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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 847 KB, 1243x800, E0BCA450-42A4-479B-9B74-3272279CF11A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12925135 No.12925135 [Reply] [Original]

As a kid growing up in SA, my favourite dish, bar none, was a fish called Kingclip.

I can’t describe the taste but it’s fucking perfect. My mother used to grill it and serve it up with chips and lemon butter. Nothing comes close in life to the sheer glory of that meal. Now, I can only get Kingclip when I go home occasionally, and often lament not being able to find it here. Occasionally, I try a search to see if I can find a supplier bringing it in frozen or something (never happens).

Just done a search now, and for the first time in my LIFE, I now know what this ‘fish’ looks like. And that it’s not a fish but a kind of eel. And it looks like this.

Now I don’t want to ever eat Kingclip again ;(

>> No.12925143

>sea creature looks like a disgusting monster

What else is new

>> No.12925151

>Now I don’t want to ever eat Kingclip again
Why not? Eel is fucking delicious.

>> No.12925152

hey eels are delicious

who cares as long as it taste good

>> No.12925163

Used to eat and live fish and chips as a casual fard food meal. Now it's £12

>> No.12925170

I mean, I just don’t get why I was always told this was a ‘fish’ ffs. Did my mother know???!

Fuck. It’s ruined me. My most favourite all-time food. Fucked. Just great. This life.

>> No.12925182

Wow what a faggot. You don't have to marry it.

You don't deserve to enjoy another bite again. I hope you develop a seafood allergy.

>> No.12925190

>Fucked. Just great. This life.
If you live in South Africa you were fucked to begin with.

>> No.12925204

I don’t any more but I can assure you, mate, that it did then, and still does, have the best food in the world. Best variety, best quality, best value for money. I’ve been to supposedly some of the best steak restaurants in the US, and not one has come close to ours - not then, not now. Seafood, too.

>> No.12925224

WTF is wrong with you nigger

>> No.12925229

Your kind doesn't belong in SA. Africa is for Africans.

>> No.12925241

But we need to show them how to cook, broer.

>> No.12925242

Your opinion on the "best food" mean jack shit when it's so easily swayed by a picture. What if those wonderful foods also come from something that looks gross?

>> No.12925249

The fuck did you want it to look like?

>> No.12925258

So you’ll happily eat fried shit if it was presented well enough, is what you’re basically saying.

>> No.12925273
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An actual fish - in my mind it always looked something like this :(

>> No.12925274

You need to give them their land back and leave before they start eating your people

>> No.12925281

Shit isn't food you fucking retard.

>> No.12925293

I vote PAC, buddy.

>> No.12925298

It's something you eat not something you fuck. Are you some sick gore fetishist?

>> No.12925304

Possibly. I really want a goldfish pillow now to make up for my disappointment anyway.

>> No.12925310

If it was edible, and tasted to be what I considered my favorite food, then yes I would. How is it so hard to comprehend how much of a pansy you are?

>> No.12925315

white SAs are notoriously submissive. It has to do with being hated by literally the entire continent you live on.

>> No.12925340

Man, why is it so hard for you to grasp that my favourite food was MISREPRESENTED to me for my WHOLE childhood, and well into my adulthood? Kingclip is ALWAYS sold in South Africa as a ‘fish’ - when, clearly, and as it turns out, it is not. Your dumbarse ‘point’ literally translates into you being absolutely fine when you find out the ‘pork sausage’ you thought you were eating, turns out to be a length of turd rolled in spice and fried. This is how sad and pathetic you are. The paean of a fucking eat-anything fatty, holed up in some ghetto, desperately shelling out his grubby shekels for any old literal fried shit.

What’s wrong with you, boet? Do you have no pride?

>> No.12925347

Lemme guess. Nigerian, huh? ;)

>> No.12925359

>Do you have no pride?
kek. Letting stupid ideas like pride get in the way of enjoying something delicious. You don't deserve eel.

