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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12837807 No.12837807 [Reply] [Original]

what do you do in a group when theres a last slice of pizza. why is it so awkward?

>> No.12837810
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>> No.12837812

Just say "Anyone want the last slice?" real quick as you reach for it.

>> No.12837817

You always offer the last slice to the fat person in the group. Keeps them nice and fat hehehehehe

>> No.12837929

You should have a loaded plate, you leave the last slice as a peace offering and walk off with 3-4.

>> No.12837940

Where I live people just buy their own whole pizza. None of this slice nonsense.

>> No.12837969

Ask the room if anyone else wants it. If someone else wants it, decide who gets it with a friendly game of rock, paper, scissors.

>> No.12838039


That's a good looking cheese and bread open-faced sandwich.

So, where's the pizza?

>> No.12838049

I assert dominance and take it without saying anything. But then again I am 6'2".

>> No.12838050


>> No.12838067

Throw it away.
If it cannot be shared by everyone it's not useful.

>> No.12838071

I'm usually full by that point and don't want it, thus solving the problem on my end.

>> No.12838103

This never happens to me because everyone gets their own pizza.

>> No.12838288

a restaurant where the menus you get are all specific to the size of your party - so someone doesn't get something, or there's 1 leftover piece.

if you have 4 people, then everything will have either 3 or 5 pieces. if you have 6 people, then the menus will be for either 5 or 7.

>> No.12838437

i awkwardly smile and say "does anyone want this"? i'm not fat so it's not embarassing

>> No.12838447

>eat at italian place
>party of three
>waiter puts down a basket with five pieces of bread
>every time without fail
fuck you, italian waiters

>> No.12838455

I don't know. I've always done childish things like eating pizza in private.

>> No.12838496

Literally, same brother

>> No.12838635


>> No.12838709

Split evenly first

>> No.12838729

I only eat pizza alone.

>> No.12838730

Lol. I have one buddy that always eats pizza as if hes starving. I was having some people over to watch a playoff game. He was the first to arrive and I ordered 3 pizzas. They were delivered about 10 mins before everyone else showed up (about 4 other people, so 6 of us total) and I shit you not the guy ate one and a half pizzas in 10 mins. I was too much of a cuck to say anything but have some manners for chrissake

>> No.12838779

Man up and grab it if nobody wants it. Don't be a pussy or you'll be consigned to minimum wage shit jobs for the rest of your life.

>> No.12838782

Jesus, imagine being affluent enough to let someone else have a slice of pizza.

>> No.12838801

Pull out your peepee and cum on the last slice then you and your fag friends can fight over the big wad of pizza cum.

>> No.12838817

If it's my house & I have guests, I offer it to my guests
If I'm a guest at someone's house I just take it.

>> No.12838867

ask who wants it then take it when nobody says "me"

>> No.12838880

Bad ass.
Everyone look out. We have a bad ass here.

>> No.12839075


>> No.12839193

I eat it. Hesitation is for the weak.

>> No.12839202

>"I hate to be that guy..."
>grab slice
>others laugh it off

this method has never failed me

>> No.12839203

Why, I take out my peanus weanus and cum on it of course.

That way even if somebody wanted that piece, they wouldn't take it, so that 'za is all mine!

>> No.12839205

That piece is destined to be a thrown away. It’s best to think of it as a garnish.

>> No.12839232

Dont have any
They dont eat with me. I usually eat alone at my desk
I act like a spoiled cunt with them. So i would take the last slice while my dad looks at me in disgust and my mom cries in the kitchen

>> No.12839262

If everyone isn't satisfied and happy aaaaaaaaand you all have cash. Obviously order some more?

>> No.12839384

My friends and I always play soggy biscuit and the loser HAS to eat the last slice.

>> No.12839468

You should've laughed at him and continuously made fun of him the entire night

>> No.12839539

Absolutely based

>> No.12839555

>did I buy it
I’m eating it, it’s mine
>did I split the cost with whoever I’m eating with
Either split the last slice or ask if they want it or not. Chances are I probably don’t need that last slice
>did I not pitch in any money but am eating anyway
I’m not touching it unless someone offers it to me

>> No.12839558

You go to a party or get-together and everyone orders and eats their own pizza? Where do you live, Kentucky?

>> No.12839560

Everyone says I can't I'm full then the fat guy goes for it.

>> No.12840185

Everyone cuts it into smaller pieces and eats it.

This is how it should be done.

Alternatively, depending on who needs the most calorie intake gets more pizzas. To each according to their need.

>> No.12840202

I don't share pizza with anyone.
I buy a whole cunt for myself and everyone else can fucking deal with it.

