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File: 38 KB, 705x397, an-ode-to-the-chip-butty_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12930977 No.12930977 [Reply] [Original]

So this is the power of english cuisine.....amazing

>> No.12931019

Gotta try it to deny it.

>> No.12931024

No we don’t.

>> No.12931032

The only people who don't like it are people who haven't tasted it. What a coincidence.

>> No.12931042

I don’t need to taste French fries with ketchup on white bread to know it’s a waste of bread and potatoes. Ketchup can be squirted right into the trash and I would hardly consider it a waste. It’s for burgers, nothing else.

>> No.12931048

Obviously you do, because you're wrong.

>> No.12931053


i don't see the problem. also i don't put ketchup in a chip butty that's fucking minging

>> No.12931070

thick bread, hot chips and lots of cold butter
mmmmm yummy
cant go wrong

>> No.12931075

Holdup man. You’re saying you make French fries, and then put butter on them? And you have the gall to make fun of Amerifats??

>> No.12931077


Your parents lived in a thatch roofed hovel and worked in a Tin mine. That's the only reason to eat carb on carb on carb on carb on carb.

>> No.12931087

Add roast chicken to butty (alternatively roast potatoes to chicken sandwich). It's sleeper OP.

>> No.12931088


You know those tin mines in the north? Poverty country.. I know you're long suffering people but don't eat this shit. Kill something in the ocean and eat it first.

>> No.12931090

they're called chips RETARD
and yes almost all English sandwiches have butter on them

no one is singing the chip butty's praises for its health benefits

>> No.12931107
File: 43 KB, 500x500, forme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its Watties southern style potato roasters

>> No.12931113

You butter your oily chips, eurolard.

>> No.12931120

when sandwiching them, and its delicious

>> No.12931126


Chips are fat fries. You english can't build a device to cut a fine potato. Chips are because you either cut fries by hand or jam it through an iron blacksmith created fuck up of a jig.

>> No.12931127

i fail to see why eating carb on carb is worse than eating twice the amount of a single carb like americans do.

>> No.12931133

Another reason is because it tastes good. That's also why people eat sweets. For the taste, not the nutrition.

>> No.12931142

English food is the best in the world, unironically. Most people are just doing it wrong. Including restaurants.

>> No.12931153

I like tuna and strawberry milkshakes but that doesn’t mean I want them mixed together.

>> No.12931173

I’m not arguing that what Americans do is right. I’m Canadian and we’re no better. Quebec acts like it’s culinary central of Canada for putting cheese curds and gravy on fries. If all you have is a few potatoes and you want to stretch it further, then sure. I put things in bread all the time when I was young and needed to stretch the food. That still doesn’t justify it being something commonly eaten. Make a real fucking sandwich.

>> No.12931177

You want them to be fat.

>> No.12931181


You will when your blood insulin can't keep up with your sugar levels. That's how you get diabetes.

>> No.12931187


If the cheese(protein) has gravy(beef protein) isn't entirely a simple carb then you don't lose a foot to diabetes.

>> No.12931189

Mixing a variety of carbohydrate sources is more nutritious than focusing on a single carbohydrate source. Different enzymes combine to provide complete protein.

>> No.12931194


They're called complex carbohydrates and they don't exist in bread or potato.

>> No.12931200

i'm just saying the nutritional argument against is dumb if you approve of eating a large portion of chips on its own. because this is a tiny portion of chips between two pieces of bread. it's like a 6-800 calorie meal of stodge. not like those aren't common in every culture

>> No.12931208


So it's just generally gross then. I agree. You have to be suffering in Manchester after being fired from the plant to enjoy this. It's just gross. Have a mayonnaise sandwich instead, at least there's fat there.

>> No.12931221


I always pictured a Dickensian Hobo living on the streets of London who went to a dumpster and found chips, ketchup and some bread.

>> No.12931225

White potatoes contain 3.63 grams of protein per cup. White bread contains 1.9 grams of protein per slice. Not complete protein.

>> No.12931228

>getting angry about something based on how you imagine it would taste
This is the power of America. Astounding.

>> No.12931234

Watch your mouth in the presence of the mighty chip butty, mate.

>> No.12931240

You put butter on the bread, you fucking mong.

>> No.12931247

The most bizarre part of this is that English people actually defend it. Even the stupidest of Americans would never defend the common Section 8 food gore black people food, so it baffles me that Brits would defend this.

