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File: 49 KB, 640x427, mirepoix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12792653 No.12792653 [Reply] [Original]

What is the point of celery in a mirepoix/soffrito? Celery has no flavor or aroma that I can detect, it's just crunchy water with strings. Am I missing the celery-tasting gene or something?

>> No.12792673

>Celery has no flavor or aroma that I can detect
t. tastelet

>> No.12792674

you might be getting the shittiest celery possible if that's the case
or I've just been trolled
celery has the same divisiveness as cilantro when it comes to people's palate, it's a very distinct flavor

>> No.12792675

Yes. Feel inadequate.

>> No.12792703

>Celery has no favor
Uncultured ape

>> No.12792705

not trolling. for me raw celery is just crunch, nothing more. or a peanut butter/hummus delivery vehicle. what am i missing?

>> No.12792730

try celery seed or celery salt which is pretty much concentrated celery flavor

>> No.12792745

>Celery has no flavor or aroma that I can detect

Serious question: do you have some kind of nerve damage?

>> No.12792746

This. You'll start to "taste" regular celery after you've tried the seed.

>> No.12792755

With a paring knife you can easily take the strings off. If you look closely, you will be able to identify here five or six strings to a stalk, on the outside of the veg. It's a bit of extra work but well worth removing even for a snack imo.
I find that celery adds a pleasant herbal freshness to stock and some complexity of texture to soups. For me it really only shines in chicken/pasta salad though. Definitely not in the boat with people that put it in pasta sauces, salads, or main dishes.

>> No.12792757
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>Celery has no flavor or aroma

>> No.12792794


>> No.12792812
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>> No.12793090
File: 380 KB, 1000x2000, celery volatiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people agree that celery has no flavor of its own. A lot of people say it smells and tastes fucking awful. A lot of people say it's grassy, or peppery, or pungent, or...
It's remarkable that such a simple veg affects people so differently.

As for the question though, why is it in mirepoix? There's actually a very cool answer.

There are three different phtalide compounds in celery which, though they have no real flavor of their own, react to being cooked by enhancing the OTHER flavors they're being cooked with. (If you're curious, they're called sedanolide, sedanENolide, and 3-n-butylphthalide.) The effect is really quite remarkable.

You can test this yourself. Make some plain chicken soup without any celery, and make some plain chicken soup with celery in it from the start. The one made with celery will have a much richer, more complex flavor. It won't taste of celery, but the umami and sweet will be enhanced noticeably, and the "intensity" of the flavor will also be noticeably greater. Taste the other one and it'll seem thin and bland and less "chickeny" by comparison.

>> No.12793338

>"trans" sedanolide
>"cis" sedanolide
you're having us on

>> No.12793381

they're chemistry terms
but anyway that anon is right, it's basically like bay leaf, it enhances other stuff

>> No.12793438

Celery adds a "savory" to a sauce, its basically the equivalent of adding MSG.

>> No.12793444

Tastebuds, presumably.

>> No.12793456

those are literally chemistry terms, my dude

>> No.12793457

I like the taste of celery, I find it comes through as its own distinct flavor in stock more strongly than any other vegetable, although if you dislike celery I could see that being a bad thing.

>> No.12793465
File: 987 KB, 500x452, 16245236227228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please tell me you're just pretending to be retarded

>> No.12793505

what's this guy's name again?

>> No.12793519

>buying tasteless grocery store celery
Why don't you grow some or get some from a farmer's market? Do you think it's actually totally tasteless and you're the first person in all of the history of cuisine to notice?
Good celery is peppery and very savory like the herb. The shit you buy in a grocery store has been kept submerged in ice water for days to weeks to keep it fresh and crisp longer and this leeches out the flavor.

top rekt and dope digits

>> No.12793665

It has a peppery taste when cooked down. It’s something you would immediately notice missing if you omitted it from say a beef stew

>> No.12793700
File: 60 KB, 500x628, 1563409498353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12793709

because mirepoix
also, we have the Holy Trinity (onion, celery, and green bell pepper) in Cajun country

>> No.12793726

>Celery has no flavor or aroma that I can detect
This is why cigarettes and weed should be outlawed.

>> No.12793776

>Celery has no flavor or aroma that I can detect
Stop eating so much sugar and salt, fatty.

>> No.12793782

mere pwa
Most people know this, but I've probably taught something to some lurkers. It's my good deed for the day.

