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12933647 No.12933647 [Reply] [Original]

Why do obese ketofags get so upset when you mention that beef causes cancer?

>> No.12933651

I don't know, why do fat fuck carb-brains get so upset when you point out that carbs are literal poison?

>> No.12933654

Is it actually st4bige himself posting about how vegetables are poisonous, or just somebody LARPing?

>> No.12933710

who cares

>> No.12933739

>tfw not retarded and recognized that both extreme dieting is retarded and carbs make you fat early on
>eat whatever and trim down on carbs whenever I gain fat
>don’t do retarded stuff like eat the last bits of burrito that are all tortilla and throw away pizza crusts
Life is so easy if you fail at staying in good shape your definitely low IQ

>> No.12933768

Name a food that doesn't cause cancer. You are now aware that every grain and vegetable in the US is sprayed with glyphosate.

>> No.12933773

Because no one is ever able to tell me by what mechanism red meat supposey causes cancer.

>> No.12933808

It just does. Stop eating it bro!

>> No.12933812

grilling red meats forms carcinogenic compounds like heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, also heme iron promotes colorectal tumorigenesis that forms carcinogenic n-nitroso compounds

>> No.12933838

quantity and quality. Fried potatoes are way worse of a carcinogen than beef ever will be.

>> No.12933841

what about fried beef?

>> No.12933846

t.ass blasted ketofag

>> No.12933850

So don't pyrolize your meat on the grill like some dumb boomer.

>> No.12933856

I don't know anything about fried beef, I do know that using most common oils for frying is bad and generally speaking heating food increases the odds it is carcinogenic. bbut you can just dose antioxidants and have it not matter.

>> No.12933859

So grilling food causes cancer. Okay.

>> No.12933867

red meat produces far more carcinogens from grilling than any other meat

>> No.12933872

>arsenic is poisonous

>so drinking water is bad, got it

Trumpanzee America

>> No.12933879

No they aren’t

>> No.12933904
File: 531 KB, 1483x1036, 1560554368005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude the fucking neanderthals that make these threads here and elsewhere don't understand basic shit hardly. Now that everyone from your boomer great grandpa to my 8 year old cousin are on the internet discussions are almost a total and complete waste of time. The amount of uneducated retardation that I see on this board daily is evidence of that. This thread, while being a troll shitpost, has legitimate people in it arguing and talking about stuff that they barely understand. People here probably don't even understand the basics about cancer how it forms or how your immune system functions, nor do they understand why cancer is so rampant now compared to historical times. There are cultures that have used food X as their staple to survive for generations without cancer, but now on the internet there are like seven studies about how food X is cancerous in specific ways. As I said this thread is a troll shitpost. If you don't understand how to eat and how to live, if you are still arguing about keto and red meat and the fact that soy beans feminize you then you're lost, you're just broken. And with the censorship of the internet, most of the old non big pharma big food resources are being snuffed out.

Yes they are, google search it for two seconds retarded mongoloid

>> No.12933906

Yeah, that's why the countries with the longest life expectancies eat so few carbs, right?

>> No.12933928

Google how to how grow a brain you autistic fuck

>> No.12933955

You didn't say anything. I visit libraries and request research journals from universities that have not been scanned yet mutt shithead, morons like you can use google and find surface level shit that makes you happy, so do that

>> No.12933967

How do you ask for research journals? Just started going to local library last month

>> No.12933974

No they aren't. There are only a few like hfcs corn and soybeans that have been gmo'd to tolerate glyphosate.

>> No.12933997

At my library I have a database I can scan for my state, it seemed weird to me but your state probably has that too, I'm in Michigan. For me, the first time i went I went with a list of books I wanted to look over with authors and dates. The lady searched them in the database and only found two, one was some article written by a scientist in a sort of monthly magazine, and it only had what I had already read online. The other was a large science journal that there was only one copy of, and I would have to drive to the university of michigan to read it, since it was special or something. After that she set everything up with me and I can just browse authors/doctors, request the ones you want, then it says when they will be sent to your library, then you pick it up like any other book.

>> No.12934036

>throw away pizza crust

>> No.12934050


>> No.12934172

Breathing now causes cancer.
Drinking water causes cancer.
Eating a fucking brocolli causes cancer.
The planet is poisoned beyond repair, I'll eat whatever the fuck I want until I get cancer, and if it gets too bad I can always have a great last feast and then put a bullet in my head.
Now stop making these stupid fucking threads, you malnourished imbecile.

