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File: 35 KB, 600x400, white-bread-51-600-600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12906740 No.12906740 [Reply] [Original]

How is US food compared to European?
I've heard that white bread tastes almost like cake for example, and ryebread isn't worth its name.
Is this true?
What about other stuff like meats?

>> No.12906747

Everything American tastes worse.
ESPECIALLY bread, chocolate, bacon, sausages.

>> No.12906758

I got a chance to visit Germany, Belgium, France, Ireland and Amsterdam once during a family trip. Europe has ruined me for good bread. My god, the bread over there just cannot compete with American garbage. And coffee. Every country I visited had amazing coffee. Especially Belgium.

The one thing I was very happy to come back to America and have is FREE WATER. There is free drinkable water EVERYWHERE in america and I had the hardest time finding safe sources to refill my water bottle when I was visiting. I eventually gave up and just bought large bottles to keep in the car. And free bathrooms. I hated paying anywhere from $.50 to $2.00 just to use the god damn toilet.

>> No.12906762

In general Europe does those others better, but bacon? Nah.

>> No.12906790

In general food that would be used for animal feed in the EU, or sent to Romania, is considered human edible in the US.

Their fruits and veggies are generally rotten, the bread is made mostly of chemicals, their meat tends to be tough and flavorless.

Basically if you’ve ever wondered why they’re so fat and torpid, it’s how they keep them in control and happy with their 3rd world quality of life.

>> No.12906796

Lol, this Euro bait is going further and further down the crapper.

>> No.12906804

Absolutely, though some shops that make their own are good
Not at all
Not really. Maybe general mass produced stuff is better in Europe. But there's tons of people who make smoked sausage here that are fantastic.

>> No.12906808

>paying to use a toilet
Fucking rediculous. Public sanitation is everyone's responsibility. No one should have to pay to take a shit.

>> No.12906819


>> No.12906836

Here's the thing with American food, the only products that get exposure are the mass produced slop we throw at the uneducated and poor. It takes the smallest amount of research to find a good local bakery, chocolatier, butcher, etc. in the states. The only people who complain about the food in the us are the willfully ignorant

>> No.12906848

Not really true. It's true of major metropolitan areas but a lot of suburbs and small towns and cities don't have those things.
inb4 there are butchers everywhere in flyover areas
Patently false.

>> No.12906853

>actually needing to take a shit on a day out
lmao what? you seriously can't just hold it until you're back at your hotel or whatever?

>> No.12906855

You dont know much about flyover states do you? Rural areas and small towns are surrounded by farm land. You can buy fresh local produce almost anywhere. As for meat, I've had 0 issues finding smaller farms and going in on a cow with family members. My brother up north in the middle of no where is in the same boat. Grows his veggies and has chickens but goes to a lady down the road for pork and beef

>> No.12906862

everything is just so sugary and fatty over here. And its really hard to try and eat healthy and eat something delicious without it having buttloads of hidden sugar, even though its advertised as "healthy". Excluding fruits and vegetables of course

>> No.12906870

And we didn’t even pay. Awesome!

>> No.12906873

sometimes people are out and about doing errands and when duty calls, duty calls. everyone is different, and plenty of people have medical complications that stop them from being able to hold it in.

>> No.12906881

Yes it is, as is everyone’s responsibility to clean up after themselves.
If you’ve ever seen an unmaintained public restroom, you see how will this notion works.

>> No.12906884

I’ll be honest with you. Living in America, I’ve literally never seen rotten food in person. What’s it like hating something so much you spend every second of your life being mad?

>> No.12906911

Do you think flyover states are deserts? They’re fertile farm land. My town of 10,000 has 2 grocery stores, 4 butcher shops, and 2 school systems. We have less than 200 people employed in some form or fashion. Why spout bullshit and how horrible life is here if you don’t know?

>> No.12906918

Yeah everywhere has a local chocolatier right.

>> No.12906919

Didnt say they did in rural areas. Although even shitty small towns near me have bakers and shit

>> No.12906926

A debrands shop just opened up in my town and partnered with a local boutique and coffee shop. It’s a neat little place.

>> No.12906930

You have literally never left food in your fruit bowl, fridge w/e for a few days too long, been out and had your fridge die for what ever reason etc?

