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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 100 KB, 500x500, country-fried-chicken-88412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12796634 No.12796634 [Reply] [Original]

Literally how can Americans stomach this pig slop

Do your taste buds just not work? These are fucking prison food tier.

>> No.12796836

you're posting this on a board on which the vast majority of people think fast food is good and worth talking about. this sentiment probably won't garner much appreciation.

>> No.12796867

TV dinners are not meant to be amazing.. it’s literally meant to be a super quick meal

>> No.12796891

Runt slop for lazy bastards
Anyone who purchase one should be marked down for termination

>> No.12796893

Literally how can non-Americans stomach so much Muslim semen

>> No.12796895

americans have been jewed into believing it's ok to eat this a "super quick meal"

>> No.12796899

>he doesn't like tv dinners
Want to know how I know you're a flyover, OP?

>> No.12796901

They're made to degrade society: it markets the acceptability of a 16 hour shift with no breaks, coming home when even fast food is closed and wanting to eat *anything* before passing out, to do the same the next day.

It's literally made so that scumbag corporations can run slave labor. The buyers shouldn't be shot, the makers should be.

>> No.12796923

You will never understand what it is like to be a boomer and think this stuff is good and Applebees is a good restaurant

Every fucking day you see boomers writing articles lamenting how millenials are killing their favorite shitty food items. I am sure old people suck just as much in your country

>> No.12796960

american who sometimes eats those here
the answer is that i have entirely given up. usually i eat them after 6-7 icy cold steel reserves.

>> No.12796990

this is one big aspect
this another, probably related

>> No.12796997

As an American I can say that it makes sense because we are all prisoners of our own ineptitude.

>> No.12796998

Because marketing is a powerful tool and people are dumb.

>> No.12797138

Current American, former prisoner. We would dream of something this good while locked up. You can't imagine how bad US prison food is.

>> No.12797154

You act like this is only an American thing.

You know frozen pizza is the most popular cuisine in Norway, right?

>> No.12797187

No. Europe is perfect and has no problems.

>> No.12797192


>> No.12797200


Yes, this Capitalist slop is so much worse than communist slop: starvation.

>> No.12797220



>> No.12797228

Sure we can if you ever ate school cafeteria "food" in a red state since they're supplied by the same companies that supply the prisons.

>> No.12797229

>x reacts to
miss me with that gay zoomer shit

>> No.12797231

>These are fucking prison food tier.
Dingdingding, you figured it out!

>> No.12797240

>communist slop: starvation
Imagine actually believing this. There is literally nothing wrong with communism. In fact, it dwarfs capitalism in every single way.

>> No.12797260

school food was fine.
Are you honestly going to argue that "red states" have worse school food than "blue states" Most of the worst public schools in the US are in blue enclaves

>> No.12797271

>it dwarfs capitalism in every single way.
primarily in starvation deaths

>> No.12797276

what is some good commie cuisine

>> No.12797296

You see that as the delineation? Working longer & harder than you should have to, with just bare calories to keep you going, but communism is worse?

Even accepting your premise of "any sort of socialism is bad," there's a shit-ton of grey area between those two.

>> No.12797313

Don't listen to him. He's bought into the propaganda that the corporate suits and billionaires have been seeding in this country for decades in order to maintain control and influence over the common man. I can't blame him though, it's easy to believe something (no matter how ridiculous) when it's been pounded into your head since the day you were born.

>> No.12797317

I ate these as a kid, but never as an adult.
I remember the mashed potatoes always being grainy and gross.

>> No.12797390

>CEO salaries up 1000% since 1978
>non-management salaries up 12% since 1978
Yeah, they're scared to death that workers might actually get a fair shake. My local weekly county paper in extreme flyoverland came out with an editorial calling Sanders a Bolshevik and the downtrodden residents of this shithole county suck that shit up like they do HFCS.

>> No.12797449

but the key is everyone is better than ever before. Rich people getting richer isn't so bad when all of the rest of us are also getting richer and living longer and having better things

>> No.12797463

>You see that as the delineation?

No, I oppose this hellscape as much as the next guy, but I'm not so retarded as to buy Marxist happy-go-lucky drivel.

Fascism is the only way.

>> No.12797471

>Even accepting your premise of "any sort of socialism is bad," there's a shit-ton of grey area between those two.

By the way, I thought I might add: wasn't it funny how I could tell you were a socialist, just by your lame attempt at disseminating commie k*ke talking points?

>> No.12797489

Some are less bad than others to be honest.

>> No.12797496

yeah these pseudo intellectual socialist retards who want to attribute everything with some political talking point need to actually go back to /pol/.
These are honestly alright, they're great for throwing the fuckers in the microwave when i'm drunk as shit on voice chat with all my friends, or over at my friends houses etc

>> No.12797502

I will say I do prefer totinos party pizzas to frozen dinners most of the time tho.

