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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12871502 No.12871502 [Reply] [Original]

what's your deepest /ck/ related fear?

>> No.12871512

Sleeping with the oven on.

>> No.12871519

gas blowing up

>> No.12871520


>Escaping the egg fortress

I can't find the exit and I don't want to

>> No.12871551

My guests being wierded out I'm a plumber and not eating

>> No.12871575

Pouring boiling water/oil on myself

>> No.12871583

I never buy extra when I'm shopping for an ingredient, so I'm always afraid of having a critical fuck-up and having to abort the recipe entirely.

>> No.12871588

accidentally chopping my dick off while cooking naked

>> No.12871600

Probably cooking for other people and having it hurt them in some way. Food poisoning, small bone, etc.

>> No.12871602

No more fish :(

>> No.12871620

Dropping a knife and impaling my cat.

>> No.12871663

Tasting vinegar and things containing vinegar/ Also Pork.

Though, I can tolerate Mayo.

>> No.12871699

Being burnt with oil or water.

>> No.12871745
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Running out of my favorite brands of hot sauce.

>> No.12871758 [DELETED] 
File: 2.85 MB, 320x238, Matteo Salvini “eating” chicken.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m scared to eat raw chicken

>> No.12871765

Black guy served my 100 $ dinner

>> No.12872091

under cooked chicken

>> No.12872104

I’m trying to understand how those 3 comments are related to each other.

>> No.12872117

Becoming fat.

>> No.12872132

As a career cook, my biggest fear is poisoning a customer.

>> No.12872184

That the people I cook for won't enjoy their meal.

>> No.12872186

I’ve done that a few times.

>> No.12872188

Spending all day cooking something and it turns out so horrible I can't even force myself to eat it.

>> No.12872202
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Slipping in the kitchen and impaling my eyeball on the metal nozzle on this

>> No.12872206

Setting off the smoke detector. Its a holdover from a time I had anxiety attacks for about 3 months a few years back. I tried cooking and a few other things to get my mind off stuff but since I didn't know how to cook much, it made me more anxious to try new recipes and sometimes I'd set the damn thing off.

I havent had anxiety attacks since or before that period of time, but everyonce in a while I get a twinge in my spine when I'm about to cook and I look at my smoke detector.

>> No.12872209

Getting poisoned by my teflon pans

>> No.12872214
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Actual picture of OP

>> No.12872216

ranch is blue cheese

>> No.12872219

cleaning my oven an old roomate cooked oysters and they fell on the bottom now there's 3 oyster shells scorched to the bottom

>> No.12872224
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10/10 thanks

>> No.12872227


>> No.12872236
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>Wife slips and falls
>lands cooch first on a bratwurst
>likes it since it's bigger than me
>she goes to fucking bratwurst exclusively
>she gives birth to the fucking snapchat dancing hotdog (pic related)
>am outed as a cuckold and don't get reelected
This is probably the strangest cooking related nightmare I've had.

>> No.12872240

as DM of your group?

>> No.12872244

local gov office in the middle of buttfuck nowhere

>> No.12872248

Awesome. Do you have any power

>> No.12872264

Well now I have a new fear,thanks alot,jerk.

>> No.12872266

Leaving a bit of water on my carbon steel knife.

>> No.12872278

Going blind

>> No.12872299

A minute amount, I'm in it for the benefits really. I can retire at 50 with a guaranteed pension if I do enough time. I just jerk off with my office closed and browse 4channel all day though

>> No.12872331

Opening a can of tuna and seeing an eyeball

>> No.12872350


>> No.12872355

unbelievably based. fuck the system. i've dreamt about being in elected office and doing nothing all day

>> No.12872366

Losing fingers or a hand or something to a meat slicer or something. Being disfigured would fucking suck fucking balls.

>> No.12872370


>> No.12872390

Getting served by a colored guy. Hence me not buying fast food.

>> No.12872391

Don't let your memes be dreams anon. Get a college degree in philosophy and move to hickville. You'll be the smartest person there and you can get elected comptroller or something.

>> No.12872553

Woman died when she fell eyeball first onto a metal straw so you're right to be worried

>> No.12872749

What if someone comes and doesn't want to eat what I cooked cuz I work with my hands

>> No.12872761

Some nigga pissing on my cornflakes

>> No.12872824

Fucking BASED. I love you

>> No.12872833

Getting fat from all the food I make

>> No.12873378


>> No.12873385


>> No.12873391

fuck me, I'm never buying those fawkin eyeball magnets.

>> No.12873400

accidentally shitting myself from eating curry

>> No.12873464

Cutting open my hand. I'm pretty anal about my knife safety, but I burn myself 10x more than any mistake I ever make in my kitchen and the thought of cutting my hands freaks me the fuck out - because clean cuts bleed like a mother fucker and take forever to fucking heal...

>> No.12873496

Just buy some styptic powder vials at your local mart of choice and save it in a safe place in the kitchen. It's the shit they threw on gunshot wounds in war movies, it's a coagulating agent.

>> No.12873506
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this guy and his friends running train on me and stuffing my orifices with sweetened spaghetti.

>> No.12873673

Mayo doesn't have pork

>> No.12873691

This, or with the stove

>> No.12873695

Roommates kicking me out of the house for getting drunk while cooking and leaving everything out thinking I'll take care of it later.