>> No.12925381

I'm not the one seeking validation on the internet for trauma due to having a food "misrepresented." Your concept of pride is a joke as well.

>> No.12925396

Eels are fish.

>> No.12925435
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It’s not just ‘misrepresented’ - it’s literally sold and even presented as a ‘fish’. Related is pretty much how it’s usually served in restaurants. Rice or chips and lemon butter (usually on the side). Classic South African dish. Described as ‘fish’ on any menu. Never seen it described as ‘eel’. As South African as a braai, babotie, or poetjiekos. Along with snoek, kingklip is supposed to be the gold standard of the most South African of ‘fish’.

I am quite right to be upset. I bet most South Africans don’t know its a fucking eel, either.

>> No.12925438

I’m pretty sure they aren’t.

>> No.12925559

>be me, 5 years old
>get newborn piglet late january
>"This will be Pasha."
>cool! i have a pet pig named pasha!
>love my little porcine buddy
>cute as fuck, cuddly as fuck, friendly as fuck
>have lots of family over one day
>talk to cousins about my new piggy pal
>wanna introduce them
>can't find pasha
>oh well, maybe's he's hiding or something idk, it's time for lunch anyway so let's eat
>roast pork!! my favourite!
>eat and eat and eat
>wanna go play with pasha
>still can't find him
>ask mom where pasha is
>i can't find pasha!
>"what are you talking about?"
>my pig! where is he?
>"w-what...? today is pasha... we ate the pig for the holiday. was he good?"

I was 5. I didn't know what the fuck Easter/Pasha was at that age. This was a real blow. Didn't eat pork again for a while, but eventually gave up on that. At least Pasha was delicious. I'm sorry, buddy.

If I can get over the psychological trauma of eating my best friend, you can get over eating an ugly ass fish. If you act like such a pussy, the mudraces win. Do you want the mudraces to win? No? Then eat your goddamn kingclip, faggot.

And call yo' mama. She misses you.

>> No.12925569

>eel isn't fish

>> No.12925586

are you retarded or something
you do realize eels are technically fish

>> No.12925589
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>> No.12925591
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>> No.12925593

This was actually a pretty good story.

I can’t call her as she’s dead; which also means she’s now lucky to be, too.

>> No.12925596

such is life on the steppe

>> No.12925675

Not a Slav, friend.

Are you gonna eat the kingclip or not? I want to eat him and all of his ugly ass friends cuz I'd imagine he'd be delicious. I hate eel (the taste and texture, not the look), but >>12925435 doesn't look like eel to me, so I fucks with it.

>> No.12925688

Greek anon?

>> No.12925698

White SA women are cute. Cute accents. As long as they don't get all animal nature turbo hippy or fuck niggers anyway.

>> No.12925743

That sounds like a support group.

>Hi. I'm Nikos and I'm a Greek.
>*clap clap clap clap clap*

>> No.12925808

An eel is any ray-finned fish belonging to the order Anguilliformes

>> No.12925818

The cusk-eel family, Ophidiidae, is a group of marine bony fishes in the order Ophidiiformes. The scientific name is from the Greek ophis meaning "snake", and refers to their eel-like appearance. True eels, however, diverged from other ray-finned fish during the Jurassic, while cusk-eels are part of the Percomorpha clade, along with tuna, perch, seahorses, and others

>> No.12925893
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I dunno. I’m torn now. On the one hand, I’m still shocked and appalled it looks like that, but on the other I can’t get over how fucking delicious it is.

I’m tempted to just convince my brain it’s actually neither eel nor fish but a kind of ‘ancient fish’, and then just hope I’ve forgotten all about it/am ravenously hungry when I step off the plane the next time I go home.

>> No.12925906

Try unagi sushi and then coke back to us and tell us if eel is gross. Fucking teriyaki slathered grilled eel is the discerning gentlemans choice. I bet your mom looks atrocious but you still love her. Eat the damn sea creature. Its your culture ajd identity and you fucking like it. Stop being a child one day both your parents will be dead.. Also monkfish liver is great but look at the ugly ass fish.