>> No.12797509

Anyone with half a brain is a socialist. Most socialists don't even realize they're socialist anyway because they've been taught that socialism is some kind of boogy man, so they come up with roundabout mental hoops to jump through to try to explain away their socialist ideas as somehow non-socialist.

>> No.12797522
File: 32 KB, 562x750, 1565824818539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone with half a brain is a socialist.

You are so mentally addled, you cannot do anything except regurgitate this kind of word vomit.

>> No.12797528

I bet you support a wide variety of socialist programs that currently exist in the United States. But somehow they aren't "socialist" because you agree with them.

>> No.12797530

haha no.Socialism has been a wild historical failure, anyone with any education in economics and history recognizes that capitalism is generally good

>> No.12797534

The government doing things in general isn't socialism. Socialism is when the government takes over industry

>> No.12797541


The only 'socialist' pogrom I support is Donald J. Trump's mexican death camps.

>> No.12797542

>It's only socialism when I don't personally agree with it
You can make up all the definitions you want, it doesn't change the fact that the United States relies heavily on socialism.

>> No.12797551

Thats not the historical or modern conception of socialism, you can't just make up your own definitions to try and fit an argument

>> No.12797560

I dunno, havent eaten frozen meals since I was a kid

>> No.12797574

>th-that's not the socialism I'm talking about! I'm talking about the other kind of socialism!!! MY socialism is good, yours is EVIL, my middle school history teacher told me so!
Go to bed, kid

>> No.12797628

Mega Bowls are better. It's straight up just a bowl with all the shit just dumped in there like a KFC famous bowl only fucking frozen.I saw them in the freezer section a while a go and had to try it. "I accept this. I have given up on myself. I deserve this." I used to self checkout of course so that I might hide my shame but everyone knew. A mother pulled her child from my path warning them to stay away from me. After a good cry in the parking lot I was then ready to consume by bowl a cheap frozen slop. Failure pile in a sadness bowl.

>> No.12797645

The generic breakfast version of this idea got me through college

>> No.12797674

The Trader Joe's indian ones are pretty ok. I'll usually bring them to work with like some oatmeal/grape-nuts cereal when I'm in a hurry.

>> No.12797775

Yes, and those socialist programs are typically needlessly expensive, inefficient, and hopelessly corrupt.

>> No.12797782

no other country has frozen TV dinners. great anger-obsession posting, big guy, WOW!

>> No.12797799

Fucking Christ, what kind of propaganda do you consume? Do you really think that's the average American? Or the working class in general?

>> No.12798055

>12% increase in average salary since 1978 while inflation grows anywhere between 2%-8% annually
>we's eatin' high on the hog, we are!
Ironically, you aren't one of the bastards that benefited from the 1000% increase yet you still argue for them. Hmmm, there's a word for you, can't quite place it but it begins with a "c" and ends with a "k".

>> No.12798085

Its a 12% increase relative to inflation dude

>> No.12798093
File: 431 KB, 5343x3663, 1552841744439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1000% increase yet you still argue for them
I am not arguing "for them" I am arguing against short sighted assholes like you that want to burn down the greatest force of good humans have ever created because of some trivial bullshit like CEO pay and replace it with a proven failure of an ideology thought up by some speculative philosopher that all economists agree is not useful

>> No.12798110

That’s fucking nothing, there’s so much money in the world just floating around these days it’s insane. The problem is you need some money first to suck it up and the super wealthy people are sucking it all when there is plenty for social programs

>> No.12798119

>there’s so much money in the world just floating around these days it’s insane.
because of capitalism, the system creates wealth like no other and this is precisely why it is good

>> No.12798124

>I am arguing against short sighted assholes like you that want to burn down the greatest force of good humans have ever created
Alright if you want to play THAT game the world had its most technological advances during WWII under Hitler’s regime. Sorry to tell you bud but fascism beats capitalism in all aspects shared in your cute little kindergartener’s graph

>> No.12798126

Yee, don’t get me wrong I love capitalism and democracy but governments/ super wealthy people need to take care of the masses that allow them to prosper in kind

>> No.12798145

>the world had its most technological advances during WWII under Hitler’s regime.
By what metric?

>> No.12798153

Uh oh here come the wehraboos
>Yes clearly the nazis were the most technologically advanced people in the world to date
>builds garbage land vehicles making a new models every 5 minutes trying to get them to punch above there weight class
>builds decent aircraft but wastes resources they didn’t have on jets
> nazi navy was garbage, last of good German ships sitting at bottom of scapa flow
> they a secret time travel technology n artic bases tho I swear guys

>> No.12798154

>governments/ super wealthy people need to take care of the masses
No they don't.

