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12870956 No.12870956[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How much alcohol is safe?

>> No.12870965

All of it is safe depending on how you use it.

>> No.12871027
File: 69 KB, 700x397, NIH_standard_drink_comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously it is safest not to drink any alcohol at all, or perhaps one drink every now and then for some fringe benefits.

The UK's National Health Service recommends the maximum "low risk" intake of alcohol is no more than 14 standard units per week, and ideally no more than 3 units per day.
What is a unit? A complicated formula based on volume of booze and how alcoholic that booze is, but it roughly lines up with what a normal person would consider a normal serving of any given booze to be.

Remember that if at any point you are worried about how much alcohol you are drinking- or worse, worried about not being able to find a drink- you probably have alcoholism and should seek help.
Real help, not commiserating on /r9k/

>> No.12871112

How the fuck is 14 beers per week safe?

>> No.12871131

I’m grateful that after 3 beers, I get sleepy and don’t care to drink anymore for a week or two.
Don’t get me wrong, I bonged my fair share of beer in college and I’ll get drunk roughly once a year now, but by and far, alcohol is generally not worth drinking.
I have my two cups of coffee daily though, caffeine is one thing I’m thoroughly addicted to, besides blonde white girls with huge asses

>> No.12871137

are you retarded?

>> No.12871139
File: 221 KB, 790x1046, Screenshot_2019-09-03 UK Chief Medical Officers' Low Risk Drinking Guidelines - UK_CMOs__report pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not "safe", low risk.
Their primary concern is drunk people doing stupid shit and injuring or killing themselves, hence the maximum intake of three units per day. They also recommend a sober day between sessions.
Chronic disease is another matter:
"The expert group was also clear that there are a number of serious diseases, including certain cancers, which can occur even when drinking within the weekly guideline. Whilst they judge the risks to be low, this means there is no level of regular drinking that can be considered as completely safe in relation to some cancers. People can reduce these risks by drinking less than the guidelines or by not drinking at all."

>> No.12871146

>j-just don't have more than 3 beers per day
that's literally alcoholic levels m8

>> No.12871150

what if I pack all 14 beers into one day?

>> No.12871160

It's a British guideline. Personally I don't even drink three beers in a month, nevermind a day.

Then you're an alcoholic and will probably injure yourself.
You can read the full guide here if you want to find more things to be pedantic about:

>> No.12871166

damn i drink a 60 in like a week

>> No.12871172

what if I drink those 14 beers in solitude and don't bother anyone?

>> No.12871177

keep it in /r9k, alkie.

>> No.12871181

Not OP: But you'll be permanently lowering your seizure threshold over time, killing your nerve endings, destroying brain matter, scarring your liver, drying out your body, and much more.

>> No.12871185

I've never had a seizure, and my job takes virtually no thinking

>> No.12871198

I recently spent 8 days in a hospital due to pancreantitis caused by my excessive drinking. I didn't eat or sleep for over 4 days, and my stomach could only deal with about 1 glass of water per day. I almost died. As an alcoholic, I recommend you not drink at all. But, if you're gonna drink every day, stick with beer. You might get a fat gut but it won't kill you as fast as the others.

>> No.12871216

just don't drink a handle a day, dumb dumb

>> No.12871225

how much did you drink?
i usually drink like 13 oz of vodka like every day

>> No.12871262

>You might get a fat gut but it won't kill you as fast as the others
This isn't really true. Alcohol is alcohol.

I used to have a bad drinking problem. Don't do it, it fucking sucks. Withdrawals are a motherfucker. Alcohol related illnesses are a motherfucker.

>> No.12871295

>My job doesn't need my brain so I am content to permanently damage it
It's your life man, shouldn't you be the one living it?

>> No.12871301

How much rice?

>> No.12871320

did I ask for advice?

>> No.12871324

I just want to be sober and be OK with it. When I can't smoke pot I get fuzzy fealing in the front of my head at night and become extremely irritable and uncomfortable, I become desperate for booze and drink myself as close to unconscious as I can in a hot bath. If I can't do either I end up wandering around by myself in the woods or on the streets in middle of the night. Of the three, smoking a joint a night, sleeping, and feeling ok seams like the least harmful and least likely to end up in jail.

>> No.12871337

I didn't give you advice fuck face, I asked you a question. Why so defensive about your lifes choices?

>> No.12871339

How old are you? Have you tried going on walks?

>> No.12871354

just don't accidentally the whole thing

>> No.12871358

23. I skate during the day so its not like I'm not getting enough exercise. I just cant sleep or chill out sober.

>> No.12871362
File: 2.36 MB, 190x182, 54pvitwfnor21.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I can't do either I end up wandering around by myself in the woods or on the streets in middle of the night.
>Have you tried going for walks?
4chan everybody!

>> No.12871366

you probably won't hit your rock bottom for a few years I'm sorry to say
either will yourself out of this drug addiction or wait for it to consume you and hope you survive

>> No.12871369

going on an intentional walk and aimless wandering are different

>> No.12871371

>fuzzy feeling
Sounds like brain zaps. Were you ever on psych meds?

>> No.12871373

How are they different?

>> No.12871379

an aimless wander is like self wallowing whereas an intentional walk includes goals and success
the small victories help set your mind straight

>> No.12871381

my problem is i have a hard time sleeping without some drinks in me. two or three beers and then stopping makes me super tired

>> No.12871408

>whereas an intentional walk includes goals and success
lol ok.

>> No.12871420

Used to have to take Ritalin as a kid but I stopped taking that shit when I got out of high school.

I've seen what rock bottom looks like, my mom was an alcoholic (I guess I am too). I hope I never get to the low she did.

>> No.12871421

try reading a book instead

>> No.12871429

>intentional walk includes goals and success
>Hey guys, my directed walk including fabricated "goals" and "success" is better than random walking while open to experiencing new experiences and diversions
Do you goose step while on your "walk," lol?

>> No.12871431

I drank about 30oz of rum every day.

>> No.12871439

t. never gonna make it

breaking habits like this is 99% mental

>> No.12871458

I drink like 6-10 pints a day, no real health problems till now unless I don't drink for a day I get liquid shits.

I wonder how many years I can keep it up before I get something serious.

>> No.12871466

Did you taper off the Ritalin or did you stop cold turkey? You could be suffering brain zaps at night if you quit cold turkey. They are extremely disturbing to say the very least.

>> No.12871476

Don't wait for it to become an issue. Also having liquid shits regularly and probably being overweight are health issues.
You get over that. Try substituting the before bed ritual with something else. If you're into beer, get some kind of a seltzer and drink a couple of those before bed. I did that for a while to get off booze. Also chamomile tea, a mild workout and a shower before bed and reading like the other guy said.

>> No.12871499


>> No.12871503

None of it is safe when I'm around

>> No.12871508

I just saw a study that said if you had more thank 4 drinks in a sitting you're an alcoholic

like holy shit, what recovering AA reject wrote that hit piece. I might binge drink on a saturday with my girlfriend but I'm completely dry the rest of the week

>> No.12871517


I’m an AA member and no where does it say that you have to drink this little or this much to be an alcoholic

>> No.12871527

AA isn't the world's authority on what alcoholism is

>> No.12871528

I mean everybody's different. I think you're an alcoholic if you drink alcohol regularly and if it's negatively affecting your physical and/or mental health. It's also not an entirely binary thing. You can be a sever alcoholic and you can also be a functioning alcoholic to an extent.