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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12938166 No.12938166 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, I just watched a health documentary and it turns out meat is terrible for your health, so I've decided to stop eating meat. What do you eat instead of meat?

>> No.12938202

remember that the worst meat is bugs, so always demand a vegan alternative to bugs pls

>> No.12938234

The numbers in the pie chart add up to more than 100 and it can't be a rounding error

>> No.12938239

if you eat mostly meat your body will thrive on it instead, cut out the sugars and carbs

>> No.12938245

Was it 'Forks Over Knives'?

>> No.12938246

Imagine actually believing this in a modern era.

>> No.12938248

but it's soooo goooood

>> No.12938249

Okinawans eat primarily pork and fish dumbass. The vejtibulz meme is from ww2 when they were living off rations

>> No.12938252

Shitpost thread for sure, but I seriously encourage you to go vegetarian to keep eggs cheeses and milk in. The fad to go vegan today is damaging the bulk of the vegans because they are following a fad and not actual health advice. Few vegans have the money and knowledge to live a (never real, since you cant be vegan and healthy and the shots they have to get arent vegan and they lie to themselves) 'truly vegan' life.

>> No.12938292

Meat consumption is directly correlated with a higher mortality, so much that all health organizations seem it a tier 1 or 2 carcinogen.

>> No.12938302
File: 1.55 MB, 480x258, do it yourself.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you speaking from personal experience or is your data from some youtube video?

>> No.12938306

That's funny I just watched a documentary too. However it turns out meat is actually good for your health and carbs are bad so I'm going to continue eating meat.

>> No.12938337

>and carbs are bad
Refined carbs, sure. Fruit and lentils and whole grains are pretty much correlated with health though.

>> No.12938339

A lot of things. I was vegan for like five years~ 14~ to 21~. Had a small cock when I was vegan, and no chest hair. Wanted to transition and was googling herbal meds for it. Bad dental health. Was weak, depressed. Went vegetarian, started to feel better, cock got bigger more body hair. Then around 24 I went back to regular diets and have never felt better.

That was personal experience, if i was dozing amino acid shots and b vitamin shots I'd have been better off. Now the real naughty secret about vegans is that the ordinary normal fag retard vegan misses loads of aminos, loads of vitamins, B D C, so many minerals it isn't even funny. You have to go through so many hoops and trials to eat adequatly as a vegan and it will cost you a lot more to do it too. There is no cheap fully healthy and legitimate vegan lifestyle.

I've also spent a great deal of time doing research, but what does that matter?
Presents source

>> No.12938342

>what is confirmation bias + bad science?

>> No.12938346

Given Japan wouldn't that be blaming the allies for them joining up with the NAZIs and sneak attacking us at Pearl and other places and of course ignoring their own unit 731?

>> No.12938353

I guess there weren't enough jews involved in the pacific theatre for japanese unit 731 to be an issue anymore. They did more atrocities than the nazis.

>> No.12938374

but fruits are literally the opposite of refined carbs

>> No.12938379

>typing up this much unscientific, unsourced, fake news
Wrong and false

>> No.12938380
File: 12 KB, 331x217, laughingobama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

image being so brainwashed you ignore the mountains of evidence that keto, specifically cutting out almost all sugars and carbs is the best thing you can do for your body.

>> No.12938416

Sugar, yes. Carbs, no. The healthiest diets in the world (in terms of diet-related disease and mortality) contain 45-55% carbs. Don't get mad because you were dumb enough to buy into the snake oil.

>> No.12938694

The only medical consensus about keto is that it does accelerate weight loss short term but needs close medical supervision to prevent serious damage. Futhermore, long term keto diets are extremely dangerous and absolutely should not be done. In short, it has it's place for shedding pounds rapidly over a short time period, but that's it.

>> No.12938775

said cock a few times

>> No.12938780

Less meat

>> No.12938794

All medical literature I have read basically says that. I have yet to find any other pros for Keto aside that a controlled diet is better than eating whatever you want

>> No.12938849

>What do you eat instead of meat?
Angry replies from meat eaters.

>> No.12938871

literally WHO

>> No.12938896

Who the hell wants to live to be 125?

I've barely hit 30 and already feel like I've seen enough.

>> No.12938938

People who live to be 125 will feel better for longer. If you're bored with life then fine.

>> No.12939068

That was my point. Treating fruit the same as soda because they both have carbs is silly.

>> No.12939112
File: 130 KB, 960x720, 70 year old man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What >>12938938 said. Basically if you're healthy and in shape your 40-70 run will be several orders of magnitude more enjoyable than the average fat sack of shits'. There's diminishing returns after that and genetics are a lottery but you'll still be better off than almost everyone else right down to brain function.
It's about more of your years being enjoyable, not lingering in near decrepitude.

>> No.12939264

Fake meat shaped and flavored like meat.

>> No.12939288

Anon. Sugars are simple carbohydrates. Why do you people spout off health advice when you don’t know the first thing about health? You NEED carbs, simple or complex, your body processes proteins INTO sugars.

>> No.12939308
File: 199 KB, 1539x1167, ikarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most claim that they live long, because of their diet, but I think that it's because they don't have any blacks on the island.

>> No.12939339

Reminder that Hispanics in the US live the longest. Reminder that longevity is mostly genetic.

>> No.12939354

Asians actually.

>> No.12939369

Fine. Point is that longevity is genetic and that changing your diet won't net you any extra years to your lifespan.

>> No.12939384

Not true. Diet, exercise, abstaining from drugs, and cleansing your body of the effects of chemtrails will do wonders on extending your longevity.

>> No.12939385

Lifestyle, and diet does have an impact on longevity. What most people misunderstand is that eating meat isn't bad.

>> No.12939391

I'm 100y/o khv.
Mfw no gf.

>> No.12939402

Not a bad thing narcissist.

>> No.12939415

Ikarians eat meat daily, and live long lives.

>> No.12939427

Is fish considered meat?

>> No.12939441

You want to eat vegetables with high amounts of iron and protein. Those are the two big nutrient deficiencies vegans face. I also think you'll need certain vitamins for what you can't get. You should also know that most evidence points to being vegan as bad for your health overall. No I don't care yo source it but I'll say this. You're an omnivore. You require both food sources. We're top of the food chain.

>> No.12939445

>the worst meat is bugs
That's not true though. They're plenty nutritious and tasty.

>> No.12939449

Fish is clearly a vegetable.

>> No.12939468

Back to r/keto redditfag

>> No.12939532

Absolutely zero of the longest living regions in the world are keto

>> No.12939719

Don't forget to protect your precious bodily fluids as well!

>> No.12939742

>People who live to be 125 will feel better for longer
and theyre spending half their lives as an old person

>> No.12939791

diet has nothing to do with longer life. Idk why brainlets subscribe to this correlation causation garbage.

>> No.12939808

At least you die soon

>> No.12939818

Just kill yourself when you feel like going.

>> No.12939827

>Meat consumption is directly correlated with a higher mortality

correlation =/= causation.

The so called research on longevity that make these claims from longitudinal studies are tremendously flawed for not being rigorously controlled enough to rule out other conflicting factors. Even where statistics have demonstrated direct relationship the relative risk increase is almost negligible to be ignored or barely above background noise level/random chance.

>> No.12939855

They just rounded everything up to the nearest percent