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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12858480 No.12858480 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12858481

Lemons are for Europeans and Europeans are stupid.

>> No.12858482
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This board is full of tumblr trannies trying to be edgy /pol/ members.

>> No.12858487

Rent free

Also lime water is better then lemon water

>> No.12858488

Different fruits for different applications. I'd use a lemon on fish but not a lime. I'd squeeze a lime over my tacos but not a lemon

>> No.12858515

>work in a grocery store
>niggers ask for 'green lemons' all the time

>> No.12858516

>Rent free
Not where you live.

>> No.12858544

>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Rent free

>> No.12858552

There’s unironically no difference.

>> No.12858557

They're the same thing.

>> No.12858561

Blacks detected. Deploying swimming pool immediately

>> No.12858562

I can't usually tell the difference

>> No.12858594

Think about it like this, would limeade taste exactly like lemonade? Would a key lime pie taste just like lemon pie? They actually do taste quite different but sometimes can be used pretty interchangeably to add some citrus kick to something where the flavor doesn't come through boldly. I don't know if I'd notice the difference between guacamole made with a squeeze of lemon juice versus a squeeze of lime juice but chicken baked with lemon slices tastes notably different from chicken baked with lime slices.

>> No.12858605
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They are both pretty different.
Anyway everyone knows that ume is the superior sour fruit flavor.

>> No.12858617

That’s why we’re talkinng about the fruit not the dishes made with it.

>> No.12858628

Okay so the fruit obviously taste quite different dingus.

>> No.12858629
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>> No.12858646

One is used mainly for adding a citrus or sour aspect to a dish (lemon) and one is mainly used for an immediate flavor (lime). Not many recipes called for lime as a main ingredient, and not many recipes call for lemon as a finishing one.

Both have their advantages.

>> No.12858654

pool's closed

>> No.12859495
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>> No.12859512

Green only

>> No.12859522

>unironically using the word "unironically"
...an irony so ironic that even Alanis Morissette would be impressed.

>> No.12859533

/thread, this isn't even up for debate.

>> No.12859540

There's this hungarian girl who's a server at my work, I'm a cook and was drenching some calimari in lime juice to devour it. and she walked up to me. Her name is Bridgette but pronounces it "Bri Get Ah" She comes up to me and says
>anon can you tell difference between taste?
pointing at a lime and a lemon
>of course?
>huh, me? I cannot taste.

>> No.12859542

Lemon is better on tacos than lime. They're the same except lemon is always better.

>> No.12859551

that's not real.

>> No.12859584

>comparing lemons to limes
They have different uses. This is LITERALLY the apples and oranges of food comparisons.

>> No.12859595

The ONLY thing lemon is good for is desserts and fish. Lime works with everything else

>> No.12859597
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>> No.12859625

I have personally heard the bigger (bagger/nigger) say green lemon before.

>> No.12859630

NOT TRUE. a little bit of lemon in chicken soup or lentil soup is gr8. also lemon chicken

>> No.12859664

Okay lemon chicken is good. NOTHING ELSE

>> No.12859667


>> No.12859688

Limes are more bitter but less tart
Lemons are more sweet but more

>> No.12859955

It's true I've heard of green lemons. Usually from ppl who don't cook

>> No.12860296

I wanted orange.

>> No.12860350

Ah yes. The dumb bitch who sang about irony, yet all the things she quoted weren't ironic.

>> No.12861253

Maybe they want unripe lemons. Most supermarket limes are lemon hybrids anyway

>> No.12861259

Not realising it was metairony

>> No.12861268
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Anyone tried Oroblanco? Im tempted.

>> No.12861286

Isnt that ironic?

>> No.12861726

Lemon for deserts and cold and delicate dishes. Lime for heavy and aromatic dishes.

>> No.12862335

More what?

>> No.12862364
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For me it's the Yuzu.

>> No.12862369

Lime is a fucking prime citrus fruit. It smells like tropical delight, it reminds you of a fresh summer kick, palm trees, endless sun and surfing with qt teenagers. It is acid green, it is violent and extreme.

Lemon is boomer ED fruit

>> No.12862740

Lime looks like a zoomer/zombie. It's a bitter manlet who hates life.
Stop shitting on boomers, you zoomers are ruining the world with your sjws, not them. Hippies were tame by comparison to sjws.

>> No.12862761

Limes for making limeade(infinitely better version of lemonade) and Mexican food. Lemons are only good for making Middle Eastern and Mediterranean food.

>> No.12862768

Both Boomers and Zoomers are terrible. Only Millennials can save the human race.

>> No.12862772
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a slight change of subject, but how would people compare these two fruits?

>> No.12862782

I wouldn't, it's like comparing apples and oranges.

>> No.12862944

go back to twitter

>> No.12862947


>> No.12862952

orange is better

>> No.12862953

My mom used to make steamed limes for dessert.

>> No.12862990

depends on what apple and what orange we're comparing
pink lady > juicing orange
blood orange > red delicious
honeycrisp > navel

>> No.12863928
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They are more.

>> No.12863944

Oranges are literally better in every way, apples are fucking chinese tier fruits (cheap and taste like fucking cardboard). Apples are only good for making cider.

>> No.12863950

average orange > average apple
good orange < good apple

>> No.12863968

I prefer an orange over most apples. I don't like the popular apples much, only the ones with substance like Red Delicious and similar. I find Honeycrisp disappointing by comparison. My dad has a nice mutt tree in his yard I like more than the six cultivated varieties he has.

>> No.12863971

Mexico doesn't have limes and lemons. They have lemons and yellow lemons.

>> No.12864127


>> No.12864502

While it is true that the largest lemons are larger than the larger limes, there are some common limes that are larger than some common lemons. The bigger lemons tend to have very thick skin, so you don't get as much lemon per volume of lemon. I mostly use them in hummuses and pestos, so instead of juicing I peel them and drop them in the blender for maximum yield. I do the same with vanilla bean. Why is it so much more expensive than extract when my yield is 100% and theirs is less?

>> No.12865910

I'd like to draw your attention to the concept of fish tacos.

>> No.12865945


>> No.12865957

What are some good recipes to use orange in?

>> No.12865966

Limeade is objectively better

>> No.12865977

citrus comes from Asia you absolute europoid

>> No.12866026

Limes are far superior. reasons:

1) limes have thinner skin. smaller brained races will think this means the lemon is better, but they forget that the lemon has a much thicker rind.

2) limes have a more unique flavor. A lemon is simply a bland version of a lime.

3) they look nice

>> No.12866202
