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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12830582 No.12830582 [Reply] [Original]

The cooking techniques aren't impossible by any means, but little kids executing at that level is really fishy. A lot of terminology being used isn't something home cooks would use.

>> No.12830583

Holy shit, you figured it out. Congratulations, anon

>> No.12830595


You reckon Ramsay is a liar?

>> No.12830618

Of course it's fake, you stupid fuck.
Everything is.

>> No.12830639

Now why would anyone keep lolis in a stable? Hmm anon?

>> No.12830647

I swear I saw that kid on an 'Autism Speaks' commercial.

>> No.12830649
File: 28 KB, 396x396, 1564705320001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow OP you figured out what reality TV is!! Maybe when you turn 13 you'll even get the birds and the bees talk from your single mother after you ask why black men keep spending the night!!

>> No.12830657

For fun lol

>> No.12830661

Why is everyone assuming it's fake? You've never seen a kid who's really good at playing an instrument or painting? Why would this be any different? They're children, if they're really into it and have supportive parents they would have literally all the time in the world to be practicing it and be an age where it's easier to learn new skills.

>> No.12830710

When I watched the grand finals, the thing that got to me most was all the kids saying "I'm going back to my roots with this dish." No child would ever say that if you asked them any question, it seems so forced.

>> No.12830716

She’s doing that cheeky face cos that’s what she was doing earlier with his pubes before he licked her bald cootch and asssfucked her.
Dirty ramsy, you can smell the shit on his dick just looking at the picture.

>> No.12830738

>Why is everyone assuming it's fake? You've never seen a kid who's really good at playing an instrument or painting? Why would this be any different? They're children, if they're really into it and have supportive parents they would have literally all the time in the world to be practicing it and be an age where it's easier to learn new skills.
This.There's a 5% kind of child that is gifted. Also a lot of home schooled kids out there these days, and, yes, they do have a lot of time on their hands, and are likely cooking lunch daily with their parents or servants.

>> No.12830747

What exactly is the birds and bees talk anyway? Those two species don't fuck eachother.

>> No.12830752

It is fake. I remember watching it a while ago and in some badly edited shots you could see the kids had helpers. Those people were never acknowledged. Not sure if they are the parents or someone from the show.

>> No.12830755

Running the my parents never talked to me about sex

>> No.12830757

They are all super privileged and come from rich families. Of course they learned about this stuff.

>> No.12830765

Oh nice. I googled it, ended up on the wikipedia page, saw a citation of Coleridge there and found a poem I've been trying to remember for years.
Funny how things work out sometimes.


>> No.12830783

I confess I have watched MasterChef Junior Spain and Brazil because I thought some of the girls were very pretty. There was one on MasterChef Spain that was extremely beautiful, but I can't remember her name.

>> No.12830804

Why does Joe make me cringe everytime he speaks? He tries to be tough but he's just a skinny old bald white guy with no personality, no charisma.

>> No.12830822
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If I ever have kids (big if), I'll tell it to them straight: benis in bagina :DDDDD

>> No.12830852

>is television fake?
Yes, anon.

>> No.12830935

I always feel bad when the kids cry so I don't watch it

>> No.12831407

The asian blind girl wasn't blind, what a crock of shit

>> No.12831417

I told my wife it is not three nights ago and told her I couldn’t bare it anymore. Don’t forget, television is art of production. No yelling amount of time during/between shots. Days between challenges. I’m sure there’s lots of coaching going on

>> No.12832180

>tfw no loli cook locked up in my kitchen

>> No.12832198

If "talent shows" like America's got talent fakes performances for half the magicians, I don't find it unreasonable that any other show fakes for views.

>> No.12832233

just an excuse for ramsey to get some easy cunny

>> No.12832335

I believe they give the kids instruction prior to the cooking that takes place for televised recordings, but they can't fake the dexterity and ease with which these young kids cook. Even adults, nevermind 10 year olds, wouldn't be able to display decent technique if they didn't have solid cooking experience in the first place.

>> No.12832341

I feel like this show would be more sucessful if ramsey actually tore these kids apart like hells kitchen and made them have full blown tantrums and panic attacks

>> No.12832430

if you have to lock up your loli you are doing it wrong. loli should be happy to be with you and cook you foods

>> No.12832433
File: 193 KB, 620x412, oona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me? it's Oona

>> No.12832613

Nice, just like your dubs

>> No.12832631

I suspect girls/minorities are likely to win if every thing else is even.