>> No.12931257
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Ah yes the ever elusive taste of literally the most common starches

>> No.12931263

>butter as a condiment
I loved that shit as a kid, before I developed a taste for mustard/mayo. I'll have to give it a try as an adult.

>> No.12931268


The english come from a profoundly poor culture. They were Americans before Americans discovered exploitation, so their food is poverty built on poverty built on starvation poverty.

>> No.12931269

the last time i had one was on a cycle trip in brittany, they brought out bread with the moules frites and i slowly assembled four butties while the mussels cooled and the clientele and staff looked on in horror, then i dipped the butties into the cooking liquor and consumed them and left most of the mussels. rule fucking britannia

>> No.12931290


Well that's depressing, but if internationals want to learn about normal UK diet, watch Poldark. That show understood the crippling poverty that created English cuisine.

>> No.12931299

Terrible. Just terrible.

America has a French fry sandwich but you almost never see it outside of New Orleans. It’s fries on French bread with roast beef gravy, lettuce, tomatoes, and mayo. Sometimes you’ll see pickles.

>> No.12931303 [DELETED] 

Looks like their teeth lmao

>> No.12931310

you have loads of french fry sandwiches. you put french fries in burritos for the gram.
it's hardly just the UK. it's most of the north hemisphere christian world for most of history.

>> No.12931338
File: 192 KB, 908x666, 1567978927503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im canadian but i remember my scottish nan making me chip butties as a kid. chips, soft buttered brown bread

was really good desu

and i got a wack in the back of the head if i called them fries

>> No.12931349

Are chip butties just eaten pre- or post footy? Or is it a drunken snack? I've seen pics of a toast sandwich but that must be a meme.

>> No.12931353

> gravy
> lettuce
> together

This is why the whole world laughs at you people.

>> No.12931355

>it's hardly just the UK. it's most of the north hemisphere christian world for most of history.

Name me a Commonwealth that makes chip butties. That's your home court.

>> No.12931357

Normally you have some chips left over after your fish and chips and you decide to make a sandwich with them. I've never made or purchased chips for the express purpose of creating a butty.

>> No.12931365

new zealand and australia

>> No.12931371

English people are shit tier really, they make Americans look good.

>> No.12931382

toast sandwich was a barely known victorian recipe that got dredged up by heston blumenthal because he's into historical cooking. chip butties you just get from a chip shop, it's usually kids or manual labourers who eat it

>> No.12931389
File: 34 KB, 540x387, E0E3877E-7C78-4F0A-BB05-E1B7FB56719D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The legendary work of a true Englishman. Fuck the frogs and all their proxies.

>> No.12931412


You guys eat that shit? I thought Canada was only cursed with Donaires. Jesus christ, you poor left driving bastards.

>> No.12931432

australia is more english than england. never heard of a pie floater? and have you seen their politics?

>> No.12931435

This. Traditionally, at a proper chippie, you get a shitload of chips and you can buy extra slices of buttered bread either for the fish or chips or the chips.

You can make it at home, too, but it wouldn’t usually be considered a meal on its own unless you had a craving for it.

>> No.12931439


I've seen they're creating coal mines like it's the 1800s. Other than that I thought they were civilized.

>> No.12931459


See.. Now this makes sense. I want your UK asshole cod fries. God I want it like I might actually hurt someone to get a fish and chips. We used to have good fish and chips here 25 years ago and it closed. and so did everywhere else.

>> No.12931467

I'd eat it. I wouldn't pay very much for it, but I'd eat it. Honestly if that "sandwich" cost more than $1.00 I'd be outraged.

>> No.12931470

>We used to have good fish and chips here 25 years ago and it closed.
the same is true for much of the UK unfortunately.

>> No.12931523
File: 74 KB, 640x304, 816A4C2C-67B7-49F1-9B22-D4A1962BE655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best fish and chips in all the world is to be found at the Harbour Fish Bar in Amble in Northumberland. I live in London and I’ve actually made the five hour drive before just to go get some. The best. Right on the harbour so you can eat it at the picnic tables on the green looking over the harbour while the ships come in. Every bit of cod cooked fresh. The best I’ve ever tasted. True northern English fare.

Pic related shows how you can ask for some of the batter bits, too. They won’t charge but these also traditionally you can put in your chip butty as well. When we leave the EU, we can go back to wrapping them properly in newspaper as well. That’s absolutely pukka.

>> No.12931549


That would cost me thousands of dollars to get that, but it's on my damned list of things. The harbour sounds like a site too.