>> No.12934194

so then vegetables can also cause cancer, looks like those mexican corn sticks are off the menu lads.

>> No.12934200

this anon said what i was going to say

>> No.12934203

You think if anyone cared about getting cancer they'd be posting on this website after 2016?

>> No.12934218

food bad

>> No.12934237

Okay then, consume some plutonium and then tell me how that compares to breathing

>> No.12934239

Do you not understand what relative risk is and the concentrations of these compounds are? No? Not like you care since you laughably are trying to justify the carcinogens in meat

>> No.12934245
File: 93 KB, 1200x1068, 1543616385867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, a hyperbole!
I'm glad you used that against me. Certainly now I'll see how eating red meat will immediately turn me into pic related!

>> No.12934260

Everything causes cancer if you are predisposed to get cancer, so why worry.

>> No.12934447

What movie that is?

>> No.12934449

>dont grill meat
boiling it is then

>> No.12934460

>throw away pizza crusts
disrespectful and wasteful

>> No.12934464

It's a tv show, Chernobyl.
It's a tv show about the Chernobyl incident.

>> No.12934470

>You are now aware that every grain and vegetable in the US is sprayed with glyphosate.
At worst, the anti-cancer aspects of those foods outweigh the potential cancer-risk of glyphosphate. They are anti-cancer foods. Beef has no redeeming quality when it comes to cancer.

>> No.12934510
File: 463 KB, 911x805, ketosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skinniest people in the world eat the most carbs, least fat
>fattest people in the world eat the most fat, least carbs
>only reason keto even causes weight loss is because it makes you sick so you lose your appetite

>> No.12934514

Homocyclic animes

>> No.12934518

See the thing is everything causes cancer. Cooking your food causes cancer, breathing causes cancer, most available water contains chemicals causing cancer, sitting in sunlight causes cancer, not getting enough sunlight causes cancer, walking barefoot causes cancer, and so on and so forth. The list of cancer causing things is so long that saying something causes cancer is meaningless. This is even more true because cancer causing chemicals are measured in how sure it really does increase your likelihood, not how much it increases it.

>> No.12934542

This post gave me cancer.

>> No.12934553

I just find it funny that nobody ever says this about other easily avoidable cancer-causing things like tobacco, but when it comes to meat, they go "come on, everything causes cancer, don't worry about it, nothing really matters"

>> No.12934586

Because it doesn't

>> No.12934596

Yeah thanks for your scripted NPC drivel it was already posted and surmisely shat on as braindead nigger shit

>> No.12934601


Your words exactly, dumbass. Now go drink Chernobyl water you stupid nigger, its just like breathing air its cancer xD

>> No.12934616

I don't give a fuck about people smoking tobacco. I only care if they smoke next to me because I don't like the smell.

Meat's cancer causing effects, particularly red meat. It was 2014 when the IARC evaluated red meat. It received a Class 4, meaning they are pretty sure they are correct in it increasing cancer.

However it has only ever been shown to increase the likelihood of a few cancers (gut, colon, throat, stomach) by a small amount with extremely high red meat consumption. So really do your fucking research before you turn into a retard. Your cancer risk is being increased more by literally living at sea level and I don't see people moving to the mountains.

>> No.12934632

Yeah none of what you said matters you stupid fucking nigger. Breathing isn’t the same hazard ratio as red meat when it comes to cancer

>> No.12934638

Yes it is. Living at high altitude actually reduces your likelihood of cancer proportionally more than eating high amounts of red meat increases it. Having higher oxygen partial pressure in the air is a high cancer risk that has been proven at the same certainty factor as red meat. So if you move to Denver you have done more to effect your cancer chances than eating a steak for every meal would.

>> No.12934639

The IARC studies didnt isolate the cause of cancer to red meat.

>> No.12934664

Funny bc even when you ingest zero carbs your body goes to great lengths to create glucose and keep your blood glucose up. Some “poison” that is

>> No.12934665

They did, and separately to processed meat.

>> No.12934669

Certainty factor, not relative or absolute risk, or any hazard ratio you braindead fucking retard

>> No.12934671

Funny because no one is ever able to tell me by what mechanism fructose causes diabetes

>> No.12934694
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The most well understood is the form of iron in red meat (pic)

Another contributor is a molecule called neu5gc


>> No.12934697

That's just not true. There was no control over the experiments because there were no experiments. The epidemiological studies they used made no distinction between people in the mcdonalds diet and people on Mediterranean diets. Further they relied on 'self reported' diet history which is demonstrably unreliable for overweight people.

