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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 80 KB, 800x825, Easy-Veggie-Bean-Burrito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12846597 No.12846597 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a better poorfag food than making bean burritos at home?

>> No.12846605

KFC dumpster chicken

>> No.12846632

Panang curry

>> No.12846642
File: 63 KB, 536x300, sasage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are bready ok. same tier as red beans and rice with sausage imho.
>sausage is expensive
i literally get all the shit to make it for it for 3-4$ at the dollar tree when broke enough. cook the shit out of the sausage and they are fine.

>> No.12846647

I make fish patties with canned tuna or salmon etc ends up pretty cheap
probably not as cheap as beans/rice though
also someone tell me what to have the tuna patties with tomorrow, I was thinking of making a wrap or burger or something with patty, baby spinach, mayo, but I dont have any mayo or wraps/rolls/buns
gotta pick up shit in the morning

>> No.12846651

Can of refried beans is like 99 cents

>> No.12846672

if you have flour and baking powder and any kind of oil you can just make tortillas. that's my go to broke move.

>> No.12846699

I have barely anything here I just moved

>> No.12846730

Depends on how you do it. Canned beans and store-bought tortillas? Cheap but you could do better. Pressure cook dry beans with onion, garlic, jalapeno, and seasoning and while they cook make homemade corn tortillas with masa.

>> No.12846747

Tostadas de frijol con lechuga, queso fresco, y una salsita verde

>> No.12846846

Fuck off beaner

>> No.12846886
File: 69 KB, 296x200, crispbean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the cheese?
It aint a bean n cheeser without you put cheese in there....

>> No.12846945

Needs refried beans, cheese, chopped onion, and hot sauce.

>> No.12847024


>> No.12847028


>> No.12847064

i cant fold the butts and it all squirts out how do i burrito????

>> No.12847071

Fold the top and bottom in first then roll one of the sides over to the other side.

>> No.12847085


>> No.12847097

Cum is free. Often you will even be paid to accept it, but you'll have to put in a little work before you can receive it.

>> No.12847101

Absolutely based AF

>> No.12847184

I made enough food for almost a week with $20 for bean and ground beef burritos. They were pretty good so long as you dont mind eating the same thing wvweyday for a week. I also live in canada where food is expensive. In the usa it would probably have been $10 usd.

Here's basically what went in it
>2lbs ground beef
>can of refried pinto beans
>2 onions
>green pepper
>salt and pepper
>sour cream
>pack of burrito wraps

It was honestly like a 6/10 flavour wise, east to make and cheap

>> No.12847227

Oh and then meat was 50% off because it was a day before expiration date

>> No.12847249
File: 13 KB, 240x336, 240px-Sergei_Koussevitsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double based

>> No.12847256

black beans are about the same price as refried and taste tons better

>> No.12847320

You should be able to afford a block of cheddar.

>> No.12847504

I'm not poor. Just cheap. People make fun of me for this but I'm sure they live cheque to cheque while driving their audi's while in drive my 8 year old Honda and bank 1/3 of each pay.

>> No.12847535

They were sold out of canned black beans because they were on sale

>> No.12847544

Block of cheddar goes a long ways.

>> No.12847555

Make your own refried beans from dry, then we're talking.

>> No.12847578

If raw meat is about to expire, does cooking it "reset" or extend the time left?

>> No.12847585

I think so, as long as it was fully cooked.

>> No.12847590

Egg fried rice.

Indian fry bread with whatever as a topping.

Arepas (like corn tortillas) with cheese and tomato.

Rice and split pea soup.

Lentil burgers.

>t. third world perpetual poorfag

>> No.12847604

It gives you more time. My great grandparents grew up during the great depression so they had a lot of tips for this shit. Got a bunch of produce and chicken bones? Throw it in a pot and you have a soup, brother. I think the cooking process kills a lot of the bacteria tht causes the rot.

>> No.12847636

I dunno if you're canadian or not but cheese in canada is ridiculously expensive

>> No.12847747

Fucking leafs

>> No.12847912

asi es men

>> No.12847926

How do you make your lentil burgers bro?