>> No.12931599
File: 70 KB, 900x526, 1C273A0E-7784-4254-83D5-FA1A495A96BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, definitely put it on a list. That whole north eastern coastline is vastly unappreciated and very beautiful anyway so it’ll be worth your time. Northumberland is also historically border country so it has the highest concentration of intact castles and other fortress shit in the U.K. too.

Pic related at Bamburgh often turns up in films and it’s literally a half hour drive from Amble. Really great day out. Magnificent beach. One at Amble, too.

>> No.12931614


OMG, I fucking love the UK. When I was a kid I hated it, and I've spent so much time from then on loving it. That's amazing.

>> No.12931618

Blumenthal digging up old British records of cookery is rather interesting. Maybe it's a gimmick, but the history of food is fascinating.

>> No.12931652
File: 46 KB, 600x600, ADDC6F63-456B-4248-BE7E-7F3727BB63FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good stuff. Come visit!!

One other thing about the north east, by the way, and this area are kippers. I think it’s.. mackerel? I dunno. Anyway, my grandmother is from this region and there’s a town called Craster just up the way on this coast that has the best kippers in the country. All this fish is from the North Sea and these catches are still landed in a lot of these harbours so it’s fresh, fresh, fresh.

So, when you go, you don’t only want fish and chips (usually Cod), you want to eat kippers, too. Traditionally across the U.K., kippers are had with breakfast, usually scrambled or poached egg. Up on this coast, though, you’re also supposed to have them just with buttered bread - usually brown bread. Same rule as a chip butty: fish must be warm and it slightly melts the butter. Very, very traditional on this coast. So, if you come here, you must see Northumberland (it’s also historically big Viking country), and you must have cod and chips, and a kipper butty :)

>> No.12931704
File: 42 KB, 300x450, D7F7C64D-2DDF-47A2-B23F-9D0D0CD2DF6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then just in relation to this >>12931618, here is my nan’s method for cooking kippers. You want history? This method goes back to the Vikings. As an aside, also on this coast is Lindisfarne which is an island you can only reach by walking or driving at low tide. That’s the island where the raid was in 640AD or whatever that began the Viking age. And they were eating smoked kippers as long ago as then, too.

Anyway, on to my nan’s method. This is called ‘jugging’. The kippers themselves are smoked already so don’t need heavy cooking times.


Ok, so get a jug. Must be long enough to immerse a whole kipper. Pour in milk to roughly one fifth from the bottom. Then add a splash of vinegar. Then pour boiling water right to the top, and quickly dunk your kipper in. Leave like that for three to four minutes. Remove kipper, and serve immediately with well buttered brown bread and a wedge of lemon if you like.

There you go. That’s a true English dish that’s been made this EXACT way for over a 1,000 years.

>> No.12932296

Fries or chips or whatever the fuck you want to call them are not a meal. You should be eating sweet potato that isn’t drenched in cooking oil if all you’re having is potato.

>> No.12932896

>ketchup in a chip butty is minging

>> No.12933069

Potato is a complex carbohydrate you dipshit.

>> No.12933070

Wait a second. Did the brits accidentally create a parallel form of poutine, but in sandwich form?

>> No.12933078
File: 60 KB, 600x396, 14-06-toastsandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the toast sandwich

"A toast sandwich is a sandwich made with two thick slices of bread in which the filling is a thin slice of toasted bread, which can be heavily buttered."

>> No.12933084

and the deep fried mars bar was scottish.

>> No.12933133

No one cares

>> No.12933147

based as fuck

>> No.12933155

>Have a mayonnaise sandwich

chip sandwiches just taste good nigga
get over it

>> No.12933175

>carb on carb on carb on carb on carb
Why does this trigger people so much? Is there some old food myth about it giving you heart disease or something?

>> No.12933178

Would like to make it, what kind of bread is best for it?

>> No.12933191

Good white loaf, you want a crust on it but it still needs to be soft enough to soak up the melted butter. Use plenty of butter.

>> No.12933196

Ok, I am gonna bake my own white sandwich loaf.
So that’s it? Just chips, bread and butter? Should I make some fish to eat with it?

>> No.12933208

That's it, maybe a bit of ketchup if you like. Home made loaf is ideal. Sure, have some meat or fish with it if it's going to be your main meal.

>> No.12933218

I never had it so I don’t really know if this is supposed to be snack or main. I don’t have issues with carbs as I am not on keto or some other shit. I think it will be good with pan fried fish or maybe chicken.

>> No.12933228

It's up to you really, one on its own fills me up, but I sit on my arse all day. For someone that earns their living doing actual work they're obviously going to eat more.

