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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12800846 No.12800846 [Reply] [Original]

yeesh. who actually buys pointless shit like this?

>> No.12800856

Ja/ck/ does.

>> No.12800860

Boomers love shit like this

>> No.12800862

I like the ease of shaving my head but don't want to go full bald. These things are great fuck you.

>> No.12800890

People who need to rip a lot of meat?

One-taskers are fine if you do that task a lot.

All a knife can do is cut but like, I still have several of those one-taskers in my kitchen.

>> No.12800896

Ha ha I'm a carnivore RAWRRR

>> No.12800921

Not to be an edgelord but can you imagine getting into a fight and the mf just pulls out bear claws wtf are these even for

>> No.12800998


>> No.12800999

notice he said buy not steal

>> No.12801003

>buying something that says 'cave tools'

balding white men in their 30s who feel threatened about their masculinity

>> No.12801013

because you can use them as knuckle dusters (which are illegal) and pretend like they're for BBQ.
same way every gas station sells crack pipes but they're disguised as something else, usually as a fake car part or as a glass container that has a plastic rose in it as a gift.

>> No.12801056

Ninjas, and black people with afros.

>> No.12801058
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>> No.12801063

midwest boomers who can't cook and are the source of white people can't spice memes

>> No.12801089
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>> No.12801098
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>> No.12801111

Please post the Raw pork jack webm

>> No.12801152

Id buy some. Meat is hot and I dint wanna wait. Also Id rather kms than hear metal scraping together by using forks or something.

>> No.12801160

To feel like wolverine, it's a lifestyle

>> No.12801197

based carnivore poster

>> No.12801225

This. Fuck fork tines and the sharp scraping sounds. Plus this whole fucking thread is filled with millenials my age unable to stop fucking posturing and apply other practicalities to new kitchen tools. Meat is hot sometimes, my sweet virgins, AND brass knuckles are illegal in my country. I love the way they look in the OP pic. Might purchase today. Thanks OP.

>> No.12801247

What is the point of this device? No pun intended.

>> No.12801269
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We all know the answere:


>> No.12801333

Amerisharts ofc

>> No.12801350

Those look well suited for chasing people out of your kitchen or defending yourself in case a rival cook attacks you. You could probably use one to catch an incoming knife and protect your hand.

>> No.12801431


you can slice, chop, mince, dice, crush, and do a number of things with a knife. Silly.

>> No.12801493

I don't own these but I would use them if I had them. I eat a decent amount of meat (I lift and it's the cheapest and easiest source of protein) and a lot of times I just tear it into small pieces with my hands because cutting it with a knife somehow annoys me. I do the same with my vegetables if I don't have to dice them for the recipe.

>> No.12801604

I had twenty pounds of pork to shred. Bought a pair of these, didn't even need them after a long rest period.
I do a lot of BBQ, I'm sure I'll use them.

>> No.12801911


If you had to shred more than 1 pork shoulder with forks you would wish you had a set of these.

>> No.12801935 [DELETED] 

I fucking wolverined the shit out of some proud boys yesterday with these. They can go through metal detectors too. No fascist is safe from me now

>> No.12801944

based antifa ja/ck/

>> No.12801957

>own a bbq catering business
>Gotta shred up 20 butts
I have some and I've used them, was worth trying. Sometimes I'll still use them if my hands are feeling sensi. That fat is boiling lava hot.

>> No.12802022

Calm down there xirple

>> No.12802058

what did he mean by this?

>> No.12802094

Crippling autism. Also what about a wooden fork and spoon?

>> No.12802105

good larp

>> No.12802245

>he doesn't pretend to be Wolverine when making pulled pork
i'm lolling at your life

>> No.12802657

I'd buy one of these

>> No.12802669

You can't steal as seen on TV products until they hit dollar general.

>> No.12802673

Oi mate you got a license for that unitasker?

>> No.12802822

Considering it, I hate using more forks to shred shit. Uncomfortable and bends the more shit of my forks.

>> No.12803137

>you can cut, cut, cut, cut, smash with a knife and a number of other things silly

>> No.12804197

>cutting tomatoes with a shitty steak knife from the dollar store and a buy-it-from-the-tv meme plastic junk
we need to pillow boomers.

>> No.12804217

Is /ck/ allowed to do Jack threads?

>> No.12804235

to be fair-ish, these items seem silly until you know someone older with arthritis, then all the goofy daytime ads start making sense..

>> No.12804364

I just find them in surface chests to make traversing caves safer until I can craft a grappling hook.

>> No.12804375

I think this is a fun product that probably works better than two forks, but only just barely and not enough fun to justify a Jackson.

>> No.12804382

I used to use these all the time to make it easier to dice an onion, but then I kept getting pissed because I couldn't find it in my drawer and eventually just learned to mince onions without it. It's a useless tool, but it's not so bad if you're someone who is still learning how to cook.

>> No.12804387
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>pulling pork with wooden utensils

>> No.12804418
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I was gifted a nice pair for Christmas because I'm constantly shredding chicken and tough cuts of meat that have been in my instant pot. I also remember seeing Alton Brown shit on these things.

They're really useful and I like having them a lot.

>> No.12804601


>> No.12805244 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12805295

It's far easier to smash and pull apart meat with your hands than any other tool.

>> No.12805354

I used to work at a barbecue restaurant that would do hundreds of pounds of pulled chicken and pork for catering some weekends and those came in really really handy

>> No.12805362

Those aren't clipper guards, dummy.

>> No.12805369

Don't you get bored posting the same shit again and again? Especially a pock marked faggot with his mouth opened just waiting for your butter dick?

>> No.12805428

>I also remember seeing Alton Brown shit on these things.
Alton Brown probably shat on them because they're unitaskers and aren't really usable outside of shredding meats in large chunks. If it's a small quantity for one person/family, then it's probably overkill for the amount of time spent cleaning it and if you want to go large scale, then you probably have an equally bigger tool to do the job.

If they work for you, then they work for you.

>> No.12805462

Typical idiot /ck/ poster. How else are you supposed to scale the cliffs up to the Daimyo's fortress in the pouring rain and howling wind to assassinate him in his sleep?

>> No.12805885

sounds like someone wants a free helicopter ride

>> No.12806086


>> No.12806094

>keyboard gangsta

>> No.12806106

> using a fro pick to cut onions into non-ring shapes

>> No.12806124


>> No.12806153

based and checked

>> No.12806166

good bait, expected more seething /pol/cels to respond but this is pretty good still

>> No.12806353

this was good

>> No.12806387

based caveman

>> No.12806393

>butter dick

>> No.12806420


>> No.12806941

Urban warriors nigga

>> No.12806971

Who knew that the food industry can be so

>> No.12807148

I think most of them are dull as piss but even so it would fuck someone up if you hit them in the face with it

>> No.12809097

I have bought a pair:

1. When I do bulk shredded chicken these things are fantastic.

2. they also serve as great grips for taking a ham/turkey out of the oven.