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12910178 No.12910178 [Reply] [Original]

I cant drink coffee anymore without getting heartburn

>> No.12910198

You may try coffe + a bunch of milk

>> No.12910271
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Adding more water literally helps everything

>> No.12910297

Darker roast and more water dipshit

>> No.12910552

Get checked, you may have GERD with hiatal hernia.
Never drink coffee on empty stomach, always eat something dry like biscuits (not chocolate chips buttery 500 cal shit I said dry biscuits) or better a banana if you’re drinking coffee during a morning break at the office.

Also stop being a faggot and drink espresso coffee instead of 1 gallon brown water, so you’d drink a little fraction of an American “coffee” while minimising the side effects. Provided you eat something with it.

Also add milk (read milk not cream and other fat shit, plain low fat milk) and if you start having heartburn take a gaviscon or drink some water with half a tbsp of baking soda.

>> No.12910626

I get the same turns out I had GERD, that was from black coffee, I don’t have milk in tea or coffee. Now I very rarely drink coffee which is a shame as I fuckin love it.

>> No.12911225

Same. There are things that help but I still feel it. No longer worth it for me.
Tomorrow is my birthday and my special zreat might be one cup of coffe, followed by baking soda.

>> No.12911232

Espresso is nice but I want to enjoy the coffee, I love the flavour. With espresso the fun is over after 2 minutes.

>> No.12911235

lose some weight

>> No.12911242

Get some low-acidity coffee, I get some instant stuff called Kava that's smooth and easy to drink on an empty stomach.

>> No.12911246

Don’t underestimate GERD.
I took for 10 years PPI medicines and one year ago I went under surgery, they augmented my stomach with the Linx sphincter and as of today the GERD has gone away for 85%, it’s another life.

>> No.12911266

Make a cappuccino and enjoy the fun

>> No.12911303

At least it doesn't make you shit yourself.

>> No.12911312

if u get heartburn again ill kill u

>> No.12911373

I dont feel the milk helps that much. I would rather have a meal and an americano.

>> No.12911754

change the rest of your diet
and by that I mean give up alcohol and white bread
worked for me, and my gerd was so bad I'd get heartburn from drinking water

>> No.12911758

dairy exasperates gerd fyi

>> No.12911923
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You sound like a pussy bitch who constantly eats hot wings so in a perpetual state of heart burn I bet you're 500 pounds overweight you fatass monkey mongrel stop eating hotdogs covered in fried chicken greases dipped in deep battered butter fried with chicken grease I bet you way 1 ton and are out of breath by walking from the oven to the coffee machine you disgusting fatass I hope you die of a heart attack brain hemorage anuerism at the same time you retard acid reflex bitch, bet you odn don't even have have any taste buds from drenching your disgusting overly greasy fatass meals in 0ver 9000 tons of hot sauce!!! you disgust my you vile hedonistic gluttonus degenerate how about you hit tread mill for once in your life but down the hotsauce drenched chicken for some weights you subhuman. stop stuffing your mouth with hotwings.

>> No.12912674

Lucky you, I get the shits once I drink it

>> No.12912760

I don't really get heartburn, but I stopped enjoying the coffeine buzz, for the longest time I really actually liked that, but I guess I changed during the last decade or so.. But if I am at family gatherings I need it to balance out the sweets that are usually provided.