>> No.12925922

>neither eel nor fish
Eel is fish.
This eel in particular is related to Tuna.
Is tuna not a fish?

>> No.12925949
File: 87 KB, 640x640, 2293CE50-DDB3-47EA-B60E-7C689AF5EB86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s actually a point. I’ve never consciously eaten eel. What does that taste like? Kingklip DEFINITELY both looks like fish and tastes like it. The best cuts are usually very thick, no bones at all, and the flakes are big and chunky and solid. Taste is like... I can’t describe it but it’s very delicate and subtle fish-taste. That’s why it’s traditionally always served so simply (just rice or chips and lemon or garlic butter). It’s kind of like the king prawn of fish and even the fanciest restaurants will make it similarly - no fuss or complications required.

So yeah, it seems to me if it looks like and has the same taste range as other fish, it must be a fish. I’ve never knowingly eaten eel, though, so I can’t compare.

>> No.12925953

^ and you can see here how I am now beginning to re-program my shocked brain.

>> No.12925967

Yeah, but it’s also related to seahorses apparently, too, man. Not exactly inspiring me with confidence in its ‘fish’ status. And yes, I’m aware seahorses are probably considered ‘fish’ as well but that doesn’t mean I want to eat one.

>> No.12925983

Imo eel is not very fishy and is close to mild beef flavor. Eel is delicious. I was not raised in a culture that eats eel either and im sure my parents wouldnt try it but guess what getting drunk and good food mix very well. I tried it on a whim and was very surprised. Arent eels predatory? Arent most of the best and most delicious fish predatory? If its good its good. Im a spic and your description of the fish makes it sound like a perfect use for beer battered fish tacos. Perhaps learn to fish for them. It will give you a new respect for them.

>> No.12925995

Hey wtf, fellow saffa in USA here.

Where in the country are you?

>> No.12925997
File: 187 KB, 1300x957, unagi-sushi-nigiri-38089844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eel is fucking choice.

>> No.12926001

It is a fish. Are you retarded?

Nevermind you already told me where you're from. You are retarded.

>> No.12926016

You can’t fish for it. From what I remember, they have to go right off the Cape for it in the very cold water. And yeah, it’s not a fishy taste but I wouldn’t put it as beef though but maybe it’s somewhere in the middle which makes sense. And yes, you should try it sometime - it is the only fish I’ve ever known that doesn’t require any kind of involved cooking process as it’s so good just basically on its own. And I don’t like fish usually, either.

I’ll have to try eel then some time. I live in London and there are still places here that do ‘traditional’ jellied eel but I’ll be fucked if I ever let anything that obviously a taste abomination cross my lips.

>> No.12926027

Nah. London. Can you get it where you are?

>> No.12926030

wow you're a retard

>> No.12926032

I do not want to watch my caviar come out of the fish.
I understand your feels op.

>> No.12926037

OP it's called Sheephead. While not a classical eel by appearance, it feeds on the algae on rocks with their thick human like teeth.

>> No.12926052

Kingclip is not sheepshead

>> No.12926059
File: 21 KB, 640x479, tmg-article_tall;jpeg_quality=20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a sheepshead

>> No.12926068

You're retarded.

>> No.12926073

Yeah, so you all keep saying. Still not convinced, though.

>> No.12926113

Looks glorious

>> No.12926120

All animals are fucking gross

>> No.12926137

Nah fuck brits. You a nigger?

>> No.12926145

fuck you nigger. Greeks have national pride. WE GAVE YOU EVERYTHING YOU UNGRATEFUL FUCKS

>> No.12926146
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This is sheephead too

>> No.12926149

Haven't looked, desu. Though it certainly isn't in any of the normal supermarkets.

>> No.12926150

I am not. I would be what you consider a ‘nigger lover’, however.

What now?

>> No.12926158

You probably can. I lived in the US for a couple of years, and in my experience, you could get pretty much anything there if you looked hard enough.

