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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12923725 No.12923725 [Reply] [Original]

What is your honest thoughts on milk?

>> No.12923739

Gay juice

>> No.12923744
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I drink a good liter a day, which keeps me fat and single :( I want a bf but whenever I try going dairy free, I feel almost sick. Skim milk is for chumps

>> No.12923749

Cloyingly sweet for me these days.

>> No.12923773


your insides must be garbage

>> No.12923779

It's really good, both plain and chocolate.

>> No.12923790

There's no problem with that if you're not lactose intolerant

>> No.12923795

I don't have any thoughts about milk. It exists, I use it whenever a recipe requires it, and I don't pay it any particular attention.

>> No.12923797

You sound so gay

>> No.12923801

I drink it if it's there. It's easy calories if I'm depressed and feel like starving to death.

>> No.12923802

I don't care for it as a stand alone beverage. Just about every thing made from or with it is great, though.

>> No.12923803


>> No.12923811
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What the fuck do you think? Nobody here is over 30 and nobody here is female >_<

>> No.12923815

54/poly/up your mothers anus

>> No.12923816

Disgusting. It tastes foul to me on its own especially worse tasting when room temp.
It's only useful for baking or making yogurt/cheese.

>> No.12923818

What about cereal?

>> No.12923842

I drink a pint or so of whole milk with lunch and dinner when I eat at home or bring my lunch to work in a cooler. In the rare event I eat out I'll order unsweetened tea because servers look at you like you're some kind of monstrosity if you order milk.

>> No.12923868

Cereal is honestly one of the most unappetizing, bland things you could eat. If I wanted to eat something sweet with my milk, I would rather eat some cookies or cake or anything that's actually good and actually has flavour. I could make an exception for honey nut cheerios because those are probably the only good cereal out there but even those are easily outranked by some simple honey on bread.

>> No.12923874

> ordering a different drink because of how servers react
let nothing get between you and your rightful beverage, milkfriend

>> No.12923894

Its fucking disgusting and everyone who likes it should crawl in a hole and die

>> No.12923967

Look at this guy, he hates:
>Children, athletes, people on diets, the elderly, mothers, people with nutrient deficiencies, and people with low HDL.
He's so cool isn't he?

>> No.12923979

Have you tried different brands? I noticed store brands are more likely to taste like they were scorched a bit during pasteurization, which is kind of unpleasant. Didn't realize it until I tasted better milk and it tasted a lot "cleaner" and sweeter.

>> No.12924001

It makes it super easy to get required nutrition when a vegetarian/poor

>> No.12924009

Vegetarians drink milk?

>> No.12924020

yeah, a lot of them do. it's not flesh and you don't have to kill for milk.

>> No.12924032

is there any non dairy milk that doesn't taste like watery, sweet, garbage?

>> No.12924037
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Milk is pretty awesome. If you can't eat from too much drinking, it's an appetite suppressant/recorervy food. It works well in so many egg dishes. It is the go to for sweets. I can't imagine why anyone would dislike milk. I used to drink it from my mother's tits for christ sake. Don't let these soy fuckers turn you round, Ain't nothing wrong with honest milk. You're a mammel yeah? THEN DRINK UP

>> No.12924052

>is there any sugar water that doesn't taste like sugar water

>> No.12924056

i think coconut milk is usually okay. i've seen oat milk in stores which some people say is good too. almonds are expensive so that's pretty much always going to be watery though.

>> No.12924122

love it
I make enormous quantities of yogurt out of it.
2 gallons worth at a time.

>> No.12924134

this is the real reason you will never have bf

>> No.12924245
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I'm trying ;_; life is hard sometimes

>> No.12924315

plain unsweetened Almond Breeze brand almond milk

>> No.12924318

vegetarians eat anything that doesn't require killing the animal. thus milk, cheese, and eggs are fair game.

>> No.12924326

hemp milk is awesome too.

>> No.12924397

It's God-tier with desert foods like chocolate, cookies, cake, etc...


