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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 438 KB, 732x444, sucklemeoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12939333 No.12939333 [Reply] [Original]

Is vegan food the best food for protecting my virginity?

>> No.12939336

only if your gay

>> No.12939341

How does if retain ownership over gay?

>> No.12939343

>only if your gay
Being vegan strongly implies homosexuality.

>> No.12939359

How is a conjunction gay?
I don’t understand

>> No.12939366

I can assure you that the majority of vegans are homosexuals.

>> No.12939367

Stop being autistic, fucko.

>> No.12939389

To bad I’m not sure why their using uncorrect English. They’re is just two many problems that comes with faulty grammar that I seethe a little bit when their is problems between the write English and the wrong English

>> No.12939400
File: 102 KB, 750x752, 3cfd7fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are all meatcucks such triggered snowflakes?

>> No.12939411

Rich coming from the idiot whose tummy gets upset whenever it ingests a little meat
Have you taken your supplements yet?

>> No.12939425

Shit bait pasta, but acknowledged.

>> No.12939428

What? This is the first time I’ve ever posted this

>> No.12939429

Why aren't vegans amongst the longest lived individuals in the world?

>> No.12939435

>What? This is the first time I’ve ever posted this
It's too similar to old bait.

>> No.12939437

Wow all that protein!! Must be at least 13 whole grams !!!

>> No.12939457
File: 75 KB, 600x605, 24296779_751651998378501_6927954792177840588_n-e1513126277161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.

Well-planned vegan diets are regarded as appropriate for all stages of life, including during infancy and pregnancy, by the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada, Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, New Zealand Ministry of Health, Harvard Medical School, and the British Dietetic Association.

>> No.12939473

You didn’t answer the question
Have you taken your supplements yet?

>> No.12939477
File: 96 KB, 1366x541, 61RG2MLXIZL._SL1366_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do vegans deal with the fact Organic fertilizers are made out of animal products?

>> No.12939478

Veganism is being the ultimate contrarian just for the sake of getting attention.
It's like Munchausen syndrome.

>> No.12939486

By using nonorganic fertilizers duh
Rules for thee but not for me

>> No.12939489

>falling for the bait and thus proving the post true
I miss when r/T_D plebbitors didn't take over this site and we were the ones doing the trolling instead of the ones getting trolled.

>> No.12939491
File: 343 KB, 1280x1280, ffjys46ggj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Effects of a long-term vegetarian diet on biomarkers of antioxidant status and cardiovascular disease risk. [Nutrition. 2004] - PubMed - NCBI

Vegetarian diets and the incidence of cancer in a low-risk population. [Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI

Meat Consumption and Cancer Risk

Red meat and colon cancer

Study finds unsafe mercury levels in 84 percent of all fish

Like Bacon, Sausage and Hot Dogs? Then Beware: They May Raise Your Risk of Death, New Study Finds

Study Points to New Culprit in Heart Disease

"Neu5Gc elicits an immune reaction that might contribute to a whole spectrum of human-specific diseases"

Restriction of meat, fish, and poultry in omnivores improves mood: a pilot randomized controlled trial

Harvard School of Public Health » milk is NOT the best source of calcium

Eating less meat and dairy may help reduce osteoporosis risk, Cornell studies show.

Milk--the promoter of chronic Western diseases
PMID: 19232475

>> No.12939493

Non organic fertilizers are made out of petroleum how do vegans deal with the environmental damage their food causes?

>> No.12939499

>Was just pretending to be retarded
Wew you fooled them.

>> No.12939503



>> No.12939509

>those sources
I’m not clicking any of those until you provide archived links

>> No.12939524

Leave to retards to not know what the national institute of health or it's scientific validity is.

>> No.12939541

>(((cbs, yahoo, nytimes, harvard, Cornell)))
>just trust my sources goy

>> No.12939558

Internet articles are not valid sources for anything. If its not on physical media you cannot use it as a source
t. teacher

>> No.12939573

>scientifically peer reviewed studies and articles published on a government website aren't valid sources
You aren't even out of grade school, guaranteed.

>> No.12939585

>peer reviewed studies

>> No.12939591

they are not valid because any hacker can change the content of the website at any time

>> No.12939651

>University studies and news articles that attack my carnist brainwashing script are all fake, ok?
>Grug say meat good! Me, Grog, like Grug speak! Me eat meat!
The absolute state!

>> No.12939674

Looks like another case of incelitis found in this poster, an epidemic - Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.12939734

Processed foods will do that much better.
Things like Hot Pockets and Pizza Rolls.

>> No.12939839

>your sources are invalid because I don't agree with them
/pol/ btfo

>> No.12939849

thats how it works in the real world Sources are only used to verify your own beliefs anything you disagree with is false

>> No.12939864

No. You will start to smell more attractive to females. It will be harder to fend them off.

>> No.12940127

So, being omnivore gets you a good life and you die sated and smiling. But as a vegan you have to suffer for longer and still feel that something good was missing from my life...

>> No.12940336

>I prefer to shorten my life by embracing carnism 'cause they always told me carnism was the bestest!

>> No.12941460

Only works for Lesbian bean lickers.

>> No.12941464


>> No.12941474

No, I have 3 transbians gfs since going vegan.

>> No.12941487
File: 199 KB, 1539x1167, ikarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always ate meat, and women always swallowed my load, so I don't see the problem.
Also meat eaters live long lives while vegans die of aids.

>> No.12941491

You are really bad at following conversations.

>> No.12941505

How, so? I'm just saying that being "meat" stinky doesn't mean anything in response to your link that claims meat adds a smell (which had nothing to do with the post that responded to, but I bit anyways).

>> No.12941509

You will smell more attractive to any woman that you cum in regardless of what you eat. It's in their biological make up.

>> No.12941665

Yeah girls are attracted to fart machines that are vegans. No one likes being around bloated gas bags.

>> No.12942032

>fart machines
Pimply fart machines. Vegans usually have acne problems.