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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12805782 No.12805782 [Reply] [Original]

screw you /ck/

You told me not to break my spagghetti, now look what happened

>> No.12805784
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Should have followed anime girls advice. Now suffer peasant.

>> No.12805787

Should have used cast iron

>> No.12805790
File: 81 KB, 378x357, 1562678159834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cast iron

but i couldnt find wizard who specialized in metals

>> No.12805800

I always have wondered if people who say "it just melts in" have ever actually put spaghetti in a saucepan. Im guessing you had some burned spaghetti ends.

>> No.12805811

you're supposed to wait until the water boils until you put the spaghetti in you autists

>> No.12805812

Should've used a bigger pot.

>> No.12805816


>> No.12805823

yeah i did

>> No.12805838

It's ebough if it's simmering

>> No.12805845

more water retard

>> No.12805862

it really isnt, the directions on all pasta say to boil the water for a reason

>> No.12805865

Just put some more water in the kettle and slowly kinda bend it, but not enough that it breaks and soon It will fit in the pot and everything will be cooked equally.

>> No.12805874

>directions on the pasta

>> No.12806033

Pan, nice and hot

>> No.12806040

Dip one end in the water and stir it for a moment, then flip it over in your hand and set that into the pot. Both sides are wet and soften up enough that they fall in the pot. ez pz

>> No.12806047

>being this retarded

>> No.12806049

why didn't you buy pre-broken spaghetii

>> No.12806053

>being too autistic for humour

>> No.12806065

This, fucking poor people lmao.

>> No.12806075

you must wonder all the time why no one gets your jokes

>> No.12806087

Imagine being so pathetic that this is the best you can come up with for something “funny”.

>> No.12806112

Actually i get along well with people and bond through humor because im not autistic like you

>> No.12806117

Fill pot with 1l (~1qt) of water per 100g (~3.5oz) of pasta (the pot should be large enough for pasta to move freely as it cooks, so don't fill it to capacity, use a larger pot if required).
Bring it to a rolling boil, add 10g (~0.35oz) of salt per 100g of pasta and let it come to a rolling boil once more.
Add the pasta at this point and OP's pic won't happen.

>> No.12806120

It's should be rather obvious you need a large pot to do that moron.

>> No.12806134

>Water is not even boiling
>didn't even try gently pushing them with a spoon

>> No.12806137

>water isn't boiling
Just eat them raw, you beast

>> No.12806169

Also, you need more water

>> No.12806214

I have my local coop cut it for me, just being in the pot once and they keep the size on file and always cut the pasta so it’s fits my particular cooking pot. Worth s little bit extra to save some time and hassle.

>> No.12806235

Based and boomerpilled

>> No.12806422

My wife doesn't even use spaghetti. She uses elbow noodles. "It's basically the same thing, just easier to eat." Can't really argue with her point, since it's true. I prefer fettuccine myself because I enjoy the taste of pasta and fettuccine will give a higher pasta:sauce ratio.

>> No.12806431
File: 208 KB, 1378x1226, 1560014381415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure I'm the only one autistic enough to keep an infrared thermometer next to my stove just for measuring the temperature of foods/pans/water/etc. You'd be surprised how handy it is, though.

>> No.12807564

Yeah, I always wondered at what temperature water boils, hopefully you can help us out
(American btw)

>> No.12807598

Why are you cooking sketti in a tiny sauce pot?

>> No.12807603

I guess it's the same reason why he's not even boiling water

>> No.12807605


Use a plunge thermometer, those radiative things don't read well. NEVER stop using thermometers. I make perfect whole chicken every day without even thinking. Steak to 135F. All of my food is better because of thermometers.

>> No.12807700

1. Fill the pot three quarters of the way up. Add a big pinch of salt or two. Put on the stove until boiling.
2. Put the spaghetti in the water, and gently push them along the side of the pot down to the bottom. Within a minute, the lower part of the spaghetti will have softened enough for you to push the rest under the water level.
3. Stir slowly every couple of minutes to make sure the pasta doesn't stick together or the pot.
4. Taste, strain if cooked, apply mayonnaise, tie belt to doorknob and neck, insert spaghetti.

>> No.12807706
File: 292 KB, 1252x1252, flavortown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHHHH help me co/ck/s

>> No.12807754

>Add a big pinch of salt or two.

>> No.12807785

Are you serious? You have to

>> No.12807790

It should be as salty as seawater

>> No.12807791

Two small spoons, otherwise you have basically raped the pasta's taste

>> No.12807793

Based. Salty pasta water is gross. The pasta will obtain all necessary flavor intake from the sauce.

>> No.12807798

If you'll ever come to Italy, just a friendly advice: Never say such heresies

>> No.12807807

moronic conversation. It depends on the amount of water

>> No.12807809

Fuck up, Fredo

>> No.12807811

I would never go to Italy for good Italian food.