>> No.12924503

Not sure if milk with spaghetti was a substitute for this, but try having it with some ricotta cheese on the side instead. Take a bit of the cheese with each bite of spaghetti. Guess it's not too different from ravioli but it's really good.

>> No.12924688

fuck racism, fuck sexism, fuck anti-semitism. people with lactose intolerance are the ones that should be euthanised

>> No.12924760

That does sound good. Thanks anon. Reminds me of liking to eat a burrito and directly follow up with a bite of a tortilla chip for that crunch texture. I'll have to try that out

>> No.12924976

I love it. Whole milk is one of my favorite drinks.
1% isn't too bad if you have to drink milk with less fat.

>> No.12924983 [DELETED] 
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>fuck anti-semitism
You had me until this. Nice try though ;D

>> No.12924992

Not a fan of milk as a beverage, but it's useful as an ingredient.

>> No.12925053

Milk is the greatest beverage and everything else pales in comparison to it.

>> No.12925064

my vegetarian gf keeps insisting that milk is terribly unhealthy and all the calcium etc is a lie
give me some literature to btfo her forever

>> No.12925088

If I could get away with sticking a straw in a carton of milk and drinking it like a fucking capri sun I would.

>> No.12925090

i like it but i can't really drink it since everytime i do i have even more mucus in my throat than usually

>> No.12925165

i loved it as a kid but i cant drink it now

adult onset lactose intolerance

>> No.12925179
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>> No.12925260

I've been buying raw milk from some local farmers lately. It's delicious. I will never buy milk from the supermarket again. Never.

>> No.12925335

Dang... I want those milkies...

>> No.12925351

>implying a screencap of a study about rhsbbt treated cows is legit
Try again.

>> No.12925354

fake news

>> No.12925370

I like it. I drink it a lot. I’m white.

>> No.12925379

gallon of milk a day keeps gain goblins away

>> No.12925383
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This. Feels good.

>> No.12925416
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Gimmi mommys milkies

>> No.12925449

Nobody gives a shit.

>> No.12925464

Almond milk, coconut milk and oat milk are my three top choices in ascending order for texture.
But nothing can top regular milk. Just take lactase supplements.

>> No.12925501

>post ends in 88
Seems like the random numbers know that genociding milklets only leaves Europeans, certain Asians and parts of the Middle East alive.

>> No.12925527

Milk-hate is growing ever more popular.
Milk consumption is about 5% of what it was a century ago.
Coincidentally, there is a heavy push for plant-based "milk" products.

>> No.12925681

No need to be jealous.

>> No.12926026

Gives me diarrhea, but it tastes good, but leaves a strange aftertaste.

>> No.12926239

I'm not jealous. Nobody gives a shit about your skin color or milk drinking, incel.

>> No.12926257

what kind of self respecting white man doesn't love taking 10-15 massive swigs of whole milk straight from the jug right after having a giant bowl of ice cream?

>> No.12926265

yeah I'd imagine diarrhea tends to leave a weird lingering taste in ones mouth

>> No.12926511

Unironically my favorite beverage. I will drink a third of a gallon a day if I'm not careful.

>> No.12926544


>> No.12926546

It's pretty boring by itself. I like to spice it with ground fennel or aniseed.

>> No.12927057

The notion that only certain white people can tolerate milk is of racist origin. All mammals drink milk as their first food, and anyone can continue to drink it into adulthood if they so choose. American government started the racist propaganda because they wanted to stop spending money so much money on foreign aid (supplying dehydrated milk powder). Soy and corn are much cheaper. Plant-based "milk alternatives" have been pushed particularly heavily in recent years. It's all about profits, and milk is not so profitable.

>> No.12927361


>you dont have to kill to drink

Please feel free to tell vegetarians where veal comes from

>> No.12927366


Retard spotted.

