.

>> No.12940617

mayo is great on practically everything, particularly home-made mayo.

>> No.12940621

Whoever did that is fucking based, you sound like a fag.

>> No.12940626 [DELETED] 
File: 530 KB, 2048x1152, 1568851437490796294529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that one more god damn time and I will fucking drag your ass all the way back to Mexico and then hand you over to the cartel you fucking faggot nigger
I am not fucking around I will shove this fist so far up your asshole im gonna twist your fucking tonsils

>> No.12940628

Yeah, well I'm sure you'd like to know they are literally based, as in they're a crack head now.

>> No.12940630

without mayo sandwiches and burgers taste dry

>> No.12940638

Not OP, but I don't mind it in tuna and a thin film on a burger, but people take it too far that it has become disgusting to me. Ketchup and mustard on my burgers, mustard on my sandwiches, mayo in BLT.

>> No.12940695

Checked. I couldn’t agree more. It’s utterly disgusting and I don’t want it within 100 yards of anything I’m eating.

>> No.12940804

Shouldn't you kids be playing pokimans in the middle of traffic?
Stop showing off your boyfriend, you little queer.

>> No.12940813

>you little queer.
what is it with mayobitches and insisting that everyone else wants a mouth full of white goop just like them
but haha, they aren't gay though

>> No.12940915

>Thinking this much about semen.
You are just revealing more and more about yourself.

>> No.12940926
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 806F30B4-03D4-489B-85F7-6A3DB75A9048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The G.O.A.T. of sandwich condiments

>> No.12940928

>American date format
you probably have 2% admixture lolol

>> No.12940935


That sweet shit is like someone with diabetes pissed into mayonnaise.

>> No.12940941
File: 42 KB, 307x679, 81m3gVwU+fL._SY679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay this shit thread is about mayonnaise now.

can someone redpill me on this shit, is it really better than the standard western formula? I've heard it talked up to a large degree. and if so what applications is it better for? ditto for eastern euro styles.

>> No.12940949


Its just weebs

>> No.12940964

>children's garbage I was never into aa a child
>didn't get a smartphone until jan 2018 when I was forced into it
Yeah, ok, dude.

>> No.12941297

I agree OP. Mayo is disgusting. Bye.

>> No.12941481

I don't get mayo. it's just spreadable oil. who looks at something and thinks "wow this would taste great slathered in soy oil?" if you're going to be a fat fuck at least use a flavorful oil like butter.

>> No.12941496

Mayo is garbage. I've heard foreign mayo types tend to have more egg in them, which I guess would make them somewhat respectable.

>> No.12941511
File: 25 KB, 445x429, 87769bos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate mayo

>> No.12941518

>soy oil

Yeah if you’re disgusting. Homemade mayo made with EVOO is goat

>> No.12941522

>i hate oil and eggs
weird take but ok

>> No.12941530

Commercial mayonnaise is an abomination of real mayonnaise. You're right. It's cheap oil, cheap vinegar, cheap powedered eggs, and it always tastes terrible. Always. No matter how nice you think the brand of commercial mayo you bought is, it's terrible. If you made real mayonnaise one time, you will never like commercial crap again.

>> No.12941594

bacon lard mayo is redpilled

>> No.12941612


>> No.12941625

You confront your latent homosexuality and have a sandwich

>> No.12941632

Wait so you mayo memers hate butter too?

>> No.12941707

An hero. Mayo can never hurt you again if you do.

>> No.12941776

give me your based and redpilled mayo recipe, pls. (no sarcasm I'm interested)

>> No.12941779

Keep one of those keychain srirachi/hot sauce bottles with you

>> No.12941792

Is real mayo secretly amazing like real american cheese?

>> No.12941794

have both Dukes and Kewpie, but prefer Jap stuff cause of delicious MSG and egg yolks...tastes richer
/but the best by far is homemade

>> No.12941847

I bet you have a lot of experience fisting men.

>> No.12941911

I fucking hate mayos top

>> No.12941974

>fucking faggot nigger
>has hairy jew arms

Oh the irony

>> No.12941986

You are already fat, so it’s good that you doesn’t like mayo.

>> No.12942189

>he got so mad he actually went through the trouble of taking and posting a pic to show how angry he was

lmao, he literally couldn't handle the banter

>> No.12942194
File: 60 KB, 600x372, 237E8C4D-5239-4EAB-A2CA-E3FC7812C1E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You not say it again my friend. Is very bad idea.

>> No.12942197
File: 47 KB, 640x640, 8b4268b993536093c463edd2621f7ee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12942198

Kek what a bitchy fat fuck

>> No.12942257

My girlfriend has mayophobia. That's right. She has an irrational fear of mayonnaise.

>> No.12942270

Is this your girlfriend?

>> No.12942294

ayyyy jajjajaj you can tell those small fat hands have never been involved in any manly task

>> No.12942393

Niggers love mayo, what are you talkng about?

>> No.12942394

I had this until I ate mayo once whilst starving. Now I love it.

