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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1080, based Ragusea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12932405 No.12932405 [Reply] [Original]

Dare I say it.....based! Based! Based! FUCKING BASED! Our fucking man Ragusea has released Kino yet again!!!


>> No.12932449
File: 1.05 MB, 250x180, omg_cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have to admit, that was the best segue into a sponsor advertisement I've ever seen

>> No.12932461

Fuck off with this blatant e-celeb shilling already.

>> No.12932464

Truly a "Soy Chad"!

>> No.12932470

I don't mind people talking about food-related celebrities but this thread is obvious advertising for some literal who.

>> No.12932483

I want Adam to fill me with his semen

>> No.12932486

>literal who
and you're a tourist to this board
if you weren't you would know who this was

>> No.12932520

I know who he is. But compared to Emmy, Jack, or anyone from BA he is a literal who.

>> No.12932528

Totally disagree, she's not posted here nearly as much as ragusea is

>> No.12932542

She used to be. Ragposting is a somewhat newer phenomenon on /ck/.

>> No.12932545

based adam making the anti-sjws seethe

>> No.12932568

>Utter state of the shill
Bastard with a food science degree could be out there saving the planet, but he makes more money making videos for people who don't cook.

>> No.12932611

It's more likely you're an oldfag if you have no idea who this is. He's been posting daily shill threads for less than 2 months now.
BA has been posting daily shill threads for less than 2 years.

In both cases it came literally out of nowhere, was never discussed previously, and was then posted every single day like clockwork. Hiroshimoot sold us out to zoomer e-celeb shit.

>> No.12932700
File: 53 KB, 651x737, 1566582259209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually was more like
>Ragusea starts posting cooking related vids
>YouTube users like his videos and he gains small popularity on there
>because of this /ck/ users notice him and start posting about him on /ck/
>by this point his popularity is increasing exponentially on YouTube because his videos are extraordinarily well produced
>shitposters realize this
>shitposters start """shilling""" Ragusea because it's a well established fact that /ck/ hates popular cooking channels and will react violently to this
>Ragusea's popularity continues to increase and shitposters start """shilling""" him every time he uploads a video because they know it will illicit a volatile reaction from the over opinionated contrarian NPCs of /ck/
And here we are!

>> No.12932754

Why I poz my dick NOT the bottom

>> No.12933315

Fuck off tranny

>> No.12933594

Im actually amazed all the basement dwellers on 4chan can analyze people's intent and emotions better than any leddit fags who are limited to the vague concept of "hate."

>> No.12933631

I've been here for 11 years and I have no idea who this is because I don't follow e celebs like a faggot

>> No.12933644

Go to some other website you shitposting jerk

>> No.12934698

Go back tourist

>> No.12934716

Don't you have a casket to fill, tranny?

>> No.12934727

And they try to say they’re the oldfags even though they’re afraid to say nigger

>> No.12934730

That is not the face of a man you can trust for advice on shaving.

>> No.12934764


>> No.12934884

Ragusea seems like the type of guy you think is cool for the first five minutes you meet him, but the longer you're around, the more weird ticks you pick up on.

>> No.12935964

you're describing yourself

>> No.12936550

Why is he so close to the camera?

>> No.12936561

He raises me up

>> No.12937618
File: 43 KB, 600x562, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12937620

This guy messes up my Kinsey rating. I don't understand why and it's pissing me off.

>> No.12937639

I fucking love these threads. Adam, if you’re posting this shit, keep it up

>> No.12937648

This guy practices mannerisms that even an autistic person can emulate to come across as marginally charismatic. Somebody has definitely taught him these tricks. I advise most people on this board to pay attention. It will improve your life.

>> No.12937650
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x720, AU ragusea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm not Adam.

>> No.12937665

Post shoe on head, NotAdam.

>> No.12937678

I find it funny how every "Soy" person are white men with multiple white children.

>> No.12937690

Based. We know it’s you Adam

>> No.12937805

>vodka in tomatosauce

Still in awe of this retard.

>> No.12937809

>he doesn’t know what vodka sauce is
fuck off retard

>> No.12937854


Fucking retard

>> No.12937877

>obvious advertising
>based! Based! Based! FUCKING BASED
Yep, this is totally advertising and not a shitpost.