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12893710 No.12893710[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does fast food marketing target minorities

>> No.12893719

To be fair mcdonalds and niggers have always been close

>> No.12893729

Racism is not allowed on 4channel.org

>> No.12893731

Cool it with the racism, dude. Yikes

>> No.12893733

Whites are already eating with no issue.

>> No.12893740

Did you want all marketing to be full of white people or what's your endgame here?

>> No.12893749

>Why does fast food marketing target minorities
>picture shows a black and not a Chinese

>> No.12893751 [DELETED] 

Blacks are everything wrong with the world. If we weren’t letting blacks industrialize there wouldn’t be global warming and the earths limited resources would last for our kids. Blacks are also the ones killing off endangered animals for profit. I don’t know why we pretend history proves that black people were oppressed to be where they are, every people suffered oppression but none of them are as backwards as africa. History only proves blacks are criminals as a species.

>> No.12893756

Have sex

>> No.12893760

Yet you prefer blacks over mexicans, indians and asians. This is all your fault.

>> No.12893763

It targets minority: blacks. Because despite all their preening and posturing, most of them don't cook, can't cook and have really rather base tastes in food (and most things, really).
I'm a minority and I've never been targeted by fast food marketing because they know my group actually cook.

>> No.12893775

I’m just saying. If it weren’t for blacks we wouldn’t be dealing with pollution problems. 90% of plastic in the ocean is from third world rivers.

>> No.12893787

You're Indian?

>> No.12893797

Nope. Let's just say the reveal would be explosive. : )
>I'm Christian, tho, not Muzzie

>> No.12893798

Indians are not known for their food.

>> No.12893805

You have to pay the toll.

>> No.12893820

Minorities get huge amounts of public $$$ to make them equal and there is something known as being n word rich or a fool and their money are soon parted. Scientists claim it's based on brown people evolving in warm climates and not being able to comprehend the idea of tomorrow

>> No.12893832

This is true, this is why poor whites have even lower IQs than minorities in general.

>> No.12893841


>> No.12893908


>> No.12893917


>> No.12894032

Actually 90% of the plastic in the ocean is from industrial-scale fishing, dumbass. Go vegan if you care so much about it.

>> No.12894035


>> No.12894045

Despite their economic situation, blacks are the biggest consumers of goods in the US per capita

>> No.12894081
File: 111 KB, 1366x671, Screenshot-2019-9-8 Plastic Pollution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuhm, ackshually, its the packaging industry that really fucks over the oceans. that being said its the shithole countries that produce the most waste.

>> No.12894086
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>> No.12894087

Whites have more and more strayed away from major fast food chains.

>> No.12894090


>> No.12894095

Speak for yourself, I love fast food.

>> No.12894100

fastfood is for poor people.

>> No.12894102

I didn't say all whites. Otherwise McD's in America would be finished.

>> No.12894105

that's a good question. they usually don't have any money...hence their EBT cards.

>> No.12894115
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lol what a bunch a gubas

>> No.12894126

wtf is 365black? what does this site do?

>> No.12894129

Andrew McCaskill, Nielsen’s Senior Vice President, Global Communications and Multicultural Marketing, and long-time diversity advocate, breaks it down. “With 43% of the 75 million Millennials in the U.S. identifying as African American, Hispanic or Asian, if a brand doesn’t have a multicultural strategy, it doesn’t have a growth strategy,” he says.

>> No.12894138

betting site for blacks with mcdonalds prizes instead of cash

>> No.12894150

The really big thing McD's does for the black community is gospelfest.

>> No.12894151

Cuz nigs have no self control and couldn't figure out how to cook if it wuz da chorus of a fucken rap song.

On the off chance that you're being sincere, KYS kthxbai

>> No.12894156

Meant for

>> No.12894190

fast food is for poor and stupid people

>> No.12894211


>> No.12894221
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>Why does fast food marketing target minorities

Despite being only 13% of the population, blacks consume over half of the chicken mcnuggets in the US.

>> No.12894235



>> No.12894263

>The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is all the plastic in the ocean

the great pacific garbage patch is just one part of all the plastic in the oceans ya dingus

At the global level, best estimates suggest that approximately 80 percent of ocean plastics come from land-based sources, and the remaining 20 percent from marine sources.13 Of the 20 percent from marine sources, it’s estimated that around 10 percent arises from fishing fleets (such as nets, lines and abandoned vessels). This is supported by figures from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) which suggests abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear contributes approximately 10 percent to total ocean plastics.14

>> No.12894278
File: 164 KB, 481x257, 4BD735C4-4AAD-48EA-8F44-EA215FC8BEEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Mcdonald’s sexualize their food?

>> No.12894281

neat, this is like pol back when there was sane lefties on the board.

>> No.12894287

why is my teenage son gay?

>> No.12894292

im this guy btw if that matters

>> No.12894297

Why would anyone care if there was plastic in the ocean since the Nazi vegans don't want us eating fish?

>> No.12894317


>> No.12894341

And he's absolutely right.

>> No.12894367

typically thats the only real food outlet in their communitites. i work in a ghetto which is a pretty big area and there's a grand total of 1 supermarket there and its grimey as fuck. so unless you want hot cheetos for dinner from one of the various trashy liquor stores, mcdonalds is the closest food option for these pavement apes

>> No.12894382

But that's not what is happening here. They pretty much only advertise toward blacks. I can only guess that's McD's base now.

>> No.12894396

nature.com/articles/s 41598- 018-22 939-w
Stupid, shitass spam filter, remove the spaces
48% is plastic nets
Around 20% is fishing related equipment
Nice news article though

>> No.12894424

>nature.com/articles/s 41598- 018-22 939-w
>Page not found

>> No.12894443

>Our World in Data is a scientific online publication

its not a "news article"

>> No.12894447

I wouldn't worry about it, meat is being banned ships are being banned, we may as well use the ocean as a landfill because the democrats are going to demolish 100 million buildings to save the environment and if they get thrown in the ocean new land will be created for refugees of global warming

>> No.12894449

meant for you>>12894396

>> No.12894478

Because they know it will cause you stormfags to get your panties wrinkled and cause you to go full mass shooter, lol!

>> No.12894491


Legit i havent seen any marketing with a white guy in it in my city for months. My work got a ton of new picture ads in-store and literally everyone is black or asian. There is one white "woman" ad and she's legit a tranny

>> No.12894496


Indian food is bread and 200 varieties of spiced stew on rice.

>> No.12894498

I am a minority and I am receiving no cash.

>> No.12894517

How do you afford food or housing?

>> No.12894622

Depends on the minority desu

>> No.12894706
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