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12909670 No.12909670 [Reply] [Original]

Nine items were wiped from the menu today:
>chips & salsa
>beefy mini quesadilla
>double tostada
>double decker taco
>cool ranch doritos locos taco
>fiery doritos locos taco
>cantina power burrito
>loaded chipotle chicken griller
>xxl grilled stuft burrito
Pay your respects

>> No.12909677

Most of those were meh anyways so it's not a big loss, but I'm definitely gonna be feeling the death of the xxl grilled stuft burrito. Shit was great.

>> No.12909687
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Truly the history books will remember the events of 9/11/2019 as the greatest tragedy of American history.

>> No.12909707

>chipotle chicken griller


>> No.12909718

>xxl grilled stuft burrito
SON OF A BITCH. That was my shit back when I was a fatass who ate fast food everyday.

>> No.12909720

>8 shitty items i never ate and 1 that was a complete meme i always fell for
looks good to me

>> No.12909754

I bought a grilled stuft burrito and put it in my freezer the moment I heard they were getting discontinued.
Please give me your full name and address so decades from now I can attend your funeral and slip the thawed, ancient burrito into your casket the moment I get the chance.

>> No.12909770

>double decker taco
I haven't eaten fast food in a long time, but I used to like these when I did.

>> No.12909780
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Back in my day the xxl grilled stuffed burrito was just called a grilled stuffed burrito. And we were grateful.

>> No.12909819

It really was better pre-xxl. They were mostly rice and meat and it was good. Nowadays it's all flavorless guacamole and sour cream.

>> No.12909823

The cantina power burrito was pretty good except for the fact that the romaine lettuce was mostly the stem. Fucking hate lettuce stems.

>> No.12909944

>grilled stuft burrito gone
Well, that settles it, I no longer have any reason to visit Taco Bell.


>> No.12909961

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.12909966
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>> No.12910120

all taco bell items taste like the same peppery mexican bullshit

>> No.12910121
File: 50 KB, 800x450, CEE38EEB-BEDE-4478-ACB1-25A4EC2853AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double decker taco

>> No.12910302

Aren't the double decker and gordita crunch about the same thing?

>> No.12910341

Rare photo!
It has every single person in the country who can afford a pair of shoes in it.

>> No.12910491

Is reviewbrah going to cover this? He loves taco bell.

>> No.12911193
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Rest in peace you delicious bastard.

>> No.12911230

BFB will be removed in October btw.

>> No.12911692

What? Is that just speculation? I don't want to believe you

>> No.12911717
File: 174 KB, 400x400, Double_Decker_Taco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh double decker. You were one of my most favorites ever since I was a kid. Soft taco with beans covering a crunch shell with beef, lettuce and tomato. It was the best of both kinds of tacos on the menu. I hope you come back some day.

>> No.12911730
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>double decker taco
they have all of the ingredients to make this already! wtf is their deal?! and weren't dorito tacos their top selling items of all time? why is taco bell going full retard?

>> No.12911985


>grilled stuft burrito

there's no way this is real. source? I searched taco bell in the news and all that came up was their new meme vegan menu

>> No.12912001

>I don't want to believe you
Believe what you want. Just remember me come October 15.

>> No.12912096

I'm sorry, anon.
If you don't believe it, go check for yourself.

>> No.12912151

They're keeping the nacho cheese, which is the one everyone orders anyway.

The real loss is the beefy mini quesadilla. They kept the chicken one which sucked, what's so hard about about putting a scoop from the massive tub of beef instead?

>> No.12912164

Why is it that Taco Bell always seems to be the one that does drastic cuts on their menu?

>> No.12912183

nobody ate the ranch one more than once

>> No.12912202

>beefy nacho griller survives
all that matters

>> No.12912258

Can I get a crispy taco that isn't fucking broken

>> No.12912380

Mugabe was a filthy terrorist and the personification of stupid nigger rage against everything good in the world. Long may he burn; Rhodesia will rise again.

Also they never had any of that shit at the Canadian taco bells, at least that I can remember. But even though none of that sounds appealing y'all have my sympathy as I know how criminally underrated Taco bell is.

>> No.12912396
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>cantina power burrito

God damn it, I just don't want my burritos full of fucking rice.

