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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 550 KB, 1216x1512, Pain de Mie crumb 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12793546 No.12793546 [Reply] [Original]

post your bakes, pic related is a recent sourdough loaf.

>> No.12793560
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the tangyness really came out on day 2

>> No.12793601
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burger buns from tonight

>> No.12793624
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croissants from this morning

>> No.12793628
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crumb shot

>> No.12793630

Looking nice, what kind of burgers?

>> No.12793629
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fuck anon that looks great. post crumb

>> No.12793631
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They look a bit overdone m8

>> No.12793632

sorry about the orientation, that’s what i get for being phone posting scum i guess

>> No.12793646
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nothing fancy, patties were a little small though.


>> No.12793662

Damn, nice man

>> No.12793669
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thanks anon

>> No.12793672

What's your recipe love

>> No.12793708
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followed this:
20g bread flour
27g water
60g whole milk

120g whole milk @ 95f
9g instant yeast
320g bread flour
7g fine sea salt
35g granulated sugar
1 whole egg
1 egg yolk
3 tbl unsalted butter, softened

make tangzhong, then activate the yeast in the milk. once thats active, mix the dough ingredients (dry first)- add tangzhong. then eggs, then butter 1 tbl at a time.

ferment for 1 hour, i use a brod and taylor at 77f. shape into balls around 100g each, let rise on a tray for 1 hour. bake at 375 for 15 mins

>> No.12793714

oh eggwash before and melted butter once they're done

>> No.12795236

Fucking beautiful anon.

>> No.12795249



>> No.12795258

Looks great.

>> No.12795307

I am a retard who hasn't done like any baking in a long time but wants to get back into it, what are some good /ck/ approved recipe places?

>> No.12796440
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buckwheat and black sesame sourdough

>> No.12796597

beautiful anon. got a levain going right now.

>> No.12796845

can you post a recipe? I have tried two times and they looked like yours but they tasted fucked up. Something went off in the rising step both times. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-qe7eaZ2qY

I followed this twice because i'm retarded and assumed i fucked up.

>> No.12797011

can you describe your process and the problem with your croissants? the ingredient proportions look similar to my recipe (i use a strong bread flour though, i have found that weaker flours cause my croissants to collapse sometimes). i typically start laminating right after making the dough and developing the gluten so that it doesn’t over ferment. any extended resting (over 30 minutes or so) is done in the freezer so that the fermentation doesn’t break the lamination. i’ve also found that proofing too warm will cause the layers to tear so i do it closer to 70 F, perhaps that’s your issue?

>> No.12797521

At the end during the raise it started to take on some strange smell. I really have no idea what happened.

>> No.12797535

I was making an upside-down cake the other day and I decided to cheat in a few ways:
- using brownie mix instead of flour (and subtracting the sugar from the wet mix)
- using mostly frozen fruit, and thawing it slightly (enough to chop up) in the hot oven.

This created a thin batter and some extremely wet fruit, and the result was an intensely fudgey classic pudding-style dessert.

It was a mistake, but it was also very good.

>> No.12797660
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any tips to make mantovano bread?

>> No.12797764
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wow, that’s strange. check the expiration date on your yeast maybe?

>> No.12797813
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i need to work on shaping my tails

>> No.12797856
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I'm pretty bad at baking but trying to get better.
Milk bread, dough was underkneaded (no stand mixer), too thick of an eggwash, and used dry active instant of instant yeast. Dense bread, but good all around

>> No.12797867
File: 3.15 MB, 4048x3036, IMG_20190810_173515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garlic parmesan bread sticks. I should have added more spices, but came out good. I messed up the shaping and panning so all the sticks came out different shapes and sizes.

>> No.12797878
File: 1.88 MB, 3956x2792, IMG_20190731_153754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chocolate banana bread. Family loved it, but it was kind of spongy and charred on the outside. Mixed everything in a Ninja blender, batter turned out perfect. Bananas were completely brown, then frozen, then thawed, which was a mistake on my part. Maybe too sweet, with all the chocolate.

>> No.12797886

tasty lookin sticks

>> No.12797892

I like the King Arthur flour website

>> No.12798560
File: 2.19 MB, 3024x3024, 760EA467-88DE-4C62-8C11-69CF05C1630F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last bake of the day, a rosemary, sundried tomato, and parmigiano reggiano fougasse

>> No.12798569

I'm doing confectionery. What should I make?

>> No.12798571

hows it taste?

>> No.12798599

pretty good! the shaping needs work but i have no complaints about the taste or texture

>> No.12798618

looks good to me, fougasse is on my list to make in the future.

>> No.12798687

I just started a starter a few minutes ago, never baked bread before.
Any tips? Is Jack Sturgess's recipe good thats the one I'm using for the bread and making the starter

>> No.12798694

I'm gonna cross post my thread with my first attempt at Italian bread

>> No.12798699

great job OP we're all proud of you

>> No.12798717
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>Any tips?
dont forget to feed it in the beginning days, once its nice a strong missing a feeding wont do a lot of damage. tips for bread baking in general: buy a food scale and baking stone/dutch oven.

>> No.12798752

That looks like
what I imagine
God's farts smell like

>> No.12798767

I got some stupid bread maker oven as a gift from my company but I can never get it to come out right. is there some kind of magic to it, or are these electric bread makers just pure rubbish?

>> No.12798844
File: 398 KB, 1632x1094, cin raisin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about to shape these bois

>> No.12798857
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I love to bake but I somehow ruin fucking everything I bake
I can only do desserts
Is there a secret to this shit?
Do I just have to buy the fancy flours and yeasts or something?

