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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.06 MB, 768x432, the za supreme.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12909500 No.12909500 [Reply] [Original]

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.12909569
File: 620 KB, 1192x2120, Murry Christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's our thin crust

>> No.12909910

that looks delicious

>> No.12909937

>hold the pizza vertically to try to get the toppings to drip off
>still scrape them off with a fork
>wreck the pizza into a pile of garbage by smashing it like a toddler
>"Does that look like the best pizza in Denver?"
Ramsey is a faggot fraud and his show is fake bullshit.

>> No.12909941

it honestly looks perfect. it looks like he's got the dough right. just undercooked it, if he left it in the oven for an extra 2 minutes it would be perfecto

>> No.12909947

His show is fraudulent for shenanigans like this.
My favorite is the UK Nightmares episode where he visits a French shop and the woman is running it through her daddies money.

She ends up shutting it down and becoming a prostitute kek

>> No.12909949

Ramsay is a faggot but that pizza also looked like shit, there was a pool of grease in the middle of it.

>thin crust

>> No.12910005

Whats UK slang for a prostitute?

>> No.12910040


>> No.12910048


>> No.12910050

Dongsly Chucklefuck

>> No.12910051

slag, harlot, and ofc - slapper

>> No.12910076

whore, tom, tart

>> No.12910087

>thin fucking crust

>> No.12910096

The pizza looks good honestly, maybe not amazing but definitely good
Ramsay is just not used to American style pizza which is usually thick and loaded with toppings and cheese

>> No.12910099

>American style pizza

>> No.12910100

Rent free

>> No.12910115

>americans cant have a version of foods
you need help man

>> No.12910119
File: 184 KB, 766x431, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loaded with toppings and cheese
Well, apparently not.

>> No.12910149

looks pretty loaded to me. not our fault Ramsay is so retarded he couldnt hold it right.

>> No.12910150


Nah that pasta looks nasty, there's too much of everything. Thick uncooked dough, thick layers of tomato sauce and abundance of cheese which has gone greasy. If he cooked it for longer then it would have been edible but still not the best pizza in the state.

>> No.12910162

How bad is american cuisine that a brit has to go and fix it lol

>> No.12910173

Lol what

How do you know she became a prostitute

>> No.12910174

Honestly, I doubt I'd eat it - 1 slice tops

>> No.12910175

Is there any food he doesn't complain about unless he made it?

>> No.12910179

Agree, Gordon is a homo.

>> No.12910209

Both are wrong. Gordon is a faggot and the owner looks like he's about to throw a tantrum.
That being said, I'd eat that pizza depending on the price. But come on, "this is our thin crust"? Lmao

>> No.12910211

There's a couple episodes where he likes the food but most of the places feed him garbage tier shit.

>> No.12910217

"This is our thin crust" aside that looks like low tier pizza, like something you'd get from pizza hut or domino's.

>> No.12910226

Please, they'd never sell something like that sloppy mess

>> No.12910238

The pizza is too thick so it's raw. Half the thickness and it might be fine.

>> No.12910258
File: 2.57 MB, 1000x994, americanpizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American style pizza
You mean "pizza"?
>which is usually thick and loaded with toppings and cheese
In Chicago, yes. But the rest of the country thinks of pizza more like pic related.

>> No.12910270

Americans make the most shit tier pizza in the world.

>> No.12910276

never had a pizza from a place run by turks or egyptians have you

>> No.12910293

show flag

>> No.12910300


>> No.12910305

Damn that looks good. I like when it's cooked like bottom pic.

>> No.12910308

Ninnytickler, a fannymanny, midnight tea, crumpetstrumpets

>> No.12910312


>> No.12910313

Ramsey for not even giving it a taste and generally being a pretentious limey poof

>> No.12910314

this was the first result when i googled the last one

>> No.12910320


>> No.12910337

Oh look, it's one of the people telling you to "have sex"

>> No.12910339

>destroys the pizza for no reason, doesn't even taste it
What a fucking tosser. Ramsey may be a decent chef, but he is a fucking asshole and a fraud when it comes to honestly judging food.

>> No.12910346


>> No.12910376

this show is obviously fake. They always have the owner play up being arrogant.

>> No.12910393

gordon for being a bitch. that pizza looked delicious

>> No.12910488

>he's brought a round pizza, complains about it looking bad and being moderately greasy
well maybe it looks too Italian f-
>complains the crust is too thick, too american
I wonder what kind of pizza he likes, maybe the kind MPW used to make for him between the bitchslapping and the painful anal sex
it's funny because it's true

>> No.12910494

your mother.

that's why i discipline her fat ass with my micropenis on the regular

>> No.12910501

>scrape pizza with a fork

>> No.12910524

>implying this isn't all staged

Stick to watching your visual media and get the fuck off my board, you impressionable retard.

>> No.12910540

kinda does look like a grease pit
but id eat it

>> No.12910622


>> No.12910645

Don't let the new Yorkers hear that

>> No.12910683

Same. I love super thin pizza

>> No.12910730
File: 8 KB, 250x238, 1454103229354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these fat fucks ITT defending a pizza that is literally raw on the inside

>> No.12910751


>> No.12910857

He's holding it like that to allow the liquid to drop off to show how much there is you fucking simpleton.

>> No.12910902

Ramsay was in the right here.

>> No.12910903

honestly what the fuck is his problem? go cook some eggs you low T brit faggot

>> No.12910918
File: 2.58 MB, 1772x944, 1542824259466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low T

>> No.12910919

It's sad to see how crappy the standard quality of food has deteriorated in the USA that people actually prefer this overloaded cheese pizza rather than one with fresh flavours and balanced taste.

>> No.12910922

The standard of quality has dropped but people don't prefer that pizza on account of it shutting down soon after the episode aired due to reverting back to it.

>> No.12910950

I'm referring to the comments posted and the inability of some to see what should be clear to all.

>> No.12910959

Both. The pizza should have been cooked longer and Gordon always hypocritically shits on the size of food he receives.

>> No.12911053


>> No.12911073

You wouldn't believe how delusional people are and how bad they react to any kind of criticism even the most well meaning one, they react as if you attacked them personally an can not consider they are in the wrong.

>> No.12911210

have sex

>> No.12911219


>> No.12911314
File: 829 KB, 738x407, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you wanted a pizza with big thick crust, that just looks like shit. Underdone, the cheese doesn't go to the edge, and a pitiful amount of sausage.

>> No.12911369

Ramsay's American shows are marketed as "Dramas". He purposefully hates on shit and over blows it. Like that time he said a burger was too tall to eat, then goes on his own youtube and makes the same thing and calls it perfect. The show also never saves businesses. Just about all of them go out a business within a year since the show creates artificial demand that dies off.

The UK show is completely different and not a drama fest like they made the American one into. The american one isn't worth watching.

>> No.12911382

there's actually plenty of foods in the show where he actually likes it. It's rare, but it usually happens when the cooking isn't done by a single problem in the kitchen.

>> No.12911441

The entire purpose of Kitchen Nightmares is that the restaurants he goes to are shit. If a restaraunt is good, then there's nothing to help them fix up. There was one episode I remember though where he got some shit food, but to follow it up he was served some dessert made by the owner's sweet old mother, and he said that was really fantastic.

>> No.12911455

>American cuisine
>also 40% of all americans are at least obese
what did they mean by that?

>> No.12911491

Goes to show what Americans watch over actually thought out content about good food.