>> No.12906935

Hes an amerilard he doesnt eat fruit and vegetables

>> No.12906939

How do I make bread that is similar to that which is sold in supermarkets? I'm talking soft with a soft crust.

>> No.12906949
File: 165 KB, 897x861, 1364936358461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I make bread that is similar to that which is sold in supermarkets? I'm talking soft with a soft crust.
> I'm talking soft with a soft crust.
Dude that's not normal. Bread shouldn't have a soft crust

>> No.12906951

Most public restrooms are a part of the building that owns it. A gas station, for example. American gas stations don't charge money to people to use their restrooms, and they are cleaned by the staff through out the day as it's needed. A customer can tell a staff member that the bathroom is out of something, or that there's a mess, and an employee will usually take care of it right away. Because everybody uses the bathrooms, especially female, they tend to take care of it and not abuse it.

Charging people money to take care of a basic human necessity like using a bathroom is garbage. Charging for safe drinking water, if you have a reusable bottle is garbage. These are things a human NEEDS. It's not a luxury. Taxes are paid through a voted system to pay for these basic human needs and rights to. It keeps people clean and safe as a community.

>> No.12906962

Food in the USA is so much cheaper than in Europe

>> No.12906986

Your taxes don't go to that gas station to maintain a toilet for your usage it is that companies decision to let you use their bathrooms (or to charge for it), with various shops not letting you access their bathrooms and making them employee only. Is this not worse than paying, you can't access them even if you pay.

It's not like clean drinking water in your own home is free, you need to pay for the water and the same with the toilet (I atleast pay for drainage) and have to spend time maintaining my bathroom keeping it clean. Why should private businesses have to pay for your right to take a dump in their toilets they need to stock and maintain. Though I do agree if the bathrooms are put up by the government they should be free.

>> No.12907733

The cheap stuff is unhealthy and bad, but the more pricey stuff is healthier and better.

>> No.12907956

>I had the hardest time finding safe sources to refill my water bottle
What ?
>find a tap
>fill your bottle
Where did you fail ?

>> No.12907982

>It's not like clean drinking water in your own home is free
It is in my country lol

>> No.12908029

>American gas stations don't charge money to people to use their restrooms
Where the fuck were you where the gas stations charged money for using the rerstrooms ? I've never seen that in Europe.

>> No.12908101

You don't pay water bills or have it included in your rent?

>> No.12908106

no, they just pay a TV tax instead

>> No.12908360

That's another normal thing that also exists everywhere though.
Like water bills.

>> No.12908383

>medical complications that stop them from being able to hold it in
being a loose anus buttfuckee is not a medical complication

>> No.12908429
File: 1.44 MB, 320x240, giphy_4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, had a friend from the netherlands come down to my midwestern town. said all the bread she had was sweet, and that tacos were her new favorite food. she also gave me a tin of liver pate that i wound up giving to my pups. wanted to like the stuff but holy shit the smell and texture was a big no

made me wonder how their bread is

>> No.12908463

No, it's a complication of being an amerishart.

>> No.12908494

Cope, the only thing we don’t have are your sausages, at least not wholesale

>> No.12908502

don’t let the coping yuropoors fool you, we have the best selection of sugary and salty snacks yes, but also if you wanted to eat healthy that’s easier and cheaper in america.

>> No.12908503

Nope. There's no water bill. Only companies get charged for water.

>> No.12908519

Now tell us your average salary and energy bill

>> No.12909821

Country too while at it

>> No.12909840 [DELETED] 

>There is free drinkable water EVERYWHERE
Do you guys can drink tap water? Germans can do it, but idk about the rest of EU.

German bread is god tier, french has some god tier bread but only as fragment of choice and mostly white bread (Still driving to france to buy fresh baguette, cheese and fish/calms

>> No.12909841

t. fatty

>> No.12909872

Dutch tap water is -by law- of higher quality than ANY bottled water on the market.

>> No.12909917

Make "Pain de Mie"
Its what ur looking for

>> No.12909945

Our bread is trash, but our fruits are far superior than in Europe

>> No.12909955 [DELETED] 

>but our fruits are far superior than in Europe
Its a friut. We have every kind of climate zone to copy the same quality. And GMO is banned in EU

>> No.12910009

>and GMO is banned in EU
Not true

>Poland is the eighth EU member to ban the production of GMOs even though they have been approved by European Food Safety Authority.

