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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12923580 No.12923580[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12923583

No u

>> No.12923589

i love mock chicken its by far my favorite deli meat
i still buy it often

>> No.12923592

I don't care much for McChickens to be honest. I'd rather have nuggets.

>> No.12923593
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I'm gay
Pic related

>> No.12923599

I drink Starbucks everyday to fit in with my work group. But in reality I'm going broke with buying caramel frappuchinno every fucking day & I hate that shit it tastes like fucking piss man.

Please show me the light - I make six figure salary but this routine alone makes me want to END my fucking life. Please help father...

>> No.12923604
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>six figure salary
>starbucks is making you go broke
i feel like you are leaving out, probably several, significant reasons on why you are actually going broke

>> No.12923617

I lied - I accept I lied - Maybe I'm trying to run away from real issue. I'm drinking expensive whiskey every single night & poke bowl takeouts. I've fallen for pretentious expensive food takeout memes. I'm scared I'm going to be alcoholic maybe I'm one already.

I don't what went wrong - should I look for girlfriend ? I don't even know where to start the change. I'm lost father....

>> No.12923647

I've been dating a really cute girl for months now, almost going on a year

She's funny, we relate on a ton of things, she's actually hard working too and we both understand when we need to just have our own space to relax but also when we want to spend time together

It's the first time I've ever thought I would even consider marrying somebody instead of just dating, and maybe the only real time I've ever actually truly been scared of someone leaving me

I have a lot of fun cooking for her too, I hadn't done it in so long til I started this relationship because I just become a lazy slob when I'm left alone, so having her around really motivates me and I enjoy the bit of pride that comes with cooking someone good meals.

But the thing is, I've secretly been jizzing in the food

A lot of times it's in something that ends up being baked so you wouldn't notice, sometimes it's in the soup, sometimes it's in the salad dressing

And she loves it, every time she eats it with a huge smile on her face, complimenting me so much. I don't know how to stop, I'm scared she'll find out. Tonight it's going to happen again..

>> No.12923650
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d-do you want my honest answer or do you want me to tell you the same shit that most anybody would tell you if you told them that?

>> No.12923665
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I'm going to die alone.

>> No.12923667
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this is amazing i really hope this is true although i feel like you would notice it in a soup. semen doesnt take too kindly to high temperatures, it gets really stringy like egg whites do. but its funnier to me to believe this is real

>> No.12923669

everybody dies alone

>> No.12923673

Just give to me straight father. I'm fed up of smiling and acting like I give a single fuck about people I work with or see on subway.

I just want to eat my scones & pizza rolls. I'm honest man father. So don't hold back

>> No.12923682
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I'm 25 and eat at a restaurant with my mommy every weekend

>> No.12923722
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i only buy the protein that's on sale

>> No.12923726

man i just started the thread cause its sunday im no saint by any means and i just remembered i had the mcdonalds father wojak; theres no need to glorify me im sorry to disappoint
to be honest i have gotten at least partially drunk every day for the past ~year because i have trouble sleeping otherwise, but i dont make nearly as much as you and i just buy cheap shitty beer or whiskey, so at least it sounds like you are enjoying your liquor
>should i look for a girlfriend
probably not, if you cant take care of yourself, you cant take care of your girlfriend, and even if you do get a girlfriend it's not going to magically fix all of your problems

>> No.12923732

this is a confession thread, not a bragging thread my friend

>> No.12923747

my friends think i'm a weirdo because i'm so cheap. i only buy used clothes and cheap liquor, but i earn like $200k/yr at a fortune500 company

>> No.12923750

>im fed up of smiling and acting like i give a single fuck about people
huh for some reason i didnt register this at first but i felt exactly the same way as this after i graduated from university. i broke up with my gf and distanced myself from my family and friends for this exact reason. im very glad that i work in isolation. i dont know why but everything started to piss me off and i didnt want to be around people unless i absolutely had to. i used to be very outgoing but i love being alone now

>> No.12923759

if you do not think you are a weirdo then i dont think you have anything to worry about

>> No.12923760

Not that anon but I routinely get stoned on edibles and am too lazy to cook or leave the room so I abuse the shit out of ubereats and Grubhub. I burn through a lot of dosh. I used to love cooking but I don’t care about anything except getting through my work day so I can smoke weed and watch/play anime/vidya.

Also I probably have a bowl noodle at least 3-4 times a week and 3-4 cups of coffee a day/

>> No.12923765

It’s depression. I’m the same way.

>> No.12923768

i feel you on that man my monday to friday these days is just work, come home and make/eat dinner, watch anime/play vidya/post on 4chan, then go to bed. on weekends i like to clean my place just for my own sanity but otherwise i try not to talk to anyone or interact with people
is it? i dont feel sad or down or anything though, and i dont miss anybody. i just like being alone

>> No.12923783

Hey guys I'm new here on 4chan

>> No.12923784

I like mayo on my pizza. I know it sounds kinda gross, but it's actually pretty good. Don't knock it till you try it, at least.

