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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 107 KB, 597x442, washing chicken wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12805714 No.12805714[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Look at these replies from blacks :

WTF is wrong with them??
Why do they wash chicken?

>> No.12805734 [DELETED] 

>black “people” don’t understand food safety
Can’t say I’m surprised. Fucking filthy people.

>> No.12805744
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I'm actually with the coloureds on this one, especially with something like whole chickens or other birds.
I don't aggressively scrub them or run the tap at full blast, but I'll rinse out the interior of coagulated blood and bits of organs etc. and look over the outside for stumps of feather and down.
The whole thing with scrubbing it with lemon juice or vinegar is just a waste of time, though. You're not getting rid of any significant amount of bacteria if present.

For certain precut pieces of meat it might also be a good idea to rinse for bone fragments, like the guy in the screenshot says.

>> No.12805750

My mom (who is white) takes a whole frozen chicken out and leaves it in the sink to defrost over the day. Then puts the stopper in the sink and runs it full of water and lets the chicken sit in that for 2-3 hours as she gets around to cooking all of it. She also tosses the chicken around in the nasty water to "rinse it". The same water it has been sitting in for hours, just to be clear.

>> No.12805798


>> No.12805824

If you don't wash your chicken you are literally eating slime, debris, cum, snot, etc and whatever the food supplier might have dropped or put on your meat
>but I trust the food supplier
Lol enjoy your cum chicken I guess

>> No.12805854

sopa de macaco uma delicia

>> No.12805856

>that 3rd post
It's as if he posts on /ck/ since that's our meme.

>> No.12805863

Low IQ and ignorance like always.

>> No.12805866

Why is it unsafe to wash chicken prior to cooking it?

>> No.12805869

Never bothered me before. Why should I start being paranoid now?

>> No.12805870

seriously imagine not washing meat that's been handled by multiple people and machines, in disgusting conditions that house thousands of animal corpses, exposed to the elements, and then calling black people dumb.
maybe all those contaminants reduced your brain capacity

>> No.12805879

Because you are used to eating cum and spit, enjoy it I guess but actual humans are repulsed by it

>> No.12805888

It's all in your head, kid.

>> No.12805889

washing raw poultry runs risk of spreading bacteria due to the unseen droplets being splashed around from the rinsing. the bacteria will proliferate on nearby surfaces (such as other utensils, dishes, etc...)

>> No.12805896

The point is the whole "rinsing" is pointless if you're just slopping it around in its own germy water.

>> No.12805899

i just wipe it like with dry news paper or a paper towel
same way i clean the shit out of my asshole

>> No.12805957

don't the Sharts cover their chicken in bleach anyway? Surely that kills all the germs

>> No.12805965

What are you talking about?

>> No.12805968
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>> No.12805971


>> No.12805984

I used to work in a meat processing plant and we always rinsed whatever meat, be it chicken, beef or pork, with a sanitizing solution before packaging and assorting.
The heat also kills the germs. That's why people boil water when they go camping and get it from a freshwater source.
Read meat isn't porous either which is why medium-rare and rare doesn't cause food poisoning. Chicken is porous, which is why you cook it well-done to kill any germs leftover. The only germs you would realistically have to worry for all meats are the ones that get killed when cooking.

>> No.12805990

I can't speak for third world countries, but here in the US everyone has to be extremely clean and keep their area clean when working with these meats. The only blood they can come in contact with is their own blood. Contaminants would cause you food-sickness way before they reduce your brain capacity. I have never, ever, washed my pieces of meat before cooking and never ever gotten food sick.

>> No.12805994

what kind of shithole country do you live in where animal carcases just go straight into packaging without any kind of cleaning at all

>> No.12806017
File: 412 KB, 1080x1204, Screenshot_20190723-122457_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you could just use a vinegar brine

>> No.12806029

It's just being traditional. Older cook books and magazines suggested washing your chicken as well. It's just that some people never stopped doing it. I'm white and I've washed my chicken before, but just because it was cheap bagged chicken quarters and had pink goo on it. I don't rinse chicken every time, just if it needs it. Also if chicken sits in myoglobin long enough, it gets a smell and the surface is tacky. Probably good to rinse that off too since the smell carries over after you cook it too.