>As of 2014 Spain has been the largest producer of GM crops in Europe with 137,000 hectares (340,000 acres) of GM maize planted in 2013 equaling 20% of Spain's maize production

>The EC Directorate-general for agriculture and rural development states that the regulations concerning the import and sale of GMOs for human and animal consumption grown outside the EU provide freedom of choice to farmers and consumers

>> No.12910016 [DELETED] 

Thx Anon, I hope GMO gets more common so we can feed more refugees

>> No.12910039

America is a shithole in every sense.

>> No.12910044

Raping white girls builds up an appetite

>> No.12910047

Euros don’t even smoke their bacon so you definitely got that wrong

>> No.12910055

Make Japanese milk bread

>> No.12910072

Bacon is not really popular over here. You have the brits that eat their variant, but it's mostly cold cuts or cured hams in the mainland.

>> No.12910080

Is euro packaged foods as sodium loaded as usa?

>> No.12910159

Europe is a big place, but in western europe no, not really.

>> No.12910169

Yuros talk a big game but never back their shit up. Lots of "*thing* is better, dude trust me," and "uhhh yeah I've been to the U.S I mean c'mon, two week holiday in Florida hel-LO? Kinda an authority on all things America."

>> No.12910982

US expat in Germany. American food can't compare

>> No.12910984

Reminder that ONLY north western Europe is superior to America, NOT meds or easterners

>> No.12910987

Everywhere has smoked bacon retard

>> No.12910992

Well this is completely wrong, because I exclusively buy smoked bacon.

>> No.12910993

Germany doesn't
>B-but if I go to a meme shop

>> No.12911023

I literally can't believe nobody has brought up steak yet. American steaks can be absolutely awesome, some of the best I've ever tastes in 50+ years.

Part of it is to do with the US grading system, which prioritises marbling (fat inside the meat) which is largely absent in much of Europe for example. Our fat can have a much better flavour (grass fed for the most part, with some grain during the winter) but their steak has lots more of it, so if the fat isn't half bad it's awesome for how the mean tastes once cooked as well as mouthfeel, which is surprisingly important beyond mere tenderness.

>> No.12911059

>Dutch tap water is -by law- of higher quality than ANY bottled water on the market.
That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. The second someone fills a bottle with tap water, you'd have to upgrade your entire infrastructure.

>> No.12911155

He was responding to a post about butchers, jackass

>> No.12911161

German here.Our bacon usuallys is smoked. We have some unsmoked ones but thats the exception to the rule. It is a North-South and West-East thing. You will find far less smoked bacon in Italy.

>> No.12911173

Tap water in North america is not safe water.
It is in most of Europe.

>> No.12911226

america is pretty much just European +

feel kinda bads for the people in european

>> No.12911276

Not at rewe

>> No.12911288

Where are you living? Because every Rewe I know offers generic smoked bacon like every supermarket else. Only thing they have is some unsmoked ham.

>> No.12911381

So what kind of "source" does an american expects ?

>> No.12911395

Why not

>> No.12911453

ams yous talkings like Skwisgars on the purposes?

>> No.12911513

>ryebread not worth

>> No.12911518

>buttloads of hidden sugar

what the fuck are you eating?

>> No.12911804
File: 64 KB, 600x899, basicwhitebread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let the snobs fool you, it is a standard traditional sandwich bread.
1. Combine 3 cups unbleached AP, 2-1/2 tsp salt, 1-1/2 TBS yeast, and 1/4 cup sugar.
2. Add 1/4 cup vegetable oil and 2-3/4 cups warm water, and mix into a batter.
3. Cover, rest 10 min until the yeast bubbles.
4. Stir in more flour, a little at a time, until it forms a nice ball of dough. 3 to 4 cups, depending. Don't overdo it.
5. Knead as usual.
6. Cover in a greased bowl, let rise until doubled, about an hour. Gently deflate it.
7. Divide in half. Press out each half into a rectangle about 8" long. Roll it up and pinch the seam together.
8. Lay each roll in a greased pullman bread pan (the 8-1/2 by 4-1/2 rectangle). Cover and rise another hour.
9. Bake about half an hour at 350.
10. Turn the loaves out on a cooling rack and brush the tops with melted butter. Then let it cool all the way so it can finish setting.
You can substitute an equal amount of honey for the sugar.