>> No.12927384

This is funny. I just read an article about a black doctor in DC who claims the old food pyramid with its dairy requirement was racist because most black and asian people are lactose intolerant. Google racist food pyramid and its the first result.
Can't link cause I'm a phonefag but here's a sample:

"Mills’ seminal point was that throughout its history and its different iterations, the government-issued food pyramid and related dietary guidelines have overlooked and misserved the country’s minorities through a series of decisions fairly subtle to the casual observer, but with a significant impact nonetheless. The premise is simple: with an absence of minority voices involved in the process, their dietary needs have been ignored in favor of recommendations that mostly benefit the white majority of the population".

>> No.12927572
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Everyone ITT that's bitching hard about milk/dairy is a shitskin, guaranteed.

>> No.12927599



Milk it!

>> No.12927601

to be more specific, there are a few classifications for vegetarianism:
lacto-ovo vegetarian is in my experience the most common and it means they eat eggs and dairy
pescatarians eat fish
vegans are the ones that won't have any animal products, meaning no eggs dairy or fish, because they don't like their bodies and want to slowly emaciate themselves and degrade cognitive function gradually

>> No.12927620

this is literally one of the easiest arguments to make a good case for. just google health benefits of milk and you can collect a list with hundreds of articles or studies demonstrating the benefits of dairy consumption

>> No.12929129
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I spent months trying to read articles and getting conflicting results. I've had 5 nutritionists saying different things (it's good, it's bad, it's just milk it doesn't do anything bad) and apparently it turns out there's no actual consensus about it in the world.

I like it. I've been drinking it all my life and I'm going to keep drinking it until people finally prove me it's killing me inside, when it will be too late for me to regret it. Also it's the cheapest source of complete, tasty protein in the world and if you buy it organic you can also feel good about yourself.

>> No.12929137


>> No.12929138

liquid estrogen

>> No.12929143

commercially farmed milk is full of shit including blood and puss.

Locally sourced milk in my opinion has tasted way better.

I still stay away from both due to inflammation and gastrointestinal issues, but to each his own.

>> No.12929157

Too many calories. I use whole milk for espresso drinks, or any sort of recipe, but if I'm having cereal I use plain unsweetened almond milk

>> No.12929159

Tastes gross from organic grass fed raw to ultra pasteurized. Milk is gross. You are gross.

>> No.12929387

Only drink raw

>> No.12929407

Your brown skin is gross

>> No.12929450

Having the palate of a child doesn't make you white. You're probably a larping brownie like those in /pol/ meetups lol.

>> No.12929523

My favourite drink.

>> No.12929530

I'm indifferent. I don't ever include it in my groceries and personally don't care for it, but if a cold glass of milk is offered to me, i'll take it.

>> No.12929537 [DELETED] 


>> No.12929544

I would say milk and its offshoots probably give me a third of my calories on any given day

>> No.12929574


>> No.12929592

I drink milk everyday

>> No.12929757

Nigga I'd be brown if I was complaining about lactose intolerance, which I'm not. I eat cheese and occasionally yogurt (usually in sauces or tzatziki). Once in a blue moon I will drink a chocolate milkshake. Straight up milk is gross, period.

>> No.12929878

milk gives me gas

>> No.12930194

Full of farts and spiders

>> No.12931167
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>> No.12931183

I don't like it very much. I have no issue with general diary, but i grew out of consuming milk.

>> No.12932107


>> No.12932118

I love dairy, but I'm pretty sure I'm becoming lactose intolerant now in my 30s. I can do cheese and ice cream without any issues, but the last time few times I had a bowl of cereal, I shat my insides out. Which is really unfortunate, because I really like cereal, but hate Lactaid and especially hate non-dairy milks.

>> No.12932459
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fucking love it
heavenly cow teet juice
I wanna replace my blood with milk
full fat obviously tastes the best (sweetest)
fuck the skimmed shit, if i wanted to drink water i'd drink water.
warm full fat milk w some sugar and drink it before bed to sleep like a baby

>> No.12934224

>All mammals drink milk as their first food, and anyone can continue to drink it into adulthood if they so choose

Absolutely not.
People are naturally lactose intollerant once they grew up.
It's a mutation that makes your body not stopping producing lactase.

