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12899248 No.12899248 [Reply] [Original]

>spicy foods thread
I say this as somebody who loves spicy food, no not that new age "spicy" shit like aardvark:
This shit burns. I ate one bite and the spice didn't go away for a good 15 minutes. With that being said

>> No.12899322

how do you feel about the usual

>> No.12899342

I don't know what the usual is in this context. Sorry.

>> No.12899351

shin ramyun

>> No.12899355

aardvark does taste good af tho

I orderded the last dab yesterday

>> No.12899372

the black packet

>> No.12899399

It's good. I don't eat ramen often, but that's kinda mild to me so it's nice to have every once in a while.

>> No.12899512
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>> No.12899513

This is good. Not as spicy as people claim, like it’s spicy but not omg challenge soooo spicy challenge. It’s nice and has some sweetness to it. I actually love eating these.

>> No.12899526
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>> No.12899563

nice try grandpa. your own shit health is what caused those ulcers to appear in the first place

>> No.12899566

Thats not volcanos fault anon, you got bacterias inthere

>> No.12899581
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>> No.12899756

Ulcers can be caused by inflammation without having anything to do with bacteria. It's not that different from the inflammation you could get if your skin became irritated for whatever reason. That's where the ulcer / stress idea comes from. Modern medical science went really far in the reactionary opposite direction of denying psychosomatic origin for most any real physical problem, but it's been getting recognition again in recent years through the cortisol / stress angle.

>> No.12899786

PS: inb4 "It's actually good for inflammation / cancer prevention / whatever else!"
Like most everything else, depends on the person, the dose, the frequency of exposure, etc e.g.
>Application of capsaicin to the skin causes an enhanced sensitivity to noxious stimuli, followed by a period with reduced sensitivity and, after repeated applications, persistent desensitization (37). Capsaicin-induced dermal pain is common after exposure to capsaicin-containing hot peppers, personal protection sprays, or topical creams (38). A condition known as “Hunan hand,” which is a form of contact dermatitis, has been noted in workers handling peppers (39). When applied to glabrous lips or tongue, capsaicin elicits burning pain, the intensity of which corresponds with the degree of increased blood flow and temperature induced by capsaicin (40). On the one hand, capsaicin has also been shown to be an effective topical treatment for hemodialysis-induced pruritus (i.e., itching) in patients with end-stage renal disease (41). On the other hand, topical application of capsaicin was not effective in serotonin-induced itching in healthy volunteers (42).

>> No.12900969

>tfw living in rural Maine

>> No.12901022

I like spicy when it's tasty and matches the other flavours of the food. I dislike spicy when that's all their is to it. That said, I tried that brand of bokkeummyeon and didn't care for it.
Last spicy thing I made was dinner last night: chilli beetroot fried rice with Maldives fish flake, crisp-fried shallot and coriander leaves topped with fried egg. I ate it with green cabbage mallung and parippu dhal. Was good. Too spicy for dinner guest, tho. : (

>> No.12901031

This shit is delicious.
I love it with added dried seaweed and crispy fried onions.

>> No.12901040

>RATE PER 100K OF _______
Literally useless

>> No.12901118

My guess is suicide, but yeah what a shitty infograph.

>> No.12901131
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Shit tastes like fucking chemicals.
How can people enjoy this?

>> No.12901223

I like it because it also has a sweetness to it

>> No.12901284

what about the normal 1x spicy version?

>> No.12901706
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>mfw I eat the black version when the only spicy thing I tried up until then was a bit of tabasco
I wanted to try more spicy food out in order to understand whats with the hype behind spicy food is, I had no fucking clue how fucking hot these packets were.
Somehow I finished it all but I had to keep my mouth under a running tap for like 5 minutes because if I kept my tongue and lips exposed to the air they would burn in agony. It got so bad at the very beginning that I almost knocked myself unconscious by hyperventilation since I kept passing air through my tongue because of how fucking hot it got.
Ever since that day I feel like my heat resistance permanently rose to a pretty stupid high level and I could sorta handle more of those packets pretty decently despite going on for a long time without eating anything spicy.

>> No.12903802

They make a stew type too if you like sipping spicy broth.

>> No.12903809

That pic always reminds me of Use of Weapons.
I should read it again.

>> No.12903815

Japanese food is super bland though.