>> No.12911837

They even put icing sugar on toast. Who the fuck does that?!

>> No.12911891

That's not bread my obese friend.

>> No.12912722

Cake goes by many names

>> No.12913260
File: 212 KB, 700x525, sourdough sandwich bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugar is a standard ingredient in lots of breads, especially sandwich loaves. Its hygroscopic properties keep the crumb from losing moisture during baking. That and its effects on gluten formation mean that the bread texture will be softer, and the bread won't go stale as fast once it's been sliced.

Milk is also a common component, instead of just water, for similar reasons. (You should scald the milk first to prevent it from hindering gluten structure, but most recipes don't mention this.) Replacing half the water with milk is typical. If you do this, you only need to use half as much sugar.

Another technique for keeping yeast bread soft, and stay fresh longer, is a Japanese method where you cook some of the water and a little of the flour on the stove, stirring for just a couple of minutes until it forms a thin gruel. Then let it cool enough so it doesn't kill your yeasties, and add it to the rest of your ingredients. For a single pullman loaf, you'd use something like 25 grams of flour and 115 grams of water.

>> No.12913264

In my experience European food is vastly overrated; I mean trying it out and reading these posts makes me feel like you guys are just trolling or something. Food in Holland sucked major nigger COCK. Anything besides bread and cheese sucked, I'm sorry, but that is the absolute truth. The restaurants and overall dining experience was bad; I only had good meals when I ate well at people's homes who ended up in Holland from other countries.

>> No.12913266

Do you know that we eat the exact same bread in Canada?

>> No.12913272

t. streetshitter

>> No.12913292

I want to add to this. Greece was absolutely horrendous, and made me look at Greek people entirely differently. It's like everyone had a stick up their ass in Greece (by everyone I mean locals).

Lazy, rude, ignorant, stupid, did I mention lazy? Walking into a restaurant felt like I was bothering the fucking employees; God forbid you do your fucking job you lazy prick.

To anons who are even considering visiting the shit-hole called Europe; just travel in your own country. The people are stuck up, socially retarded, and outright rude.

>> No.12913318

Well then arent you a lucky shit? Cus I pay for town water and sewage every quarterly. I live in NY. Bet you have well water.

>> No.12913326

Bet you're they type that thinks NYC water is shit. Most public tap water is cleaner than bottled.

>> No.12913349

of course the resturant food is bad. it's all overpriced garbage. i think op is talking about the quality of supermarket products, which obviously are way better in europe. europe is a lot stingier with regulations and quality control.

>> No.12913874

wtf, someone who actually knows what they're talking about? get off my board.

>> No.12913893

How do I get really good at baking bread?

>> No.12913902

Europe is just so great!!! !!! You can tell because I never stop posting about America and spend most of my time on a majority American website !!! !!! :)

>> No.12913964

Are you stupid?
Tap water is very safe in America unless you live in Flint

>> No.12914401

You're taking what he says at face value. What if he's parroting shit he read elsewhere that some dude made up? What if he's just making the stuff up himself? There's lots of both of those in cooking, trust me.


Don't mix your doughs too dry, that's the death of any good bread regardless of quality of ingredients.


Good flour helps, but is not absolutely essential if you don't need to product 'artisan' type breads and would be satisfied with a good home-baked loaf or rolls.


Begin with a no-knead recipe if you want to start easy; the long wait times substitute for standard good practice like kneading well. The good results possible from this will give you a good basis for comparison for future efforts.

>> No.12914447

Where did you eat?

>> No.12914475

How does it feel to be retarded
Are you eurotards or ameritards

>> No.12914701

Is it true, in your experience as american who has been to europe, that America has much better hotel breakfast than Europe for roughly the same price?

Listened to a guy saying he was surprised when the breakfast in a bunch of places didn't have a dozen selections of this and that and it was pretty much standard in America.

