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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12849572 No.12849572 [Reply] [Original]

>open a recipe link
>have to scroll through 10000 word essay about the recipe to finally get to the ingredients and instructions
why do people do this?

>> No.12849573

Because even when there is no or few pictures, a woman needs to do whatever she can to get attention and make it about her.

>> No.12849574

Every meal has a story.

>> No.12849575

Search Engine Optimization. More words means more likely to show up on Google, which means more ad money.

>> No.12849576

>open recipe
>”when I first made this recipe, the kids-“
>close recipe

>> No.12849580

>instructions are before the ingredients
>each step is broken up by a full-size picture of that step
>at the very bottom is just the list of ingredients, no condensed list of steps anywhere

I think I know what it should look like when I sweat onions or pour in broth, thanks.

>> No.12849581


>> No.12849640
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>search "simple x recipe" on youtube
>click on a random video
>"yo guys so this recipe is super easy and the ingredients are super simple"
>first ingredient is some sauce or canned shit that can only be found in america

>> No.12849782

Same reason retards make the same thread over and over again.

>> No.12849787

It's your own fault for using handhelds for everything. Use a proper computer and scrolling through large bodies of text would barely register as a task.

>> No.12849790

very good posts

>> No.12849803
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>muh kids
>muh hubby

>> No.12849888

>i discovered this gem while backpacking through southeast asia (and getting fucked by a different guy every night)

>> No.12849923

Yes, procreation and stable family units are inherently bad and you should fear them goy.

>> No.12849962

SEO. Things like:
More words for google hits
More words to keep you on the page for longer
More words make you scroll

All increase their rankings which means they get more traffic which means they make more money. It has nothing to do with them being dumb middle aged narcissistic women unfortunately

>> No.12849967

I think you accidentally loaded the wrong image anon

>> No.12850027

coz thats how they get seen by google and thats how you see them in the 1st place. if they didnt have long introducction essays, google wouldnt incluide them in the search results

they need more content to even show up.

>> No.12850034

This and they're usually paid either by word, or by loading advertisements in between paragraphs

>> No.12850040

Yeah, homepages now suck because of google, now most companies homepages are actually pages long full of scrolling, ads, and big good for nothing pictures

>> No.12850820
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>> No.12851217
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>search "simple x recipe" on youtube
>click on a random video
>"yo guys so this recipe is super easy and the ingredients are super simple"
>first ingredient is some sauce or canned shit that can only be found in america
>mfw american

>> No.12851318

I haven't used a recipe in years desu

>> No.12851330
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>> No.12851881


>> No.12851890


>> No.12851926


>> No.12852010


Or the other classic lines

>every (season) my family and I love to make this
>my grandma passed this recipe onto me

Cant think of any other ones atm but fuck these people (women)

>> No.12852070

He's right though.

>> No.12852083


>> No.12852090

cuck porn ruined this word for me

>> No.12852105

Boomers are a meme

>> No.12852107


>> No.12852109

>”I said the word!”
Literally go dilate you tranny faggot. He’s 100% correct, these stupid whores live in their own world where the only thing that matter is themselves, to the point where they have to waste everyone’s time trying to get their attention.

>> No.12852112

>Check to see if this recipe is real
>New York Times cooking
Like pottery

>> No.12852177


>being such a morbid whale that scrolling for a second to get to the food triggers him

>> No.12852182

Tchyeah okay smartass

>> No.12852185

Anon I’m almost sure you’re being facetious, if you’re not allow me to explain the point of OPs post. But first I have to tell you about the tips my family takes every year to my mother in laws farm. Farmers do not like trespassers. If a farmer sees one, he will sometimes shoot at them with a shotgun that he owns. Trespassing is against the law. Laws are created by government to prevent people from living in fear. They are meant to provide safety for citizens. Our government in America consists of a legislative branch, an executive branch, and a judicial branch. The legislative branch makes laws based on the concerns of citizens they represent. The executive branch consists of the President. This person enforces the law, and he has certain other duties like declaring war and approving bills prepared by members of the legislative branch. The President is also considered the leader of our country. The judicial branch interprets the laws. This branch consists of the courts and the trials held in them. Here a judge and jury determine from evidence presented by lawyers whether someone is guilty of breaking a law. Initial law enforcement takes place among police officers. They are the first people to encounter situations where a law is being broken. If a criminal (law-breaker) becomes too violent or hostile, they will use guns or mace or nightsticks to administer immediate punishment. Their goal is to bring the criminal under control, so that he can receive a punishment determined by members of the judicial branch of government. Punishments mostly include time in jail, but they can also include fines and, in extreme cases, the death penalty. There is controversy surrounding the death penalty.

>> No.12852194

There is no explanation in that post. I know this despite not reading it, because I'm capable of scanning a large paragraph for relevant content by rapidly checking blocks of text. It is a form of speed reading which takes less than a second. But scrolling past a story to get to a recipe is even easier than that.

>> No.12852201

It's something about being able to copyright a blogpost but not a recipe, and also SEO stuff. Don't worry about it.

>> No.12852205


>Nelson thinks there's an element of sexism to the critiques she sees about recipe writing. Home cooking is still a deeply gendered pursuit, and writers whose work centers on home cooking are still perceived as less professional, less valuable, and less worthy voices. "The feeling seems to be that they don't think these writers have something of value to offer," Nelson said.

It’s not because it’s just annoying and unnecessary, it’s because of women-hating men. All the ‘user’ comments in that article are pure cancer

>> No.12852215

6th time I see this post in a month. Op must really be pissed.

>> No.12852223


>> No.12852307
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>> No.12852610

>be Europoor looking up recipes in my language
>they use the English word 'kids'
Fucking soccer moms

>> No.12852755

>go to a site in my language
>small description of what the food is
>there are the ingridients and how you make it below
>go to english/american site
>all those walls of texts
>all these blocked ads

>> No.12852922

>everything in the world revolves around womyn
>there is literally no other possible explanation and If a reasonable one is givin I will always dissagree.

>> No.12852935

Yuropoors are literally not worth advertising to

>> No.12852943
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>> No.12852953

Do you normally get this upset over a single, overused word?