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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12794940 No.12794940 [Reply] [Original]

Does eggs belong a burger?
Austrlians put beetroot to fti

>> No.12794951

Yes, but soft yolk is retarded for obvious reasons.

>> No.12794953

>soft yolk is retarded for obvious reasons.
you are retarded for obvious reasons. over-easy eggs are amazing

>> No.12794955

I assume you are failing to contextualise my statement, which to my mind is rather peculiar behaviour. Is this the fashion in which you engage in all exercises of communication, or is it exclusive to your activities on this website?

>> No.12794956

I’d have to say in theory yes, but in practice over medium so you get ooze but less jizz squirting everywhere

>> No.12795053

I assume you're a pretentious faggot who spergs out if each bite isn't 100% consistent with the last like that cum-guzzling beta who dabs his pizza with a paper towel before eating said pizza. I understood your statement, and may have taken it slightly out of context but you are still a helen keller-level of oblivious that you will never understand

>> No.12795076

I am not sure you do understand. Let me then clarify to guard against the possibility of further misunderstanding.

The way in which a burger is eaten does not comfortably align with the presence of freely running fluids. The arrangement as a whole is raised to the mouth and bitten upon for each mouthful. This being the case, the presence of runny yolk generates a serious risk of mishap, a risk that is especially undesired as burgers are commonly eaten in public spaces. One does not wish to have yolk running down one's clothing. It gives an individual an untidy appearance, and is rightfully a magnet for ridicule. It is for this reason that an egg used in a burger has a need to be cooked to solidity. Soft yolk in this application is, as I say, retarded.

>> No.12795078
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We do it in NZ too even maccas has egg and beetroot options

>> No.12795095

the entire point of putting egg on a burger is so that the yolk will drip down over the meat you cretin

>> No.12795109

This, I must say, is a most peculiar stance. There are many alternative ways of serving meat which are far more accommodating to the presence of yolk dripping over it. A burger is perhaps the least appropriate option. Do you perhaps not wash your own laundry? I don't feel that your outlook is one likely to be espoused by one who knows the challenges presented by food stains.

>> No.12795111

I like eggs on burgers. Not necessary but im a fan

>> No.12795114

Eggs are good. Beetroot is great. Pineapple is unpleasant.

>> No.12795122

lol look at this faggot. I bet you plan on voting for yang

>> No.12795224

no-one makes a soft yolk on an aussie burger.

>> No.12795284
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eggs are fucking fantastic on a burger

>> No.12795289

I like to put an over easy egg, but break the yolk and spread it on the bun first

>> No.12795355

lol, u gay

>> No.12795359

>t. spock

>> No.12795799

Yes, sometimes.
I've had eggs in burgers before and always enjoyed them.

>> No.12795817

wtf is that abomination

>> No.12795831

I'm having a burger patty with a runny egg on top for breakfast as I type.

>> No.12795832

burger with the lot

>> No.12796424

Over medium egg+ peanut butter+ onions on a cheeseburger. Thank me later friends.

>> No.12796438

nothing wrong with a fried egg on your breakfast burger

>> No.12796714

>Cheese on the bottom
This angers me.

>> No.12796721

A big shit tomorrow.

>> No.12797941

it's a "The Works" burger, sold at pretty much every petrol station, pub or road-side cafe in Australia.
Pretty much the standard "I'm full and give me a whole day's calories" burger.

>> No.12797957

This is a burger, not a fridge cleaning session.

>> No.12797982

As expected from a nation descended from criminals.

Eggs add nothing to a burger. Adding beets should be a capital offense. A burger only needs a few simple things, i.e. fried mushrooms, swiss cheese, bacon, and some ketchup and mayo. If you need a fucking fork and knife to eat it, then it's not a fucking burger.

>> No.12797989

I'd do it if I was feeling like doing something different but I completely adore classic american diner burgers. Wherever I go I try and find a diner and try their classic. Generally, a fried egg goes well with anything worth eating.

>> No.12797996

I'll never understand how you guys have to ruin a completely good burger with a beet slice other than that you might grow a lot of them and have no use for them otherwise.

>> No.12798005

Lmao who puts PB in the fridge!? Absolutely disgusting heathens!!! Trust me on the burger tho as wild as it sounds it good af.

>> No.12798016

Also if you have a good bun it absorbs that runny shit great.

>> No.12798024

I don’t really think they add Much flavor/texture wise besides the yolk.

>> No.12798033
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>This, I must say, is a most peculiar stance.
I would kill myself if I had to talk to you in real life

>> No.12798114
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>swiss cheese
>fucking mayo
heathen scum

>> No.12798138

Nobody puts ketchup on a burger after ten unless they still have the mind of a child or are a women. Their dietary demands tend to involve more sugar for evolutionary reasons.