>> No.12904224

This is what I normally eat and it's really good. They don't sell the 2x spicy one around here for some reason. I'm gonna try getting it on Amazon one of these days.

>> No.12905205

Holy shit you're a fucking idiot

>> No.12905217

I have a bottle I can't use because every time i put even a little bit on food it gives me food poisoning. They clearly don't give a fuck.

>> No.12905362

I got through one of these a few weeks ago. Once my mouth adjusted to the spiciness, it started tasting bad.

>> No.12905568

Korea has a high rate of h. pylori infection because of fermented foods like kimchi, not because of spicy instant ramen. Instant ramen is completely safe and devoid of bacteria.

>> No.12905574

If you honestly thought the high rates of whatever that chart is about (probably ulcers) were due to spicy food, then why are Thailand and India so low?

>> No.12905595

I don't know why this stuff is so spicy. The Scoville rating seems pretty low, but it's almost as if the heat clings to your mouth more than usual.

>> No.12905887

Stomach cancer (from eating too much fermented foods). If you searched the image you'd find it's from a cancer journal

>> No.12905891

Ah that makes sense. Yeah, definitely fermented foods and not spicy foods like that anon was implying.

>> No.12905946

So is this saying eat kimchi or don't eat kimchi, don't fermented foods prevent cancer?

>> No.12906347

Reminder that everything causes cancer, even baby powder apparently.

>> No.12906383


I don't know what's about these noodles/sauce I can't handle. I really love spicy food and am able to handle extremely hot sauces and take on raw chili's for fun. But there's something really specific about the taste that makes it incredibly painful. It feels like dipping my tongue in acid(and I'm not talking about Lucy). And it's supposed to only have about 8000SHU. Somebody else experiencing this?

>> No.12906384

Sounds like a rite of passage. Just like how young boys in tribes get bitten by bullet ants before becoming a man. Good on you anon, not a spicelet.

>> No.12906392

>And it's supposed to only have about 8000SHU.
Says whomb?

>> No.12906397

I'm quite convinced it is the temperature of the noodles and the volume of the sauce. When it mixes together it coats the noodles well and it is steaming hot. Compared to my hot sauce collection which are higher Scoville units wise but I use less of on wings etc.
Perhaps try substituting the sauce packet with an equal volume of your favorite hot sauce.
>No way it is only 8000SHU

>> No.12906448

I fucking love these. Soon as that sauce touches my tongue it feels like I'm going insane. Genuine pain for at least half an hour. Actually unironically love it.

>> No.12906812

It's says 8808 on the back of the packaging.
I also came to the conclusion that the the noodles being hot definitely worsen the experience. I could literally drink a bottle of Tabasco and it would not come close to the heat I experience with these noodles. It feels like a chemical burning your skin.

>> No.12907214


Make your own hot sauce. Its so easy and so good.

>cover a pan with an inch of sesame oil
>add dried chilli peppers till its filled
>add five heads of garlic chopped into medium sized chunks
>warm till its sizzling all over the borrom
>take it off
>wait till its cool
>put it all in a jar (including the peppers)
>shake it each time you use it

It's so good, fuck. It makes 3/10 ramen 8/10. You can probably add it to icecream tbqh.

>> No.12907225

What's funny is the only person I knew who had ulcers was a total hippy vegan cuck. Strange world

>> No.12907255

how is that a sauce?

>> No.12907262

I guess its an oil. Doesnt matter, you can use it every place you'd use hotsauce, just use slightly less.

>> No.12907275


read this

>> No.12907309

Why would you love genuine pain for at least half an hour

>> No.12908312

It makes me feel alive

>> No.12908349

because we are not pussies

>> No.12908358
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Got a free spicy chicken sandwich today. Was pretty good, man.

>> No.12908397

50% of getting that kind of shit is Genetic. Our Genes tend to have our physical makeup catered to specific environments and foods.

>> No.12908931

Drink brass polish, its super spicy.

>> No.12909502

>it is the temperature of the noodles
this and mostly this. Having it cold is a normal experience.

>> No.12909509

I have gotten ulcers from smoking multiple times they are really not a big deal and I’d be surprised if most people don’t experience one

>> No.12909513

why do people keep trying to meme this as spicy?

