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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12920548 No.12920548[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what does /ck/ think? Worth it?

>> No.12920550

No idea. I’m not a woman or a faggot.

>> No.12920553

For me, it's Claws.

>> No.12920554

If you have to preface everything with "I'm not ______", you most likely are

>> No.12920558

Id drink anything from her at least once

>> No.12920564

I don’t do it for everything. I actually hardly ever do it. The fact you get so pissy about your sparkling faggot water says a lot about you tho.

>> No.12920569
File: 66 KB, 680x367, 6d21e2ef23b7aded09b25221e8b2b020b32b90af_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Mountain Dew

>> No.12920570

You're getting so mad for no reason. Grow up.

>> No.12920576

It's fine as something to drink with slight flavor that isn't 200 cals a can.

>> No.12920630

it's carbonated toilet water for boomers and hipster faggots who don't realize that flavored seltzer water exists. anyone who tells you that any of their flavors have even a shred of resemblance to what they claim to be should weigh their options for suicide.

>> No.12920654

Leah Gotti >> Dogface Lacroix

>> No.12920668

tastes about half as good as the $1 litres of flavored seltzer at target

>> No.12920871

it was before it became popular enough that theres a store brand now

we keep the seltz on deck
store brand gang for life

>> No.12920960

Haven't had it because it sounds unappealing and it panders to the 90's fetishists.

>> No.12920972

wow, she did pink and blue eyeshadow, totally looks like the can!!

>> No.12921029


>> No.12921040

I like it, though I'd say most flavors taste the same as generic/store brand flavored seltzer. The only ones I've tried that I think are worth the premium are grapefruit and key lime.

>> No.12921705

It's flavoured water with a marketing department

Why do americans like this shit so much

>> No.12921712

I’m probably in the minority but I like it. It’s aight. Having said that I’d much rather just squeeze some lemon and lime juice into a cold glass of water though.

>> No.12922186

Strawberry Bubly is the best flavored sparkling water

>> No.12922191

Don't know cause I'm not a woman or a homosexual

>> No.12922333


>> No.12922363

God fucking damn it. I swear part of the tranny agenda is to get straight men to question whether every pic of a cute girl they see is actually a biological female or not. I would guess most 4chan users have accidentally masturbated to men playing dress up by now

>> No.12922368

Nigger taste. Queen Remy doesnt need slander from commoners like you

>> No.12922427

that literally is a tranny in the OP though

>> No.12922435

Well then ive been had again because i was thinking unclean thoughts about her

>> No.12923163

Shit taste.

>> No.12923182

All decent pornstars are retired now.

Current dogshit is basically instagram tier with a bit of dicksucking

>> No.12923254


>> No.12923263

>Queen Remy
She literally looks like an AIDS whore who just stumbled off the LIRR from Ronkonkoma

>> No.12923270

Based Roach-Drinker

>> No.12923273

Spend that money on a reverse osmosis system to make everything taste better.

>> No.12923275

Yeah but theyre videos are still up. Does Megan Rain still make new stuff? Longtime fan lol
First off fuck you Long Islander, second watch your mouth. Staten is the SUPERIOR island and we have designated Queen Remy as our numero uno pronstar

>> No.12923286

>Staten Island vs Long Island
Splitting hairs desu

And UWS, actually

>> No.12924281

Survivorship bias. Nobody saved the uggos from 2000-era porn

>> No.12924291
File: 21 KB, 400x600, ci-la-croix-pamplemousse-580e79497e7b4274.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12924312

I have some in the fridge for guests, but I drink Kroger brand

>> No.12924491

pretty much only drink Topo Chico, which has recently become memed to death by fucking coastie hipsters, now hard to find in glass bottles

>> No.12924589
File: 690 KB, 960x686, Well_ain_t_that_some_shit_Shaggy_13b7ea18638e4c94246c235b55928bd4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i swear to god they do it for social status. it's criminally overpriced, tastes like shit (i cannot say that emphatically enough; easily the worst thing i've ever drank), but it costs at least twice as much as other seltzer waters, so it must be good!

>> No.12924606

Criminally overpriced? Its like a dollar more than the same size case of water

>> No.12925060

good answer

>> No.12925563

I've been digging those summer la Croix they did. The coffee cola one and the mojito one were especially good

>> No.12926662

>I swear part of the tranny agenda is to get straight men to question whether every pic of a cute girl they see is actually a biological female or not.
Yeah, it's a psyop to make you think trannies can pass for women. But we both know that's never the case.

>> No.12926679

when me and my sister would live in the same household she stockpile a lot of the stuff and eventually i gave it a try

i didnt really like drinking it as it was just more intense water that hurt my mouth since its carbonated but i also found it strangely addictive. i started drinking more and more of it until it was the main thing i drank in the day. i literally stacked the cans up in my room and it would make whole walls of empty tin cans, and despite this, i never really enjoyed drinking it, i just liked how it fed a "craving". eventually i went to college and never touched the stuff again

overall, not good but weirdly addictive. dont drink it if u dont want to waste your money

>> No.12926723

Prefer it because if it goes flat, its just flavored water at that point. Dont mind regular iced water either.

>> No.12926746

Deer Park is better

>> No.12926782
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>> No.12926876


>> No.12926881


>> No.12927682

Are you a fucking idiot, not every female was once a man

>> No.12927685


>> No.12927901

Why are some flavors so much more flavorful than others? I haven't tried that many but I'm shocked how much flavor the pear one has compared to some others I've had.

>> No.12928022

Just embrace it. If it looks like a duck etc.

>> No.12928042

Tried it. It's trash. It like a wine cooler with less flavor and no alcohol.

>> No.12928747
File: 28 KB, 450x450, shopping (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is infinitely better and doesn't contain pesticide.

>> No.12928771

Big seltzer shill detected.

>> No.12928773

>Dogface Lacroix
Go dilate.

>> No.12928779

Based. Could someone tell me the origin of dilate though?

>> No.12928788

kek. this one was. she's on the show "i am jazz"

>> No.12928801

Why do you reddit homos act like everyone is pissed off because they say a bad word or disagree with you? Just because you get hurt feelings and cry a lot doesn’t mean the rest of us also care that much...

>> No.12928824

Not him but this is not a reddit thing. This shit has always existed with this website. If someone who disagrees with you curses, gets mad, or even responds at all, they're absolutely bootyblasted, BTFO, and will never recover. If someone who agrees with you is mad they're based.

>> No.12928838

Trannies have to dilate their crotch wounds otherwise their "vagina" will heal up and close.

>> No.12928843

fuck cammy

>> No.12928846

This nigga mad af lol

>> No.12928856


>> No.12928861
File: 76 KB, 634x800, BAD30F0A-1DB7-4281-82CB-1F7CBDCDFD77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does (she) have a literal hatchet wound?

>> No.12928883

>if I defend the porn star she will reward me with sex
Have sex

>> No.12928886

Not even close. Tastes okay but there’s tons of off brands that taste literally identical and cost half or less of whay La Croix does.

>> No.12928920

You have to be an autistic tranny to think that Remy has a dogface. So again, go dilate.

>> No.12929001

does it matter?

>> No.12929167

Yes because I am going to marry and have kids with a picture on 4chan