>> No.12926194

why not? looks like bacon in eel form

>> No.12926310

>what now
Furthering proving the point i was going to make.
If youre white youre a natural born colonizer. Eat all the meat and all the types you can.

>> No.12926432

What's this? A smelly, uneducated, corrupt Greek completely missed the point about something? Well fancy that! Surely, this has /never/ happened before. </sarcasm>

>> No.12926465

Can you explain why its appearance bothers you so much?

>> No.12926479

The appearance doesn’t bother me at all; it’s the fact it’s categorised as some kind of quasi-eel at best. I’m not a gook, and there are some things I would just never willingly eat, and eel is one of them. I just don’t think of it as fish at all. Probably closer to some kind of slug.

>> No.12926492

So eel is beneath you and not something that you are willing to eat even if it tastes incredible? I'm not asian, but I don't understand what's wrong with eating eel.

>> No.12926498

They eat dead bodies. My grandpa fished a body from a river once and eels spilled out from inside the corpse. Never ate eels again.

>> No.12926503

What do you mean SA, South Africa, I have family from there and some friends turned me on to Klippers and Coke. Enough of that and any fish will taste good.

>> No.12926506

Yes, precisely. It’s literally a non-discerning bottom feeder and so, correct, I don’t want to eat it.

>> No.12926507

Your issue is with an animal being willing to eat dead humans if they are dumping into their feeding area? Do you have an issue with eating hogs?

>> No.12926515

Most larger fishes are carnivorous and will eat any meat they can find or hunt.

>> No.12926517


>> No.12926521
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>> No.12926523

I have no idea what ‘klippers and coke’ is...

>> No.12926525

no u>>12926521

>> No.12926527

Then you're not from South Africa. I'm not directly either but friends from there and I have family from there and they know what it is, and luckily I know what it is.
It's pretty good on a Sunday morning.

>> No.12926530

Ah, ok. Not ‘klippers’... ‘klippIES’.

Your family are white trash. Congratulations.

>> No.12926532

circumsized men doing cocaine in a ritualistic sex ceremony. Big in the underground gay scene in SA where "klipped" men are rare.

>> No.12926533

I am quite sure I am, princess.

>> No.12926536

It sure sounded like the appearance bothered you in the first post.

>> No.12926538

It's not about that, it's about friends.
What do you do chill out with women drinks like fags?

>> No.12926541

Well, that proves you were right to ask me rather than rely on your own erroneous assumption then. Well done.

>> No.12926552


>> No.12926558

Hah. Ok. Well, I’m glad you’re familiar with all the nuances of niche activities in the South African gay scene, boet. I wouldn’t know at all.

>> No.12926562

God, Africans are fucking insufferable and miserable.

>> No.12926563

Nothing wrong with being a princess, just look good doing it and do it as a female with authority.

>> No.12926582

I can't help wondering who came up with with 419 advance fee fraud nigerian schemes back in the 1990s.

>> No.12926588

... it wasn't nigerians, they don't have that forethought, it was europeeens.

>> No.12926592


>> No.12926593

It used to be USSS taking care of that, now it's FBI or such. BAH!

>> No.12926598

No. Niggers could never come up with a scheme like that, their brains aren't capable of it.

>> No.12926604

I do like baiting them, though they're getting into it.
It's food related.

>> No.12926610

>their brains aren't capable of it.
>meanwhile the only ones falling for the scam were retarded white boomers

>> No.12926633

You'd be surprised at who was falling for advance fee fraud scams. It's not about race at all, get that out of your little head.
Everyone in every race can be a sucker, and it's sad that other's would take advantage, but the most likely to take advantage are niggers from nigeria backed by eurotypes.

>> No.12926634

>Has an inexplicable hangup based on not liking a word
>Has zero post-primary school or hobby/personal interest knowledge of biology or zoology

You have autism. You don't even know what an eel is

>> No.12926645
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Can you find my eel?
It's still Summer.