>> No.12915020

Here in the USA we absolutely do not pay a tax for public broadcasts.

>> No.12915110

you're absolutely fucked in the head

>> No.12915119

Switzerland has it, drinking fountains everywhere and it's amazing, you don't even need a drinking bottle in the first place. They exists in other places too but are so rare you can't count on it.
On the other hand just using uncomfortable tiny restrooms sinks and even pigeon shit polluted water from do-not-drink! fountains has never made me sick either. But it is so much more of a nuisance.

The toilet issue is retarded, too. Shitty for tourists and makes all native late night guests just pee on the streets. During the day you can at least sneak into restaurants, administrative buildings and libraries.

>> No.12915142

>Your taxes don't go to that gas station to maintain a toilet for your usage
It should. Way more places would have toilets and tap water ready for the public if they'd get a bonus for doing so.

>> No.12915368

>TV tax
>normal thing that exists everywhere
Not in the US. Not in a lot of places. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television_licence#Countries_that_have_never_had_a_television_or_broadcasting_licence

>> No.12915370

You can European quality products in most places now

>> No.12915466
File: 190 KB, 960x636, stencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presuming you already have the basics down, and want to take your bread to the next level, the number one thing is precision. Awesome bread has little room for error. Like the other poster said, practice a lot. Practice doesn't make perfect, but it does make precision. Weigh everything, even the water—don't rely on measuring cups, flour compresses differently with each cup and anyway the markings aren't always perfect. Decent scales with tare function are really cheap now. Also keep notes of what you did so you can replicate results you liked.

One thing to work on is improving the texture of your bread. Baking inside a dutch oven will trap the steam for a better crust. You can even use a regular bread pan and invert another one on top as a lid. Take the lid off about 2/3 of the way through so color can develop. When you take it out, leave it in the dutch oven about ten minutes to set up before removing it to cool.

You can also improve texture by baking at a much hotter temperature than you're probably used to. Try 500F/260C/Gas 10.

To get a more open crumb, knead less, fold more. You can even do away with kneading entirely, and just fold throughout a long rise (but leave it alone for the last hour). I've gotten amazing breads that way.

To improve flavor, use sourdough starter. Take some the night before to make a levain with some of the flour and water from your recipe. Add a pinch of yeast if you don't want the sour flavor. Even sticking with yeast as your primary leavener, a dab of starter will take the flavor higher.

Another way to improve flavor is to use significantly less yeast, so the dough takes longer to rise, developing a lot more complexity as it does.

That cool design effect in pic related is super easy, but impresses people big time. We do taste with our eyes! Just cut out a stencil, and sprinkle flour or cocoa powder or wheat germ or whatever on your dough right before baking.

Have fun!

>> No.12915484

American food is cattle feed with fancy packaging

>> No.12915592

>cable, satellite, internet, cell phone, energy bills specifically includes a line item tax
>b-but we don't have use taxes in the US 'cause I don't read muh bill
Ok, Cletus.

>> No.12915677

I actually prefer toilets to be paid because it usually means part of it goes to keeping them clean. Free toilets are usually pretty disgusting, but I've rarely been in a pain toilet that wasn't pretty good (for a public toilet, anyway).

>> No.12915703

>1/4 cup of sugar for 3 cups of flour
Do Americans really?

>> No.12915983

I wouldn't mind if it were real measuring units.

>> No.12916054

48 grams of sugar to 375g flour

>> No.12916126

*31.25 g
But it still an heresy.

>> No.12916195

ITT: dumb eurofags that have never been to rally's

>> No.12916215

>I've heard that white bread tastes almost like cake

There's like 30 boutique bakeries in my city and 50 different brands of crappy grocery store bread on the shelves so I dunno how retarded people can justify generalizing and saying stupid shit like this.

This also applies to pretty much every thing you've heard about food products in America.

>> No.12916235

European chocolate especially the Norwegian ones my cousins occasionally bring over are unbelievable.

>> No.12916237


Everything in the us has the nutritional value on the package. It's not hard to figure out if food is healthy or not because of this.

>> No.12916248

Isn’t a tablespoon of sugar about 12g? So 12*4 would be 48

>> No.12916349

>1/4 cup of sugar for 3 cups of flour
If 3 cups are 375 g, 1/4 cup is 31.25 g.