>> No.12909518

Fun Fact: Spicy food in regular doses is shown to reduce risk of ulcers

>> No.12909909

This shit tastes so good, even if I know the spice will murder my throat and tastebuds, I just wanna eat more. The sweetness of them make me wanna continue eating.
I tried the Mala ones, which are supposed to have 2700 SHU, to ease myself up into eating these, but they aren't as good as the 2x spicy.
Do the regular ones have the same taste as the 2x?

>> No.12909918
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i cook my shin black with dried ghost peppers then i put the noodles on a plate and save the broth then i mix ghost pepper salsa into canned chili and top the ramen with it and after i'm done eating my skyrine chiri i chug the broth and flip a coin to decide if i eat the peppers
i like ghost peppers fuck every other 1 million scoville+ pepper they taste like shit

>> No.12909924

Take a jar of jalapenos
dry them out, bake them until crispy
crunch them up and add them to your breadcrumbs for whichever recipe uses it
I use it in baked mac and cheese

>> No.12909925

The regular black one is just outside the range of enjoyable and too spicy. I use like 75% of the sauce and add a bit of chicken powder.

>> No.12909926 [DELETED] 
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>>spicy foods thread
Sended my grandma some, she made it with chicken and vegetables. When that old woman can eat it, its not spicy

>> No.12909927

>high rate of stomach cancer
>yet among the highest life expectancy

>> No.12909930

>be stupid 8 year old
>mexican neighbor is growing a bunch of peppers
>steal a bunch with my friends
>start mashing them and throwing them at eachother
>everyone starts getting sweaty from running around/playing
>start rubbing eye brows/eyes
ended up taking a hour long shower trying to get this shit off me

>> No.12909935

That's what makes their rates of stomach cancer so shocking. Eating more and being fatter like Americans lowers your lifespan (among with other lifestyle factors), yet they still end up with a higher rate of stomach cancer. Clearly there's something about the fermented foods that causes stomach cancer.

>> No.12909953

so what would you compare the spice level to? maybe we can base it on different chiles like serrano, cayenne, birds eye. what would say? just eat the damn thing?

>> No.12909992

Peptic ulcers are caused uniquely by bacterial infection. Certain foods and beverages encourage growth of H. pylori, but chili pepper is not among them. Counter-intuitively, capsaicin may be key in resorting stomach lining and starting the ulcer healing process.

>> No.12910786

Just got a pack of these yesterday and have to say i'm a fan. not too spicy and at least somewhat flavorful

>> No.12911396

They also smoke like crazy and drink a shitload.
Also I remember some random guy claiming that undistilled alcoholic beverages made from fermented grain (and generally starches) are less healthy than those made from fermented fruit.

>> No.12912733
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I like spicy food but it makes my butthole burn when I go to the bathroom the next day. is there a way around this?

>> No.12912882

Vaseline around the rim before you go. put a layer between the skin and it

>> No.12912895
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>> No.12912947

Korean instant noodles have so many unnecessary chemicals in it just to preserve and enhance the flavor, it's no wonder it tastes like plastic.

>> No.12912958

Eat spicy two days in a row. Also try this>>12912882

>> No.12913246
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Fucking hell I bought this today and tried it. I thought I liked spicy noodles but this shit kicked me in the ass.

How the fuck do you go even higher?

>inb4 hur dur wahpeepoh

>> No.12913335

Incorrect, the 'only bacteria causes ulcers' meme is fucking idiotic

>> No.12913462

The normal hot chicken flavour is pleasurable to eat for any above average spice handler
2x is for memes and youtube videos

>> No.12913488

Not "only" baceria, but overwhelming bacteria and NSAIDs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peptic_ulcer_disease#Cause
The other causes of ulcers are extremely rare. The idea that capsaicin causes ulcers is absolutely retarded and isn't supported by the literature.

>> No.12913535
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Too bad ghost chilies taste like absolute shit. And that's the fucking problem, all these super hot chilies taste like fucking shit. It's just fucking dick measuring for white guys, because I've never actually seen anyone other than a white guy bragging about eating this shit. It's a complete lack of knowledge about the application of spice in food and just thinking ITS GOTTA BE HOT RIGHT, SO THE HOTTER THE BETTER, THE HOTTER THE MORE MANLIER! But it all just tastes like shit. The fuck is wrong with some paprika and cayenne? The fuck is wrong with habaneros? Why the fuck does it have to be absolute ridiculous shit like PEPPER X!