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File: 128 KB, 633x356, THIS IS THE MAIN PB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12868024 No.12868024 [Reply] [Original]

What goes best on a PB sandwich? Personally, I prefer strawberry preserves

>> No.12868046

I like to put banana slices on an open faced pb sandwich. Where I live some people put sambal on a white pb sandwich and I really like it, but you need good sambal.

>> No.12868057

Sounds horrible. Banana is good though

>> No.12868069

SMOOTH peanut butter, if I wanted to eat something thick and chunky I'd eat the discharge from your mother's vagina

>> No.12868080

I like apricot preserves too

>> No.12868098

cherry is good also put potato chips in the sandwich crushed or whole.

>> No.12868292

Fuck yeah

>> No.12868295

I always go with classic, smooth peanut butter, grape jelly, wheat bread.

>> No.12868297

Hold the jelly, add honey and toast the bread.

>> No.12868298

Honey and some cinnamon

>> No.12868301


I've recently discovered putting PB&J on toasted bread is quite exceptional.

>> No.12868307

>pb of your choice, on both sides
>peach fruit spread (needs to be mostly fruit, none of that jelly or jam shit)
>honey drizzle


>> No.12868311

I only use PB and orange marmalade.

Though back in the high school days Nacho Cheese Doritos with PB between the bread was a great 3 AM meal.

>> No.12868312

sriracha and chunky peanut butter is pretty good. almost good as peanut butter and fluff

>> No.12868339

I should add the PB was heated so it melted gooey on the bread.

>> No.12868344

Microwaving a pb+j instantly amplifies it but makes a mess.

>> No.12868351

melted peanut butter is fucking amazing, just throw that shit on toast and let it melt.

>> No.12868370
File: 35 KB, 650x433, GuavaJelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The patrician's choice is Palmalito brand Guava Jelly.

>> No.12868419

natural peanut butter and raspberry jam

>> No.12868547

bunny whole grain white bread
jif creamy peanutbutter
smuckers strawberry jelly

>> No.12868571


>> No.12868673
File: 11 KB, 211x238, 1a43ea86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12868689

PB & strawberry preserves grilled with butter on a sandwich press
The one that cuts it diagnal

>> No.12869235


>> No.12869381

Check this out pleb
>buttered toast with cinnamon
>smear a slice of bread with grape jelly and assemble it into your egg sandwich

>> No.12870364

I like raspberry preserve, or I make an open face sandwich with pb and drizzle on some honey.

>> No.12871028

Another vote for raspberry spread/spread. Also a fan of bitter orange marmalade with bits. But really almost anything fruity like blueberry/blackcurrant/blackberry will work. The bread has to be brown for me.

I recently discovered adding oregano is fantastic

>> No.12871045

Seeded bread lightly toasted, good quality crunchy peanut butter (preferably the 100% peanut stuff), black cherry preserves
Boom, sorted

>> No.12871062

I put a banana and greek yogurt on it. It harmonizes very well with the peanut butter.

>> No.12871065

Toast the bread. Chunky pb one side and whatever jelly on the other. I'll drizzle some honey in there when I'm feeling it. When I was a stoned teenager we would just do eggos instead of the bread.

>> No.12871069
File: 249 KB, 368x425, 1496684156715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to step up your PB&J:
>Put down some wax paper and put a fat dollop of PB on it
>Put another piece of wax paper on top and smooth it out like you are rolling dough
>Freeze it
>Cut out 2 squares of PB to fit your bread of choice and put one slice of PB on each slice of bread
>Put some jelly in the middle and press together firmly
>Rub the end of a stick of butter in a hot pan until it is lightly buttered
>Fry your sandwich so the heat melts the PB
Thank me later

>> No.12871101