>> No.12916436

That's because the dutch are filthy heretics. Always remember, protestants = shit food, catholics = good food.

>> No.12916524

Ceci. Religions war when ?

>> No.12916536

Flour and sugar don’t have the same density, dude. It doesn’t work like that

>> No.12916564


>> No.12916574

German expat living in the states. Europe can't compete in food.

>> No.12916585

See >>12916436

>> No.12916586

If you’re talking about a crusty loaf, the. sure, there’s no sugar. But for a classic sandwich bread you need to use some sugar to get the right texture. Sugar limits gluten development and keeps the bread soft and moist

>> No.12916603

That was six or seven cups of flour, not three.

>> No.12916618

The biggest sign of a fucking amateur bakelet is thinking the only purpose of sugar is to add sweetness. It shows they have zero knowledge of the properties of sugar that affect the texture and moistness of the bake, among other things

>> No.12916774

America's veggies and fruit have the same quality as Europe's. The difference is in the food Europe has been doing for centuries like cheese, chocolate, bread, cold meat, olive oil etc. Basically anything that comes from tradition and requires knowledge. Unless its imported, there are very few places in the usa where you can find good cheese. Americans think they know what cheese is until they try a spanish cured cheese.

>> No.12917376

>Spanish cheese
God created the Pyrénées for a reason, it spares us from your disgusting "specialities".

>> No.12917449

American cheese makers are very very good, but they are hamstrung by laws that require all the milk to be pasteurized first. Which kills all the wee beasties necessary for great cheese. They're forced to use syringes to inject cultures for their blues, e.g.

>> No.12917466

I think the only thing the US does better are unprocessed meats, beer and coffee, but Europe also does a good job with all 3 (the US has more variety though).

Europe blows us away when it comes to dairy, sweets and baked goods.

>> No.12917470

accurate statement.

>> No.12917472

What are the properties of sugar that do those things?

>> No.12917481

>says this
>becomes an african colony of muslim faith anyway
Really makes you think, did you really want arab bulls that bad frenchcuck?

>> No.12917484

There definitely is American cheese made from raw milk so idk what you’re talking about

>> No.12917485

This post did a pretty good job of explaining it:

>> No.12917563

>says the Moor rapebaby

>> No.12917599
File: 23 KB, 640x559, 1510666359734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First country in europe to become non-white
>People raped and murdered by niggers all over the place
>Millions of muslims praying in their rugs on the street
>Notre dame fire made by a muslim in the restoration crew, muslims shitting themselves out of laughter in social media and videos

>b-but you're a moor rapebaby haha

Is this a new level of cope?
By the way Vandals from the Vandalic Kingdom in north-africa converted to Islam and sent to invade us were whites of germanic stock. I'm blue eyed, moor rapebaby indeed.

Meanwhile your women are sucking black dicks en-masse.

>> No.12917613
File: 901 KB, 1000x659, lyingcheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12918226


>> No.12918249

Good food can literally be found anywhere, fast food and huge chains are crap but ingredients are ingredients and a recipe is a recipe

>> No.12918252
File: 278 KB, 1433x1920, 1546597125386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of course, most Americans just shit in their pants for free!

>> No.12918968


>> No.12919066

in America we have pork, beef, poultry, lamb, vegetables, fruits, spices, and other ingredients. you can combine these to make dishes that are good and tasty.

we also have frozen dinners and box meals for the idiots.

>> No.12919081

>sporting goods

>> No.12919085

???? never been to europe comfirmed

>> No.12919097

I like how there are people still taking these pics at walmart. I havent been to a walmart in like 4 years, but now I wanna go today to see some weird shit like this. Do they still sell ammo at walmart or did they cuck out after some shooting?
also, I think public restrooms should be a small fee. makes it harder to be homeless in that area and they go away. if it wasnt a law to keep all public restrooms open, only shitholes like cities in California would keep them free and all the bums would stay there.

>> No.12919117

Euro bread is way better

>> No.12919139

>I think public restrooms should be a small fee
Back in the days in France there was what we called a "dame pipi" in the public restrooms. You tip her what you want, and she keeps the place clean and ensures there is no weirdo squatting the place. They dissapeared in the 90s I guess.