>> No.12934229


>> No.12934265

Milk and chocolate milk are what keep me going. Seems ridiculous to say, but I haven't enjoyed much in life as I have enjoyed drinking a nice cold glass of milk. Drinking milk is a regular snack now, sometimes eating nothing in a day but a half gallon of chocolate milk. I have no idea why I'm so obsessed with it, but to me, milk is life.

>> No.12934316

Pretty good, drink about a glass every two days maybe? Used to gorge to stuff when I was younger. I am part Asian and never had any trouble with stomach issues, but lately Ive noticed some minor rumblings when I've had milk. Could just be an age thing (30+). Wont stop me from drinking milk, let alone consuming dairy.

>> No.12934334

Imagine a cow having to be artificially injected with bull semen and made to bear children over and over so that she can keep nursing. Now that you know how your mom feels imagine how it is for livestock.

>> No.12934347

Yes. He’s so cool. Somebody get this man some pussy stat!

>> No.12934352

I have UC and it's not great for me which is sad because I like it. It only seems to cause an issue if it's in some sort of liquid form though. Cheese, butter, dairy dough and even rice pudding seem fine for the most part.

>> No.12934357

The guy asked a legit question and you went off the rails like a true bitch. It’s the attitude we don’t like, 100% of the time nothing to do with your looks.

>> No.12934364

Almond is better for health, but i mix in a 5% blue 1 liter jug for the nutrition.

>it goes well with wheat bisks and chopped banana desu

>> No.12934369

There are 2 things that I drink: milk, Dr. Pepper. I go through a gallon of milk every 2 or 3 days (2% or whole) and I drink it with everything. Burritos? Milk. Pasta? Milk. Steak? Milk. It's only the best liquid on the planet.

>> No.12934370

too many carbs for something that really has no need for them

>> No.12934454

Subhumans can't tolerate it, naturally making it the best of drinks.

>> No.12934467

keto pls go

>> No.12934492

make me

>> No.12934506
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>> No.12934508

>consuming the lactose Jew

>> No.12934602

hey, I legitimately feel better
more alert, need WAY less coffee,
no mid-afternoon crash...
I'm also losing belly fat for the first time since college

>> No.12934619

That's good. I'm not saying keto doesn't work, but why it works isn't because carbs are all bad, exactly. If you were eating a bunch of sugar and junk food, and overeating, keto would help fix that, but you could also fix it without a keto diet. It just seems weird to almost lump soda and potato chips together with fruit and lentils because they all have carbs.

>> No.12934648

I didn't eat any chips or candy before, and I haven't had a soda since I was 5 years old

>> No.12934662

Totally believable

>> No.12934680

is that what I said?
literally all I've cut out are:
>potatoes (mashed, baked)
>crackers + cheese
I definitely eat LESS food, but I frankly don't get hungry as often, and when I do get hungry I don't get moody about it

>> No.12934687

>but I frankly don't get hungry as often, and when I do get hungry I don't get moody about it
I got that too from doing a few 24 hour fasts, just to try it out.

>> No.12934777

hmm it has its uses but its definitely a bit over marketed in terms of importance. its obviously king for being able to use to make coffee, a bowl of cereal, some cases of cooking, but to me its just good for coffee and cereal. oh and a nice cup of chocolate milk maybe 2 or 3 times a year when I want something sweet to drink.

>> No.12934856

It's good. Like pouring it into a glass with some ice cubes so it can be ice cold.

>> No.12934891

milk good

>> No.12934901

I like it, had a lot of stomach issues from stress ulcers and I could actually keep it down so I didn't lose all of my bodyweight.
Still drink it to supplement my calories.
Also drank it a lot as a kid so its something I'm just used to.
Kefir is good too but it's hard to find here/too expensive to drink a lot of.

>> No.12934940

fuckin love kefir
make your own - kefir grains are reusable and cheap
one gallon and it's paid for itself

>> No.12935035


>What the Health?

He's probably in that movie, but there was a black guy with the same claim. All his info on milk, dairy-industry, and the government was spot on, and then he hit the audience with

"this is institutional racism!"

