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12896235 No.12896235 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on over-the-counter CBD?

>> No.12896260

Always look up reviews on the brand you're getting. 50 shades of green is a good brand for gummies.

>> No.12896280

Anti-inflammatories are good

>> No.12896388

Pathetic crappy tax scheme.

>> No.12896496

it does literally nothing. it has no actual effect or benefit

>> No.12896502

Snake oil

>> No.12896947

Lowers your iq

>> No.12896950

Must be overpriced and overrated

>> No.12896953

Must be overpriced and overrated

>> No.12896981

New age holistic pseudoscience essential oil hippie bullshit

>> No.12897060

I do not give a single fuck about CBD. I only consume cannabis to get high. If it doesn't get me high, it's worthless.

>> No.12897104

It works but in very large doses. Much larger than any of the shit you’ll find sold in smoke shops. You need cbd crystals and they’re too expensive for it to be worth it. If you’re gonna spend like 60 dollars for 1g of cbd crystals you should spend the 60 on cannabis with high cbd content. Even if it’s illegal you can find it literally anywhere.

>> No.12897121

I haven't gotten to test with just straight cbd yet, but weed has helped with my arthritis from my auto immune disorder.

I am going to try cbd next, but it might have something to do with it needs to be cooked first. Just like you can't get high from weed if you don't cook it, same might go for cbd.

>> No.12897137

It's the gateway to legalzing marijuana

>> No.12897139

And I mean for comparison, just so it's not like "lol placebo", the doctor put me on a very harsh anti-inflammatory. I took it as directed the first day and threw up. I thought it was a fluke, maybe food poisoning, so I waited three days then tried again, and threw up again. Waited a few more days then tried a couple hits from my buddies stuff.

Not only did it kill the pain, but it actually kept the inflammation down for the next, bout, two and a half days. I waited a good week after that, and when it was getting bad again, like joints stiff all over, and tried that weed again and had the same result.

So I figure, hey this is working when ibruprofen, full strength, and an even harder drug wasn't.

>> No.12897505

That's awesome

>> No.12897577

It's a lie and they don't work.

I have an inflammatory nerve-disease and Cannabis doesn't do SHIT except getting me high.

I'm pro-weed but don't fucking advertise that shit as a miracle cure for serious untreatable diseases

>> No.12897583
File: 22 KB, 232x262, towelie-blazed-no_idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towelie wants to know!

>> No.12897587

I’m sorry to hear that anon, but there is a lot of anecdotal evidence of it working well for people in spite of your own story. I do agree that a lot of people make pretty ridiculous and unsubstantiated claims about CBD, but it does yield positive results for a lot of people with various conditions.

>> No.12897721

Shit ton of weed has practically no CBD, what did you use?

>> No.12897727

so anti-inflammatories are not good?

>> No.12897744

Marijuana is already legal.