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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 302 KB, 432x528, chrome_IgkQ02jFSI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12881518 No.12881518 [Reply] [Original]

a good Irish ale can be a healthy part of any nutritious breakfast.

>> No.12881538

Americans are fat

>> No.12881557

I’ve been beating back alcoholism for a few years now. Nothing crazy, just drinking beer daily with the occasional week off. Should I stop denying my Irish heritage and just have beer with every meal including breakfast?

>> No.12881577

Bro a gallon of ale for breakfast? I mean, if you're offering I'm game but I don't think we'll get much done

>> No.12881589

that's the spirit!

let's go fishing.

>> No.12881637
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If we use the beer as bait the fish will be infused to match the beer batter

>> No.12881672

Do what you want as long as you're taking care of yourself (i.e. supporting yourself and not leeching off the community you're in) and the people you love (i.e. at the very least not making yourself their problem); fuck all else, especially your perceived ethnic identity. When the lifestyle doesn't support this axiom, you need to make a change, probably with regards to your own behavior, which may very well include drinking.

>> No.12881822
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>not being a fuckin fair dinkum fuckin full grown aussie
>not drinking a vb long neck at 20 to 8 in the fucking mornin
ya fuckin dog cunts

>> No.12881896
File: 1.24 MB, 440x248, AussieKick-7d39.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and checked

>> No.12881929

Absolute trash

>> No.12881975

>Irish heritage

It's sad to say, but I think less of the Irish because they literally made drinking part of their ethnic identity. I'm not Irish but I have an aunt who is (not related by blood), and she's clearly an alcoholic. I also had an Irish roommate in college, and he drank absolutely crazy amounts of liquor.

What the fuck is up with the Irish? You don't get to claim that alcoholism is part of your heritage. Now whenever I see an Irish person, I'm like "hmmmm."

>> No.12881976

cucked and soufpilled

>> No.12881983

The British Isles are a bleak place, drinking is one of the most effective respites from your depressing existance.

>> No.12881988

I mean, why not? If you've basically been born into a lineage of heavy drinkers, wouldn't your DNA practically be imprinted with drinking alcohol in the plan?

>> No.12882008

Irish ale sucks

>> No.12882075

There are more Irish diaspora than there are people in Ireland. I think Irish people in the US just use being Irish as an excuse to get drunk all the time.

DNA does not work like this.

>> No.12882092

I'd really love one right now.

>> No.12882765
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Not really drinking but I bake ale's into my bread. Did a pumpkin ale with this beauty. This is before I let it proof in the fridge and then cook :)

>> No.12882805
File: 71 KB, 490x686, Belhaven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scottish ale - Belhaven - or just a nice Newcastle Brown Ale.

>> No.12882811

Beer isn't going to fuck your liver up at all. Just steer clear of the hard stuff and you'll be right as rain.
t. My Hepatologist.

>> No.12882814

Cool gif.

>> No.12882826


>> No.12882876

So far I find Elysian Night Owl works wonders. Not much of a beer drinker but trying to find the best beer.

>> No.12882905

You're well on your way to making excuses to drink! You'll be on the hard stuff in no time!

>> No.12882931

>drinking beer for breakfast
No wonder Ireland is the poorest country west of the Iron Curtain.

>> No.12882986

Thats a funny way of spelling Greece.

>> No.12882987

>Iron Curtain
Come back from the '80s.

>> No.12882992
File: 53 KB, 728x425, shutterstock-430557289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greece was not west of the iron curtain. It was south.

>> No.12883001

They have been a member of NATO since 1952. Which was the "west" during the Cold War.

>> No.12883017

Same goes for Turkey, but one would have to be kidding to call Turkey a "Western European nation"

>> No.12883029

In the context of the cold war, they were. They allowed the US to station missiles, nuclear weapons and use airfields for military purposes. They were a member of the West.

>> No.12883031

1 beer a day wouldn't have much health effects on you

If you got enough self controll it's not problem but a lot of people don't and it won't stay at 1 beer a day.

>> No.12883046

Well, in the sense of the Cold War, even Japan and South Korea were "western" nations.
I meant "west" in the geographical sense of Western Europe, meaning countries like Austria, France, Sweden, Germany Belgium, UK and others.
And Ireland is, without a doubt, the poorest of them.

>> No.12883114

Yes, they are considered part of the Western Bloc of nations during the cold war.

Ireland is also ranked above Denmark and Finland in gdp, which makes your statement false.

>> No.12883551

Yea, it's fine.

>> No.12883684
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>> No.12883725

Mick haters literally btfo!

>> No.12884446

What is a hepatologist?

>> No.12885178

>Drinking proddy ale

>> No.12885215

>1 gallon of beer with breakfast

>> No.12886223
File: 87 KB, 576x768, Porridge_togo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a Mick.

>> No.12886227
File: 97 KB, 573x732, porridge_to_go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah

>> No.12886232
File: 382 KB, 600x600, IRA_Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add a potato and you got yourself a meal.

>> No.12886237
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This is why your cars explode.

>> No.12886242
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>> No.12886258
File: 299 KB, 500x493, 32_counties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Good times. Up the RA!