>> No.12798159

>but governments/ super wealthy people need to take care of the masses that allow them to prosper in kind
and they are. Poor Americans/Western Europeans today won the fucking lottery, no other time and place in history have the poor had things so good. An American siting at the bottom 10th percentile today lives a better life than almost everyone who ever live outside a modern capitalist nation

People whine about the 1% or whatever without having the fucking self awareness and historical education to recognize that almost all Americans today are the 1% thanks specifically to our early adoption of capitalism

>> No.12798166

Lol Americans don’t want much they just want affordable college n not having to take out a second mortgage for lifesaving drugs it’s not complicated

>> No.12798177

Yeah they do, why else should I pay my taxes, follow laws and let the government have a monopoly on violence if they ignore my existence. I will just ignore there existence

>> No.12798184

everyone always wants more, but the fact is the poor amongst us have more than they ever have before. Turns out living objectively better lives doesn't actually make humans happier

>> No.12798200

This true but that’s not the mindset we should have we should always try to do better, otherwise nothing would improve
>guys thing are already better then they were a 1000 years ago we don’t have to try at anything anymore

>> No.12798213

>we should always try to do better, otherwise nothing would improve
This is exactly why we shouldn't get shortsightedly mad at capitalism and blame it for every perceived problem without looking at the larger picture

>> No.12798220
File: 30 KB, 671x507, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any sort of redistribution of income is gommunism :----D
not even him but yikes, status quo is not looking good for you chief. le 1% is disproportionately taking almost all the increase in income from economic expansion, and i guarantee you are not in that group if you are posting here, so why are you defending it?
just tax them lol

>> No.12798234

We are the 1%, the 99% live in leftist or undeveloped nations and are wildly poorer than we can even imagine
The rich being rich does not make you any less prosperous, stop with this Bernie Sanders ass populist meme

>> No.12798242

This graph is super misleading because the definition of poverty changes over time to include ever more prosperous people in America. Someone living at the poverty line today is the equivalent of a regular middle class person just a few generations ago

>> No.12798258

Stupid fuck retarded cunt. I love fast food and tv dinners. Take your snooty ass out of here and never fucking come back.

>> No.12798278

Oven temperature ;)

>> No.12798280

>We are the 1%
lol. delusional.
That's not the point of the graph though. It's to show poverty since the 80s hasn't lowered even though productivity and profits have gone up. The owners and CEOs are getting all the profits because of >muh trickle-down and lowering taxes all the time i.e. neoliberal bullshit. You COULD lower poverty but not with neoliberal shit politics. Why are the owners getting more for YOUR work? I'm guessing you work and aren't a business owner. Why aren't you entitled to get paid more for your risen productivity?

>> No.12798308

Why are you posting on /ck/ if you eat slop?

>> No.12798333
File: 75 KB, 910x662, saupload_median-household-income-in-the-21st-century-nominal-and-real-estimates-200001-thru-201806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone living at the poverty line today is the equivalent of a regular middle class person just a few generations ago
>This graph is super misleading because the definition of poverty changes over time to include ever more prosperous people in America
>what is relative poverty
just because you are economically illiterate does not make it misleading
real median income has remained near static this century, and has only gained minutely since the 70's. relative poverty is a function of income at that point in time, and as that has not improved greatly over the past 50 years, someone living in relative poverty today is not doing much better then someone living in relative poverty in the 70's. this is all the more confusing if you consider the giant increase in income and wealth for the the peak of society, that has not in any significant way trickled down for the masses
>Someone living at the poverty line today is the equivalent of a regular middle class person just a few generations ago
yes, that is how economic growth works. good job anon.

>> No.12798379

>lol. delusional.
Look at the fucking world outside the west. Even relatively poor Americans lead super fucking great lives compared to 99% of the world. The obsession with comparing America's poor with America's rich is just ignoring the broader picture of how great capitalism has been for Americans of all types

>> No.12798387
File: 108 KB, 1280x904, 1280px-World-population-in-extreme-poverty-absolute.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's to show poverty since the 80s hasn't lowered even though productivity and profits have gone up
Thats only because the definition of poverty is a moving target. What we consider poverty in America today would be considered rich in much of the world and even America only a few generations ago. Its not useful metric unless you adjust for something like absolute poverty that doesn't move the goal posts as a society becomes more prosperous overall

>> No.12798390

relative poverty is a meme, it doesn't describe a useful phenomenon

>> No.12798391

Why are you posting on /ck/ if you eat dicks?