>> No.12873704


>> No.12873712
File: 71 KB, 712x1069, Bubblehead-Nurse-Silent-Hill-2-Game-by-Mussum-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant see the food im eating. Like those fancy restaurants where youre blindfolded?

>> No.12873728

Cross contamination. Or somebody observing me and going

>Nice cross contamination, bro.

Because I missed some subtle detail. You really do have to be a bit OCD about that stuff for reasons but simply reaching out a hand at the wrong time could fuck everything way up.

>> No.12875183

My gf tried making an apple pie before work and she forgot about it so when I got home the whole flat was filled with smoke

>> No.12875198

dumb bitch

>> No.12875357

That my mother and grandmothers will die before they can write down their recipes, but that's happened already. I truly am living in the darkest of timelines.

>> No.12875580

just contact them through a medium, if you're a retard and believe in that. your mind will come up with some good solutions that you ma and mimaw would have done with a talented huckster guiding you.

>> No.12875584

Inbred southerner detected

>> No.12875590
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Getting diabetes

>> No.12875933

being eaten alive

>> No.12875992
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>> No.12876059


>> No.12876064

I don't get it :(

>> No.12876076

/pol/ is literally the reddit tourist containment board, try again

>> No.12876079

If teflon gets above 500°F it starts to break down and release fumes, these fumes cause mild symptoms in humans known as the "teflon flu" but are instantly deadly to birds.

>> No.12876080
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Slowly opening these and waiting for them to pop.

>> No.12876087

I have done this. I also was paranoid on my vacation that I left the oven on. I kept checking my ADT thing to see of my smoke detector is going off.
I got drunk one day and passed out on the couch while cooking something on the stove too. that one was pretty scary.

ive also been paranoid since I was a kid that ill swallow a tiny piece of bone and ill have to go to the hospital. I ate lots of catfish as a kid and they have a ton of little bones.

>> No.12876120

I hope you realize swallowing a small piece of bone isn't going to hurt you

>> No.12876135

yeah, because im pretty sure Ive done it a few times, but its still an irrational fear.

>> No.12876181

is she still your gf

>> No.12876189

another e coli infection. i undercooked some sausages in a pan once and i was so sick that i almost chose to go to the hospital. and i have a deep fear of hospitals.

>> No.12876312

You fucking chanlet, tourists invade the Interests boards. The only places relatively free of Reddit, Tumblr, and the like are the obscure boards like /po/, /o/, /n/, and the like.

>> No.12876348

Accidentally amputating a finger.

>> No.12876358

Back in my degenerate days I took a shitload of Klonopin, blacked out, and cooked a full course dinner for myself while drugged out. I don't remember any of it, I don't know why but it still scares me when I think about it

>> No.12876369

I can smell the cum on your breath, fag enabler coastie.

>> No.12876468
File: 385 KB, 1200x800, 1557967253611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get uneasy going to places like McDonald's fearing that employees may have put happy meal toys in the fryers at one point, the very thought my McNuggets being fried in the same oil as those grosses me the fuck out.

>> No.12876674

Cracking open an egg and it being hollow and filled with maggots.

>> No.12876845

Every time I'm cooking something in oil or grease and it's really hot and popping I freak out thinking a bit of it is going to go straight into my eye and blind me

>> No.12877092
File: 56 KB, 208x200, the end.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surviving the initial slaughter during the race war and being forced to spend days cooking human flesh on a bbq to survive but the only variety available is dark meat.

>> No.12877424

off yourself, pussy

>> No.12877437

a few months back I tried making fried chicken and ended up making a grease fire. Spilt some oil on my leg, and have a reddish burn scar (if it is a permanent scar that is) on my leg.

>> No.12877555


>> No.12877558

OP said "fear", not "fantasy".

>> No.12877561

Ever getting to the point where I can't just enjoy plain unseasoned unsalted vegetables. It's really sad when people need every meal to be embellished in some way.

>> No.12877661

My scoby's getting contaminated and losing a good batch of kombucha

>> No.12877675

People wipe their own butts every day but everyone still eats food they prepared for themselves.
I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.12878648

Finding half of a cockroach in my sandwich

>> No.12878664

no more mcchickens

>> No.12878674


>> No.12878677

better than a whole one right!!!!!11

>> No.12878712

>the collapse happens
>between a small secret vegetable garden, hunting, fishing and scavenging food from the old world you're rarely hungry
>but all your favorite fast food items are gone
>their recipes and ingredients lost to time

>> No.12878821

Do Americans really...?

>> No.12879908

How the fuck are maggots going to get into an unbroken egg? Use your brain m8

>> No.12879941

Honestly, same. I know its not an issue bit when ever it goes off i get panicky. I live in an apartment with shitty insulation so im always worried my neighbors are gonna call the fire department when it happens.

>> No.12879946

That people are actually internalizing the misinformation and shitposting here, and thinking that it can translate to anything useful in the real world.

>> No.12879952

burning my house when drunk. i managed to cook french toast and have no memory of it. my mom asked why there was so much maple syrup everywhere and that was my only guess

>> No.12879968

I used to work with someone that took a bunch of that and basically tackled her own toilet and broke it.
So is it like Ambien or something?

>> No.12880070

do Euros really...?

>> No.12880080


Eating something that contains gluten

t. anon with celiac disease