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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12935425 No.12935425 [Reply] [Original]

Mom left to vacation for 2 weeks. She is already week in her vacation but all the meat from fridge and freezer has been consumed. I have last 50 euros to survive this week. What do i do?

>> No.12935442

Post less frogs.

>> No.12935450

Rice is a good place to start for one. Cheap meats, eggs, etc.

>> No.12935451

Rice eggs oats. Don't forget to squat

>> No.12935465

Potatoes are another..

>> No.12935475

Sell your asshole on the streets for some meat, you faggot.

>> No.12935476

I have to forgot to add that i live with my brother who weights 150kg. He is neet, lazy, does not clean after himself and will eat anything from fridge.

>> No.12935478

What if she finally got the courage to leave and start another family?

>> No.12935481

Tell him he either fucking eats what you make or he fucking starves.

>> No.12935482

She wouldnt do this.

>> No.12935486

Problem is he consumes too much and i have money only for myself. We dont talk to each other.

>> No.12935490

That’s what you think, Mario. A bientot! Bisous Maman.

>> No.12935491

After reading this
How sure can you really be?

>> No.12935492

Then he eats rations. You don't make a four course meal you make an okay sized meal and split it. If he bitches, he starves.

>> No.12935494
File: 1.62 MB, 350x190, Sad Tiger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For our American friends he has a meager 7.91/USD each day if you divide shit out, because he ran out of meat.

As you can see, he is extremely impoverished...

>> No.12935498

Im sure of it because i would kill myself. I told her i would kill myself if she leaves.

>> No.12935508

Like I said: Rice, eggs, potatoes, cheap meat. Ration money and food. Overstuff mclargehueg (AKA his brother) can survive and so can OP if he rubs two braincells together.

>> No.12935511

It's okay. No need to feel sorry for me.

>> No.12935515

Pretty sure that’s more than enough for a burger meal everyday in the EU. Fuck his fat arse brother.

>> No.12935521

She probably has left then. I’d leave your little emotionally blackmailing arse, too.

Your poor mum. I feel like sending her flowers now. Hope she’s enjoying her undoubtedly well deserved holiday from you two nightmares.

>> No.12935523

Mommy left us to starve to death. She needs to work to support us. She must not slack off.

>> No.12935528

>I told her i would kill myself if she leaves.
Anon that isn't healthy. Don't do this to her. Imagine how she feels when you say that to her, and then she has the other son that weighs 150 kilos and doesn't go to work.

The poor woman. I don't doubt that she did leave. She isn't coming back anon.

>> No.12935536

eat shit and die, literal parasite

>> No.12935542

This wasnt very helpful for my situation. Why are you so angry?

>> No.12935548

kill your brother and eat him, free meat

>> No.12935554


>> No.12935556

because you're putting an undue burden on your mother, i would tell you to be ashamed of yourself but it's obvious you have no remorse. gt your shit together and be a man, man.

>> No.12935561

But my mom gave birth to me. She needs to support me until i die. I did not choose to exist. She did.

>> No.12935564
File: 1.76 MB, 412x229, 1358536932592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok she definitely ran off

>> No.12935573

She did not. Also im currently trying to find girlfriend who will take care of me like my mom does. So im actually following your advice.

>> No.12935585

For your mother's sake, I hope she did. For the sake of any woman who may meet you, I hope you don't.

>> No.12935588

This is very negative thinking and whishing such things upon me. Why are you such hateful person?

>> No.12935590

I finally understand why some women choose to go gay now. Also the ones who commit infanticide.

>> No.12935605

Women can't be gay. Even lesbians use dick dildos to please each other.


Such complex word. Did you heard it on redd*t?

>> No.12935610

Anon, you're a parasite. "Waah they have to support me, if they leave I will kill myself." You call your brother a NEET when you're the same way. You demand care from your mother, you demand it from a future girlfriend, because you don't want to cor can't take care of yourself.

Be a fucking man and learn to take care of yourself. Your poor mother doesn't deserve to have an emotionally manipulative piece of shit threatening death so it hangs on her consience.

"I didn't choose to be born, she chose to have me, so she has to take care of me until she dies." Nigger do you hear yourself? Do you see what you type? Do you know how shitty that mindset is?

Your mother didn't choose to be born either but she was enough of a woman to be able to support herself and two shitty boys.

Either be a man and care for yourself or find a dark hole to crawl inside of.

>> No.12935620

Do no reply to me please.

>> No.12935622

Nobody cares you fucking faggot. Stop trying to dispense your dumbass fortune cookie life lessons. You arent smart or unique, everyone knows this basic ass shit but you're the only one so autistic you cant let one guy in one thread talk some bullshit.

>> No.12935630

Bite the thick end of a hammer. Get off 4chan.