>> No.12798176


>> No.12798327

Fried eggs make almost any savory dish better, it's kind of ridiculous. Over medium is perfect for any sandwich.

>> No.12798806

I really hope you have to talk to him in real life one day.

>> No.12798841

anything can go on a burger honestly. if it doesn't taste gross, who cares?

>> No.12799178

Yeah they are okay.

>> No.12799451

Egg, beetroot, bacon and pineapple.

That's a "burger with the lot" or "the works".

>> No.12799470

In NYC it's just called an egg sandwich, it's an egg or two depending on your order put on your choice of bun, I usually go for onion, then perhaps cheese.
You have to order and have it done quick because there are others in line who want there's as well.
They wrap it up in foil so the bun is nice and soft when you get it back to your office.
I pity the fools that can't do that.

>> No.12799477

With that lingo you come across as a serious california faggot. Do you wear vans?

>> No.12799493

A brit or a cali vans wearing fag.

>> No.12799497

Yes, I love egg on a burger. I wasn't convinced until I tried it, now I can't stop.

>> No.12799499

yeah, why not? Seems like this has become a lot more common in the last 10 years too

>> No.12799519

A lot of faggits have become more common and mainstream in the past decade as well, they're still faggits.

>> No.12799530

So why not? Why not have any scruples and take cock up your ass? You'll go far with some HR department.

>> No.12799572

Id try beets on a burger but pineapple is fucking dumb. Heres the best burger
>cheese (swiss, pepper jack, or bleu)
>mayo or thousand island

>> No.12799587

burgers are just sandwiches anyway so yeah.

>> No.12799635

Of course. It's called a 'Royal'.

>> No.12799652

Yeah "royal fucked up the ass"
haha fuck you aussies

>> No.12799659
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>> No.12799662

You're all faggots who have probably never tried beets on a burger. Give it a chance

>> No.12799666

the fuck people eat beets?

>> No.12799677

I had no idea Austrians put beetroot on their burgers. I have a burger recipe I put beetroot on.

Help me come up with a name for this monstrosity.

Bluecheese then swiss
then fried onions and mushrooms
then beetroot
finally creamy coleslaw

>> No.12799683

Who are the fuck people?

>> No.12799689

eggs are a classic USofA burger topping available in pretty much every diner. even chains offer it.

>> No.12799698

Those savage criminals eat dinki-di what do you expect? They also bought into carbon credits. You can't expect too much from Aussies except maybe a barbed wire canoe.

>> No.12799705
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Standard Aussie food...

>> No.12799719

Let's see here... Aussies...
1. suckers for still being a british commonwealth
2. buying into the tax scheme without calling it a tax called carbon credits
3. having stupid sounding accents
4. eating dinki-di

>> No.12799721

I'm from oregon. I love beets on sandwiches

>> No.12799734

I never said that was bad, I was commenting on another post.
I bet you have some hot chicks in Oregon, it's a little known state. Cheers!

>> No.12799750

My mom like putting anchovies or sardines ontop of cottage cheese on top of black bread. I always thought that she was weird until I tried it myself and then I saw the light.

>> No.12799771

You have all the time in the world to sit there and try and draft something pithy, but you samefag that shit instead. You're a fucking embarrassment.

>> No.12799790

I thought beet root only existed in Minecraft. Am i dumb?

>> No.12799799

Yeah. Soft yolk is best!

>> No.12799814

Keep thinking that you little cunt.
Not everyone has to punch in/punch out like a robot everyday like a McD worker.
Deal with it.

>> No.12799821

What's it to you anyway? Apparently you had enough time to do a shitpost?

>> No.12799848

>more spamming
So are you high or a mental case?

>> No.12799921

the people who fuck

>> No.12799927

you seem like an idiot, i hope that you get hit by a drunk driver walking home after your parents tell you that you were a disappointment.

>> No.12800542

Had one last Wednesday, the texture and flavour just clashed and detracted from the beef.

>> No.12801257

>haha ponderous purple prose
I bet you think you're pretty epic, but you need to go back to /b/ or reddit.

>> No.12801286

Eggs are good on burgers, yeah

>> No.12801300
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I'll just leave this here

>> No.12801364

exquisite taste

>> No.12801611
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>> No.12801644

>Salmonella + Toxoplasmosis on a plate

>> No.12801669

Who tf talks like this lmfao, we get it, you have a high vocab calm down 卍

>> No.12801671

You talkin fancy talk, boy? I punch you in the mouf and yo say thanx

>> No.12801674

Perfect food when you are on a dirty bulk, gay boi.

>> No.12801678

Lmao pussy. Only genetic trash gets food poisoning.