>> No.12840203
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wrong file

Not red enough.

>> No.12840204

My friends always order too much pizza so there are plenty of leftovers.

>> No.12840214

I ask out loud. "I want that last slice of pizza, does anybody else want it instead?"

Usually everybody would say no and it's mine. I asked, so it's fair game after that.

>> No.12840229

Jesus what a pig. I mean, there's helping yourself to food that's offered, and there's being a greedy freeloading swine. Is he poor? Does he body build? Is he autistic or super selfish? What's this guys deal?

>> No.12840240

Probably just an unaware fatty

>> No.12840371
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>eating the last slice when she is giving you the look

>> No.12840539

Hes an athlete. He use to play NCAA ball. Hes not poor just cheap. Hes q tradesman for the union. Probably make 70-80k a year.

Everytime we go to the bar everyone usually buys a pitcher and we all share and he never buys one. He still plays beer league sports and hes not fat like the other anon stated.

>> No.12840578

Nobody takes the last slice as its impolite and the person that does is a selfish prick who is always stained in my mind.

>> No.12842185

Me and my friends chew it up and pass it between our mouths so we all get a taste of the last slice

>> No.12842195

Well someone's gotta eat it....
>t. The guy who refuses to eat the last slice even when I want to when the host insists someone eats it and everyone else is refusing because I dont want to be "the guy who ate the last slice"

This is actually an interesting psychological nugget. It seems to be a universal thing, judging by this thread, that eating the last slice is a bit of a taboo.

>> No.12842510

What bad host is out of pizza I'd be so embarrassed
Whose that poor guy

>> No.12842974

>But then again I am 6'2".
What, in circumference?

>> No.12842987


>> No.12843010

The correct response is to offer the last slice to others, who then all refuse it being polite, and then eating it.

If someone does take it, you make a backhanded compliment like "Good for you, I hate it when people refuse the last slice just to be polite".

>> No.12843042
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I ALWAYS eat until I get full OR until I eat up ALL the food available. Not my fault your cheap ass didn't buy enough food for your stupid party. I'm an animal too, I'll go through your fridge and take whatever I want out of the pantry. I've even gone as far as tossing a Digiorno's pizza in the oven when they ran out of hamburgers. So yeah, I don't give a fuck if you're too slow to grab the last slice for yourself.

>> No.12843072

>imagine being a poor faggot host that runs out of food during a party or a hangout

>> No.12843096

Stop being fat

>> No.12843129

seethe more malnourished beta cuckold poor soiboi , have a gut to down as much za' as I please and not worry about the last slice

>> No.12843161


>> No.12843172

It's only awkward if you are fat, and I'm guessing you are

>> No.12843558

I cut or order my pizzas into 16ths, not 8ths. Much smaller slices so you get to "enjoy" more. Also since the last slice is so small no one cares about swipping it.

>> No.12843575

A universal thing with people who have manners. Im sure there are many uncouth barbarians that would happily take the last slice and not think twice of the silent disdain they have just brought upon themselves.

>> No.12843603

just just fucking take it if you're hungry and want it, if anyone else wanted it they should take it. if they're too scared to sucks for them, you get more pizza because you're not a pussy queer

>> No.12843618

i've learnt to say "yep" before they even get to the last syllable

>> No.12843696

Then they just fall over like limp dicks, but then you'd know about limp dicks you homosexual.

>> No.12843785

I say "Okay so right now we are in a bit of a peculiar situation, I must say. Everyone wants this last piece, yet no one has the guts to take it. In order to save everyone for the, uh, dare I say, suspense and fear, I will take one for the team and relieve us of this awkward situation by solving the problem" while I just grab it and eat it like the intelligent chad I am.

>> No.12843793

>a poor faggot host that runs out of food
why are you an insufferable edgy kid? this can happen to anyone, the important thing is how you react (ie make some more or order something if youre empty).

>> No.12843798

It depends upon the situation. Most of the time, though, I'm the only person willing to eat it or the people around me will go full Chinese and throw it away just to be polite. Seriously, I have no idea why, either, since none of them are even Asian.

>> No.12843804
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>having friends

>> No.12843808
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I always order my pie cut into 12 slices when I have other people eating it.

>> No.12843818

why do americans put so much cheese on their pizzas?

>> No.12844294

Eat it if I'm hungry or save it for someone else if they haven't had enough. Common sense

>> No.12844295

do you put pineapple on your pizza?

>> No.12844321


>> No.12844328

get better friends dumbass

>> No.12844332

>be 6.2
>still have teeny-tiny baby pencil cock
>needs to brag about being rude and autistic on a cooking board to cope
pretty pathetic if you ask me

>> No.12844335

What if someone wants to eat a bit less?