I may've struck a nerve. Mmmm.

>> No.12935638

Or what, fag?

>> No.12935643

This is my thread. I do not wish to speak to you. Leave this thread.

>> No.12935644

pimp out your fat brother for pizza money

>> No.12935648

ur thread died at the first post lmao

>> No.12935655

suck start a shotgun parasite.

p.s. your mom says hi and says she ain't never coming back so spend wisely!

>> No.12935661

Your mother is never coming back.

>> No.12935665

>p.s. your mom says hi and says she ain't never coming back so spend wisely!

Wow you still keep replying? I guess i will have to filter your IP.

She is coming back in week. She called me yesterday.

>> No.12935667

What an asshole. Hope your mom finds a happy life out there somewhere.

>> No.12935672

no lol

>> No.12935676

OP here. If this offtopic about my mom never coming back will continue i will delete this thread. You are making me uncomfortable.

>> No.12935684

ok, parasitic hikkineet

>> No.12935688
File: 53 KB, 844x469, Egg-Risky_Business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invite some friends over and have a party.
That's what friends and I used to do when we got our places alone for a couple of weeks.
Just make sure to not have some pimp break the egg, moms notice that kind of stuff.

>> No.12935693

You can’t delete threads on 4chan, dumbass newb. Lrn2lurkmore.

>> No.12935702

she won’t notice because she isn’t coming back, white knight faggit

>> No.12935704

Yea i can. And i dont like your attitude.

>> No.12935731
File: 72 KB, 500x500, Beavis_Understands_Frustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happened with my dad, but he died.
You're not alone in the world.
That doesn't make me some kind of white knight and I don't wear it like a badge like you apparently do.

The Specials - Rat Race

>> No.12935739

One can delete posts but not threads if there are replys.

>> No.12935764

Only cowardly little faggots delete their posts.

>> No.12935769

Cant tell if this thread is people baiting each other or OP baiting everyone, its one or the other

>> No.12935772

It's not that, sometimes I'll delete a post and respost to correct stupid spelling mistakes if I'm drunk. That's the only reason I've ever deleted posts. It has nothing to do with being cowardly, this is usually a slow board so have time to do it.

>> No.12935827

uhhh how old are you m8? fucking bongs

>> No.12935835

3 mcchickens and a small fry everyday

>> No.12935839

Why bother? It’s not even like your posts are recorded for posterity. If you make a ‘spelling mistake’ so fucking what. You imply anyone would even be reading them when most of the time, about 90% of what you say nobody even sees, let alone would even care to remember.

>> No.12935859

It's not posterity, I should proofread my own stuff better but sometimes I don't, and instead of getting hollared at for a missing comma or something stupid I'd rather correct it. It's pretty simple really.
I think you're looking too much into something that you shouldn't look into, chill out.

>> No.12935862

Why are you letting yourself get trolled like this?

>> No.12935883
File: 82 KB, 343x324, 1510361622746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bite the thick end of a hammer

holy fuck mate i'm using that one

>> No.12935896

You went all triggered at the end there, senpai. Stop worrying about what anonymous people on some fast flushing Vietnamese comic site think about stupid shit like your “missed comma” or whatever. Dang. Get a girlfriend or something and waste your time better.

>> No.12935899

Kek glad I made you laugh anon

>> No.12935905
File: 52 KB, 600x818, 1555672903251-kitchen-watermelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been there done that. I like being alone sometimes.

>> No.12935912

50 euro. Fuck. Eggs, rice, noodles, tons of shit you can do. Seasonal veggies are usually cheap as well. But you are euro, I thought that your government takes care of everything.

>> No.12935913

Isn’t 50 euros like 500 dollars? How much is food over there?

>> No.12935919

Wow you sound like a tremendous faggot

>> No.12935937

Only halfway baby

>> No.12935940

Meh. Fair enough. In all seriousness, though, I get, and admire, your sense of fastidiousness but I really wouldn’t waste it on these assholes. Not one of them is worth it.

>> No.12935944

Why are you commenting so much if you didn't care?

>> No.12935971

I don’t. Im replying to people who reply to my posts.

>> No.12935989

The more you reply the more people reply. Don't. Feed. The. Trolls.

>> No.12935994

So you're the frog poster? that's OP.

>> No.12935998

hahaha, feedback loop!

>> No.12935999

can you two get a room and fuck already?

>> No.12936024

Anon, I have standards.

>> No.12936025

Nice trips, seems like someone is into a threesome.


>> No.12936033

As long as I'm pitching not catching

>> No.12936445

Just fast

>> No.12936459

>frog post
>same old shit post
>80+ replies

I'm starting a petition to ban 4channel. Most of you don't deserve an unmoderated place to speak.