>> No.12933234

I eat a lot and I have to track my macros so I think one of those and maybe some protein is gonna be fine as my post-workout meal.

>> No.12933292
File: 85 KB, 640x640, 35E92993-AECE-4017-9D70-4F7EAEE8529C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it has to be Rustlers

>> No.12933633
File: 12 KB, 300x180, 35668267-63AA-4488-B907-D4BE1121E0DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can also make a fish finger butty. They’re in the same family of butties basically. Also, you could season your chips slightly with some salt and vinegar as that’s what you’d usually have in a chippie. I wouldn’t put ketchup on it until you’ve tried it first. The actual better condiment is brown sauce (preferably HP).

But if you can get fish fingers where high are, that’s also a very big traditional British variation of this. Same rules - crusty, soft white, well-buttered bread. There’s no limit to what you can add (mayo, salad, dill, whatever) but if you want either butties at their most authentic then you need to start with it at its simplest. You can get very fancy versions of either, too. A lot of the high end New English restaurants in London do very over the top expensive versions of all this kind of thing.

>> No.12933635

>well we's right snoggered now mum

>> No.12933640
File: 43 KB, 640x360, A9F7DA52-A448-4084-973E-134F0B5D1F4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then the third variation of this is the Crisp Butty. Or what Americans call ‘chips’ - the kind you buy in bags as a snake.

Any English kid will have had a crisp butty at some point in their lives. Any flavour of crisp is fine. I eat these alongside soup in winter. Again needs white, well buttered bread, nothing else.

>> No.12933669

That sounds gross. But chips on a sandwich with meat is god tier.

>> No.12933672

Oh no, no. Crisp butties are goat tier. Salt and vinegar especially.

>> No.12933673

I'm no bong and I literally did this as a kid decades ago, I thought it was funny to have a "french fry sandwich"

>> No.12933674

All this talk of butties makes me want one now. I think I’ll order in all the stuff and cook one up for you lads to see the process later.

>> No.12933675

Redpill me on Spotted Dick

>> No.12933681

How about prawn cocktail?

>> No.12933704

Damn. Do they still make prawn cocktail crisps? Haven’t seen those in years.

>> No.12933751

That’s because you’re all fat assholes who can’t even afford to hire someone to touch your penises because of all the money you waste on shitty junk food.

>> No.12934214

Chip butty with scraps and curry sauce was a favourite at school. Having a chip shop right opposite of school is basically a license to print money.

>> No.12934300

If we were fat assholes we would care. It’s the reason you care. You’re trying to find something to blame other than your own weakness. The rest of us have lived our lives eating portions of chips every now and then with no ill effects, so why should we care?

>> No.12934661

>You must not eat French fries because you’re already fat
>only fat people make healthy diet choices
>I’m not fat you’re fat
You’re fucking retarded

>> No.12934672

Have ordered all the crap for this so stand by for a proper Englishman’s master class on these in a couple of hours.

>> No.12934676

Used to scarf these down while playing tf2 at uni. Not sure how my cholesterol is doing these days.

The odd weekend, I go through the embarrassment of buying one of these at the shop just to relive that time.

>> No.12934749
File: 344 KB, 1600x1068, Ynys Llanddwyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And you have the gall to make fun of Amerifats??
Yes, because we aren't fat. Shop I go to every night is a mile walk away, often go to the one 4 miles away for better cheese. Wednesday college takes 5 miles walking tops, and Thursday takes 3. If you lived on the coast in beautiful Gogledd Cymru, you'd be not fucking fat thanks to walking too.

>you can eat it at the picnic tables on the green looking over the harbour while the ships come in
Found the normie. First priority is find a safe spot from the seagulls, especially look after the little ones, breaks my heart every time around here I see the queens rats fly down to purloin snacks of the little ones.

>> No.12934782
File: 13 KB, 259x194, BB7A4350-04D8-409C-A41E-4C569631A348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goes to show how myopic and ill-informed your world view is. Amble is one of the traditional fishing communities devastated by EU membership and the CFP, but it’s still managed to fight off getting rid of it’s harbour, which is still imperative for small local fleets that fish for the tourist trade all along that coast. So, it’s not like some little theme park ‘harbour’, gazing over it and what it symbolises is about as truly English an experience as you can get.

The seagulls don’t bother you as they’re invariably preoccupied round the boats, and you should never feed them anyway.

