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12868180 No.12868180 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this wine $1k+? I’m from Europe and I’ve never seen wine this expensive just on the shelf

>> No.12868199

Wikipedia says California wine is literally the best stuff on earth tm. It’s basically the wine version of Wisconsin cheese. If you disagree with me you are a terrorist.

>> No.12868221

You're reading the price incorrectly, retard.
Liquor price tags are to be read right-to-left.
It's actually almost $10k
>yuropoor thinking he can get top shelf Californy wine for only $1k

>> No.12868233
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Retardation, the thread.

>> No.12868279

My parents are wine connoisseurs and they say the most expensive wine is a meme and the best quality wine is actually the mid-tier prices like $25-$50 bottles

>> No.12868379

I can confirm that price is a product of scarcity, not quality. Like you say up to about 20 dollars higher price means higher quality due to low quality grapes but after that it mostly just means either less if it was made, it's older so most of it is already drunken, or it's attached to a prestigious brand.

>> No.12868430

Almost. A 100 dollar bottle is often better than a 25 dollar bottle of the same variety and style but anything after that tends it to comes down to personal preference. Rarity only comes into effect if it's actually good. No one wants your very rare 20 year granddad's home brew. Prestige is very important for price of course but it lends itself an opertunity to find some great wine in up and coming regions for a steal.

>> No.12868442

still would

>> No.12868455

>the most expensive wine is a meme
sure, screaming eagle isn't worth 5k

>and the best quality wine is actually the mid-tier prices like $25-$50 bottles
No. Great pinot noir doesn't even start appearing until 60-80. Like all things wine, it depends on the grape, the region, and the producer.

>> No.12868481

It's $10.99. They didn't put the decimal. Carlo rossi is cheap shit for people that get drunk on wine because it's somehow more "classy" than beer or hard liquor.
Source- I work the cooler at a liquor store.

>> No.12868510

literally doesn't matter if most people can't tell the difference.

>> No.12868518

wine is an individual pleasure, you shouldn't base your decision to buy or not buy something around what most people like
just be warned that cheap shit is modified to hell and back with additives

>> No.12868526

I'm also quite autistic, as you can see.

>> No.12868541

Probably because you live in Europe and the wine is from California. Import taxes, shipping costs, all that good stuff.
I live in California in the heart of wine country. I can get Premium Lodi wine for pennies while when I visited Paris I saw the same bottle selling for thousands.
I bet it's the same the other way around right? Here in California French wine is expensive. Like $35 dollars. Can't you get it super cheap too?

>> No.12868555

Yeah, most people avoid the cheap shit if they can. But I think the other guy's point was that for most people, after a certain point, improvements are imperceptible.
If you've got a highly sensitive palate to discern $100 wine from $1k wine then that's great but most people don't

>> No.12868564

1k wine is meant for aging, most people make the mistake of buying expensive wine meant to sit in a cellar for 10-50 years and then whine when it tastes like a tannic mess.

Aged wine develops completely different flavors from young wine. Not necessarily better, but more distinct and diverse.

>> No.12868627

Wine enthusiasts often treat their cellars more as a collection and less a pantry. You will find guys with hundreds (or even thousands) of bottles in their basement but only open one on special occasions. Outside of some archival wines you'd be hard-pressed to drink most of that before it's over the hill. My dad always has to give a bunch away.

>> No.12870134

Franziachad here. Fuck overpaying for wine

>> No.12870144

this is mostly true, but there are a lot of exceptions for certain varietals or types of wine. like you can't even get a chateauneuf de pape for less than $50 normally, or amarone. Otherwise yes there are great wines in every price range and after about $30 the range in quality decreases significantly