>> No.12806035

One with higher standards and better quality produce than yours, evidently.

>> No.12806052

Vinegar, please!

>> No.12806068

you know how I can tell you've never worked in a processing plant?

>> No.12806069

Wait, white people don't wash their food?
How filthy, no wonder they killed all the indians with their germs

>> No.12806090

Why do all the black people in that thread write in broken drag queen English with emojis sprinkled in, and the white people write normally?

>> No.12806100

you can't wash a sandwich, i've tried.

>> No.12806622

i'm going to be blasting it on a 400 degree skillet or in a 400 degree oven. i'm not sure how you think germs work but sloshing them around in tapwater isn't going to do shit but get them everywhere and on everything. unless you're eating your chicken raw washing it doesn't really do shit

>> No.12806626
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>> No.12806631

whitey with the impeccable reasonings
bet dis dude don't flush his shitter cause the shit water gon splash around

>> No.12806636
File: 459 KB, 1280x720, 1505084899626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does OP keep making this thread?

>> No.12806657

>en réponse à
This is a clue.

>> No.12806670 [DELETED] 
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Lm f ao

>> No.12806680

>fecal soup is fake news

>> No.12806685

>fecal soup
It's literally Chinese food in China.

>> No.12806692

What do you think plain cold water is going to get rid of? Not bacteria.
Maybe you should read up on basic microbiology before you go around insulting people's intelligence, nigger.

>> No.12806698

itt: incels

just eat the damn meat you racists, it wont kill you

>> No.12806715


>> No.12806720

>The same retards who eat chicken gizzards and frog lips: lmao wypipo you dont wash your great value™ chikky? Ewww xdd

>> No.12806719

>If you don't wash your chicken you are literally eating slime, debris, cum, snot, etc and whatever the food supplier might have dropped or put on your meat
This is an unhealthy level of delusion.

>> No.12806730

jokes on you, I slaughter my own meat, so its been handled by me and only me.

>> No.12806735
File: 12 KB, 301x168, American Stores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do not group all of us Blacks with your degenerate "african americans".

Like your Chris Rock said, there are blacks & then there are american niggers.

>> No.12806750

He just said "niggers" actually, nigger. Spear chuckers aren't much better and the African Americans in London are trying their hardest to be just as niggish as the ones across the pond.

>> No.12806752

I thought you're supposed to?

>> No.12806760

>Please do not group all of us Blacks with your degenerate "african americans".

The funny thing is that niggers in Nigeria are way more successful and technologically advanced than any American niggers. Here in America, we bend over backwards to give niggers free handouts, free college education (affirmative action), free jobs (silicon valley black hiring quotas are now common place).

And the only thing the coddling has done is make the niggers here even more dependent & resentful of other races. Kinda like what happens with spoiled, privileged children.

>> No.12806767


>> No.12806768 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 720x701, 1566320179479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12806769

>There's a lot of racism going on. Who's more racist, black people or white people? Black people! You know why? Because we hate black people too! Everything white people don't like about black people, black people really don't like about black people. There's some shit going on with black people right now. It's like a civil war going on with black people. And there's two sides, there's black people and there's niggas. The niggas have got to go. Everytime a black person wanna have a good time, ignorant-ass niggas fuck it up. You can't have shit when you got niggas around, you can't have shit. You can't have no big screen TV! You can have it, but you better move it in at 3 in the morning. Paint it white, hope niggas think it's a bassinet. Can't have shit in your house! Why?! Because niggas will break into your house. Niggas will live next door to you break into your house, come over the next day and go, "I heard you got robbed." Nigga, you know you robbed me. You didn't see shit 'cause you was doing shit! You can't go see a movie opening day, you know why? 'Cause niggas is shooting at the screen! What kind of ignorant shit is that? "This movie's so good I gotta bust a cap in here!" You know the worst thing about niggas? Niggas always want credit for some shit they supposed to do. A nigga will brag about some shit a normal man just does. A nigga will say some shit like, "I take care of my kids." You're supposed to, you dumb motherfucker! What kind of ignorant shit is that? "I ain't never been to jail!" What do you want, a cookie?! You're not supposed to go to jail, you low-expectation-having motherfucker!

