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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12935228 No.12935228 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good macaroni and cheese recipe?

>> No.12935272

The trick is to use a blend of processed cheese and real stuff. A roux-vased sauce will always become grainy and floury. Just add some freshly grated cheese to some Cheez Whiz, Velveeta, or other similar product and toss some pasta in it.

>> No.12935285
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This recipe from Terry Crews seems pretty good. I've never tried it, though. It's a lot different than the usual recipes.

>> No.12935288
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I forgot the link

>> No.12935291
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What are some foods about angry leftists who undermine freedom?

>> No.12935301

>bring pot of water to a boil
>open box
>dumb pasta into boiling water
>boil until pasta is cooked and has correct texture
>drain water
>open sauce packet
>dump into cooked pasta
>add milk
>add butter
>stir until pasta is evenly coated

>> No.12935319

Alton Browns recipe is great.

>> No.12935347

just get a box of velveeta shells and cheese nigger

>> No.12935424

What was TJ's recipe?

>> No.12935461

Soy. Lots of soy and feromones

>> No.12935784

bread crumbs.
how hard can it be?

>> No.12936076

Cook and drain some macaroni then pour into an oven proof dish. Fry some onion, garlic and bacon and stir into the macaroni. Then you make a cheese sauce, pour over the macaroni and give it a little stir. Then top with grated cheese and breadcrumbs and bake for 20 minutes.

>> No.12936102

pretty good recipe.

>> No.12936202

Those cheerleaders should sue the school and government to punishing them for using their right of free speech.