>> No.12832641

>kid who likes cooking watches cooking shows
>kid hears people say generic things
>kid repeats it because kids copy everything

>> No.12832649

kids are smarter than adults, learn faster, etc.
if they put in the effort they could be better cooks
children have more refined taste, smell, vision, dexterity, etc.

>> No.12832714

everything you said is wrong

>> No.12833144

define fake. everyone knows they coach people behind the scenes and teach them certain techniques so that the show can flow better, its mostly so they can focus on the emotional arc because thats why people watch this shit

>> No.12833244

If I had to guess, they actually cook all the shit they present but they're told what to make and what to say for the most part. Masterchef with adults is a bit less scripted and Topchef is decently real.

>> No.12833253

If I have a daughter I'll give her a demonstration. I've seen some videos and it looks like that's a normal thing to do.

>> No.12833264

>No child would ever say that
Children say cringy and autistic sounding things all the fucking time you retard. They just repeat anything anyone around them says that they think sounds cool or mature.

>> No.12833284

Nah, that's mostly right. You only get worse at learning new things as you get older (language is the classic example of something most kids pick up near effortlessly while most adults have a much harder time approaching fluency in something new), and your senses are the most sensitive when you're a kid. They dull as you age and get used to everything around you. That's why being a picky eater is a stereotypically childish behavioral trait. Flavors come across the most intensely when you're young.

>> No.12833296
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>(language is the classic example of something most kids pick up near effortlessly while most adults have a much harder time approaching fluency in something new)
This is the biggest meme on the planet, disproven by every single study ever conducted on the topic, and yet it keeps being repeated as fact despite being completely false.
Kids are better at auditory mimicry. The end.
What DOES diminish as you age (and is pretty much the only language-sensitive thing that does) is your ability to hear a new sound and reproduce it accurately and effortlessly.
So while kids can hear a phoneme not present in their language and imitate it very well, an adult loses their ability to do so as they approach 25.
On the other hand, do you want to know what adults are better at, when it comes to language learning?

Adults are better at memorization, organization, structuration and catalogation of information.
Comprehension is also leagues above, and categorization by topic and complexity is also possible as an adult, something that's hopelessly unreachable for a child.

The only reason the fucktarded argument "B-But muh kids reach fluency naturally!" even exists, is that kids get children get 24 hours a day of exercise, in a time of their life where their brains are completely empty. And STILL, it takes them 18 or so years to reach adult-level fluency, something that takes an adult 7 years when studying a new language.

Fuck off with your pseudo science.
Children are retarded, that's why we judge animal intelligence as "Oh, wolves can be as smart as a 8 years old child!"
Because children are FUCKING DUMB

>> No.12833303

>That's why being a picky eater is a stereotypically childish behavioral trait.
This also has no basis in reality.
Children have a select number of taste receptors that are stronger (bitterness and sourness primarily), while others are weaker (sweetness and bitterness primarily).
Combined, these things lead to the typical distaste for most 'adult' foods, and with children's ability to shovel sugar down their gullet without being nauseated.
They're not "more sensitive", they just have a half-crippled mouth that's not geared to enjoy food, but to detect poison more easily by making it not palatable to the child.

Your "tasting peak" happens in your teens, and is kept until your 50s.
This myth that children are anything but an incomplete human needs to die.

>> No.12833306

people and society are awful and so being an incomplete person is a virtue.

>> No.12833307

I bet that pasta tastes like a dirty mop head.

>> No.12833309

You know what? Fuck you. Fuck you and everybody like you. You refuse to listen to reason Refuse to learn anything. I'm sick of trying to teach worthless pieces of shit such as yourself who will never be anything better than the moron you already are. Go away.

>> No.12833310

It can’t be weaker and stronger at the same time you fucking imbecile.

>> No.12833312

I mistyped. The weaker ones are supposed to be sweetness and saltyness.

>> No.12833314

Why are you getting so up in arms about someone responding to a post you didn't make?

>> No.12833316


>> No.12833329

lmao he seething, did a kid fuck your girlfriend?

>> No.12833335

Third post isn't mine, I don't know why he got so assblated.
As for the other two, I'm just bothered by pop-science and "grandma's wisdom" types of misconceptions.

