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12935237 No.12935237 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw Am*ricans cut off slices of butter instead of scraping to top of the stick

>> No.12935242
File: 26 KB, 720x471, butter-sticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you supposed to know how much butter your eating if you dont cut it?

>> No.12935244
File: 75 KB, 612x612, budder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuros can't into butter stick

>> No.12935249

Why the fuck would you scrape it off the top? That can't be efficient.

>> No.12935254

A healthy snack to eat on the go.

>> No.12935282

In what scenario would you ever need only part of a stick of butter?

>> No.12935662

it lets you cover your bread much faster and easier

>> No.12935675

i actually cut the full stick of butter into little pieces, then throw them in a container and back into the fridge. then when i need a little butter, i dont need to dirty a knife.

>> No.12935726

Pretty much this. We use a butter dish for room temp butter if we use it a lot, otherwise, yes we mangle it like you retards. People that bake or were raised by people who baked by cold volume rather than weight cut slices. This should not be hard to understand unless you are a child.

>> No.12935727

I simply bite off chunks, chew it a little to heat it with my mouth water and spit it out over the toast or whatever. Zero clean up and environmentally friendly. I am enlightened.

>> No.12936023

How would scrapping it off the top be any better than just slicing it?

>> No.12936027

cant fit that much in your pee hole

>> No.12936034

Found the urethralet

>> No.12936083

Because normal people (ie not obese retarded Americans) spread a thin layer on their bread or toast, and don’t just lay a whole slab on it. God I hate you disgusting retards so much.

>> No.12937952

I don't want my butter to get crumbs and shit in it

>> No.12938050

This that guy that was laughing about his newly dead kids

>> No.12938068
File: 53 KB, 600x593, 3acd31893b-1486718726858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Asians eat food by meticulously pinching tiny bits of it with two wooden sticks instead of simply piercing it with a fork or scooping it with a spoon

>> No.12938074

this. no faster way for me to label someone as a disgusting animal than to see toast crumbs all over their butter.

>> No.12938272

A tablespoon of butter is hardly a "slab" you dainty little yuropoor prince

>> No.12938281
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We only do this for corn on the cob.

>> No.12938300

>measuring butter outside of pastry which you should always do with a scale
do ameritards really?

>> No.12938309
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>> No.12938361

>Not just dipping it in a vat of melted butter

>> No.12938424

In America butter is measured by the stick because every good supermarket has a butter tree at the entrance, and customers can just snap a stick off it to suck on while they drive their scooters around the store. This prevents them from starving while they do their grocery shopping.

>> No.12938451

I don't see what your problem is here, unsalted butter is just as common.

The idea with the sticks is also that they're a simple measure. 1 box is a pound, 1 stick is a quarter pound, a tablespoon is 1/8th of a quarter pound, or half an ounce.

Quarter pound sticks also mean you don't have to set an entire pound of butter out at once, just keep the other 3/4ths in the fridge where they'll last forever without going rancid.

>> No.12938457

desu I like that packaging, you americlaps had a good idea there

>> No.12938477

>unsalted butter is just as common as salted butter
that just sounds wrong

The other part makes sense, but I can't think of a scenario where I would use a tablespoon of butter or anything below 100 grams for pastry. It may be practical for some people, but it seems forced to me.

>> No.12938495

Admittedly, most stores don't carry as much stock of unsalted, but there's always unsalted versions of every mass-market butter in the dairy aisle.

I use about that much to finish saucepan cooked vegetables, or as a chunk to add to the pan when searing steak. It's not that weird here.

>> No.12938498

I take the whole stick and just press it against the pan.

>> No.12938502
File: 7 KB, 313x285, 1423353451656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's barely joking

>> No.12938505

>you americans measure your servings? Why don’t you just starve like me!

>> No.12938507

do you really think you'd starve if you didn't eat a tablespoon of butter at a time?

>> No.12938529

>i mangle my butter like a fucking savage!

>> No.12938535

how are you supposed to taste the butter, faggot?????

>> No.12938549

a tablespoon is the listed serving size, and some recipes will only call for a couple of tablespoon or so. having the markings on the wrapper is really useful.

>> No.12938575

>a whole slab
Do you really think that you can't spread a thin layer of butter without scraping it off the top?
Also if you need butter to eat your bread, then your bread fucking sucks

>> No.12938576

I bet it's the other way, Eurofags slop butter onto everything, especially the French, so they're surprised at American restraint when it comes to butter.

>> No.12938578

I've never understood how chinks shovel down a bowl of rice with chopsticks
It's a mystery that will go with me to my grave

>> No.12938582

Because the rice is sticky enough that you can grab it as chunks instead of the loose-grained result you get from minute rice.

>> No.12938591

He was having a giggle, mate.

>> No.12938593

Even so, a spoon would STILL be much easier to scoop said rice into your mouth

>> No.12938609

By having working tastebuds.

>> No.12938620

Wtf is this true?

>> No.12938643

Yes. That fag is giving away all of our secrets.

>> No.12938646

Yes, sometimes an American will finish their butter stick early and go back for another, that can cause a bit of a traffic jam!

>> No.12938793
File: 92 KB, 570x678, o-PUKE-DOG-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is wrong with them?

>> No.12938811

The french literally fold butter into dough in a massive count of layers, and you're being trollish about, what, exactly?

>> No.12939115

>measure butter with a scale
literally no one does this, not even french bakers.

>> No.12939434

Get gud feget

>> No.12939461

>the direction from which you cut or scrape your butter is directly proportional to the amount of butter you take
Are you always this stupid?

>> No.12939467

Why do you think you can only cut off a full tablespoon at a time? You can slice your butter as thinly or thickly as you like.
>europoors in charge of understanding anything

>> No.12939472



>> No.12939878

>the stick
Proof that it is always Americans who start these threads.

>> No.12939920

I once saw some Amerilard load up checkout with just wrappers and shit of stuff he ate scooting around the place when I was on holiday in Florida and it was truly disgusting

>> No.12939933

less surface area for the rice to get stuck on, the chopstick lumps it without sticking too much unlike a spoon where you have to cunnilingus it every time to get out the rice residues.

>> No.12939991

Well I once saw a woman who shart her pants at a krogers but I was paranoid about snapping the pic of her shitstain due to the lawsuit culture here in thd land of corporate pillaging.

>> No.12941044

Are you suggesting that chopsticks are more efficient respect to knives?
You weab are hopeless

>> No.12941055

>mfw an american falseflags as some other culture without knowing that we don't have "sticks" of butter in our countries
It is to laugh.

>> No.12941091

I learned to scrape it from my dad who hails from ‘Stralia. Truly a based way of getting butter for bread.

>> No.12941103

we cut off worse things than that