>> No.12806770

>The funny thing is that niggers in Nigeria are way more successful and technologically advanced than any American niggers.
They seem to be kind of retarded everywhere.

>> No.12806780

They are, at the very least Ameriniggers don't behead people.

>> No.12806788


>> No.12806792

>Ameriniggers don't behead people
That's not exactly an accomplishment though.

>> No.12806795

traditional Africans tend to hate african americans for "appropriating" their culture while reaping the benefits of living in a first-world country. they don't like that african americans claim their struggle without experiencing any of it themselves, they see them mostly as privileged babies biting a culture that isn't theirs and making up excuses to be upset. lots of traditional Africans are pretty based and friendly people and wish they could live in a country like America. of course, there's still plenty of them who like to cut each other's heads off and think white people are literal demons, but the majority of developing Africans think the US is based and want to be friends with whitey.

>> No.12806799

As an immigrant & person of color:

We get it white Americans. You white people feel sorry & pity your american niggers because they fail at every part of life. So you give them racist, institutionalized priveliges like Affirmative Action & skin color based hiring quotas.

You believe american pitiful niggers are impotent & incompetent in life and can't survive without you white saviors stepping in and handing everything to them.

But the truth is that all you're doing is proving to the world how much american blacks fail in life without handouts, special privileges, & affirmative action. You are literally proving that all other races are equal, except for blacks, who need to be coddled like mentally handicapped children.

>> No.12806804

It doesn't surprise me. Almost every black person I've known has been a germaphobe.

>> No.12806807

>traditional Africans tend to hate african americans for "appropriating" their culture while reaping the benefits of living in a first-world country. they don't like that african americans claim their struggle without experiencing any of it themselves, they see them mostly as privileged babies biting a culture that isn't theirs and making up excuses to be upset.

It's sad that africans living in mud huts 20 years ago are surpassing american blacks, who are treated like impotent children by white people.

>> No.12806809

>We get it white Americans. You white people feel sorry & pity your american niggers because they fail at every part of life. So you give them racist, institutionalized priveliges like Affirmative Action & skin color based hiring quotas.
This is a huge reason why most real Africans hate american blacks. African blacks actually have a sense of community & sense of shame.

>> No.12806817

because you have too much faith in the morons that work in them
standard procedures are never followed even by management

>> No.12806819

>African blacks actually have a sense of community & sense of shame.
This isn't the takeaway that I'm left witg after seeing webms of Africans burning, and eating eachother.

>> No.12806830

Africa is an entire continent. There are lots of tribalistic cavemen-tier Africans, but in the developing parts of the continent there are lots of impoverished Africans who just want to advance their way of life but can't because they're stuck in a shithole nation with warlord governments. Two sides to every coin, the world does indeed exist outside of your small bubble

>> No.12806844

>Africa is an entire continent.
Ah yes. Northern Africa is filled with savage Muslims, and sub Saharan Africa is filled with savage negroes surrounding a hidden nation of wakanda.
These wakandans are different, and not at all like the post apartheid negroes of South Africa (a once nuclear nation).

>> No.12806862

>the world does not in-fact exist outside of my bubble!
okay cletus I won't bother replying to you anymore

>> No.12806867

>buy a bunch of nog slaves from African slaveowners
>(many slaves in Africa were forced into slavery by other Africans because they were retarded or criminal and not wanted in their own communities)
>best slaves are strong for the fields and too dumb to escape or organize
>isolate on a new continent and procreate among a limited gene pool chosen for these traits
>somehow surprised when you produce a race of hulking stupid giganiggas
It's not any different to a pug so pug-bred that it can't even breathe through its nose. We as humans have created an abomination.

>> No.12806874
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Of course it doesn't get rid of bacteria. It gets rid of goop like coagulated blood etc.
You can clean something without rendering it sterile, you know.
Don't you soak liver and kidneys before cooking them? You think that's about killing germs?

Oh yeah? Don't they shower then?

>> No.12806896
File: 35 KB, 280x198, 7212017pics 319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no cum chicken

>> No.12806904
File: 9 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to get cooked anyway, so the "germs" will fry with it, killing them in the process. What's so hard to understand?

