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12936157 No.12936157 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12936169

pretty good.
I like to put a splash of soy sauce in the water as I boil it, because I feel it slightly boosts the umami factor

>> No.12936174

The only thing worse than fast food threads are ramen threads

>> No.12936181

My brother made some badass pork ribs using the salt packets from pork flavor ramen as a dry rub.
He saves up the salt packets for shit like that and eats his instant noodles drained, with a splash of sesame oil and green onions

>> No.12936200

Your brother might be onto something. I’m gonna put half a beef ramen packet in sour cream and dip Doritos in it.

>> No.12936231

Noodles do not belong in soup.

>> No.12936239

Sounds good, but Doritos seems like salt overkill.
I will give this a try later, but I only reserve my shrimp flavor packets. They go pretty gud on pan-steamed dumplings.
Shrimp sour cream with oysters sounds rad on toast tho

>> No.12936246

>X does not belong with Y
Nice discussion m8

>> No.12936611

Too much sodium

>> No.12936863

I once fell for the peanut butter in ramen meme
if you do that and unironically like it kys

>> No.12936897

Ive recently been buying more expensive udon bowl type soups instead of ramen. I like thicker noodles. They come in what i assume pre cooked form, in a plastic baggie. Anyone have recommendations for udon? Preferably ones i can get off amazon.

>> No.12937168

>adjective noun noun

>> No.12937185

I fucking love it. chunky in chicken ramen with some celery. Of course I drain most the water before adding everything. nice and crunchy.

>> No.12937268

no calories

>> No.12937397

Nongshim spicy seafood udon isn't bad.

>> No.12937434

Eat the noodles dry, snort the flavor powder and drink the boiling water

>> No.12937889

I was among the crowd who thought raw ramen abhorrent, but it's actually quite a great snack.

>> No.12938384
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>> No.12938450

mmmm not 1, but 2 sodium packets, clearly superior

>> No.12938521
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I think this is the best instant ramen, tho ottogi ramyon has nice noodles, they are even good to eat dry

>> No.12938570

Poach an egg or 2 in the water, frozen shrimp or stew meat. Szechuan or ghost chilies and alternative soup bases on Amazon. That's what I did when I ate mad ramen.

>> No.12938599
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In all my life, I've only once have eaten good chiken-shrooms-bamboo ramen noodles, and it was at a weeaboo con. I hate weeabs to the core, but still, that shit was the tightest shit I've ever had, so thanks, every thing else I've tried is the worst quality meat you could ever think of, not sure if it's even meat to begin with.

>> No.12938614

Beef is superior flavor

>> No.12938640
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Best ramen

>> No.12938920

Is this as hot as the Volcano Chicken one? I bought both and felt like death after the Volcano Chicken One. Yea it tasted great, but god damn

>> No.12938946

>plastic baggie.
I eventually managed to get rid of some weird taste by submerging them in a bowl of water for a few minutes, keep that in mind if you ever come across this issue.

>> No.12939024
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these are actually great, try them out

New chipotle chicken flavor is disgusting though

>> No.12939079

Nah. I think the volcano ones are hotter, and maybe a little sweeter, too.

>> No.12939106
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For me, it's IndoMie

>> No.12939108

>Ignoring the bone base plus spicy base

never gonna make it

>> No.12939216
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Unironically uma delicia.