>> No.12833494

reality tv is mostly scripted, I can't even watch it anymore

when you see the contestants "read" their thoughts, you can clearly look at them looking at the prompter and you can tell some college intern wrote their lines

>> No.12833773
File: 23 KB, 260x300, sandralee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet you think wrestling is real too, op.

>> No.12833821

>That's why being a picky eater is a stereotypically childish behavioral trait. Flavors come across the most intensely when you're young.
Correct. I hated eating food at friends' houses as a kid. The smells and tastes would be way too loud, almost suffocating. But then I got older, my tongue mellowed out, and I started branching out to all the foods that used to overwhelm me e.g. different kinds of seafood.

>> No.12833833

Based and Redpilled

>> No.12833897


Imagine if chicks had their boobs on their back.

>> No.12833918

It's obviously scripted down to where they are moving around, but I remember reading that while they do advise the kids and will teach them and have helpers around, they are doing some of it on their own.

>> No.12833935

It's not fake but the kids are helped by adults off screen, especially when they aren't competing. They probably even have a few classes together between show.

>> No.12833939
File: 27 KB, 410x358, f0fc0f0b94a42df4c774613004477d10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Would you eat her sardines, anons?

>> No.12834032

My 12 year old managed to make a pretty good New York strip in a pan with a red wine sauce just by following a recipe and asking a couple questions. Meanwhile my 10 year old managed to burn some ramen.

Some kids are more capable than others.

>> No.12834055


>> No.12834140

Yes, I'd also eat something else of hers if you catch my drift

>> No.12834361

she went on to a role in sleepy hollow i believe

>> No.12834392

What a qt

>> No.12834398
File: 40 KB, 640x632, 1526088236428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-am I f-fake?

>> No.12834408

At least some of your personality is.

>> No.12834468
File: 372 KB, 396x449, 1560012842831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a beautiful show

>> No.12834521
File: 580 KB, 1079x1519, Screenshot_20190826-184402_Drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when I was a kid I applied to join it. Didn't get accepted. I got the impression that they cared way more how cute the kids looked than their cooking skills/experience when selecting participants.
It might be different from country to country, I just googled and found an application in English and it's way longer and more detailed than the one I filled out as a kid. Pic related, it's mandatory questions from the application I found. I don't get why they make 8 year olds fill out this kinda stuff to go on a cooking show.

>> No.12834541

Based schizo /int/ poster

>> No.12836102

The only masterchef you should watch is the professionals UK

>> No.12836123
File: 1.41 MB, 360x354, 6-29-19.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saw a citation of Coleridge there and found a poem

>> No.12836161

She should be in a Dan Schneider show

>> No.12836185

>kids are smarter than adults
based and factpilled

>> No.12837297


>> No.12838151

Seriously, she has great comic timing.

>> No.12838227

are there any shotas in this show? or is it all girls?

>> No.12838323

who the fuck cares? take the loli pill buddy

>> No.12838351

OP underestimates kids at his own peril.
They probably screen for the most driven and talented ones to put in front of a TV camera, but still children are smart.

>> No.12838354

This is entrapment, FBI. This will never hold up in court.

>> No.12838377

variety is the spice of life

>> No.12838718

Her other dishes look amazing too yeah

>> No.12839211

kids aren't smart, and they have terrible precision necessary for a craft.

>> No.12839221

adults can learn just as well as kids, but most adults also fried their brain with alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and are too proud to spend time "learning" because in their eyes it's a child behavior. the idea that you evolve like a pokemon at 18 is extremely present in modern days, especially since traditional "achievements of adulthoods" like having a job, marrying or buying a house have become hated and abandonned by the masses. they cling to what's left, and it's the number of years they lived.

>> No.12840444

>liking irl boys
lmoa what a tremendous faggot

>> No.12840544

Is it true they force the contestants to get drunk on regular Masterchef?

>> No.12840564

That last question
>Give us all the details of anything you don't want us to share with the world

>> No.12842318

>has your child committed a felony
>does your child own any websites
>explain to us what we can't share

>> No.12842348

one of the worst arguments on the thread

kids mimic the dumbest shit. im sure their mum tried to use some "professional" phrases to compliment the kids dish and they just fucking parrot that