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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 68 KB, 645x457, 6-troublemaking-antinutrients-to-know-about.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12903867 No.12903867 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think about anti-nutrients

>> No.12903874

I think nutritional science runs out of things to talk about and shill so they just start making shit up.

>> No.12903877

Yeah bro just eat fucking nothing that'll show em who's healthy

>> No.12903882

Not hard to avoid antinutrients

>> No.12903892

Unexpectedly wholesome. Take this upvote. Wholesome.

>> No.12903896

Sending you Reddit gold ASAP

>> No.12903899

Based and ketopilled

>> No.12903900

Humans should be drinking calorie water only

>> No.12903901


>> No.12903905

So it sounds like the only shit i should be eating is fish and non red meat.

>> No.12903908


>mfw allergic to gluten

feels bad, man

>> No.12903920

It's amazing how much anti-science nutrition has around it.

>> No.12903927


They just make shit up or revisit old arguments. Red meat good red meat bad. Eggs good/eggs bad. Sugar good? Sugar bad? Carbs? Joke of a science

>> No.12903931

>TFW my health nut friend get obsessed with some new health "facts" and meme diets every other week it seems, she gets sick constantly and always seems to have a cold like 6 times out of 10
>I eat anything I want, lots of bread meat and cheese including fast food, and I haven't been sick outside of drug/alcohol related issues since I was in middle school

>> No.12903937

Hello fellow glutard.

>> No.12903949


>> No.12904156

The only one of those you should be concerned about is oxalates since an over consumptions of those can lead small calcium-oxalate crystals being deposited all over your body, which can lead to varying symptoms. Literally everything else is a meme.
these have been show to have anti-cancer properties
meme unless you're actually sensitive to it
all they do is bind minerals in your body, but all foods containing phytates still have a net positive mineral count unless you have digestive issues.
literally impossible for these foods to affect your thyroid unless all you're consuming is goitrogen high foods
in some doses it's actually has a positive effect, the only problem you'd run into by consuming high amounts of tannins is insufficient amount of vitamin B1.

>> No.12904200


>> No.12904217

None of those are anti-nutrients except phytates and oxalates.

Only phytates are likely to lead to any significant deficiency (Zinc).

>> No.12904261

Irrelevant unless you're overconsuming or doing it wrong. Lectins in beans aren't a problem if they're soaked and cooked, or canned. Gluten insensitivity is in something like 2-3% of people, the rest are trendy bandwagoners. It takes extended overconsumption of greens to worry about oxalates (like 2+ cups of raw greens a day, or 6+ cups of cooked).

The rest are of even less concern. Idiots will jump on anything if it means they justify their shitty diet.

>> No.12904291


>Heavy consumption of tannin-containing or food rich in caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline (such as those present in coffee, chocolate, and tea, respectively) can inactivate thiamine, thereby compromising the thiamine status (7, 14, 15).


>> No.12904308

Great, go prove how much can actually be a problem and come back. I guarantee it's some ridiculous amount that the average consumer is nowhere close to.

>> No.12904504
File: 43 KB, 615x405, The man who eats nothing but beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ here
the anti-nutrient meme is top tier kike shillery
all supposed "anti-nutrient" research has only been shown IN VITRO. (in a test tube in a lab)
There is absolutely NO evidence that anything here prevents nutrient absorption IN VIVO. (in an actual living body)
>dude dont eat beans, peas, or lentils
fuck right off, i'm pretty sure that the human body is efficient enough at absorbing essential vitamins

Show me one single documented case of bean-induced vitamin deficiency. One.
You can't.

>> No.12904535

>/pol/ here
oh christ.....fuck off

>> No.12905086

>/pol/ here
Thanks for saving me from reading your post

>> No.12905090

Sometimes I'll eat basically an entire pound of spinach in one dish. It cooks down so much. Hope my kidneys don't explode or anything.

>> No.12905093

My grandfather ate cigarette sandwiches and soaked his guts in liquor and lived to be a million, if any of this shit kills you, youre not built for this world

>> No.12905233


Oh how powerful three letters are. THIS is the modern day leftist, people, shrinking back into itself in fear of its own mental construct...

Have any of you even been to /pol/ recently? It's not 2016 anymore. /pol/ is a constructive board of mature, diverse posters. Maybe you SHOULD check it out, break out of that sad, pathetic shell. You may just learn something.

>> No.12905273
File: 146 KB, 678x444, polAD2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It's not 2016 anymore. /pol/ is a constructive board of mature, diverse posters.

>> No.12905275



Business as usual.

>> No.12905420
File: 988 KB, 500x375, source.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
