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12869078 No.12869078 [Reply] [Original]

Cauliflower fucking sucks dog dick.

Whoever suggested this as an """alternative""" to rice needs to die in a fire.

Fuck quinoa too. There are no good replacements for rice as a side dish.

>> No.12869085

cauli cheese is good though

>> No.12869095

you have an unhealthy relationship with food.
vegetables are not a poor low-calorie imitation or substitute for meat or carb staples.
they are delicious in their own right, especially when slathered in a lot of oil and roasted at high temperatures.

of course there is no better rice than rice. eat rice. just eat less of it.

>> No.12869096

Don't blame fucking cauliflower for the fact that some people try to pretend that it can be something it isn't. Cauliflower is great, and I'm sorry you grew up so poor that you're just trying it for the first time as some kind of alternative fad diet retard shit.

>> No.12869099

cauliflower is delicious wtf

>> No.12869129

It taste like shit.

>> No.12869132

Bros, try this. My mom would make it very often:

Cut caulifower in large clusters/florets
Boil until semi-hard. Not a full boil, very arbitrary but it works.
Drain and let dry.
Beat egg whites
Coat cauliflower in seasoned flour
Coat cauliflower chunks in egg white
Deep fry or shallow fry in HOT fat
Pull, let cool and lightly salt

Eat with a delicious salad and rice, or as a side dish for fish or chicken dishes

>> No.12869135

the secret to making it taste good is getting browning on it, and it develops a nice nutty flavour, but not overcooking it so it still has bite in the middle. So toss it in oil and salt and roast it on high.

I bet you've only ever had it mushy and pale.

Think you'd like steak if you overcooked it with no browning ?

>> No.12869136

Again, I'm sorry you're poor and ignorant, but stop trying to eat it like it's some kind of "healthy" version of rice or pizza dough. I still find it weird that there are homeless people with nicer phones than me.

>> No.12869138

that sounds delicious. trad nip tempura cauli is good too.
par boiling veges quickly is called 'blanching' them btw

>> No.12869146

Substitute ingredients are alway disappointing. It's a given that they'll be worse than what you're replacing. There's a reason they're not the standard choice.

I mean, it's not even a fucking grain, how could a vegetable replace a cereal? Because it's the same color? That's how retarded this idea is, really. "Me no want rice. Durrr, dis ting white too! Me use dat!"

It's fine if you use it like a normal person though, that is, as an actual vegetable.

>> No.12869492

This is the only way I've ever eaten it

>> No.12869525

Isn’t this basically the idea of a stir fry when you add other vegetables, seasonings, and a sauce?
This sounds good but can I do it with more vegetables than just cauliflower

>> No.12869543

not really. have you never even had roast brocolli? it's very different. especially in a shit stir fry with a home stove and a crowded pan, those veges won't get any browning at all.

>> No.12869561

So you’d like me to individually cook vegetables and expect my childish female significant other to eat it willingly?

>> No.12869570
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they taste wonderful <3333

#resist #nocrueltycooking #vegan

>> No.12869585

what are you even talking about lol
and you can still combine things even if you cook them seperately

>> No.12869604

>rice as a side dish
but rice is literally filler designed to extend the more expensive ingredients of the main entree

>> No.12869608

>rice as a side dish
Are you 12?

>> No.12869609

that's just how americans call food
there's your 'main dish' which is the meat
and then everything else is a 'side dish'

>> No.12869922

No, cauliflower is great.

>> No.12869925

Cauliflower is great but it's definitely not an alternative to rice.

>> No.12869926

>main entree
Fucking Americans.

>> No.12869931

I had cauliflower "buffalo wings" once and they were pretty good

>> No.12869933

couscous or acini de pepe

>> No.12870003

>There are no good replacements for rice as a side dish.
Buckwheat is alright.

>> No.12870094

buckwheat is horrible compared to rice

>> No.12870118


never heard of that. gonna google it now

>> No.12870149

Ye, and it's perfectly fine but it's the new carb scare car that's getting really annoying

>> No.12870218

You can expect it to get cheaper now that white people are fixating on amaranth leaves.

>> No.12870945

Cauliflower raw is great with some ranch dressing. And cauliflower purée is patrician tier.

>> No.12870951

Why are you trying to replace rice?

>> No.12871007

Good with every vegetable except this.

I mean god damn it's like it has anti-flavor. Have a great meal? Delicious. Add cauliflower? Becomes immediately 1/5 as good.

Texture is fine but genuinely feel like it ruins everything it touches. Might give cauliflower crisps a go but it'll probably be my last vested attempt in trying it.

>> No.12871014

You taste like shit

>> No.12871357

Cauliflower is dogshit and this will never change