>> No.12806905

>We get it white Americans. You white people feel sorry & pity your american niggers because they fail at every part of life. So you give them racist, institutionalized priveliges like Affirmative Action & skin color based hiring quotas.

If I was a "successful" black man in America, I would be insecure as fuck & ashamed.

In our culture, we'd call these people "no face."

>> No.12806914

lol. You white people feel so sorry for impotent niggers that you literally will make any excuse for them.

>> No.12806915

Niggers are fucking retarded, what else is new.


>> No.12806927

You and I both know that is not what this thread is talking about, dumdum.
>muh germs
Water does nothing to germs.
"Wash" and "rinse" are not really synonymous. There are implications here. If you are intending on "washing" your meat, I am sorry to say that you cannot.
You can rinse it, but this does nothing to combat
>disgusting conditions
>handled by people
>cum and spit
Or any of the other things people ITT are bitching about.

>> No.12806930

>Africa is actually not a shithole, but only take my word for it.

>> No.12806943


How do you expect american blacks to "work their way up the socioeconomic ladder" when you keep telling them that they are literally not responsible for any of their own failures? How do you expect american blacks to improve when everything is "racist" & "other people's fault?"

Hell, if I was black in America & listened to all your white liberals, I'd probably give up trying in life too.

>> No.12806952
File: 62 KB, 620x459, Africans being Africans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naive white liberals actually think Wakanda is a real country


>> No.12806953

No, I don't think you and I both know that.
Shit like bone fragments is mentioned in the fucking OP and rinsing away stuff like that is a very reasonable thing to do.
We do agree that it doesn't nothing for bacteria, though.

>> No.12806954

Well I agree with rinsing chicken, but I can't stand the narrative that white people don't season their food and black people are all master chefs.

Throwing dollar store spice mix on everything and seasoning the shit out of it so all you can taste is fucking spice and not the meat itself doesn't make you a good cook.

>> No.12806961

Whole chicken has a gross slime on the skin that will absolutely be rinsed off and dissolved as described.

>> No.12806962

you know how i know its you with every reply?

>> No.12806993

We do have a sense of pride & shame. That's why I hate the term "diversity hire" because I know everyone looking at me is thinking that I got my programmer job only because of my skin color and hiring quotas, and not because I'm smart & a good coder.

>> No.12807019

bacteria from food festering with ^10 growth rate is far more dangerous than whatever's in your toilet

>> No.12807033

it's not narrative
it's a fact
pigskins stole every single spice from all over the world and they don't even use them lmaoooooo

>> No.12807042

That's a new one for me. Which country uses this term?

>> No.12807062

All those germs would be obliterated as soon as you put the chicken in the skillet though.

>> No.12807064


>> No.12807093

They need to wash their chicken because they buy their meat from run down places where the staff don't wash their hands, will just pick up stuff off the floor and use it as is, or use old meat that has slime built up. People with standards don't need to clean the meat because it's already fresh and clean when bought.

>> No.12807098

Isn't Nigeria the same place where they were smashing open the skulls of bald men in order to get the gold coins they believed were hidden inside?

>> No.12807109

That's why you close the toilet cover when you flush. Close the cover next time you flush and then open it and you'll see droplets on the bottom of the cover.

>> No.12807111

Well well well.
Look at mister Moneybags over here who doesn't want free gold

>> No.12807112
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> I know everyone looking at me is thinking that I got my programmer job only because of my skin color and hiring quotas, and not because I'm smart & a good coder
Well they're probably right though.
>inb4 college grad

>> No.12807158
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>minorities unironically put their food in their kitchen sink and wash it with hand soap thinking they're cleaning it
>minorities fill in the thread to claim that white people don't use seasoning, while their ancestors likely couldn't afford spices either cause they were slaves
I need this reality to stop

>> No.12807173

>while their ancestors likely couldn't afford spices either
Might want to factcheck that one, chief. I'll give you a hint: British India wasn't the only place that could grow spices.

>> No.12807187

Yeah man, plantation slaves and freemen were well known spice farmers on the side.

>> No.12807198

I'm saying these minority nations and tribes did not have spices in abundance. Europeans mass produced these things, not local andean mountain village or isolated guinea tribe with no concept of agriculture.

