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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 106 KB, 612x527, mango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12783694 No.12783694 [Reply] [Original]

I just ate a mango for the first time ever /ck/. I didn't even know it was a stone fruit until I sliced into it! Weirdly I thought it was like a pear but I was corrected quickly, haha.

I think I'll get some more.

>> No.12783723

Well done fren

>> No.12783748

Do you live somewhere beyond the orbit of the moon?
How can you not have had mango before when you are apparently old enough to talk. My son is not even 2 years old and had mango...

>> No.12783899

I live in Liberia

>> No.12783934

Look for honey/atoulfo yellow mangoes if they're available. They're 1000x better than those shitty Tommy Atkins you find everywhere.

>> No.12784001

Unfortunate. Are you one of the few wealthy ones?

>> No.12784339

This is honestly a pretty silly way of thinking, anon.

>> No.12784343

Just another reason to permanently ban flyovers from this board.

>> No.12784373

There's an awesome recipe for Indian mango chicken curry.
Unfortunately, whenever I try to make it, the mango sauce ends up having these fine "hairs" inside, and it ruins the dish for me.

Your son had mango because you gave him mango. It's hardly something to brag about. You could give him star fruit too if you want, and then tell everyone who's never tried it "Haha what do you mean you've never had star fruit, my 2 year old son even had it"

>> No.12784393

Stupid's gonna stupid, anon. Don't bother trying to fix it, this place is like a poster child for poor thinking and cognitive biases.

>> No.12784410

champagne mangoes are pure bliss

>> No.12784471

contender for best fruit of all time next to honey crisp apples.

>> No.12785455

You think so? What rounds out your top 5?

>> No.12785471

have you ever had a custard apple or chikoo?

>> No.12785484

Mango is closely related to Poison Ivy allegedly.
I was severely allergic to poison ivy as a child and have always been afraid to try mango because of this but i might try it anyways soon fuck it

>> No.12785533

I didn't eat a mango until I was 21. My parents never bought them; the person who introduced me was my friend who is the definition of an Amerigoblin. I told her I never had one before and always thought of them as one of the "brown people" fruits and she was shocked and bought me a mango. I liked it.

>> No.12785594
File: 344 KB, 800x533, mango_con_chile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like to eat it with chile and lime - Mexican style. Not even Mexican but had it at a street fair from a Mexican stand that was selling it and if fucked me up because I no longer can ever deal with eating it just plain anymore - HAVE to have it with that chile lime spice mix.

>> No.12785714

Was it a delicious yellow ataulfo or was it a garbage big red?

>> No.12785729
File: 1.72 MB, 3264x2448, 7BCF9993-2E5A-4D45-920F-C8E6D39E17DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexican style is great with all sorts of raw fruits and veg. Jicama, cucumber, radishes are top notch this way. Tajin and salt are usually needed too.

>> No.12785733

You sound like an inbred freckledicked bong like Conan OBrien but stupid and poor lol.

>> No.12786472

Famous last words

>> No.12786489

Mangos exist in Liberia.

>> No.12786722

How do you know that?

>> No.12786744

CIA world factbook says so.

>> No.12786755

If you’re mashing or blending the mango into goop, which I assume you are, try running it through a strainer.

>> No.12786762

You've never had star fruit? My 35 year old cousin has had star fruit, and he's retarded.

>> No.12786781
File: 192 KB, 711x633, 1494147671737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that eating mango before smoking weed gets you higher?

>> No.12786850

Eating mango before having sex makes you cum quicker

>> No.12787050

Eating mango before taking a test heightens your iq

>> No.12787070


actually you may be right so try eating a very minimal amount to "test". I remember when I was a kid there were folks I knew that could NOT eat mangoes because they were allergic. Forgot all about that until you mentioned that so there is a chance you might be based on what you said.

>> No.12787186

>present day
>present time
>not knowing about the pear stone

>> No.12787221

And you just had it handy? Interesting.

>> No.12787281
File: 190 KB, 500x700, go back to reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12787412

It's available online.

>> No.12787443

Are you a poor idiot from USA?

>> No.12787633

Why so aggro, bro?

>> No.12788022


>> No.12789366
File: 75 KB, 920x613, green_mangos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there's also Salvadoran style - green mango with lime juice and salt

>> No.12789437

>>>12783694 (OP)
>there's also Salvadoran style - green mango with lime juice and salt
Yikes, the peel is left on the strips in your picture. Good way to develop a lifelong allergy to mango. Mango sap in the skin is very acidic, like battery acid really, and there's a UV reaction as well. And, the part of the tree that is the most allergenic. It's in the poison ivy family level of allergies. Mangoes are just too delicious not to prep well. No one who loves them wants to become allergic for life!!

>> No.12789439
File: 936 KB, 644x644, wdytwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
