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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12803331 No.12803331 [Reply] [Original]

finally watched his videos, and i gotta say, i dont understand the hate. he just jumps right into the science of the topic at hand and explains it for laypeople, and doesnt try to do anything cringe worthy for views. It's certainly much better than Babish, who's basically the human equivalent of the ";p" emoji

>> No.12803350

I could upload videos where I jump right into explaining how moon crystals reflect sunlight into the ocean to control the tides, but that wouldn't make it true or interesting.

>> No.12803352

kitchen markilplier

>> No.12803552

>finally watched his videos

We have this same thread every single day.

>> No.12803585

What has he said that is untrue?

>> No.12803641

too much opinion in a video not enough robotness i guess. basically idc about your life just make some food and let me fall asleep. babish is right up my alley but adam may be up yours

>> No.12803668
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>babish is right up my alley

>> No.12803680

I love how he's so very fast to get to the point.
No fucking around.
His recent videos where hes brought in scientists I originally a strange twist, but It's really working for him.

>> No.12803783


>> No.12803804
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>the science of the topic

but really, he doesn't get into any science. some dweeb talking about kitchen science isn't science. you faggots believe anyone who translates wives' tales into chemistry jargon. i bet you think crust/sear on a steaks keeps the moisture in too.

>> No.12803818 [DELETED] 

>i asked my friend at mercer university and he said niggers digest omega 6 fats differently than us aryans
jesus, the fame really got to him

>> No.12803848

>kitchen science isnt science
Why do you choose to live this way?

>> No.12803930

It's bad science. If you really like science, then you shouldn't like what these kinds of people push. They completely misunderstand thermodynamics, boiling/freezing points, polar molecules, fats, acids/bases, etc. Because you actually need to go to school for that shit, not just skim wikipedia and regurgitate myths you overhear in the kitchen. The whole modernist cuisine thing didn't help because now you have idiots thinking they're chemists because they use shit like sodium citrate and boil their steaks in a bag. There's nothing wrong with being a chef, just do that. Stop trying to dress it up as a science.

>> No.12803963

It's niggers larping as Harold McGee who is actually based as fuck. On Food and Cooking should be on every cu/ck/s shelf.

>> No.12804152

a board used mainly by highly opinionated fatasses larping as talented chefs despise a slightly opinionated guy who never claims to be anything beyond untrained home chef with a passion for cooking because he is "pretentious". Imagine my shock.

>> No.12804856

I like his vids.

>> No.12804875

I'm tempted to try this one out.


>> No.12804899

Cooking is chemistry applied

>> No.12804906 [DELETED] 
File: 486 KB, 500x375, no sir.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you gotta think like a brit
Stopped watching there. Cringe, yikes and reported.

>> No.12804915

I made these last night. The recipe is fucking solid and they may be the best fries I've ever had. Made some garlic aioli to go along with them. His roast chicken recipe is also incredible and his idea for chicken livers in bolognese is great

>> No.12804931

Has Ragusea hired someone to do damage control on this fucking board? I get that Babish doesn't appeal to 4chan as he just does silly gimmick videos with basic techniques for teenagers and normies, but he's eminently watchable compared to this insufferable faggot. I hate him so god damn much. Looking forward to trying the oven fries recipe tho

>> No.12804952

What is actually to hate tho? He gets right to the point, speaks clearly, doesn't claim to know everything and has pretty neat tips. Are you just autistic enough that different mannerisms from your own trigger you? I bet you hate Mark Wiens too because "man smile funny and me no wikey"

>> No.12804989

idk who tf that is but yes, his mannerisms are obnoxious to me. When there exists a whole group of people who are alike and follow a dress code, ie all the buzzfeed tier e-personality soy enthusiasts, one cannot help compile their sins and judge the whole lot.
As far as what I dislike in Adam specifically, for someone you claim is so humble about his training he presents every video as if he's discovered some new cooking secret and everyone else who does it the normal was
is retarded.

>> No.12804995

Fuck you, Adam. Stop stealing your content from a 30 year old book and presenting it as new information.

>> No.12804998

>its bad science
you haven't explained why

> They completely misunderstand thermodynamics, boiling/freezing points, polar molecules, fats, acids/bases, etc.
You haven't shown how

>Because you actually need to go to school for that shit, not just skim wikipedia and regurgitate myths you overhear in the kitchen
You haven't demonstrated how

>Stop trying to dress it up as a science.
If people argued like this, nothing would get done
back it up with something

>> No.12804999
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I kinda like him.
Sucks mostly like him as a person seems to be an insufferable faggot, who falls back on
>muh 1 study
but besides that, he has a white family and is a proud Italian.
+ his food videos are short and not longer then 10 mins. So yeah

>> No.12805008
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I feel the biggest problem with "junk science" is he starts with a presumption, then finds a study which in the abstract proves his presumption. Or he just does the experiment himself and just says it works.
A big example is the bloomed coco powder

>> No.12805018

If he didn't major in chemistry then he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about and he's just regurgitating McGee like every other food "scientist"

>> No.12805028

He literally says to do every step how you prefer, that's just the way he likes his food. Have you even watched of his videos or are you just going off memes at this point?

>> No.12805092
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>post video
>"wow he's just so great at science"
>doesn't explain why, how, or demonstrated how
>someone says you're wrong
>"woah okay buddy calm down I need you to write several paragraphs of critique and provide citations or your opinion is invalid"

>> No.12805094

he has a shitty kitchen
i’m sure as hell not watching cooking videos from someone who doesn’t have a gas range.