>> No.12807202

>minority nations
You don't even know what words mean so I'm not going to trust you on the history of cuisine or agriculture either.

>> No.12807207

I accept your concession, minority kun

>> No.12807216

No concession given or implied, retard-dono.

>> No.12807220

Brainlet cope
Thanks for the concession minority kun

>> No.12807232

Raccoons wash their food in water before eating it. Germans call them, “wash bears” even though they aren’t bears.

>> No.12807375

This reminds me of those "I work at x I cum in your y" threads on /b/ like 12 years ago.

>> No.12807385
File: 2.04 MB, 346x248, dissolved.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coons never learn

>> No.12807425

Its actually a good one and I hope that people say it more often. Its better than cracker or whatever else people say to try and disparage whites.

>> No.12807426

water alone does nothing
why do you think soap was invented, dumb nigger

>> No.12807431

Nigger mods.

>> No.12807458


poor, poor Token.

You don't like the term "diversity hire" but you sure do love your high paying job right?

And how the fuck do you know you're smarter or more qualified than the Indian or Chinese guy? You don't. You were more than likely hired for your skin color, whether you like to admit it or not.

>> No.12807465
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Hey racist cu/ck/s, I brought you lunch.

>> No.12807472

Hahaha! It's cool to make fun of a group of people who care about their safety! I'm gonna call them bad names because I hate that they are different than I am, haha haha ha!!

>> No.12807477

Honesly, I reccomend all my Asian & Latino friends to self identify as "African American" when they apply to colleges & jobs.

Institutionalized Racism like Affirmative Action is deeply ingrained in american society. Don't fight it... learn how to use it. Just self identify as Black. HR will never challenge your race because of lawsuits.

Hell, just look at your American senator, Elizabeth Warren. She pretended to be native american and got her white ass accepted to fucking Harvard.

>> No.12807490

>Affirmative Action & Skin color based hiring quotas = Institutionalized Racism

It's funny how white liberals love promoting racism when it suits their narrative.

>> No.12807491

>zoomer whiteboi with fagpods trying to act hard
what are you going to do, floss me to death?

>> No.12807498
File: 128 KB, 500x805, Antifa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you expect american blacks to "work their way up the socioeconomic ladder" when you keep telling them that they are literally not responsible for any of their own failures? How do you expect american blacks to improve when everything is "racist" & "other people's fault?"
You don't. The Democrats of america have a huge incentive to keep blacks dumb & full of hate for every other race.

>> No.12807508

>We get it white Americans. You white people feel sorry & pity your american niggers because they fail at every part of life. So you give them racist, institutionalized priveliges like Affirmative Action & skin color based hiring quotas.
It's really interesting watching white liberals' mental gymnastics in trying to justify how institutionalized racism like Affirmative Action is somehow "justified racism" and "good racism".

>> No.12807529

It's strange that the posts in these race bait threads are always exactly the same. One would almost suspect it's a Vlad psyop divide and conquer campaign. Nah, couldn't be that, ruskies dindu nuffin', lol!

>> No.12807536

Do dumb white american liberals automatically think Russians are behind everything? lol. You guys are even dumber than the skinheads who think everything caused by DA JEWS!

>> No.12807542

Take a bite and find out, Nazi.

>> No.12807549
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>> No.12807552

Do you still cry yourself to sleep every night because Hillary lost?

>> No.12807554

Why has the NYT stopped pushing the Russia narrative and back pedaled to "Trump is raycis"?

>> No.12807557
File: 151 KB, 975x1200, Antifa Neo-Socialists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The National Socialist German Workers' Party

>> No.12807559

We can shitpost about third world or first world countries all we want but you clearly have never set foot in a slaughterhouse, even the "good" ones.

>> No.12807569

That seems more suitable for a Jung meme than Freud.

>> No.12807581

ya dude the people who support fags, minorities and jews are the real nazis

>> No.12807590
File: 132 KB, 474x474, Democrat Plantation - Government Dependency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Ignorant american doesn't even know the Democrat party started the KKK, voted against black voting rights, & voted against womens voting rights
lol @ you american liberals. you are ignorant of your own history. Which probably explains why you think liberals actually represent minorities & the oppressed.