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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12922534 No.12922534 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite Peanut Butter sandwich?

>> No.12922543

is there such a thing as butter made from nigger toes or would you die of selenium poisoning if you ate nigger toe butter?

>> No.12922549

with Nutella

>> No.12922562

pb banana honey

>> No.12922619

just peanut butter and bread

>> No.12922682

for me it's the pb and j

>> No.12922697

PB + sambal

>> No.12922776

Peanut butter and pickle. Specifically bread & butter pickles.

>> No.12922780

PB and nanners

>> No.12922784

>Peanut Butter
how do amerilards eat that disgusting stuff?

>> No.12922789

It's literally just peanuts with some salt, but smashed up.

>> No.12922820

The one I don't eat? I fucking can not stand peanut butter.

>> No.12922906

Because every american school child is taught about the black american man George Washington Carver who invented peanut butter.

>> No.12922908

Great question

>> No.12922923

I'm Italian and I love pb. Did I betray my ancestors?

>> No.12923057

Because we have good taste, unlike people who eat poorly made pizza, sheep heads, live fish, etc etc

>> No.12923060

peanut butter, jam and jalapenos

>> No.12923142
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peanut butter and mayo

>> No.12923155

Smooth PB with raspberry jam on soft white bread, served with a glass of milk and some potato chips is really good.

>> No.12923161

>What's your favorite Peanut Butter sandwich?
a sandwich grilled like a grilled cheese, but inside is PB banana sliced and honey if you like

>> No.12923165

You keep telling yourself that anon

>> No.12923518

Peanut butter and oranges

>> No.12923541

peanut butter and blueberry jam is the best

ill take raspberry as a second

>> No.12924951

this sounds fucking good. Definetely a treat. Gonna try this one.

>> No.12926950

It's fantastic but imo eat with a fork and knife cause it's a mess.

>> No.12927411

lmao it's so random :DDDD

>> No.12928307

PB with Bologna, Lettuce and Mayo
Its really good. Everyone I tell about it thinks I'm Satan. My dad made it for us when we were kids. Maybe its nostolgia. I still make them.

>> No.12928322

Peanut butter with a bit of honey. Makes the peanut butter way less dry and adds a bit of flavour.

>> No.12928334

Isn't this what killed Elvis?

>> No.12928402

for me, it's the humble chunky peanut butter & microwaved gortons fish stick bread taco

>> No.12928442

Peanut butter on knife is superior
I live to eat then together too. One is too sour and the other is too rich. Reading both balances then out

>> No.12928978

For a snack, I like to combine Sara Lee Hawaiian bread, Honey Roast Peter Pan and Smuckers Seedless Strawberry Jam. Cold ass milk and you have a based snack.

>> No.12928984

PB kaya

>> No.12928986

My favorite peanut butter sandwich is none. I hate those things, they're vile and the only reason to eat those is that if I'm homeless or in jail.

>> No.12928988
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>> No.12930677

What is it

>> No.12930686

This guy's gets it

>> No.12930692

Go back to pol

>> No.12930702

Toasted whole wheat bread, creamy peanut butter, thick layer of apple butter, dash of cinnamon, fresh nutmeg. Come at me.

>> No.12930804

I like to put a teaspoon of PB into my bowl of chili.

>> No.12931690

i like 'em with sour pickles.

>> No.12931708

Peanut Butter and canned Sardines w/ hotsauce, preferably on some really high-fiber bread. Eat shit niggers, its the best thing you could possibly eat.

>> No.12931767

Fuck peanut butter. Almond butter is so much better. Peanut butter isn't even worth eating. I like my almond butter plain on a piece of whole wheat toast.

>> No.12931836
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>hot sauce

>> No.12931877

>brazil nut butter
sounds awful, mealy and dusty.

better than potato butter, you fucking paddy scum

>> No.12931880

I'm going to guess that it's "Big Mac sauce". So:

maybe relish

>> No.12931942

sharp cheddar, tomato, cucumber, red onion, peanut butter

all ingredients sliced thin, and assembled in that order
heard it on npr years ago

actually NOT BAD

>> No.12931984


Also, dipping peanut butter sandwich in chili.

>> No.12931994

he put bacon on it as well, that probably had more to do with the cardiac arrest than the peanut butter did

>> No.12931997

peanut butter and your dads cum

>> No.12932002

>good taste

ayyyyyyy jajajjajja

>> No.12933652

peanut butter and apricot jelly is my all-time favorite, but it's nearly a tie with a delectable peanut butter, thin slather of mayo/miracle whip, and banana sandwich.

>> No.12934226

Peanut butter and banana slices, with some raw honey drizzle.

>> No.12934234

Wasn't that Elvis' snack?

>> No.12934246

Is it really? That's nice to know, it's a fuckin good sandwich. Thinkin of adding blueberry jam to it too.

>> No.12934251

I brought an ex-gf down to Memphis because she's an Elvis the pelvis fan so we saw it all, from what I understand it's wasn't the pb&j with bannana slices, it was that he was really drugged up and trying to keep up some image. It's sad, apparently he was a really cool guy who couldn't say no to idiots around him.

>> No.12934262

Elvis Presley - Are You Lonesome Tonight (Live)

>> No.12934264

Seems good, I'd try it out.
Toast the bread maan!

>> No.12934271

OK OK, from earlier days, tightened up.
Elvis Presley - Are You Lonesome Tonight w/lyrics