>> No.12912401

>fiery taco
Fucking F
The chalupa combo comes with a taco that I always changed to fiery since their tacos suck anyway. Literally don't have a reason to go back anymore. I'm free from that place

>> No.12912577

I envy you. I'm still anchored to the place by their chicken quesaritos and dollar menu burritos.
Part of me hopes >>12911230 is right.

>> No.12912590

>double decker taco

Guess I'm never going there again.

>> No.12912633

The taco bell KFC building just nuked the taco bell part and is remodeling to just be a KFC.

Rest in peace.

>> No.12912666

What kind of ghoulish shitbird eats that crap anyway. Their tacos, soft tacos, nacho bel grande and burritos were good enough to launch a global franchise. The human feces they added afterwards destroyed the company. At least they're learning.

>> No.12912672


>> No.12912871

>beefy mini quesadilla

>> No.12913056


>> No.12913558

My stepmom orders this all the time.
If you like pissing people off and getting boogers in your food, you can still request one by name and most places will still make it.

>> No.12913637

I only ever get a #8, crunchy, with a Pepsi. Three normal tacos are all I really want when I go.

>> No.12913689

I've never seen a KFC with anyone in the parking lo, and the very few times I've been the chicken tastes like it's been sitting out for an hour, how are they still in business?
>inb4 blacks
They almost exclusively eat Popeye's, a few may do Bojangle's

>> No.12913767

as long as they keep the only edible menu item, the bacon crunchwrap, Ill still hand them my hard earned Canabucks

>> No.12913974

>fiery doritos locos taco
volcano tacos please come back
volcano fucking anything please come back

>> No.12913999

>They're keeping the nacho cheese, which is the one everyone orders anyway.

that's the worst one though

>> No.12914134

sort of related but I really miss the steakhouse burrito. It was very nostalgic for me

>> No.12914142
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Double Decker Taco was the superior older brother to the Crunchwrap

Sad to see it go, I've been eating it for years

>> No.12914146

How do you eat this without shit going everywhere?

>> No.12914271

Did you know taco Bell is an example of the Predestination paradox?

You see every taco Bell item gives you the shits because it's made of shit that was from taco Bell causing a loop in the space time continuum

>> No.12914964

For hard shelled shits in general you hold it firmly yet with putting excess pressure on it, and when you bite, you take wide open mouthed confident bites that sink through all the way swiftly.

My mouth is not an extremely large one, and though I can get really big bites sometimes I don't bother as much because, sometimes I like to take a bite from the top and then a second one from the bottom so I can get a bite full of all the ingredients, other times, I do enjoy the on and off of fully chewing a bite mostly of salad, cheese, and sauce, and then one of meat and whatever drippings.

Also with the Double Decker, I find if the hard shell cracks it really doesn't matter, refried beans are basically a glue and the soft shell is a glove

>> No.12915381

This is the real 9/11

>> No.12915710
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>loaded chipotle chicken griller

>> No.12916151

They can still make the double decker its just a soft taco shell and beans around a crunchy taco....what's the point of removing it?

>> No.12916701

Because fuck us, that's why. There's a lot of things coming off the menu they can still make with what they have. Beefy mini quesadilla is gone, but the chicken one remains? What the fuck?

>> No.12916708

Taco Bell has been shit for a decade

>> No.12916710
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>xxl grilled stuft burrito
I literally have no reason to go back. I only went there like once a month when I was craving a burrito, and Mexico places don't make stuffed things like that you can pick up and hold here or the last two states I've been in.

>> No.12916724

It seems like there trying to have a healthy more adult millennial image instead of the stoner/ gamer who loves Mountain Dew and Doritos image. I guess there just trying to stay new and relevant in the times of the fast casuals like chipotle which they are competing with these days

>> No.12916729

Just tell Mexican places to not make ur burrito wet or full of messy guac n creme. Say only rice, bean, meat n cheese pls n thx

>> No.12916760

Dude, it's going to be a huge burrito that's not wrapped correctly, filled the same, etc. I don't have a dozen Mexican restaurants to choose from, they make wet burritos not shit you carry around. I'd be better off making it myself and that's more than I want to go through for one item for one person.

Oh good, a place that specializes in fried corn chips, ground beef, cheese, sour cream, etc wants to project a healthy image. Healthy adult millennials are in their 30's and are used to your tacos by now, taking them away isn't going to make them think you're healthy.

>> No.12917542

Id trade 90% of tbs menu to satan to bring back the loaded nacho taco