>> No.12794349

What does weed have to do with it? It makes your sense of taste even better.

>> No.12794400

whats that pic have to do with anything retard

>> No.12794447

Celery has a very strong and distinct aroma. I'm guessing you have chronically blocked nasal passages.

>> No.12794503


I like onion, bell pepper, and carrot personally. I think it actually is the best of both traditions personally. Plus no one sells celery on the reg at my farmers market.

>> No.12794505

desu I want to eat Belle Delphines pussy.

>> No.12794512

Yeah I get a mild black pepper flavor mostly with some grassy notes.

>> No.12794678

Trannies took the term cis from chemistry

>> No.12794699

Celery has a special flavor. Kind of feels wrong not adding it to a chicken soup. Its umami. Its like mushrooms, its savory I guess is the best way to explain it.

>> No.12794719

There is no point to celery. Ignore what these chodes think.

>> No.12794900

Celery is a very potent aromatic. It's the dominant flavor of many seasonings, like old bay or chicken stock. Try smelling some celery salt then revise your sentiment

>> No.12795042
File: 25 KB, 355x355, nobodyreallylikesthisdothey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. No I don't smoke, or do anything else to wreck my taste buds. I poked around online and it looks like chemistry anon is right. I'm one of the many who get nothing more than crunchy water out of celery, and everyone else has very different experiences of it. It's so weird to me that some people get revolted just from smelling celery from across the room, when to people like me it smells like nothing right up close. Genes, what can you do.
FWIW, I enjoy cilantro, which seems to revolt the same people who hate celery. And I'm also one of those for whom olives (but not olive oil) taste like caustic poison. It takes all kinds, I guess.
Except for people who enjoy black licorice. That shit tastes like fucked up tires. Y'all got problems.

>> No.12795062

This, my wife despises celery but loves dishes that start with mirepoix as long as she doesn’t see or smell the prep/cutting of the celery. Her favorite braised lamb shanks start with a fuckton of mirepoix and thus a huge pile of celery.

>> No.12796054

>There are three different phtalide compounds in celery which, though they have no real flavor of their own, react to being cooked by enhancing the OTHER flavors they're being cooked with. (If you're curious, they're called sedanolide, sedanENolide, and 3-n-butylphthalide.) The effect is really quite remarkable.
So who figured that out? A chef or a chemist?

>> No.12796079

>Celery has no flavor

>> No.12796202
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>put celery seed in potato salad for a bbq I was going to
>it was ficking phenomenal

First time I tried it. Everyone was raving about it. Feltgoodman. Had some fresh fill as well. Theres no going back now
Pic related

>> No.12796210

I find celery has a spiciness to it. I used to think it was chemicals that absorbed into it from the farm but I grew my own a few times and it had that taste as well

>> No.12796820

your wife is a dumb cunt

>> No.12798090

try putting some into the blue cheese for wings. theres a local place by me that does that and godDAMN

>> No.12798218

I am not for certain, but I think you are just a bit picky in your tastes.

>> No.12798262

>I find celery has a spiciness to it.
Same here. I only use it when the mayo isn't adding enough of a kick.

>> No.12798305

Absolutely false. Weed makes you hungry, and makes food satisfying, but taste less. That’s why people eat comfort food with it that has simple flavor, like brownie or pizza. All my weedie friends have horrible taste separation but big munchies.

>> No.12798321

I smoke weed and then enjoy the finest foods money can buy and scratch made meals I make with farm fresh ingredients. I think your weed smoking friends happen to be tastelets coincidentally.

>> No.12798455

>finest meals money can buy
i like weed too but you are dumb if you think anything that expensive is worth it

>> No.12798486

I work in specialty foods doesn't cost me as much to eat bougie. I regularly deal with a truffle importer and sell goods in the city for big bux. Sometimes people give me whole spreads for free because its too close to the best by date that kinda stuff.

>> No.12799613

i read male porn actors eat a lot of celery because it helps them cum a lot. not sure if its real.

>> No.12799849

This but unironically

>> No.12801118
File: 136 KB, 1000x711, celery_root.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you retards are supposed to use the root, not the stalks!

>> No.12801351

Maybe "Hey Boy" from Have Gun Will Travel, but there's another "Hop Sing" from Bonanza.

>> No.12801367

You're supposed to use both.

>> No.12801376

boom, roasted