>> No.12919309

most busy public places in germany have this except they are called a "putzmann" or a "putzfrau", "dame pipi" sounds pretty hilarious but seems kind of humiliating

>> No.12919337

Those are good tips. I do a lot of those things when I make pizza dough (the only bread I bake because I'm a lazy fucker). I also use an extremely low amount of yeast and let it cold rise for 24-48 hours

>> No.12919343

American white bread is squishy, very soft and sweet. Not so good.

>> No.12919371

I’m American and I don’t know anybody that eats white bread for anything that isn’t grilled cheeses

White bread tastes like cheap garbage, although I don’t understand the “it’s sweet” claims

>> No.12919499

there's food in the US that is so far below standards so that it can be cheap as dirt
if you buy premium or even mid-tier brands, there's no real difference between euro and US food

for instance: Food Lion generic brand white bread vs Dave's 12 grain whole grain bread

>> No.12920257

>Grilled cheese

>> No.12920276
File: 95 KB, 960x500, paid bathroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everywhere, man. I had to constantly keep a handful of coins in the car for that very reason. Where in Europe are YOU that you don't pay? Maybe next time I'll visit your country instead.

>> No.12920291
File: 173 KB, 799x532, public urinals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>12906758 here
(This thread is still alive??)

I wanted to amend what I said about *ALL* countries charging to use the bathroom. When we went to a music fest in Amsterdam, I saw my first public urinal and I thought it was the greatest idea ever. These are everywhere and it's such a great idea. They also had a lot of basic porta-potties everywhere for the ladies too.

>> No.12920293

>Everything American tastes worse.

This honestly.
I used to wonder why there's constant mass shootings in America but then I had to eat the pigshit they call "food" there for a week and now it's obvious why they do it.

>> No.12920314

I think the only advantage americans have is access to cheap and relatively quality meat (pretty sure euros import a lot of this meat but obviously pay more for it), other than that even sourcing quality ingredients can be a bitch, let alone food from a bakery or restaurant. Perhaps the exception is if you live near a hipster town.

>> No.12920318

>Where in Europe are YOU that you don't pay?
France, but it's been few years now that I didn't use public toilets (here or anywhere else in europe), maybe I'm out of date.

>> No.12920340

That's not how it works, anon. The law on tap water is very strict and demanding. The law on bottled water is on par with international standards.
But you could fill bottles with tap water. In fact that actually happens. Kinda. There's a bottled water company (Bar-le-Duc) that draws from the same well as a provincial tap water plant. The company pumps up water and directly bottles is. The provincial plant pumps up water, purifies it and sends it through the water mains.

>> No.12920346

>is *only* on par with....

>> No.12920407

I am just going to drop this here


And say there is no comparison

>> No.12920720

Holy shit. I just baked my first ever loaf of bread (no-knead wheat bread sprinkled with sesame seeds). The taste, the fluffiness, the crunchy crust, all of it is impeccable.

I'm never buying store bread again.

>> No.12920741

Self-made is always better.

>> No.12920776

There's no way I could surpass my baker. It takes hours to make a real bread. Plus it's literally next door, 5 meters away.

>> No.12920796

Most of that time is spend waiting. From start to finish, making that loaf took me 4 hours, of which I actually did things maybe for 6 minutes.

The ingredients cost me less than 1€ altogether (and I have enough to make 2 more loaves), and the taste can hold up to bakery bread. Texture is even superior to bakery because you can't possibly get it as fresh.

>> No.12920809

i get good bread from my local bakery...of course if you go to the grocery store and buy wonderbread it's going to suck...

>> No.12920812

that makes no sense, since most bottled water is just tap water

>> No.12920819

"Higher quality" should be "higher standards" for factual correctness, but the latter usually also implies the former.

>> No.12920823

i see

>> No.12920840

I have no doubt that you could make a good bread, and the satisfaction must be a big plus, but I only eat half a baguette a day, it's not worth the effort as it's just 1 euro for a perfect fresh baguette.

>> No.12921083

Omedetou anon.

>> No.12921170

>biggest tourist scam
>"i've been in Europe guys"
Never change America, next time try the Mont Saint Michel, you'll like it.