To wrap it all up, the 'increased cancer risks' are smaller than the margins of error associated with the statistical analysis.

To give you perspective, unprocessed red meat supposedly increases your cancer risk by 6%, while cigarettes increase your risk by 3000%

>> No.12934701

Whoa now you’re saying I can’t smoke either

>> No.12934702

Next you'll tell me UV light isn't bad for you because your body uses it to synthesize vitamin d

>> No.12934718

If you read the report, the strongest evidence they found was from the mechanistic data involving direct experimentation to determine carcinogenicity. The epidemiology, by contrast, was considered slightly inconsistent, which is why red meat isn't in the same class as processed meat.

>> No.12934723

Epidemelogical study by design will isolate habitual behaviors

>self reported' diet history which is demonstrably unreliable for overweight people.
Self reported diets are demonstrably accurate. Making shit up entirely

>> No.12934733

>To give you perspective, unprocessed red meat supposedly increases your cancer risk by 6%, while cigarettes increase your risk by 3000%
It's 17% per 3-ounce serving per day for a common cancer affected by other factors in a society where terrible diets are a norm, against a pack-a-day habit of a cancer that pretty much only comes from smoking, where the only alternative to smoking is not smoking.

>> No.12934736

>not eating the burrito in a way that never leaves you with only tortilla
>not eating the crust as you eat the toppings part
>throwing away crust when you've already eaten 95% of it
you are a max retard

>> No.12934737

The increase to your risk of cancer from red meat is so small that it's negligible, smaller than many other daily habits people have that they could stop to lower their risk. Alcohol raises your risk of cancer much more and no one is telling me we need to eradicate all booze.

>> No.12934739

>In the case of red meat, the classification is based on limited evidence from epidemiological studies showing positive associations between eating red meat and developing colorectal cancer as well as strong mechanistic evidence.
>strong mechanistic evidence

>> No.12934744

Yeah 20% is negligible

>> No.12934750

>people don't say alcohol is unhealthy!
They do, and that's all they're saying about red meat too. It's up to the individual whether they want to keep eating it, or eating the same amount of it, but stop trying to deny the fact that it's a cancer risk

>> No.12934760

Wtf my risk for cancer went from 1/8000 to 1/7000

>> No.12934766

1 in 23 people develop colorectal cancer

>> No.12934767

That sounds awesome.

>> No.12934771

And more than half develop heart disease, another thing that red meat is famous for causing

>> No.12934773


sounds like everything I want in my body

>> No.12934774

You're projecting your dishonesty and ignorance onto me

>> No.12934776

I'm not denying the fact that isn't a cancer risk. I'm saying the increase is negligable.

17%, not 20%. Even so a 17% increase doesn't mean you have a 17% chance. You're going from (less than, just pulling this number to show what I mean) 5% to 5.85%. People look at an increase like that an panic, but when your chance of getting the disease is going from tiny percentages to still tiny percentages who cares?

I'm going to keep eating red meat because cancer is on its way out in terms of health risk. The strives in cancer treatment even in the last 10 years are astounding. Taking a small increase to my chance at a few cancers in exchange for a pleasurable meal option is definitely worth it, especially since by the time I am old enough for cancer to be a real worry it'll be far more treatable.

>> No.12934780

No youre just deflecting yours onto me

>> No.12934781

That's a 4.3% chance. If the increase is off that as a baseline then you're going from 4.3% to 5.0%, or a .7% increased risk.

>> No.12934801

For every 3-ounce serving. On an individual level, that's a bad deal, and on a population level that's a lot of cancer cases

>> No.12934804

I dont think you understand what negligible even means. .85% percent from a single minimal serving a week is an enormous impact on your body. This isn’t even considering all other risk factors. People care because they don’t want cancer and don’t want retards like yourself trying to editorialize 5-5.85 increase. Especially considering the average person eats about five times the servings of the amount that increases the risk nearly 20%

>> No.12934817

Yeah I’m ok with that increased risk. When I weigh the two options, low my risk by a fraction of a percent vs eating red meat I definitely choose eating red meat every time.

Eh, when I do the math for myself I really don’t see the increased risk as being big enough to justify not enjoying red meat. As I said, a .85% increase in an individual level is negligible, especially considering how cancer is becoming easier and easier to treat if I roll the dice and they come up poorly.

>> No.12934837

Yeah that’s because you’re retarded and still don’t know what negligible means.