>> No.12934866

>profoundly poor culture
>greatest empire in the history of the planet, literally shaped the culture of modern life to a degree mutts couldnt even imagine
So this is the power of american education

>> No.12935041

Wasn't Amble more a coal port?

>> No.12935043

It’s not a healthy diet choice to be unnecessarily fearful of eating a carb heavy meal. That’s an eating disorder. The fact that you have it means you’re probably fat or were fat at one point.

>> No.12935076

Wtf ya'onin about? I find seagulls like 15 miles inland. Also fuck Amble, your country is basically hilariously acting out the German Faustian story whom sold its soul to the devil and can't even control itself anymore. Rich complaining about being cucked by the EU to me though. Cofiwch Dryweryn, pen pidyn Saes.

>> No.12935236
File: 396 KB, 2048x1536, 44965076-6475-4EEA-A70B-564669A47426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever, taffy.

Both. That whole coast up to Berwick is basically all our North Sea herring reserves. Fucked now by the EU. There are a couple of massive Dutch floating factories that come up and just hoover it out the sea. Local smokeries at mainly Seahouses and Craster, though, buy exclusively from the small fleet still operating. Last time I was in Craster though, the local smokery owner told me they were relying on Scottish boats fishing for it off Norway (so basically last summer’s haul) because the CFP quota was already bought up by EU vessels. Really fucking dire. This is the number one reasons these areas voted Leave - watching this shit go on for decades.

On coal, though, yeah - this area is riddled with it. In fact, there’s a small beach near the caravan park to the east of Amble where you can just pick it up off the ground in massive chunks. Same along that whole coast up to Berwick. Related is, iirc, just north of Alnmouth and I saw the same thing there. Coal heads and deposits all along the beach. Not viable to dig, though. As an interesting aside, Northumberland has an abundance of beautiful country parks because they’ve filled in all the old open face mines and made lakes of them now, with replanted forest and meadow around them. Spectacular one up at Druridge Bay my dogs go apeshit for. I don’t think coal will ever come back here, but fishing definitely. They REALLY want their fishing back big time.

>> No.12935261

>muh garbs
Fuck off back to r/keto, faggot

>> No.12935275
File: 297 KB, 1100x734, 2E6D67A7-7B68-4D1B-87B3-D0BCCA62A4BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And aerial view of Druridge Bay country park. Used to be an open faced coal mine the local authority has now filled in and made a lake of. Fed by a local tributary of the Coquette. Park by the centre and you can either go lake (filled with fish, swans, other local birds, meadows and replanted forest), or cross the road to go beach which has to be one of the most spectacular in the country. You can also walk this whole coastline from basically here through Amble on to Alnmouth (another spectacular beach) and on to Seahouses (ditto) and Lindisfarne and even further to Scotland if you’ve got the time. Whole coastline has been set up as one long walk.

God’s own country. Home of England’s greatest.

>> No.12935628

The American version of this is a grilled cheese, with the cheese trapping the chips and holding them in place.

>> No.12937853

That fish looks precisely like the one the little Dutch fish cart at our local market sells and I'm pretty sure I make better chips myself.

>> No.12937883

Yeah. I’m sure it tastes exactly the same, too. Good for you, bud. Now you can just stay in your little suburb, next to your little mall, and enjoy your little life.

>> No.12937886

Sounds like a pulled pork sandwich with fried onions on top, only more crunchy.

>> No.12938193

Why do you keep implying I’m saying all kinds of shit I didn’t say. I’m not afraid of carbs. I have colitis. I survive on carbs. Doesn’t change the fact you eat worse than my 4 year old would if I let him have whatever the fuck he wants. I grew up being the only healthy sized person in a house full of fatasses. I have never needed to lose a pound in my life. You’re defending french fries on bread as if it’s not really that bad for you. This is why no one respects anglos. You’re all fucking retarded. If anglos are pure white, I would rather be a mutt anyday. Hell, better to be a nigger. At least they don’t pretend fried chicken isn’t junk food...

>> No.12938327

Dych chi ddim yn dysgu English?

>> No.12938630
File: 99 KB, 326x285, 1385579329143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chip butty looks like a genuinely nice addition to a pint of beer (prolly lager, but I prefer stouts in general) or as a hangover or munchies meal.
Goes to show how brainless summa y'all ITT are, gettin' mad over haute poverty cuisine.
>t. Amerilard

>> No.12939000

>it's for burgers and nothing else
WRONG! ketchup is for children and no one else, candy sauce is gross and you should be ashamed to eat it on anything if you're an adult

>> No.12939101

I don’t go in and demand they remove things from burgers. If I order something, I eat it as they serve it. I wouldn’t put it on a burger at home. I fundamentally agree with you, but I don’t care enough to customize my burgers at a restaurant.

