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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12920603 No.12920603 [Reply] [Original]

Aaaaaaaand that's why crabs and lobsters are actually bugs. Eat more bugs.


>> No.12920624

>hurr *shart* libtard gonn take mah burga *shart* makum eat me da bugs *shart*
Do amerimutts really?

>> No.12920789

i'm not eating bugs. Idc about how high the price of meat gets, I am not eating bugs. I'll go vegan over eating insects any day of the week. Fuck you Adam you fucking pretentious asswipe fag.

>> No.12920913
File: 654 KB, 597x625, 1568436146719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His stupid fucking hair and s0y face makes me want to cave this niggas face in

>> No.12920918
File: 86 KB, 511x768, khevjTwht6oEaHaN23MALt8lTLGHEwkZ-A8WFed4yrk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything I don't like is soy

>> No.12920925


>> No.12920962

He does have a soy face though. With his shitty beard and shitty glasses and the softness of his facial muscles showing that he has never actually expressed a real emotion, and just goes through life feeling levels of smug bemusement. Is it self-satisfied smug bemusement? Is it shocked bemusement for someone not sharing his views on everything? Is it sad bemusement as he sees some HEARTWRENCHING fluff piece with a headline that went X did thing, here's why that's a bad thing? Who the fuck knows, but you be rest assured that he was wearing a pocket square suited to the occasion.

That being said, I'd totally eat bugs. I don't think there is a meat I wouldn't eat, except those obviously poisonous to consume of course. Batter some grasshoppers up, fry them like popcorn chicken? Might be shit, might be nice, but I want to at least try it.

>> No.12920970

Bug chasers are at it again.

>> No.12920971

jesus i didn't think he could be anymore wrong or insufferable
>you should eat bugs because the food that's been processed, preserved and handled to be as safe to eat for EVERYONE as possible has a chance for a bug to be in there, so you should eat bugs because you eat crab and lobsters which are "bugs" from an entirely different ecosystem

>> No.12920980
File: 62 KB, 1049x474, Projection Banner-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12921001

Crabs and lobsters are arthropods but not insects.
>you eat fish so eating human flesh is the same thing because they're both chordates
I eat insects and I hate this shit.

>> No.12921020

Based Doctor Mike tore a new asshole on this lying faggot.

>> No.12921042

>everyone who disagrees with me is projecting

>> No.12921045

he has an embarrassing haircut in 10 years

>> No.12921049

I don't even disagree with some of what you said, but the level of autistic detail you went into psychoanalyzing a C-list celebrity is pure projection and you know it

>> No.12921061


i've been saying, for years on here, that lobsters, shrimp, crabs, are insects, hence why i refuse to eat them.

also that guy is a faggot kike

>> No.12921063


fuck going vegan. i'll go cannibal.


same. i'd love to kill him with my bare hands.

>> No.12921065

Every squeamish "seafood is icky" idiot says that. You're not special and will never matter.

>> No.12921066

Shut the fuck up you boring motherfucker

>> No.12921069

No I just thought of the smuggest emotion, bemusement, and then made up a bunch of scenarios featuring it. It's really not that hard stringing bullshit together.

>> No.12921070

>are insects
They're objectively not insects. They are however arthropods, which includes insects and spiders.

>> No.12921073


>he has never actually expressed a real emotion, and just goes through life feeling levels of smug bemusement. Is it self-satisfied smug bemusement? Is it shocked bemusement for someone not sharing his views on everything? Is it sad bemusement as he sees some HEARTWRENCHING fluff piece with a headline that went X did thing, here's why that's a bad thing? Who the fuck knows, but you be rest assured that he was wearing a pocket square suited to the occasion.

he's never had any emotion. he's the worst sort of trash on earth, i'd rather spend time with insane piss soaked crackhead nigger hobos.

>> No.12921088


actually, i am special, and i do matter, but that's completely unrelated to the fact that i choose not to eat disgusting food.

if i'm going to eat bugs, why not eat shit, why not eat dick. it's a slippery slope. i like fish. fish are wholesome. insects are beneath my dignity. i consider crabs, shrimp, and lobsters to be insects.


i say they're insects.

>> No.12921848

People hate soyboys too much that they are really closet soyboys.

That's it. I'm going to eat more soy for less toxic masculinity for the sake of the Western world.

>> No.12921855


you are a fag

>> No.12921872

>you are a fag
Fabulously Awesome Gentleman (FAG)?
Why thank you. Now make me some sammich, please.

>> No.12921880


no, as in faggot. as in something that should be chained to the back of a pickup and dragged down twenty miles of dirt road.

>> No.12921889

>no, as in faggot. as in something that should be chained to the back of a pickup and dragged down twenty miles of dirt road.

My lovely son. Do not post your own sexual fantasy in a clean cooking-related board.

>> No.12921891

Will you be my father?

>> No.12921897
File: 386 KB, 1692x2374, Jordan_Peterson_June_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be your own father by man-ing up and clean your own kitchen

>> No.12921937

Does that mean that there are no vegans because vegetables have bugs in them?

>> No.12922132

insects only have 6 legs

>> No.12922161

they are pretty much giant sea bugs but the important distinction between them and stuff like crickets is that sea bugs are big enough that you can separate the meat from all the guts and other horrible bits.

>> No.12922166


>> No.12922178

Jesus, I want skull fuck that faggot back into reality with op's spatula. Then force feed him op's red meat... But I won't, cuz op's a fag and he'd like it.

>> No.12922193
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 1566578654561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crabs are the same as vermin

>> No.12922220
File: 92 KB, 497x599, 497px-StJohnWildernessBosch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these mad faggots
Crabs and Lobster and Shrimp absolutely are the same as Vermin. They're bottom feeders, they eat literal garbage, and they're exoskeletal. Well done OP, you managed to find a trigger button that got some real (you)'s

You fucking retards, bugs aren't going to replace meat, ever - despite what people say they aren't really more protein efficient for mass farming. We may see them added to meat substitutes some day though, alongside plant proteins and fungal proteins.

Finally, humans have eaten bugs since forever. It's never been ideal, but you do what you gotta do.

And the same John had his raiment
of camel's hair, and a leathern
girdle about his loins; and his
meat was locusts and wild honey.