>> No.12926648

Oh, I don’t think that’s true at all. I have an ongoing, very well-informed preoccupation with bumblebees.

Try be less personally-aggrieved by the fact other people don’t think like you.

>> No.12926660

eels eat dead niggers. nuff said

>> No.12926667

That's an insult to eels, even eels wouldn't eat niggers.

>> No.12926975

>Africa is for Africans
Right? Look how well you niggers did in Zimbabwe.

>> No.12927007

This. Came to say exactly this.

>> No.12927455

>bacon in eel form

>> No.12928900

Who the fuck cares you don't have to marry it just eat it faggot

>> No.12928914

Gyros and tzatziki are based thanks Greece. The tzatziki I use at home is something like
>Greek style yogurt
>crushed garlic
>salt and black pepper
>grated seedless cucumbers
Is that somewhat authentic? Anything I’m missing?

>> No.12929181

i agree with him cuz eel is a fucking bottom feeder
(although i like catfish freshly deep fried)

>> No.12929184

that sounds right but honestly it all boils down to the quality of the yogurt
you can treat every other ingredient with the love and care of aphrodite herself, it'll still taste like shit without good yogurt as a base

>> No.12929203

Yeah, we used to catch catfish at home for fun. Not such a great taste from what I remember. Maybe they’re different in the US.

>> No.12929415

lets hope that nobody ever show you what a delicious monkfish looks like, you big baby

>> No.12929513


Eel are predatory fish you absolute dumbfuck

>> No.12930118

This is surreal, as a mellow Kiss voter

>> No.12930140
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>Gives it the big racist.
>Calls Rhodesia, Zimbabwe.
You'd be the first to hang you little faggot.

>> No.12930190

not worth it, not even a pump n dump. either whores or if conservative, ultra jesus freaks.

>> No.12930212

Ek gaan die K woord sê!

>> No.12930709

Isn't your national dish like pickled eel or something anyway?
What's the big deal, y'all eat crazy shit all the time

>> No.12930735

>surprised fish looks like fish
>won't eat it anymore
>expects people to take his opinion on food seriously

Are ALL Africans this stupid?

>> No.12930785

En ek kan dit skryf, kaffirjie.

>> No.12931426

Go to tumblr. You'd fit in better

>> No.12933112

The uglier the fish, the tastier they are.

Monk fish is ugly as fuck but their tenderness is incomparable to any other fish out there. And their liver is a great Fois Gras alternative.

>> No.12933114
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>> No.12933132

eels are a delicacy where i live, get over it anon

>> No.12933233

Thats a black drum

>> No.12933712

I love Monkfish, only tried it a couple times then saw a video of someone removing worms (which I know fish end up with parasites) and it just made me really standoffish to eat it again.

If I ever get the nerve again, whats the best way to cook it from those that know it better? It tasted like lobster when you dip it in butter I know that much. Heck I'm not even quite sure how to prepare it properly ... our local store sometimes has it and is has the membrane on the tail I'm assuming you strip/cut that off?

>> No.12934419

Are you the guy who was on /an/ talking about fucking worms and bumblebees?
Because you sound about as autistic as him.

>> No.12934427

Only bumblebees. And from what I recall, my threads on them were pretty popular. Jealous?

>> No.12934480

Jealous that you have a fetish you'll never be able to fulfill? No, that's a curse. Also a curse: Being unable to eat a food you really like, just because it's a eel.

>> No.12934541

I’ve never discussed bombidae in any way that would even remotely suggest a fetish. You’ve probably got me mixed up with someone else, traveller.

>> No.12934631

That's why I said "fucking". The guy wanted to bone a massive bumble bee. The posting style gave me a sensation of familiarity, then when you mentioned bees it seemed all but sure. Sorry for the mix-up. You're still pretty autistic though, man. Just enjoy your eel.

>> No.12934641

Yup. Definitely not me. In fact, now I’m massively triggered. Thanks.