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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 216 KB, 780x966, shrimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12878122 No.12878122 [Reply] [Original]

Favorite way to prepare shrimp? What flavors go best with petroleum?

>> No.12878177

Explain yourself in text you faggot, I'm not reading that crappy thing you posted. Post some link to something that's not flying saucers and lizard people and I might read it.

I know don't feed the trolls but it's funny.

>> No.12879211

Our oceans are genuinely fucked. You don't need a lizardperson to tell you Fukushima and the gulf spill have permanently changed our global environment. Not to mention the fucking waterway China is building that will change global tides. Hearing about shrimp being fucked over is not exactly a leap.

>> No.12879227

And this is why we should eat insects.

>> No.12879232

There was no oil spill.
There is no radiation.
You are all delusional.

>> No.12879234

There was an oil spill.
There is radiation.
You are not delusional.

>> No.12879241

t. liberal
Global warming isnt real and pollution isnt anything compared to china

>> No.12879243

Not really interested in american politics but I am confused by your last point. Pollution is nothing compared to China, but are we not all living on the same planet?

>> No.12879276

>Things are worse other places, therefore everything is totally fine and we don't have to do anything at all!

Our oceans are FUCKED. Not just China, but everywhere. Huge dead zones where nothing lives. Polluted water. Increasing temperatures and acidification destroying critical habitats. Say what you want but these are measured, observed facts and we depend heavily on our oceans for not just food but also oxygen and temperature regulation.

>> No.12879280

A depressingly common argument against mitigating climate change is "well CHAYNA pollutes, too! Why should we castrate our industry while we let THEM run amock!?"

>> No.12879285

Eating a cancerous tumor is literally no different to your body than eating normal meat.
Cancer is not contagious.

>> No.12879286

The big picture rarely includes enemies.

>> No.12879296

Funny since China does more to combat climate change than the west.

>> No.12879297

The worst part is as dysfunctional and short-sighted as China's government can be, they still understand the impact one billion people coming out of the stone age all at once will have and take what few measures they can to mitigate it when able (read: not squashing green policies out of spite and inter-departmental infighting).

>> No.12879299

It tastes disgusting and yes I have eaten one before

>> No.12879300

Why would that matter?

>> No.12879314

>worst part
It doesn't matter either way. There is no fixing this.

>> No.12879343

Not to worry, we're currently doing our best to catch up with china in terms of trashing the environment, lol!

>> No.12879358

There was fixing this, but disinfo, whataboutisim, and defeatism ruined that chance.

>> No.12879359

It’s an argument based on a deeply racist and anti-communist foundation, so it’s one usually only dumb fucking Boomers use.

>> No.12879381

>there was
There is no fixing this. We have always been on our burning ship, sailing into starlight.

>> No.12879388

Racism on a global scale is logical, it's just most people aren't smart enough to speak about global issues properly. The fact a Chinese man is statistically more likely to be smarter than me doesn't have me assume he is. He is one man, not an ethnicity. But China is a nation that represents an ethnicity. There is a difference there.

>> No.12879391

I mean sure, heat death of the universe and whatever, but that's not exactly a timeframe relevant to humanity.
You gotta do the best you can with what you've got.

>> No.12879397

This article is old. I live on the gulf coast and the shrimp have been fine for a while now. Well, at least they were, thanks to the bonne carrie spill way being open all summer theyre practically non existent this season.

>> No.12879401

Time is only relevant to a human mind frame. It is our mortality that has us deluded that we effect anything but ourselves.

>> No.12879403

>muh racism
It's a genuine question. How are we going to have jobs and money for all the shitskins if we cut our production and money making capablities?

>> No.12879412

Take your meds. The real ones, not the bong.

>> No.12879415

It's the human condition mate. I can calmly drone on prose about "we don't matter" because I can distance myself from that emotional concept. If I felt what I typed I would be having a panic attack. We will all die, so worrying about things is pointless. But I want to live so if you try to kill me I will try to kill you. Duality of man and all that horse shit.

>> No.12879428

That's completely irrelevant to the topic at hand you dollar store nihilist.

>> No.12879430
File: 32 KB, 400x270, 1550162666269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is relevant.

>> No.12879446

Why care so much if you're going to die, don't delude yourselves into thinking that there's something after death.

>> No.12879459

Nothing is something.

>> No.12879462

How's that 15 year olds first foray into tonguetwisting going for you, bud.

>> No.12879467

I don't need to be 15 to know the definition of words. You worded your statement very poorly.

>> No.12879472

You're pointless.

>> No.12879474


>> No.12879521

bonafide retarded

>> No.12879524

Is that your medical opinion?

>> No.12879553

Fuck off, Achmed.

>> No.12879763

I cooked some lovely shrimp last week. op is sore because not kosher

>> No.12879942

We outsource most of our production to them, so that's sort of hollow. Not to mention, we all live on the same world.

>> No.12879959

I usually leave them in the store and buy something else instead.

>> No.12879960

>he hasnt moved to saturn yet
Never gunna make it.