>> No.12921176

quantity over quality

hormone meat

>> No.12921620

Ah yes, as compared to European yeast, which can live off of arrogant sneers that smell faintly of cheese.

>> No.12922060

yeah well what do you expect when half the public resources are used up on giving handouts to any dumb nigger who shows up illegally in a makeshift raft.

>> No.12922228
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When I was in the UK. I wasn't served a single sausage that didn't have rusk in it. Growing up eating sausage that doesn't have rusk, eating UK sausage really fucked with me

>> No.12922301

False. Meds have the best growing seasons, the most variety and the best quality and East has loads of farmland. The North West has to import most of their food from the other two regions resulting in inferior and more expensive food. Or they grow some shit cultivar in a greenhouse that tastes entirely of water.

>> No.12922310

Beef is less popular and more expensive in mainland Europe. Traditionally the main red meat was pork.
I would say beef is one area where America probably has the edge.

>> No.12922319

Dutch have literally the worst cuisine in Europe and it's not at all representative of any other country.

>> No.12922667


Or, God forbid, Spanish "wine". Only good for unclogging a toilet.

>> No.12923274

Have you seen Finnish mammi?

>> No.12923287

You sound British.

>> No.12923301

Store bought bread is cloyingly sweet here, it's true.

>> No.12923356
File: 3.61 MB, 4032x2268, 20190908_143928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baking inside a dutch oven will trap the steam for a better crust.
Have you ever heard of steaming your own oven to bake loaves that wont fit in a Dutch oven? While the oven is preheating, put an old cast iron pan in between the lower heating elements with some spa rocks or some other rough stones. I usually crank my oven up to 500 degrees for baking so they will be quite hot.

Then, prepare about 2 cups of boiling water and get a clean spray bottle full of water. Spray the surface of the loaves down with water after scoring and then place them in the oven. Then, pour the 2c boiling water over the rocks to create a plume of steam. Slam the door shut and let it steam bake for 20mins before reducing the heat down to 375 to finish. You can do this with any size or shape of loaf so you arent constrained to round loaves. Pic related, my most recent bake with this method. 100% ww flour.

>> No.12923389

For me, it was investing in the equipment. Weigh ingredients out by getting a scale. Buy a lame or use a razor blade instead of just a sharp knife. Get a baking stone to make sure you get enough heat transfer. Those kinds of things.

>> No.12923404


Thats a french thing. In Spain, public bathrooms are free except three o four, just to avoid gays to go and do naughty things inside.

>> No.12923416

How do you get those stripes around the bread ?

>> No.12923456
File: 934 KB, 1536x2560, 20190915_125152r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking for Bread General but this will do. Check out this bad boy I made today. It's actually my first ever bread baking. Prettu happy with the results. Will definitely do more.

1 of 2

>> No.12923460
File: 1.04 MB, 1536x2560, 20190915_125410r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 of 2

>> No.12923462

Burger here

there is plenty of good food here, and a lot of food diversity. With that said, there are some things that Euros simply do beat us in. Such as bread. North American bread does not compare to French and Italian breads. Same goes for cheeses

>> No.12923464

Looks like a rock umu

>> No.12923517

>Thats a french thing.
There are free public toilets everywhere in France. In fact I've never seen paid toilets...

>> No.12923704

Using a banneton without the liner
Good job on that ear (aka n*gger toes), looks awesome anon.

>> No.12923713
File: 2.63 MB, 4032x2268, 20190911_064440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting the crumb of these loaves. Still pretty dense overall but considering these are both using 100% WW flour I'm very happy.

>> No.12924264

is this the Australian loaf?

>> No.12925673

>hormone meat
Disgusting plebian

>> No.12925700

The food is much sweeter, yes. My understanding is that its because of glucose manufacturers being huge conglomerates and they put it in everything. So the bread isnt as sweet as cake, that's hyperbole. It tastes like bland angel food cake. And they also have every food available that's available here, but the americanized version costs significantly less

>> No.12925713

My family is European and whenever they visit, they put a strong emphasis on good cheese and good bread. All meals revolve around great quality cheese and bread. The rest of it (proteins and snacks) are about par.

>> No.12925719

Everything other than the bread is false