>> No.12805098


yea i like him cause he has a specific mission to try new methods or find which existing methods might be better. i cant stand babish who literally acts like the basics of cooking are some magic hipster secret to delicious food

>> No.12805112

>hes bad at science
>how would you know

I just watched the video and 10 seconds in he says he didn't find any valid information, either for or against
He ended up testing it himself, so this really isn't a bad science video but a review/reaction video

I guess my problem with that statement is that repeating a correct statement without fully understanding it doesn't mean that the statement is now incorrect
I get what you're trying to say, but it's a bad argument to make

>> No.12805122

literally, who?

>> No.12805137

It is a valid argument to make. Without a background in chemistry, people like Adam are very susceptible to taking bullshit they read on the internet as fact and repeating it in an authoritative tone that makes their audience believe them.

>> No.12805143

>Without a background in chemistry, people like Adam are very susceptible to taking bullshit they read on the internet as fact and repeating it in an authoritative tone that makes their audience believe them.
But it's only valid if they are wrong
Adam tests his recipes so it's not as if he's just reading from a headline
Sure there's bias, but at the same time, how is he necessarily bad at science for reading something and testing it for himself to see if it works?

>> No.12805221

He's an annoying nerd. Probably lubes his bull not his wife. Fuck off. Nothing he does is even fucking necessary and doesn't merit a 10 minute video. He just wants to feel smart by doing useless shit but it's just stupid fucking nonsense.

>> No.12805229

if I ran food network I'd put him on /tv/

>> No.12805298

Why are his recipes so good then

>> No.12805453

>He ended up testing it himself, so this really isn't a bad science video but a review/reaction video
That's one of the complaints of the guy you're quoting.

An anecdote of one trial means nothing.

>> No.12805619

he's popular and took off first on reddit.
therefore he is bad and i hate him!!!!
now post more jack webms please

>> No.12805623



>> No.12805644

>He just wants to feel smart by doing useless shit but it's just stupid fucking nonsense.

Armchair psychologist. Have sex.

>> No.12805670


This is the problem. The "science" he touts is a sham.

>> No.12806201

Babish isn't bad he just steals everything from Kenji Alt-reddit

>> No.12806321

he looks like nick mullen

>> No.12806781

His channel is about convenience. That's the only kind he can get.

>> No.12806787

You're a closeted Adam-fan, anon. Join our club.

>> No.12806850
File: 11 KB, 187x270, ingrid kinda small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem with the bloomed coco is that he asked the question "is it better to put into hot water?" when he knew about it from when his relatives did it.
In reality just fucking looking at the cakes, eyes open, and tearing bits off is not a test.
You will subconsciously pick the side you agree with.
At least blindfold yourself and get someone to feed it to you

>> No.12807874

>Without a background in chemistry,
Adam DOES have that background, though, that's the whole point.

>> No.12807918

He is the type of nigga that would prep his gf, not the BVLL

>> No.12808032

I also tried these fries, and they are amazingly easy for such a great result. I would say, dont boil them too long, if so your fries will be crispy, but empty on the inside.
I went with about 6 minutes rather than the recommended 10 and the filling was good and creamy with the nice crispy exterior

>> No.12808036

that might be one of the most punchable faces i have ever seen. The look in his eye makes me want to destroy him.

>> No.12808234
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>> No.12808269
File: 36 KB, 570x500, 1564678182538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adam makes you feel like you're being lectured by some annoying pussy as to how to cook. It just comes off as condescending or as if he's wagging his finger at me. Just rubs some of us the wrong way I suppose.

>> No.12808278

>An anecdote of one trial means nothing.
Then treat it as that
One trial doesn't mean that the science is bad, it just means that we have one more trial to point us in the right direction

If you do what he did and you aren't getting the same result, then you can talk about it, make your own videos

It doesn't seem like he's trying to be the end all most of the time, just another step towards a simple and easy recipe that makes sense

>> No.12808289

I finally understood why he tends to irritate, he's a bit like Huey from MGS5.

>> No.12808617
File: 62 KB, 750x750, 50638510_597812464004600_2555669949146676930_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like him because he seems like a turbo cuck
>literally "yaasss"ed in a video, it was the first time I've ever heard anyone say that shit out loud, it was retarded and he sounded like a faggot
>responded to a comment saying didn't want to do an enchilada video because it was cultural appropriation to make food from other cultures, haha OK you dago faggot but you're ok with making fries which is a Belgian/French dish; you've seem to have no problem appropriating other European cuisine
>his wife is extremely ugly and you can tell she's fat based on her body composition/the clothes she wears, she also has a dyke haircut and she didn't even take his fucking last name lmao, complete cuck, and ugly children as a result
>his face just screams soyboy, with his faggot beard and perpetually open mouth

For these reasons I don't like him at all. Fuck this faggot

>> No.12808816

I tried it and burnt the fuck out of them. Don't put them in the oven as long as he says. Second try i did mine for about 40 minutes then flipped them and back in for another 45 minutes but I set my oven to 375 and they came out great

>> No.12808941

>responded to a comment saying didn't want to do an enchilada video because it was cultural appropriation to make food from other cultures
Please I have to see this do you have a link?

>> No.12808950

This is the main reason I don't like him. The phony wokeness for clicks is maximum cringe.

>> No.12809042

I generally find the subjects of his videos interesting but he triggers some kind of primal revulsion in me.

>> No.12809371

Hes trying too hard to be hipster Alton Brown.