>> No.12847940

I was looking for the rational response in this thread.
Hell yeah, brother.
Pressure cooking beans is love, pressure cooking beans is life.
I'm thinking of doing this tomorrow and bulk making/ freezing a bunch of them just for little snack dudes.
I have lots of onions that are about to go bad, I just got some jalapenos. I have a lot of small taco shells that are getting pretty old, I got them BOGO- otherwise I would make my own as well.

>> No.12847956

He was looking for super cheap so I left out a key ingredient that's going to make them next level. If you wanna amp those beans up, brown some bacon and use the grease to sautee your other stuff before you add beans/water and pressure cook. Throw the bacon back in while you're at it. You're gonna be blown the fuck away by how amazing that pot of beans is.

>> No.12847959

How do you make refried beans?
Yes, it does. As long as it's fully cooked. After that any bacteria has been killed and then it's okay for a normal fridge life.
Seconding >>12847926
I have a lot of lentils that I don't really need.
What, just soak, cook, mash, add black beans, curry powder (or cumin), S&P, a few eggs, and some butter?
Tell me your secrets pls bruh

>> No.12847967

No, go to Taco Bell, get a bunch of beef tacos with no lettuse...ezpz microwave those fuckers for 30 seconds, and it's glorious!

>> No.12848015

lies and black bean propaganda. Black beans have the least flavor of all beans. Its like eating paper except not as interesting

>> No.12848060

>How do you make refried beans?
Cook beans really well with onions or whatever you want to season them with. Drain, then smash or puree with some amount of the cooking liquid.

>> No.12848152
File: 207 KB, 600x850, Mexican-Rice-with-Black-Beans-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rice and beans with chopped onion, diced tomato, cilantro, and jalapeno.

>> No.12848245

Doesn't it also require a decent amount of lard (or butter)?

>> No.12848256

Nice try dude, Gwyneth Paltrow taught us that cilantro will absolutely fuck up your EBT budget.

>> No.12848258

Nobody puts butter in refried beans. Lard or vegetable oil is common but not required. "Refried" just means well-cooked. It's not literally fried twice like many Americans think.

>> No.12848278

>I dunno if you're canadian or not but cheese in canada is ridiculously expensive

Why? You have plenty of land for dairy farming, and you don't have to worry about defense spending. I understand sexual reassignment surgery and flashy socks take a big chunk out of the GDP, but surely there is ample room for cheese!

>> No.12850080


>> No.12850105

t. tastelet

>> No.12850238

I find beans and tortillas to be bitter

Somehow Taco Bell finds a way to do away with this, all my home burritos are bitter

>> No.12850259

>7 limes

>> No.12850285

Teach me your bean-making ways anons. I have an instant pot.

>> No.12850303

It's retarded easy. With a pressure cooker you don't even need to pre-soak. Add beans and water to your pot as instructed on the package, (or just cover by an inch, inch and a half) and whatever flavoring you think might help. Hold off on delicate stuff like herbs until after, but onion, garlic, spices, some oil, peppers, some bacon or sausage, etc. all hold up just fine. Sautee all that stuff first to step it up a bit. And when it's all done you drain off most of the water (reserving some) and then take a masher to it, using the reserved water to thin it out if you want to. Sometimes I'll make it all refried consistency, sometimes I'll just mash maybe a third to retain some texture and just use the mashed bits to make 'em creamier.

>> No.12850576

How long should I cook it? An hour?

>> No.12850581

You're fucking up the beans

>> No.12850583

I buy canned pre made beans

>> No.12850595

>canned refried beans are bitter
you are a genetic defect, nobody can help you.

>> No.12850614

Like this one but blending is optional? I'd use jalapeño instead of green pepper.

>> No.12850618

Sorry, I thought I had mentioned that. 45 minutes will get you perfect beans. (Though note that things like lentils will take less, you'll have to do your own research there.)

>> No.12850719

combination burrito is the cheapest fast food protein item/cost

>> No.12852046

look up some recipes, you literally just need to cook the beans with spices and it comes out great, no lard required. Sometimes I use bacon fat, but the spice really determine the flavor overall.

>> No.12852049

get some chorizo in there and hoochie mama thats some good grub.

>> No.12852114

I've got news for you if you're an American, buddy.

>> No.12852123


>> No.12852124

Samefagging edgelord

>> No.12852141

Do you guys buy canned beans or cook them yourself? How big is the price and taste difference?

>> No.12852142

folding the top just wastes burrito real estate