I listened to everything else he said, but he went on about black Americans being more affected I stopped listening.

>> No.12935121
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>no one here is over 30

>> No.12935128

is there anything better than a beautiful glass of milk on an empty stomach, i mean seriously? lets get that right. lets get straight to the plot. absolutely stunning

>> No.12935150

Milk is what gives white people their power /|\

>> No.12935183

Inability to get laid isn't a power, my /pol/tard friend.

>> No.12935207

I wonder if dairy "intolerance" is a result of formula feeding or simply not breast feeding long enough. I was reading about indigenous cultures who breast fed for the first 12 years of the child's life.

>> No.12935315

Serms like it would start getting a bit sexual at 12 yo. I ejaculated my first time at that age.

>> No.12935454

if i could find unpasturized/antibiotic free i would love milk my guys, even if it raises inflammation and mucus

>> No.12935811

why can't we have a milk thread without someone saying whiteoids this and shitskins that

I just want to drink milkies for christ's sake

>> No.12937376

gained more fat than protein from it

>> No.12937427
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>I wonder if dairy "intolerance" is a result of formula feeding or simply not breast feeding long enough.
No, the genes for digesting lactose after childhood have been identified. Intolerance is just more common in populations that didn't raise dairy animals.

>> No.12937914
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Last night for dinner I had a big ol plate o Spaghetti in meat sauce with a tall glass of room temp milk

>> No.12937924

Why are anons so scared of a lil' bit of fat? Do you sit on your ass all day?
Calcium is needed for healthy bones, blood flow and nerves. So drink your milk or eat your cheese.
Or are you one of those faggy pill poppers.

>> No.12937937

I don't really see any posts of people saying fat is bad. There is one with someone saying carbs are bad though. More people are probably worried about carbs than fat now.

>> No.12938159

There is more calcium in broccoli and other veggies than milk

>> No.12938168

You're going to eat broccoli everyday?

>> No.12938178

This, there were ancient cultures that subsisted almost entirely off of dairy, like the celts. Basically if you’re white don’t worry about it.

>> No.12938194
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>> No.12938197
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>> No.12938198
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I can't think of a world without milk. It's pretty much the norm here to have milk with breakfast.

>> No.12938203

Cows are retarded.

>> No.12938214

It's good but having bones inside you is uncomfortable so I don't drink it too often.

>> No.12938215


>> No.12938260 [DELETED] 


>> No.12938334


>> No.12938365

Wow, really makes you think

>> No.12938393

Bad drink, top-notch ingredient.

>> No.12938466

I'm 30 on Friday and don't plan on leaving any time soon

>> No.12938483

Milk is one of the worst and most dangerous liquids you can consume. It gives fucking nothing and spikes your insulin levels to absurd amounts, making you fat

>> No.12938490

That you wouldn’t feel as bad if the kids weren’t white?

>> No.12938506
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>> No.12938518

reminder that you didn't grow out of liking milk, you grew out of having good taste.

>> No.12938530

no, you're right: going from grilled cheese (white bread, american cheese product) and plain hot dogs with milk to fish, steaks, and complex soups with carefully paired wine really is a palate downgrade

>> No.12938543

I saw a cow chasing after a duck once.
Both the cow and the calf are the farmer's property, btw.

>> No.12938559

sounds like you have shit taste, i bet your a filthy nut drinker too. people like you should be put in camps.

>> No.12938560

There's thousands of complex recipes that use milk and milk derivatives as ingredients. Why are you trying so hard?

>> No.12938563

>i moved onto expensive dishes meant to stroke my tiny penis
>forgot to remember that milk can and IS regularly used in cooking said expensive dishes
Oh man this baked potato soup is delicious, I wonder why the water in it is so white though

>> No.12938569

yikes + cringe
not drinking milk straight is not the same as omitting all dairy entirely from one's diet
have sex

>> No.12939812

Made for an animal with multiple stomachs and loaded with growth hormones.

I use/drink almond milk and I'm not even a vegan

>> No.12939877

>not drinking coconut milk
never gonna make it