>> No.12807824

It has nothing to do with taste and everything to do with time. The more salt you add, the longer it takes for the water to boil. If you're salting it as a base for a sauce, two pinches aren't even going to be enough.

>> No.12807823

Said the retard telling anons not to put any salt
That will never make sense in Italian, as long as you don't wanna be laughed at like we do at most Americans
And that's a good thing

>> No.12807835

Yeah, I usually just put in 3lt (using a standard bucket) of salt in water
Takes a while, but it makes sense

If it has nothing to do with taste, you are most likely a shit eating American

>> No.12807838

salted water boils quicker

>> No.12807840

1lt, 1kg, same thing, the metric system doesn't have extra chromosomes btw

>> No.12807848

Literal brainlet, it's the opposite.

>> No.12807856

Why do Americans make better Italian food than Italians?

>> No.12807855

Fucking retard, nobody cares
If you want actual pasta, you have to use salt

>> No.12807861
File: 49 KB, 645x773, 1555403475500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you are too poor to leave that eleventh world shithole even for a day
Not tipping you anyway

>> No.12807867

I don't care what Italians do with their pasta, Italian cooking is just bargain bin French cooking.

>> No.12807873

I'm giving you free (you)s just to milk back (you)s and top tier comedy, nobody actually cares about your opinion

>> No.12807877

Good enough bait tho, keep trying

>> No.12807880

Oh boy thermometer steak! My fucking dream food! Don’t be retarded dude just eyeball it and call it good like a normal person. Fucking autism ruined this board.

>> No.12807885

Is this your main board?
I'm here just because it's a comfy refuge from double digit retards (except American posters I see)

>> No.12807886

Developed from French and Greek traditions,the Italian kitchen is one of the first true examples of fusion cuisine.

>> No.12807889

>hahaha Giuseppe look at that rich American he doesn’t salt his pasta hahaha he left an extra hundred on the table because he’s so generous hahaha
>Giuseppe, I wish I was an american

>> No.12807896

It's literally thermodynamics

>> No.12807899

Tried well enough in the first line
Ruined it all up with the second >
You don't deserve a (you), nor healtcare or less debts. Careful not to get shot on your way to the trash food market

Yaaawn, this board is getting boring

>> No.12807903

“Bitter Italian passive agressively retorts on imageboard about his shitty heritage. More at 11.”
Honestly? Take pride in something about you for once. Stop taking pride in Italian food it’s weird. It’s not even your own cooking, it’s someone else’s. Let them fight (and lose) their own battles.

>> No.12807911

Yeah you fucking Americans with your spics and roodypoos and kikes infest the culture of the world and breed this retarded degeneracy you keep spewing. Fucking kill yourself. For the sake of humanity.

>> No.12807921

Lol cry more anon. Maybe you can drop your salty tears in your pasta water hahaab

>> No.12807922

Literal. Brainlet.

>Adding salt to water is going to do two things to water's physical properties: it will raise the boiling point and it will lower the specific heat. These two changes actually work against each other. Raising the boiling point will make the water boil slower.

>> No.12807926

well done
So easy, at least you get the single >
since mommy doesn't give you any attention and daddy hates you

>> No.12807927

t. Moosealeany

>> No.12807933

Both mega brainlets. Salted water boils at 1 degree Fahrenheit higher than normal water, literally no difference.

>> No.12807936


>> No.12807948

>one half one degree Celsium
Is that better?

>> No.12807952

Yes. It takes an extra degree to begin to boil, meaning a raised boiling point, meaning a longer boiling period. Hence, it takes longer. What salt does do is make the water hotter than normal, which will make your food cook a little faster, but the misconception of it boiling faster is untrue.

>> No.12807958

I'm right and you're all wrong.

>> No.12807960

Are you even trying to bait?

>> No.12807971

I think the lasagnaniggers are so defensive about their food because they have nothing else to be proud of.

>> No.12808000

It’s always Pasta this and wine that. No pride in anything else because food is all they think they have on the world. Their healthcare is atrocious, they don’t stop for emergency vehicles and often run them off the road, they’re all wifebeaters and shitty poor people. The one thing I liked when I went there was a topless beach. Some pastawhore showed off her jibblies and we shagged behind a dumpster

>> No.12808017

I hate this piece of shit anime so god damn much

>> No.12808034

>The more salt you add, the longer it takes for the water to boil.
We're talking seconds. If you wait for the water to boil first, and salt the water before adding the pasta, the water will boil again in like 15-20 seconds.

>> No.12808201

I don't know why the hell it would boil faster and that guy is stupid, but arguing about the 15 second difference of water raising one degree Fahrenheit is autistic.

>> No.12808516

Fucking Kek.

>> No.12809028

Maybe don't burn the forest down next time you go camping, José.