>> No.12939166

It’s not that bad for you. You’re scared of it because it represents your secret shame, that’s all.

>> No.12939649

tosser oi aint ask for a spicy butty innit

>> No.12939723

You’re trying to imply I’m the fat one while defending fries on bread. You really are a fucking retard. I wish America would have waited to join WW2 until after Hitler wiped you faggots off the map. He started with the Jews but he should have started with the fucking anglos.

>> No.12939912

Im defending fries on bread because you can eat it and not get fat. Only a fat fuck would try to say you can’t.

>> No.12939916

How are you possibly this bothered by potato on bread. Does gnocchi make you bust a shit vessel too?

>> No.12939980

He did start with anglos but he was too weak and stupid and got his ass kicked.

>> No.12940102

I don’t like eating shit, but some people enjoy it. Should I eat shit too before making a judgement?

>> No.12940118

Ok fat limey

>> No.12940154

>Eating burgers at a restaurant
Are you actually just a literal child?

>> No.12940171

He beat the anglos until America joined
I don’t sit in restaurants. I don’t like other people touching my food. I do a lot of driving for work tho, and sometimes the only place to grab food is A&W or subway, and some subways you know to walk back out of it as soon as you walk in.

>> No.12940324

All European countries have God tier cuisine, why the hell must Britain be on the same level as dried up shitstains?

>> No.12940340

t. britbong who has never left the UK

>> No.12940373
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>> No.12940379
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>> No.12940382

What the flying fuck. So basically the term "white trash" came from britbong "cuisine"?

>> No.12940392

docile for your planted nobles. makes their job easier.

>> No.12940529
File: 788 KB, 1932x1449, DSCN1650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually do this from time to time. I do two layers of fish sticks, cheese, and ketchup&mayonnaise. They're pretty fucking good.

>> No.12940545
File: 102 KB, 250x250, ren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet with hashbrowns and the right cheese/butter those would be decent

>> No.12940547
File: 33 KB, 200x262, 39D172B7-6D64-4FFF-AEE5-34CF3D09D221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of fucking American are you, mate? You denigrate a chip butty but you come from a country that has done more to encourage the (correct) Hobbesian/Lockeian view of individual freedom than even our own. Right from your Big Macs and rock ‘n roll to your (also correct) brash foreign policies and preference for big, bold leadership. America is basically everything England ever stood up against - and beat; and especially when it comes to insidious, malicious Europe.

But nope. Here you are: all cucked for the (wrong) Rousseauian ideal of the hammered, beaten, and society-‘moulded’ individual; worthless in their endeavours unless they’ve grovelled for an Academie ‘qualification’, been added to a local mandatory registration system, or been forced, ad nauseum, to squeeze pig fat out a pastry tube until they ‘earn’ their ‘certificate’. The individual as nothing until some state-moulded social control mechanism says they can have permission just to pay another tax, roll over for another corporation, suck the cock of another ‘expert opinion’.

You’re a fucking embarrassment to your great Founding Fathers and your country. You’re exactly the kind who would have celebrated the gooks bombing Pearl Harbour as ‘culturally tenacious’ when they were as fucking cowardly as you. You’re exactly the kind to burn your flag so you can shill for communist regimes. And you’re exactly the kind to bow your knee to overbearing state excesses and abuses because in your pathetic little mind, you ain’t worth shit until society authorises your very existence.

You may sneer at the chip butty and the average backyard barbecue burger, mate, but they represent in their use and appreciation the very zenith of what remains, still, the greatest and most liberated view of the individual in human history. You are an utter cuck.

Enjoy your poncey little petit fours and fuck off. The great Free Peoples of the common law Anglosphere are talking here.

>> No.12940553

I'm Italian, mate.

>> No.12940772

I rest my case.

>> No.12940777

You don't even have a case.

>> No.12940796

yeah, need to melt cheese over them next time, maybe toasted sandwich

>> No.12940806

incorrect you fucking colonising cunts

>> No.12940819


You need a little more Descartes in your life.

>> No.12940829


Actually ignore my descartes comment. I'm entirely on board with your post.

>> No.12940872

well im going to do it you subhuman baboon.

>> No.12941355

Perfection in a butty.

>> No.12942352

I want to make one of these but I only have frozen oven ‘fries’ with chilli flavour or something.

>> No.12944441
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