This isn’t .85 from stuffing your gross face with meat each week, its per a fairly small serving. But by all means, boost yourself to a 1–10 chance to natch a terminal illness from 1 factor alone

>> No.12934838

Uhh yeah, that shows some UV light is good for you

>> No.12934845

This. I don't know why the discussion about red meat always revolves around cancer. It's much more likely to give you heart disease, cancer's just a secondary risk.

>> No.12934847

Imagine having to go on a highly restrictive, expensive diet because you're a pos without self control and incapable of eating smaller portions. Then there are people convinced piece of bacon is better for them than tomato and fruits are the devil causing obesity.

Some guy I used to watched on youtube aged himself 10 years in six months of keto. Man was already fit af and didn't need to get rid of the little fat he had. All the talking about healthy lifestyle and he jumped from late 20s straight into middle age with a sunken, grey face.

>> No.12934854

Pics? Keto really fucks you up

>> No.12934860
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We're not upset, what you see are fits of laughing at your vegan teeth.

>> No.12934864

omg source

>> No.12934895
File: 612 KB, 1280x800, 1564871461692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The "Raw Runner" on Jewtube.

Like all Malnourishment diet vegans with horrible teeth, he has a million reasons why his teeth are a rotten mess, and it had nothing to do with his vegan diet lol.


Even young vegans teeth are scary.

>> No.12934896

Show me evidence that it will increase my risk to 1 in 10. If you can I might reconsider the mental arithmetic for whether to continue to eat steak every other day. If not then meh, I’m ok with increased risk factor. It would have to be an increased risk of more than 200% to push it to 1 in 10. Even then 1 in 10 isn’t bad considering how easy cancer is getting to treat, especially the cancers that red meat supposedly causes.

>> No.12934912
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Carnist samefag. Pic is him.

>> No.12934924
File: 253 KB, 1078x600, 1558210098039-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat doesn't cause any cancer whatsoever, the infinitesimally small so-called increased risk vegans say it has, is a mere factor of confounding factors and healthy user bias.

Vegan "science" is a pure joke, it's not science it's vegan marketing conducted and published by vegans, vegetarians and Seventh day Adventist cultists..

Just look at the gaunt emaciated vegan doctors themselves, don't pay attention to the propaganda.

>> No.12934930
File: 54 KB, 834x490, 1564873336481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that vegan pioneer Arnold Kaufman in his younger days? Arnold's not looking so good lately. Looks like he had one kale smoothie too many..

>> No.12934978
File: 108 KB, 400x400, 69273E1D-FAB0-4E3C-86B5-3B340106EEAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ho ly shit

>> No.12934984

Every 3 oz serving a week increases your risk nearly 20% as you admitted, the average person eats way way more than that

1–10 odds is absolutely horrible for a terminal illness, you’re very unintelligent and unaware of oncology, cancer treatment is varied by each particular cancer and strides in treatment and slowing progression do not make it some common cold shit you’re making it out to be

>> No.12934985

The common cold is unironically harder to treat than most cancers.

>> No.12934990

Find me how high the increase is for higher consumption friendo. You can't extrapolate higher consumption is higher risk, the risk can level out or have diminishing returns on risk. If you show me further evidence than as I said I'll consider it. Until then I'm gonna keep eating meat.

>1–10 odds is absolutely horrible for a terminal illness
Good then I'm not 10 people.

>> No.12934994

Cool, now give yourself the cold and we’ll compare treatment and pathology with the pancreatic cancer you give yourself. Enjoy!!

>> No.12935003

The exact study you’re touting as showing having miniscule risk literally equates higher consumption with higher risk

>> No.12935020

Link it? How much higher does it say the risk is? Because I'm not denying higher risk I am saying I doubt it is a 1 to 1 meat to percentage risk.

>> No.12935024
File: 592 KB, 960x1279, 1561817159389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>promoting ((((vegan science)))

Wow wow so career vegans, whose entire career and advocacy is 100% pro-vegan, these people have said meat is unhealthy!!! That's proof enough for me!!

>> No.12935037

>beef is the only meat that exists
nice strawman retard

>> No.12935045

not eating meat causes cancer also

checkmate faggot

>> No.12935057
File: 280 KB, 1024x768, 1566444799166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Veganism is so healthy...

>> No.12935070

With how CRISPR is going they'll have cancer cured by the time I'm at the most risk so im gonna just continue with life.

>> No.12935110

It’s literally in the report you’re citing, or are you actually just bullshitting about everything and didn’t read it?