>> No.12798402

that is absolute poverty in the world
the graph is using relative poverty in america
>What we consider poverty in America today would be considered rich in much of the world and even America only a few generations ago
see >>12798333
>real median income has remained near static this century, and has only gained minutely since the 70's.

>> No.12798418

>someone living in relative poverty today is not doing much better then someone living in relative poverty in the 70's
Perhaps not in raw income, but the world is a much better place now thanks to capitalism and the technology and lack of war it has wrought

But still, the most advanced capitalist nation in the world still seeing increases in real wages at all levels is unequivocally a good this even if the gains are modest. Keep in mind that all of recorded history up until about 200 years ago saw almost no gains over millennia before capitalism. Things are wildly better now than ever before but its absurd to expect income to keep increasing at those levels perpetually. Things could level off perpetually now and we would still be way the fuck better as a people for the gains we have made, unless things start falling apart this line of argument you are entering has little merit, you are basically just arguing about receiving slightly smaller raise than you think you deserve

>> No.12798423

>the graph is using relative poverty in america
exactly why it is super fucking misleading

>> No.12798424

The super short time scale of this chart makes it very misleading, also the fact that it conveniently starts in a boom time is fun

>> No.12798430

To elaborate on this, we should make the same chart but only for 2011-today and then it would tell an entirely different story

>> No.12798478

>the most advanced capitalist nation in the world
>seeing increases in real wages at all levels
it isnt, again median real wage has been near static for the past 50 years, with the only real gain being for the ultra rich
>Keep in mind that all of recorded history up until about 200 years ago saw almost no gains over millennia before capitalism
read some kuznets, he has the preeminent theory on modern economic growth, capitalism is just one part of it
>its absurd to expect income to keep increasing at those levels perpetually
you are right, a basic sollow swann curve would even show that income growth tails off in advanced economies. the real issue here is that all the growth we are currently seeing is only for a fraction of the population
>Things could level off perpetually now
not going to happen, while technological progress happens growth will never stop in a modern country, and with self driving technology etc in the future i see no reason for it to stop
>you are basically just arguing about receiving slightly smaller raise than you think you deserve
take it back to the 70's if you want, the resources exist. the picture is not much better for your argument

>> No.12798559

>Anyone with half a brain is a socialist
Precisely. Anyone with a full brain will generally be capitalist.

>> No.12800007

most people dont eat this. people only really eat tv dinners when they are either to lazy to make something or dont want to pay for fast food.

>> No.12800057

>it's another insecure europoors thread

>> No.12800334
File: 83 KB, 680x490, 85e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the consensus is that TV dinners are delicious while being cheap and easy to prepare

>> No.12800434

they taste edible, and that's all that matters, they are a niche product for a relatively small slice of the market. they arn't meant to be healthy or gourmet. the aren't something you are supposed to eat all the time. they are something you stick in your freezer for that night you are too tired to cook.

>> No.12800535

I hear dirt soup is pretty good

>> No.12800602

I miss the aluminum trays.

>> No.12800620


>> No.12800625

If you suck cocks, sure

>> No.12800628

Boots aren't lollipops, cuck

>> No.12800735

So why aren't you denouncing your citizenship and flying to North Korea right now

>> No.12801433

They ruined food.

>> No.12801453

This. I grew up in Indiana and the lunch lady would bring in homemade pies sometimes. Our lunch food was great.

>> No.12801469
File: 109 KB, 800x420, donerpizza01-e1457101954619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do brits actually eat this

>> No.12802827

Salad Olivye
Herring under fur coat
Cabbage rolls
Beef Stroganoff
Chicken Kiev

To name a few.

>> No.12802832


Says the commie lmoa

>> No.12802845

No, seriously. The rate of homosexuals among the leadership of the Nazi party was about twice as high as the average for the German population.

>> No.12802852
File: 106 KB, 745x768, 1565043928155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Europeans unironically think this way? I understand that not everyone does, but like with burgerclaps and geographical ignorance the stereotypes do exist for a reason.
Why do they lack a sense of humility?

>> No.12802855


Weimar propaganda, especially coming from the Juden who invented transgenderism.

>> No.12802914

No, the Junkers thought Hitler and the Nazis were plebeian trash because their ranks were full of homos, incels, autists and other degenerates.

>> No.12802998

A lot of this looks really good
Had cabbage rolls with sour cream once, fucking delicious
I gotta look into more slav recipes

>> No.12804636

>thread about frozen meals
>turns into 100 posts of discussing the economy and ww2 politics
every damn time

>> No.12804641

not him but it literally is and it's only getting worse

>> No.12804703

TV dinners are based, friendo. The ones with the brownies are amazing. Nothing better than a TV dinner and a good game show (like The Weakest Link)