>> No.12923787

you wouldnt happen to be french or from quebec, would you?

>> No.12923794

Does everything you do/experience feel subdued or figuratively monochromatic? I put on a mask at work, come home and anything and everything beyond laying around distracting myself is a chore that immediately gets on my nerves and upsets me. Friends, family, SO, interacting is a massive chore when I just want to be left alone most of the time. It comes and goes but mostly I maintain the relationships out of social necessity and knowing that I’ll regret it when I get out of the slump. If you get the same way, it’s totally depression or some mood disorder. I’m not formerly diagnosed with either because I can’t afford a psych - god bless America’s health care system.

That and the idea that I have to use 9 hours minimum out of 5 days of my week to fulfill a role and make money for 50 years and then die is just infuriating. Literally fuming about fucking everything being so shit at the conceptual level.

>> No.12923796

Nope, I'm American, sorry. I first saw someone do it Morocco, tried it, and liked it. So maybe it's a french colony thing?

>> No.12923817

i put on a mask at work but only because i have to talk to people on the phone a lot and i am contractually obligated not to call people out on their stupidity (its not a call center; i work for the university i used to attend). i have noticed that i dont care much for my hobbies anymore but i dont generally feel unhappy. i still message my friends and family every so often (maybe subconsciously for the reasons you mentioned) but i dont physically see them much anymore. the best part of my day though is without a doubt coming home from work and being able to spend the next ~8 hours by myself doing whatever the fuck it is i want to do
im honestly not sure, the only people ive ever met that put mayo on pizza were from quebec so i just always associated it with that. honestly ive yet to try it, i dont really like mayo that much in general, but now that i know its not exclusively a quebec thing im more inclined to try it. although this dude i knew in high school used to put ketchup on his pizza. thats still fucking weird to me and ive never met anyone else who does that

>> No.12923819

There's nothing wrong with being frugal, but being a miserly cunt will avail you naught in the end.

If you got really big numbers when you die, you're still dead.

>> No.12923823

Fuck, man this feels like me.
Hopefully I don’t ditch my qt gf and become a miserable hermit.

>> No.12923834

yeah hopefully not, if you notice a drastic personality change in yourself, id advise looking into it

>> No.12923846

Lurk moar, newfag.

>> No.12923859

Well I knew you are not real father. Calling you so was more of a reassurance to me - so I confess honestly.

Don't worry bro we are on same boat money didn't make difference to me. As long as you earn enough to keep yourself content it's all good.

Your gf related point does make sense though

>> No.12923869

im sorry i let you down

>> No.12923876

I returned to America two weeks ago, downloaded 3 fast food apps, and I've used them five times already.
I should delete that shit entirely. It isn't even good food.

>> No.12923879

Bro I literally graduated in 2017 and I've switched to new job within year already.

I feel like once I started work along people of all ages and ethnicity. I started noticing that I didn't enjoy any of it at all I even doubt till this day if this is what I wanted to do. It sounds like I've burned out but I've nearly begun.

It's not depression too like >>12923765
anon said or maybe it is. It's just I find joy in doing things in my own. The only people I can deal with are my parents at this point

>> No.12923882

nope its not, it is convenient though

>> No.12923891

same honestly the only people i like interacting with these days in person are my parents and siblings, and even that is less frequent than it used to be. most times i just bail on my friends when they want to hang out cause id rather just spend the time by myself doing whatever (nothing)

>> No.12923897

>I'm drinking every single night
>I'm scared I'm going to be alcoholic
You are.

>> No.12923901

You didn't bro - those dog reaction pics you used for initial posts were funny - made me actually respond

>> No.12923905

Pls no bully

>> No.12923919

It feels like having a gf would kinda make a difference. Like maybe you'll finally stop giving a fuck about fitting in with your coworkers cause you have this girl you wanna hang out with instead. Or maybe you'll become more responsible to be a better person for her. Perhaps she's gonna be a good influence for you and idk encourage you to save up and shit. Idk man

>> No.12923921
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enjoy the rest of your night my man hope everything works out well for you

>> No.12923930
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that could also be a possibility but i feel better about telling myself (maybe foolishly) that its ok to not have a gf anymore because im able to be happy on my own, whereas when i did have a gf and i was without her i was most times not happy, though thats not really her fault that was more me getting "addicted" to her presence and borderline obsessive which is unhealthy regardless so you almost certainly should not be listening to any """advice""" from me regarding significant others
that being said if you can be happy on your own and also with a gf then no harm no fowl, i think

>> No.12923936
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wait its no harm no foul? fowl? i feel like fowl is more appropriate solely because of the board but the actual expression "no harm no foul" seems wrong to me now