>> No.12844357

>why are you an insufferable edgy kid?
where the fuck do you think you are? just ignore retards like this...

>> No.12844524

haha yeah this is 4chan we all act the same here ahah even when edge is entirely off-topic and unwarranted ahahah.

>> No.12844534

>You go to a party or get-together and everyone orders and eats their own pizza?
Yes. I live in Germany.

>> No.12845226

So it is like going to Pizza Hut with small children where everyone gets a personal...

>> No.12845233

You and your friends must be some ham planets

>> No.12845358

You prefer to eat bread with little added taste?

>> No.12845376


>> No.12845406

What a free loading disgusting human being. "Free for me" is probably his motto in life. This "friend" of yours would have been carved out of my circle a long time ago. Self-serving, egocentric asshole. Go be cancer somewhere else!

>> No.12845660

knife fight

>> No.12846010

i take it and eat it without asking questions like any alpha male would

>> No.12846073

Big boi detected

>> No.12846139

I take it as the alpha male in the group.

>> No.12846144

Manlet cope

>> No.12846516
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>friend's house/friends paid for it
"Imma kill this. Anyone object?"
Split it if someone wants some
>my house/ I paid for it
Foil up the last piece(s) and fridge it cause bizza is 100% better tomorrow.

>> No.12846867

Grab it before someone else if Im still hungry

>> No.12846888

Sounds like a Chad honestly

>> No.12847286

take one bite and put it back

>> No.12847313

That which was divided may be divided again, and all that wish to partake shall be assigned a portion. So sayeth Solomon.

>> No.12847381

Depends who I am eating with. My friends are fat pigs and I will gladly take it. My family is full of light eaters so I'll offer it up genuinely.

>> No.12847387

His name is literally "chad". I'm not even kidding

>> No.12847388

Save it for Tyrone so he has something to eat after he's done with my gf.

>> No.12847402

If you have a kid name them Chad and they will literally grow into the role.

>> No.12847416

assert your dominance by pissing in it

>> No.12847417

He kind of is getting carved out. Hes a really good guy otherwise. For example one time I got jumped by 6 or 7 guys and he got in there to help out even though I'm sure he knew we'd both just get our ashes kicked but didnt want to just watch it (most people say they would do this for their friend but most wouldn't when in the actual situation desu). but people are getting tired of this type of shit plus his wife is insufferable. Very controlling and puts a damper on the mood whenever shes around. But hes been one of my best friends since childhood and we went through every phase of life together from adolescence to adults with children so there is a bond there for me.

>> No.12847465

Then there is a slice leftover and the dilemma repeats

>> No.12847562

Let the person who's eaten the least so far have it. Some people are really slow eaters.

>> No.12847702

when you grow up to 6'5" like me the host offers you the last piece as a gesture of submission

>> No.12848301

"If you hate being that guy than dont touch it" I say after slapping the slice off your hand and stuffing it in my face while laughing louder than anyone and slapping your back.

>> No.12848350

Cherish those freinds, I hope you will never experinece having stingy "freinds" they would talk about the price of the pizza every 5 minutes and try to convince themselves it was worth it instead of relaxing. Also you cant just show up one day and suggest to do a fun activity that costs money, and they humblebrag about being broke if that is something to brag about.
Glad I stopped these tards.

>> No.12848375

I usually pay for it so I just take the last slice if I want it. Buyers privilege.

>> No.12848697

Typically, I'll tell someone in the group to eat it. If they absolutely refuse to, then I'll have it.

>> No.12848716

I'm not a poorfag so I don't order barely enough pizza for the group. There are always leftovers.

>> No.12848998

I have a strong feeling that someone named Chad banged your wife

>> No.12849052
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When will God stop your sinful hand?

>> No.12849741

im taller than you

>> No.12849761

right is moving so fast their arms a blur, left is fucking DEAD

>> No.12850091

absolutely unequivocally btfo

>> No.12850173

i would kick you out of my house

>> No.12850380


A grown male being unable to eat one large pizza in one sitting as a one-off thing is pretty pathetic. How anorexic are you?

>> No.12850393


>> No.12850404

Be alpha and eat it

>> No.12852011

Be alpha and give it to the weakest member of the group

>> No.12852012

You'd think we'd only be getting high quality posts since it's so hard to get posts through right now. But nope, we still mainly get stuff like this.

>> No.12852029

I can't relate to this poorfag problem. Even when I bake Pizza myself for a group of people I always do more than needed since one day old Pizza is godlike.