>> No.12798886
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>> No.12798906
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>> No.12798967
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Make autolyse with and IPA

>> No.12798975
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Space dust IPA. My wife and I polished off one of the two loaves in about 4 hours on accident.

>> No.12798977

Wow looks excellent! Do you bake in a Dutch oven?

>> No.12799057
File: 364 KB, 1632x1064, cin raisin levain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to volunteer in a bakery

good crumb shot

>> No.12799060

I was thinking of trying buckwheat. Does it taste like a Rye? I use Dark rye.

>> No.12799123

yes i do, it’s a nice and easy solution for home bakers to get a good spring in the oven
not really, buckwheat has its own distinct flavor. give it a try sometime!

>> No.12800077

/ck/ I'm looking for a recipe that would fit the bill I could modify with some degree of success, figured i'd post to see if anyone had any betters

i've been toying with the idea of an dough that uses only shelf stable dry ingredients and water
basic idea being, you mix all the dry together ahead of time shelf stable, take out as many servings as desired, and add so many servings worth of water.
this way you could have fresh bread at every meal without having extras, have it as desired without worrying about leftovers or requiring refrigeration

probably be similar to a bannock or bay biscuits, but as long as it's more 'bread-like' than a pancake

cooking is an art while baking is a science
most desserts sit somewhere between because they're heavily flavoured with non-structural components
thats why every Karen and Susan makes cookies and banana bread instead of real bread
once you get into candy it gets really fucking autistic though

stuff like air humidity will factor into your dough, and damper air in your oven will cause a crispier thicker crust
if the thick crust is what you're after you can do something called 'steam baking' which doesn't really need special equipment, just a tray with some water
if it's a blob of dough in the middle, you can put it back in, but from what i've heard the type of pan you are using is usually the culprit

>all those loaves hanging off the side of the rack
I just know someones going to brush against that knocking some off
and it's a 50/50 chance they don't get seen so they put them back on after dusting them off

I haven't had buckwheat in baking but i've had it out of a mysterious russian ration with unknown other ingredients, had almost like a meaty beefy taste, I think it was called Kasha but the translations were poor and I havent found a kasha recipe with beef in it.
but i'm imagining it to be a beefy version of rye
would you say it's comparable or am I way out in left field?

>> No.12800088

why not just use active dry yeast recipes? they only take a few hours to rise most of the time.

>> No.12800428
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Marry me

Bread I made recently.
I just do 2:2:2 yeast sugar salt in tablespoons to get 2 loaves, but I've been told by other people that that amount of sugar and salt is unnecessary.

This one had egg and milk in it, and the crust had an almost pie-crust like feel in some parts.

>> No.12800437

combination of convenience and ease of use, just a blob of dough to go with someones frozen chicken tendies or fishdicks on the same tray for the same bake time
prep time of ramen and about as easy
maybe for use as a lonely garlic bread loaf with someones spaghetti for 1
I wouldn't expect the end result to be as good as a well made 4+ hour bread, just something for the truly autistic anons to enjoy

while looking around the closest thing seems to be a variant of mug cakes using pancake mix, the milk could be substituted for powdered milk and water

>> No.12800987

At what point is it more cost effective to grind your own flour rather than buy King Arthur brand at $5 a bag?

>> No.12801046

factor in the cost of a grainmill and it doesn't really get more cost effective because by the time you regain the value of the grain mill you probably need to replace or repair it
if you want fresh flour every time you need it though it could be a decent option.
But really i'd think if you managed to get a grain mill for far less than it's worth, say at an auction or liquidation store or craigslist,
there wouldn't be much reason to not pick it up if you know you'll use it and not just leave it in the box like the last lady
there's probably some weird specialty flours you could make with it too out of stuff people normally wouldnt have access to like chickpea or lentil flour

for small amounts of specialty flours though you could probably just get away with running shit through a coffee grinder or ordering it online

>> No.12801509

depends on if you want to mill specialty flours and how much you bake. for me, i would like to use locally sourced grains in the future. thats why i plan on buying one. if you can budget it, i think its a great addition to a kitchen and gets you even closer to the bread you're baking.

>> No.12801625
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just pulled these, got 2 more going now. smells great!

>> No.12801866
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Found this at goodwill today, it seemed pretty autistic so of course I bought it. Its a cylindrical Pyrex tube with two open ends. It supposed to be able to bake a perfectly round load but it seems like a gimmick. I’ll probably make a loaf in it this week and post about it

>> No.12801886
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this morning's bakes, brioche feuiletee on the left and a whole grain spelt and wheat sourdough on the right

>> No.12801894

dude fuck bread
you need to make a giant caseless sausage in that bad boy and slice off chunks like hamburgers

actually no use it to make the buns for the burger slabs

>> No.12801905
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>> No.12801909
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This is Ella. She's about a week old today, and is looking forward to becoming grandmother to lots of good breads. Say hello to the nice anons, Ella!

>> No.12801915
File: 2.53 MB, 3099x2326, E73F09D4-CD0D-4C8B-AA75-AF89D563F632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Apologies gentleman I am phoneposting

>> No.12801918
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>brioche feuiletee
turned out great. pic related is the rest of my morning

>> No.12801938

Not a bad idea, I might try sausage or maybe meatloaf

>> No.12801950

see if you can get a second smaller one
and then make a really tall bundt cake

>> No.12801969

how would you prevent stuff from sticking to the sides?

>> No.12801999

that's some A grade bread

>> No.12802033

It says to grease all around the inside with butter

>> No.12802042
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>> No.12802170
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>> No.12802270

On day three of creating my starter. Been making pizza doughs the last 6 months or so and just getting into it more and more.

Some nice looking stuff in this thread.