>> No.12942397

I agree. Mayo is like 70% oil, no wonder amerifats love it

>> No.12942401

Stop doing anal

>> No.12942516

Just mix it with hotsauce or some chipotles in adobe sauce, prepare to have your mind blown

>> No.12942530

>eating fat makes you fat
>fat bad
What are you? Retarded?

>> No.12942542

>he doesn’t know that fat is the most calorific macro nutrient
And to think I came here for culinary advice.

>> No.12942553

All that matters is calories in and calories out my mentally challenged friend. Also you came here just to try to sound clever. Fuck off.

>> No.12942667

I sorta wing it every time. The last batch I made a few days ago went like this:
1 egg yolk (room temp)
some salt (1/4 tsp?)
pepper (__?)
garlic powder (1/4 tsp)
Dijon Mustard (a dollop)
A carefully unmeasured squueze of lime juice
A reckless splash of balsamic vinegar


Drizzled in room temp, unfiltered bacon fat with the little bacony bits all up in there until it looked full. It was sexy. You can swap out any choice of acids you like, any fats, season to taste. I made this one for a salad. It was delicious. Emulsions are neat.

>> No.12942720

Yup and most Americans eat predominantly an excess of fat in their diets hence the obesity problem they have over there.

>> No.12942734

There are good mayos and bad mayos.
try the japanese ones, they dont have that weird flavour.

>> No.12942735

It doesn’t matter if you eat carbs, fat or protein in excess (above your TDEE). All can make you fat. Fat is just 9cal/1gram instead of 4cal/1gram like protein or carbs.

>> No.12942953

>hi I'll have a burger no mayo, please
God that was difficult.

>> No.12942963

I like it but to each their own. Have you tried maybe not cooking with mayo ?

>> No.12942967 [DELETED] 

Have you tried coming out of the closet anon ?

>> No.12942968

Janny why did my post get deleted but
Is still up? Is it cuz that's your post?

>> No.12942974

a revelation.

>> No.12943063

/pol/yp janny I imagine

>> No.12944551

Why did this jannoid delete my fucking posts

>> No.12944575
File: 1.73 MB, 2121x1328, mayodog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing like a good hotdog with a nice healthy dollop of mayo

>> No.12946357

>see food
>all i can think of is hairy dicks and balls shooting their delicious sperm loads
dude why is mayonnaise so gay???

>> No.12946364

would eat the fuck out of

>> No.12946373

I detest mayo.
But Japanese mayo (spicy mayo?) is alright.

Also find a deli that does russian style or whatever for coleslaw, potato salad, etc. They're actually pretty great when they're not ruined by mayo.

>> No.12946424

I'd argue that most fats generally have a higher satiety:calorie ratio.
Regardless, what you eat is infinitely less important relative to how much you eat.

>> No.12946459

>How do I deal with this cum looking shit being everywhere?
I guess you don't take after your mum then

>> No.12946511

Not anon
I want her to be though, mayo is gross and ranch is worse

>> No.12946577

Always remember to ask for ketchup only no bullshit.

>> No.12946580

I too dislike mayo, but i seem to tolerate heinz mayo for reasons outside of my understanding.

it's the only one that doesn't make me gag.

>> No.12947057
File: 570 KB, 1073x1523, 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12947649

It's that disgusting buttermilk. How do you feel about sour cream?

>> No.12947677

He's right you know.
Adam is the greatest.

>> No.12947683

pretty good on chicken, fish

>> No.12947688

Mayo is great, get some taste

>> No.12947713

Putting a bit on a sandwich is fine but am*ricans slathering their """potato salad""" in it is a legitimate crime.

>> No.12947823

>Every burger place globs it on too; it's infuriating
This is my biggest problem. I don't absolutely hate mayo, but there's nothing worse than getting a mouthful of it. A VERY thin layer of it on a bun can be fine, and it's basically a requirement for tuna/chicken salad, but I hate when it's just dripping out everywhere. I hate when ANY condiment is dripping out everywhere, but for some reason it always seems to be an issue with mayo. Do they fucking ladle that shit?

>But Japanese mayo (spicy mayo?) is alright.
This. I think my big issue with mayo is how largely mild it is. If it actually added some kind of noticeable flavor or tang like most condiments do, then I'd be fine with it, but it's this very bland glop that people seem to think should account for half the mass of your sandwich.

>> No.12947836

I never said semen
you did

>> No.12947978

I think that's the problem with it. It's so flavorless, and people compensate by putting a fuckton of it on everything. You take a bite and half of it is hamburger while the other half is this bland goop that does nothing to enhance the sandwich. Most other condiments like ketchup, mustard and relish get used sparingly because they actually add a strong flavor.

If you put a thin layer on the bottom bun of a burger, it mixes with the juices that seep into the bun and actually tastes good, but mayo on its own shouldn't be a condiment. It's better used as an ingredient and a binder.

I like mayo-based potato salad, but most people do use way too fucking much.

>> No.12949574
File: 235 KB, 979x941, 1536734622081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]